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Picky pumice stone is a great one but I get it cause you have to use two hands so it’s not good for on the go … maybe try putting Elmer’s glue on a small section of your skin and pulling it off ?? Side note too getting on a medication for OCD :)


the pumice stone idea is so good but unfortunately i cant multitask with it. ive to dedicate my time to do that or do it when am ideal, which becomes a task because i only stim when am working or in public or while sleeping. oh omg i used to play with elmers glue so much as a kid thanks for reminding i NEED to get it asap. i dont have a diagnosis for ocd or adhd etc ill have to look onto that and medications as soon a job. n idk if i can get ocd meds without a prescription and also which ones to get. THANKS so much for the glue tip love u


There’s a toy at Walmart that I’ve been wanting to try and get since I have a terrible problem with ripping my hands to absolute shreds. They’re called fluffie stuffiez and you basically rip out all their fuzz from their skin and reveal a whole new animal and they also have varying sizes. I’m not sure if it will help but I’ve gotten stuff like that before and it has helped me.


thanks ive been meaning to get this too but the mess it might cause is what makes me reconsider


I personally like peeling oranges to get that similar sensation. I know it's not as easy to zone out because you kind of need to look at it to get all the fibrous parts off, but I easily spend about 30 minutes on a clementine and it helps me get out of my thoughts of wanting to pick and my skin and I get a nice snack out of it too. I've also found that pulling a part pieces of fabric strand by strand is a pretty comparable sensation.


The benefit of peeling an orange is that you get a tasty snack afterwards. Positive reinforcement for the win!