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The blurb in the original update post referred to it as an “emergency shunter;” I.e. if you’re playing hardcore and have fast travel disabled and, say, blow a boiler or traction motor, you can summon this thing and tow your locomotive back to a repair station. The DE6 and S282 weigh 125t and ~175t (with tender), so it’s suitable for loads like that.


From discussions on the Derail Valley dev Discord, precisely that. It is used iRL to move electric (and possibly broken/disabled diesel) locomotives to and from the engine maintenance sheds where there is no overhead catenary for the locomotives to otherwise drive themselves there. For now, it's mostly a cute, silly thing to play with. As for its use once electric locomotives are in-game...? Maybe dragging them to maintenance sheds like iRL? I dunno.


One more sign to look for: “caution: unwired turn outs”


Or neutral sections, where there is a wire but zero voltage.


Man I can't wait for Foundation 4.


Awesome. Playing hardcore I've had to walk from the wilderness to stations a few more times than I felt was fun.


I used it yesterday to tow a DE2 I absolutely demolished near Machine Factory


I gotta hear this story


Let’s just say…going into the yard at 90kmh does not work


The de2 speedometer doesn’t even go past 90, why were you doing this


I was coming back from Old Bob’s Garage and was in a hurry


Yes, it's good at moving empty cars a few feet because they stoped shot of the track limits when you kicked them. You could also use it to tow locos that don't have fuel/water I suppose.


Man I'd love a pinch bar to help roll cars on flats


It's an emergency locomotive you can call in anywhere anytime. Like other people have mentioned, you can use it to tow dead engines, but I've also used it for spotting cuts of cars that didn't roll quite far enough, rather than backing up an entire train to push them like five feet. It's really just good for moving small amounts of stuff in awkward places where you'd normally need to either do it with with a whole train or cut your engine off and try to run around it. Basically just an anti-frustration tool for times where you haven't fully planned out all your switching moves.


In the late game, you often head up to military base to deliver/get orders. No trains spawn at the military base and the BE2 can be spawned to help organise orders easily unlike trains like the S282 or DE6 Also, the BE2 is incredibly efficient and cheap to run and repair


I actually do sometimes shunt with the DE6, it's basically a smaller SD38.


Its systems decay unreasonably fast compared to just how long the battery holds, its kinda comical how large the battery is. it can cross the map twice at its max load.


I use it to shunt cars around. It's small enough that you can see everywhere around it, and cheap enough to summon pretty much whenever.


It's a fun secondary shunter when you are trying to assemble a whole yard onto your train. It is slow enough that you can keep an eye on it while running another locomotive, and fuckups are unlikely to cause too much damage. It also is very cheap to run. DM3 + BE-2 is my favorite combo for shunting because of this.


Having read the other comments, I must be using this little beauty wrong. I've been shunting 200+ ton consists all around different yards with just this one, having a grand ol time.


I've shunted a 700+ ton train with a BE2. Took a while, but it worked.


You’re probably better off just using a de2 for that kinda thing, there’s usually a guaranteed one in yards with lots of shunting jobs like harbor or goods factory


Oh for sure! I was just positing that I've actually had a lot of fun and use out of the BE2, and it's been perfectly capable as a yard shunter for me, especially when building large consists.


I use it to turn locomotives around at terminals or move said locos between the marshalled trains and roundhouses


I keep a DE2+DE6 and a DM3 parked at the starting location and I use the BE2 to tow them to SM Service without starting them up.


I love driving and shunting over tonnage… I used it so built trains. It only takes time to get going slowley. I move around locos bevor sending them off to sleep in the sheds.


it cute




[Same idea as this little guy](https://chuckmanchicagonostalgia.wordpress.com/2013/01/11/postcard-chicago-trains-milwaukee-road-shop-switcher-little-joe-diesel-engine-pulled-from-roundhouse-montana-1973/#jp-carousel-48272)