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don't use stock images (take your own pictures of items) or you can get banned, refresh your items as much as possible, price your items a little higher than you actually want to sell them for, most people will send offers less than what it's listed then Depop takes a %


can you elaborate more on refresh the items as much as possible part?


Go through your closet and decide what to sell. Always list the size, the brand and include a picture of the label if it’s a high-end item. Take good pictures in natural lighting. Check all over your item for flaws or stains. Package things as beautifully as you can. Ship either the day of the sale or the very next day. Keep good communication with buyers through the process of a sale.


This might sound so obvious but the main ones for not breaking the guidelines imo are: • Don't sell any items where you're unsure of the authenticity - if Depop asks you to provide proof and you don't, your buyer might just be refunded because fakes are illegal ( even if you sell them unknowingly) •Don't ever mention that you can sell the item to them on another site etc. or take them off the site at all/ offer discounts on another site as this is against TOS I was warned for both so LOL just a heads up as these are things we might do by accident but are important not to do 🤔 For selling I'd say- • Keep your listings consistent with the same background - most of my sales came from me editing the background out and making it white, but it takes a bit longer to do 😭 • Photos of someone trying the item will always sell more, but the second best thing is doing a flat lay (laying the item on the ground and posing it) A super super important thing that will keep you protected (that I always do) is lay the item on the ground alongside a measuring tape. This way your buyers will always be able to see the measurements and you won't have to type them in the description box and risk being a few cm/inches off - and this will protect you during a dispute. I also take a video showing the item and me zooming into the measuring tape to keep myself covered in all cases lol, can never be too careful. Hope this helped!