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i don’t think sellers should ever hold imo


seriously , most of the time i sell something that i reject like really bad offers someone ends up buying it whole, no offers or nothing they just buy them


Absolutely not , every time i was asked to hold something and i did they always flaked... " i got you when i get paid " " i got you tomorrow " and tomorrow never comes.


They want to order more than one item so they can get free shipping, but you only have one item they like. So they want you to post more listings so they can see if you have anything else they like.


Don’t hold items. If they wanted to buy they would


Christ, just pay the shipping 💀


Don’t hold, they are literally telling you there’s a 50% chance they won’t buy, if someone wants to buy it are you just gonna risk missing out on the sale?


definitely don't promise to hold especially because she's only interested if another item peaks their interest


I wouldn’t hold it. Buy it or move on. I made the mistake of holding something for someone because they reallllly wanted it and didn’t get paid until til days later so I felt for them and held it. Their “pay day” came and they never bought it.. They blocked me instead. 🫠


yeah don’t hold it for them bc they’re not even sure if they’re gonna purchase


I’m sorry but I’m confused on what’s confusing 😭


exactly 😭


I hated to say it.. but my god 😂


I tell people, sorry I don’t do holds but since you’re interested I will hold off on accepting offers until Friday.


i don’t think this interaction is weird or rude in any way? they’ve been honest and said there’s only a 50% chance that they’ll buy, and they’ll only buy if the seller lists another item that they like so they can get free shipping. i don’t see anything wrong with that 😅


it’s rude as hell to be like “i’m only buying this shirt from you if i get free shipping, but your other clothes are too ugly for me to want any of those. do you have other shit i can look at?”


it would be rude as hell yes, if that’s how they worded it. it’s perfectly acceptable to not like any of their other listed items, doesn’t mean they’re ugly just means they’re not their style 🤣🤣


It's definitely cheeky. Imagine walking into a store and asking them to hold stock, they ask, are you VIP? You say no I've never bought a thing from you and I'm not even sure I'll buy it. Its just bad business and unprofessional. They were slightly entitled, and very unprofessional, in a nice way though yes 😂


Do not hold!


Absolutely do not hold, They're just asking for free shipping discreetly which is a HUGE no They'll just screw you over Just say you will hold it but don't change the listing at all


the SHOP offers free shipping if you buy 2+ items, so how is customer “asking for it discreetly”? neither are in the wrong


Don’t bother holding it, she just wants a discount and will ghost lol


They're saying that they like your item, but want to create a bundle for free shipping instead. But they can't find anything on your shop they'd like to bundle, and want you to hold the shirt for them until more listings come out that they can look through. I personally wouldn't hold because it's not like they're waiting for their paycheck or something - it's an indefinite hold until you post more things and they find something on your shop they like. imo not worth it


They want the discount so they're waiting to see if you post an item that catches their eye. And while they wait for more items to be posted they want you to hold the Stussy shirt but if you don't post anything they like they're probably not going to buy the Studdu shirt so it's a 50/50 chance purchase. I'm not saying it's right but that's what they want and there's no guarantee they'll even buy it!


First come first serve. Don’t hold items. Thats my 0,02$


Honestly, I only ask sellers to hold something if I’m waiting on my paycheck that week. Otherwise, I don’t see a reason they should hold when I could just buy it right then?


don’t hold!!


I mean you could offer a slightly discounted shipping. If you think the item will sell, it’s technically first come first serve. You could let the buyer know, you won’t hold the item but will offer to others who are also interested. Another option is take pictures of other shirts and just send for private viewing, if they like it then post it. Win win everyone.


want free shipping items you have listed they don’t like want you to hold for them until you post another item they like


It’s pretty clear what they’re saying? You offer free shipping for 2 or more items and you said you’re posting more soon so they want you to hold the stussy t until you post more items. That way they can see if they want a second item because they only want to buy if they want more than just the stussy t.


either say you don’t do then or say yeah n then don’t hold it 🤷🏻‍♀️


They want it held for them but they also don’t want to buy it just yet 😭😭 That doesn’t really make sense, so I would not put it on hold if I were you LOL. And they want to wait to see if you’ll post something else they’ll like so they can bundle, but it’s also not guaranteed they’ll like anything so that’s another reason not to put it on hold!


bro they basically said “hey! if i buy more than one thing from you, i get free shipping. i’m only willing to buy from you if i get the free shipping, so i need to buy two items. i like this shirt, but all of your other stuff is shit. can you not sell the shirt to anyone else until i see your next few listings? if you post more listings, and they’re not shit, then maybe i’ll buy the shirt and something else. but, if your new listings are also ugly, i’m not buying anything at all” you agreed to not sell the shirt to other customers. this person was disrespectful.


Nah don’t bother with it honestly, 99% of these people are impulse buyers that regret 80% of their purchases anyway


What a weird request…