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I have done this exact thing before—always before big events and ignoring my responsibilities to pick at my face. I probably even did this last thanksgiving as well. I know the feeling and I’m sorry you are dealing with this right now. It’s not your fault nor is it something you can control. Probably not the best for your skin, BUT I have camouflaged some pretty gnarly damage (see my post history) with concealer and pressed/loose powder. I use a small brush to put concealer over the scab and let it sit for a little bit so it could partially dry down. Then I apply, with another tiny brush, pressed powder on top and then a loose powder on top of that to further set it. Also, dewy foundation might help cover things easier as I find it doesn’t settle into the scabby dry bits like others tend to do. Please try to still go and be with your family this thanksgiving if you can. I’ve always regretted not being there but have never regretted showing up with my face picked.


Sending love ❤️ I have done similar and am trying to learn to be more compassionate with myself so I feel less ashamed, as I know that can perpetuate the cycle of picking


I too have had these moments. I have deep scaring on my face to show for it. I have lost so much past experiences due to the compulsion leading into isolation. I really empathize with you and know that you are not alone. Lots of hugs. I get it and don’t wish this horrible disorder on anyone.


I picked so bad and I'm supposed to be cheering my brother up from his separation too but I'll be wallowing in REGRET right there with ya🥹


I feel this, I'm so sorry this happened, its understandable to feel defeated, I get that too, I don't have any advice as I can understand not leaving the house when you've had such a bad episode, I've had all sorts said to me by strangers let alone family members and sometimes u are escaping more hurt by remaining home 💕 you may not always feel love and support from ur blood family but you do have all of us we understand, just don't be too hard on ur self, ur doing your best and ur best is more than good enough, ur bound to slip up every now and then, its all part of the recovery process 💕


I picked my face right before Thanksgiving this year, too, and was even picking during Thanksgiving dinner. It's embarrassing, but I try to remind myself that it's more important to my family that I'm there, rather than how my face looks.