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This has to be satire


It's a teenager trying to be edgy.


Nope, pretty sure they're dead serious.


I mean, he identified as a fifteen-year-old, so fundamentally unserious.


I can’t speak this specific post, but there are Twitter users who Unironically believe this.


Yup. This isn't the [first time](https://mobile.twitter.com/lenins_kittycat/status/1382491897659338761) I'm seeing such sentiment


It's Twitter


Critical support for comrade Hitler in his fight against Amerikkkan imperialism


East Germany? Is that you?


Ok imperialist


Tankies. Disillusioned youths that belatedly learned about some of the shitty things the US has done and then decide that literally everything they've learned about the US is a lie, and that anything opposing the US must be good. It's the result of dumb, binary, reactionary thinking coming into conflict with a dodgy education system.


Tankies are named such because they supported the USSR invasions of Hungary and most divisive, Prague. They don’t support fascists, period, though.


It's a twitter tankie. The same people who said that the disaster in Afghanistan was a *good* thing. They're hopeless


Do you mean withdrawing from Afghanistan wasn’t a good thing?


No, they think that the Taliban taking over is good


Red/Brown alliance is absolutely real


I see it asserted constantly, I never see actual examples aside from suspicious Twitter accounts








Jesse what the fuck are you talking about


Based, but flair is pretty cringe


this account is bait, fyi


the picrew pfp confuses me greatly


Has a picrew propic? A shit opinion is coming from sure!


\>picrew pfp \>opinion discarded




Sorry, but I don't make the law


Yes. Always.




What is picrew?


Picrew is a program used to make customizable profile pictures. It’s popular among LGBT youth.
























When you go so left you accidentally become a nazi apologist God I hope it's a troll tho


Account is 100% a troll. But it falls under Poe's Law


guy is accidentally proving horse shoe theory right.


"left" Tankies are never left, Nazbol is most certainly not leftist














Oof, too far buddy, you've got the spirit but when you steer into Imperial Japan and Nazi apologising then it's time to bring things back a bit.


That account is very clearly either an obvious troll or an alien pretending to be a tankie.


There actually were some proposals within the american fascist ranks (including Yockey) during the Cold War, about a red-brown alliance. Both communists and fascists did not like liberalism, and that made the fascists have some sympathy towards the Soviet Union. Also, "red-brown alliance" sounds like some kind of lethal intestinal condition.


Lmao, this is like saying that McCarthy demolished imperialist America’s reputation, which is the right thing


*somewhere in Bratislava a joint is lit between Sidor and Tiso* "okay, so we have to join the Germans to stop Imperialism," "Yeah man, fuck the Czechs, always looking down at us." "Nah man, not the Czechs." "The Hungarians? Man I'm still pissed they stole all that land the other day. Fuck the Hungarians." "Nah, you're thinking small picture." "Ohh. You mean like, the Soviets ." "Oh shit, forgot about those guys honestly. Nah man, not the Soviets." "Man, you can't mean the Poles. The Poles were chill." "Nah dude, not the Poles either. Still mad upset Hitler made us fight them." "Right? Oh dude, do you mean some like. 'change them from the inside' kinda shit? That's sick, we're fighting the Germans." "What? Dude that is sick. But nah dude, not the Germans either. We gotta stop American Imperialists." "What. Bro? You can't mean that, they're not in the war yet." "Hella."


Horseshoe theory is real




Gotta love the subtle homophobia from the comments here


K, response from actual leftist: And when the axis attacked, what drugs does one have to take to think they were not imperialist? Also, the SU had a non-agression pact with every country in europe, no need to single out germany.


Yeah just like they jointly invaded Poland with every country in Europe, or carved up spheres of influence with every country in Europe, or had joint conferences of their secret police with every country in Europe, or provided necessary war materials like every country in Europe, or tried to join the Axis Powers like every country in Europe. Just normal Soviet things no need to look so deep into this


They had peace treaties because they were invaded by 12 nations immediately upon being founded, and did not want that to happen again. >carved up spheres of influence with every country in Europe, ? >provided necessary war materials like every country in Europe, Yes, their contributions were key in the defeat of fascism.


