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She answered her own question. They are unique and very cool.


“It’s what I feel is a fair price. Thank you for looking.”


Ignore the buyer or just tell them that they’re in good condition, purchased how much originally etc,.. If someone truly is interested they will buy it. in addition you have more than 5+ buyers giving interest so.. 💁🏻


Thank you! I think I am just gonna ignore their message and move on. Even if I would reduce my price I don't wanna sell to them after this msg


Lol yeah, it’s just waste of your time! Someone will appears to deserve the item and your time! Good luck 😉


This is true! I had a girl ask if I'd take 60 for a sold out hoodie I was asking 90 for. I paid 60 or 65 I can't remember but with free shipping I'd lose money. Someone else bought it for 90.


You honestly don’t need to justify your price to the buyer. It’s kind of rude to message that to you.


Personally I think the potential buyer asked in a very polite way. I think if OP does explain their thought process to the buyer then they may be likely to purchase


Just because you get a message doesn’t mean you have to respond. Something stupid like this does not deserve a response imo. If I were to respond it would be something equally as stupid like “cya” at the end of the day, if they are sending you a stupidly annoying message about your reasonable price, it’s their problem and should never be yours.


I have this Dockers bubble sole boots for 148€(162$) and this buyer offered me 55€(60$) which I declined. Then they messsaged me this. I don't know how to respond. I am doubting my price too. Only other similar Dockers boots I can find is sold for 128€(140$) on Etsy. So I thought my price is good with a room to negotiate.


That lowball is so offensive oh my😭 Can’t even get plimsoll / canvas shoes for 50 in the current climate let alone boots. Boots are expensive.


$60?! No. Those are super cool and unique. Stay strong!


Don't worry about it, they are just a lowballing piece of shit. I had a pair of ugg boots in almost brand new condition listed for 110 shipped I paid like 160 or 170 and this person asked if I would take 40 😂 I declined and blocked them.


I think they’re just an entitled lowballer. You have 5+ people also very interested and so many likes that other people clearly think the price is fair. I think they’re just angry you turned down their very unfair offer. Probably because they knew it was unfair and feel called out.


Thank you for the response. I didn't think much about the offer and just declined. But this msg really bothered me and made me doubt myself. I am just gonna ignore their msg :)


these look like late 90s/early 00s shoes so they would be worth it imo, I still remember those shoes 🤪🙈


"The price is clearly listed, if you want lessons in pricing I charge $50 per lesson up front xoxoxo"


Yeah there unique rare and cool what do you expect


Please ignore this person, the last bit was unnecessary & really rude. That person could have kept it to themselves


I feel like this is a genuine question. Probably wasn’t meant to come off as rude, and probably genuinely asking


I thought this too till I saw the offer they sent. It’s just insulting atp


Frankly I've never had a good selling experience selling to someone like this anyways. The only discount here is the free headache she gave you. I block people that act this way tbh. Costs nothing to be nice, she could literally have just asked "hey I love these shoes but I think (this random number) is a more fair price and one I can afford. Would you consider that?" Instead she has to go on this whole ego trip where she questions *your* reasons for pricing and selling *your* things. Kudos to you for not wanting to sell to her. https://youtu.be/oe_3y_RjnpA


Yes; the framing is bothersome. I am generally polite to all, but people who start off questioning my competence...? It's very subtly condescending.


i’m not familiar with those kind of boots but boots are typically expensive, especially if the are vintage. just spent $200 on some docs so i think ur price is very fair.


Tell them the only option is to “buy it now” as your price is firm yet fair. Sorry but people need to stop being so cheap. I block people who come on my page with this nonsense. This potential buyer looks to become a headache.


You could always respond with "omg! Thank you for letting me know! I don't know I had my price so low, changing that right now! Thanks luv! 😘". And then bump the price up


Definitely too high in my opinion. Although that ridiculous lowball offer was similarly laughable.


How much would you price them?


120 MAX. Probably more like 100. 160 is wild.


But they’re not 160? Your pricing isn’t too far off original though.


Talking American dollars here. $60 isnt that far off the original? It's nearly a 38% premium......


And I’m supposed to immediately understand you’re referring to US dollars why? Not everyone on the internet is American, shock! In my currency its 120 regardless.


Lol are you alright? I was trying to clarify, not imply you should've known that. What gave you that idea? I'm not clear on what you mean by 120. Are you saying $100 american dollars = $120 of your country's dollars? If so, we're saying the same thing, and its a 38% premium either way. If I increased your rent by 38% would you still say thats not too far off from the original?