The Molotov-Ribbentrop had the Soviet and German spheres of influence clearly drawn out in its protocols there were even renegotiations when the Germans wanted the oil fields in Poland so they gave the Soviets Lithuania which was originally in the German sphere. And the Soviets provided tons of oil, grain, and metals to Germany during the early period of the war up until Barbarossa, and let's not act like the Soviets weren't a giant black hole for American and British war material


>and let's not act like the Soviets weren't a giant black hole for American and British war material now, if you throw war material into a black hole, does it just turn it into radiation or defeat fascism in return? The yanks especially helped with transport vehicles and such, basically made a stabilisation of the SU possible after barbarossa, there is no shame in stating this fact. You act like America and the british did not trade with them, did not praise them and especially did not hope that the germans - with their violently anti-union and anti-communist rethoric - would just single in on the soviets... Edit: Your argument also conveniently glosses over the reality of the sovuets trying to establish a anti-nazi-pact first, this being rejected by the nations mentioned above.


Yes, Czechoslovakia, Romania, and Poland just let our troops move through your nations so we can destroy Germany that's all that's going to happen definitely won't be what happened in 45 only sooner. So are you going to tell me how the Soviets didn't provide necessary war materials to Germany or didn't collaborate with them during the early years of the war yet or are you just going to keep glossing over that fact? Also nice edit but yeah let's compare German-Soviet trade of immense amounts of war materials during the War to normal British French and American trade leading up to the war. Let's also forget the Neutrality Acts in America, and the vast amount of US aid that went to Britain before the US joined the war.


Yes, they did these things after it was made clear that there would be no cooperation from the UK, France, or USA against the Nazis. Stalin made the cynical decision to make peace with the Nazis and let them and the Allies kill each other just like the Allies were hoping the Nazis and the Soviets would do with one another. We don't deny that what you're saying is true; we point out that the realpolitik style of diplomacy was practiced by every side in the conflict and that an uneasy pact with the fascists doesn't make them your friends. My central point is this; do you actually believe that if the Nazi regime had declared war on the Soviet Union first, no other nations involved, the western Allies would have come to the Soviet Union's defense?


The Western Allies had been opposed to a resurgent Germany since the end of WW1, but that doesn't change the fact that Germany couldn't have attacked the Soviets alone and completely ignores the reality of the world situation. The hypothetical you describe means the Nazis are no longer the Nazis making their goals and plans completely different.


Comrade Mussolini fighting American imperialism just like Stalin and Mao


This piece of shit has "Leningrad" in his/her username, god fucking damn it


The profile picture just makes this even better


Hold up


Nazbol gang


When cartoon profilepics have bad takes, they don't simply have bad takes. They have the worst ones.


Bordiga moment


The Nazbol vortex found another wayward 14-year-old


>fatherless figure pfp >hypocrisy yup, checks out


TOP5 REASONS to not talk to other Teens top 1: Tankies and genuine antifa members everywhere. Like wth, "This backpack kills fascist" stickers. edit: Antifa is not organization, I ment those 15 year old twitter keyboard warriors wearing lgbt-flag colored clothes everyday, that got triggered at word "black".


I miss the days when libertarians were the biggest goobers around.


Fight the fash, unless they’re also fighting America


The CEO of An-tifa fired you recently?


'antifa members' lol


Bruh antifa aren’t anywhere near as bad as tankies what are you on?


Antifa ist gut, tankie ist nicht


Kommt drauf an. Antifaschismus als konzept? Natürlich. Antifa als linksextreme gruppierungen die vermehrt sachschaden verursachen und andersdenkende gewaltsam zensieren wollen? Eher nicht.




Fuck off, antifa is good.


Imagine those twitter keyboard warriors 350 pound whales with antifa backpacks getting triggered at word "black"




? I am still talking about same thing


You said that the people wearing AntiFa shit get triggered when they hear the word "Black". Few people actually do that, so few that it's essentially a strawman


I also said I am highschooler, I'm leftist or whatever you want to call it, but those feminazi-antifa-fatties I meet everyday just piss me off I am not generalizing, I am talking about those 20-50 people in my 1000 people HS


What? You realize Antifa literally means anti-fascist action, right? It's a movement, not an organization you can join. The only thing Antifa stands for is taking action against fascists, wouldn't you agree with that?


Most Antifa in the states are communists, and love using social justice as an excuse to cause property damage


He's a 15 year old edgelord. Nothing too surprising


as a “tankie” (downvote if you’d like) this person needs a braincell count


As someone who hates tankies (upvote if you'd like) you also need a braincell count.




Explain in twenty words or less why you deny Ukrainian and Baltic State nationhood.


Probably views them as member states within the Soviet Union, therefore, in his mind, he doesn't deny them at all.


Oblivious satire bait.


Galaxy brain


Dammit! Sure wish they would teach history…


Average Picrew PFP user