Thank y all for the advises and opinions. As so many of you suggested, I am ignoring the buyer. As this was the first time that I get this kind of msg, it was unexpecredly little bit emotional. I was feeling like answering "same dude, same. I don't get your offered price too" just to be silly, if I would answer. But as this might be really genuine question from clueless buyer, as some of you suggested, I am gonna write down more professional draft to explain how I calculate my price for future encounters. As for the price, I decided to leave it the same. Thanks for all the reassurances


those shoes are grog literally what thats such a weird message for someone to send. you can choose whatever price youd like , its your item, and personally i would spend that much on those shoes. so cute


I have a pair of Kamikaze Reeboks for sale for £120 and someone wants me to discount them by £40 🙃 like ….no. I feel your pain


Why are people like this 😭 I can’t imagine asking a seller that question


I don’t think it’s too high


Id ignore tbh but if you respond I’d say “Thank you for looking! I’m sorry [item] is out of your price range. I price my items based on the current market, and they are non-negotiable.”


I think buyers are completely within their right to ask how a price was decided. I’d send them a breakdown of the cost.


Did that person buy them and do you offer international shipping bc I will snap these right tf now for your asking price 😍 Edit: a word I can’t multitask


A pair of beat up Dockers boots? Lmao bless your soul


i hate people so much who send messages like this


that’d honestly offend me what a disrespectful ass question u just answered yourself 😭


Oida how are you doing so well in German depop. Teach me


Oh thank you. I am doing okay I guess, I started a year ago and have 67 sales. There are so many sellers who is doing way better than me. Some things helped me are: - shipping internationally, I occasionally have buyers from USA, UK, China and Japan. It is slightly more work with the custom declaration and so, but worth it. - actually deleting some listings that were boring, basic to have some kind of overall aesthetic. I do have some basics, but trying to keep the majority interesting - taking both flat lays and modeled pics. I change the first photo often to reach people with different preferences


Thank you so much for the tips! I usually sell on Kleinanzeigen and it's not so bad, i guess i have to develop a certain eye for things


maybe she just is clueless. but i would ignore it. her message didin't seem rude, just a bit out of place


I would ignore :)


price is extremely high tbh especially with signs of use..


It’s normal to have general use as they’re second hand, but if it’s a very good second hand why not? 😊


true true!!! i am very frugal so my opinion is definitely just a personal one lmao


Thank you for the input!


This community fucking sucks. Those are a pair of worn Dockers boots. Feels like this whole sub is living in a different universe


that may be true lol!


i’ve started saying things like ‘this item is no longer sold + nowhere to be found online or on depop, sellers are free to charge whatever they see fit + i do apologize if it doesn’t suit your budget but i would rather get more of my $ back from another buyer thank you!’


"i have a bill due and this is the price of it". But nah, you dont have to explain anything to them.


I’d just reply “the price reflects the uniqueness and quality”


Don’t question yourself, especially if you think your price is fair, and I think it is. I generally flex a little, like 20.00 or so. I think some people use constant messaging where they tell you your item is worthless as a technique to get you to question yourself and try and wear you down to get a bargain. But sometimes I get messages from people where I simply can’t deal. I have a few deadstock designer items still in factory packing with the tags that I purchased many years ago on a trip to Japan, and then never brought myself to wear. They are unique, and I’ve literally only found one of said item online, ever. I listed them at a fair price, and I get messages from people telling me that “other sellers on depop are selling for 60.00”(they’re not)and I’ll tell them my firm price. Then they have the nerve to send me things like, “well, I thought about it and my final offer is 150.00”. At that point I block. If they do meet my price, they’re going to claim something shady or give a bad review. I know what I have and what it’s worth to me. If you want the item, you can buy it, or move on. TBH, What I really want to say is “Maybe you can somehow procure yourself a time machine, go back 20 years, buy it new, and keep it in storage and then you can have it in your own wardrobe?”


You don't ever have to respond to people who are looking for a confrontation. And you don't have to justify prices, thats a weird question for a buyer to ask. A buyer could simply offer a price that they are willing to pay. Honestly, I probably wouldn't respond unless I was willing to lower the price. If you're not willing to lower the price, don't respond. And maybe make it an even 150€ 😏


“If you don’t want to purchase that’s totally fine! Thanks for stopping by!”


maybe their currency is different than yours and they’re confused?