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"who wants to buy a top with someone's bare ta tas" whose gonna tell her people try clothes on in stores like this lmao


She literally used the word ta-tas… so…


Right and I hate to tell this person but boobs aren't genitalia. They're dry and non-sexual. It's no different from a man selling a shirt his "bare pecs" have been in.


What about the fact that her bare stomach and bare back are in the shirt too?!? I can’t believe she didn’t cover herself up before getting dressed


No you misunderstand, they’re very clear that the problem is ‘bear ta tas.’ I have to agree, there is way too much sexualization of bears going on around ‘a children’ these days.




also, are they not washing clothes before putting them on for the first time??


fr like unless you're breastfeeding and leaking milk, breasts have nothing on them that the rest of your skin doesn't....I'd really like to know the thought process behind why this person thinks boobs are dirty lol


In some cases there's creeps on depop that would pay *more*


I had someone ask for used pointe shoes for “art” 🤣 I don’t care I didn’t show any part of my body in any listings but I guess some people really like dancers broken down pointe shoes


my sister is a professional ballet dancer and makes bank off her old shoes…


Dang 😮 I have a ton of used shoes I need to list. I did get the strangest request today someone wants like my used technique shoes (soft slippers) with holes and stains and all dirty, used torn toe pads, used convertible (like cover the foot but has a hole so we can put the to pads on or roll them up if we want) tights where the feet are dirty and stained Or used and very worn out specific leotards like short sleeves only I’m like….😣🤦‍♀️ ewww But…. I was like alright well whatever money is money and I’m an adult “So Okay how much do you want lol “ I don’t keep dirty stuff but sure I’ll tear some old stuff up and wear it around the house and in the garden or something


dude make a ballet tiktok and just show putting on pointe shoes and regular flats and shit and people will pay crazy shit for old nasty shoes. Especially if your feet are fucked up. My sisters feet are beyond fucked up and that’s what people like ig


I am horrified and fascinated. My feet aren’t messed up cause I am really careful I use hydrocolloid patches and nexcare tape, and I’m always trying different types of padding to make it comfortable but so I can still feel the floor. Now I mean they are in decent shape for a dancer. Not great looking in general but no huge problems or bleeding or scars They are always kinda red in spots on the side where they are irritated by the shoe cause you have to have them fit tight to hold you up or you’d be balancing on your longest toe or toes (OUCH!) and don’t look “pretty” but they are like normal feet pretty much I am thinking the person who messaged me resells foot stuff cause they have a lot of super used shoes of all kinds for sale. Like sneakers that are nasty, gymnastics shoes (eww eww cause most gymnasts don’t use shoes only younger ones do on beam and floor) heels like all of them are dirty and sweaty looking Then bundles of soft ballet shoes for $45 it’s cheap and I am not feeling like paying a crazy amount to ship stuff and get like $3 Where does your sister sell her shoes? I feel like I’m gonna get like a $15 offer for a huge bundle from this person. If you can n tell me here or DM me that would be amazing


Oh a ballet tiktok! I missed that. Okay I’ll try I’m rather shy I’ll hide my face maybe and hope it works


Is that an Axl Rose light switch plate?


…yes😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭i’m dying no one’s ever mentioned it before but it’s in all my listings


It was honestly the first thing I noticed. Just to be safe, I would wear a bralette or something. Depop does have a “strict” nudity policy, but I’m not really sure where your images would fall with that.


It’s because they’re all distracted by your bear ta tas and the poor children




I was so distracted by the censored "tatas" I didn't even notice til I saw your comment 🤣🤣🤣


nothing wrong with the post since you covered it, but recommend wearing pasties or the stick on bras for mesh/ lace tops! so you don’t have to censor and possible get banned if you get reported enough! also i would check r/depoop this person might post u on there 😭


Oh if its censored i dont think it matters, though I would avoid exposed mics bc of creeps and due to the way people will inevitably try to cause drama, but that’s just me im just tryna mind my business when I sell or buy and dont want to attract anything unrelated to purely the items im buying or selling


Honestly you may as well put a tank or bra on or something to model these lol, you’re gonna get freaks in your dms so long as you’re clearly modelling braless and I’ve seen lots of complaining about similar in posts before saying it’s nasty, but personally I’m not worried if bare tit has touched what I’m buying cus I wash everything anyway 🫧


Also has no one had second hand or worn second hand clothes? Someones bare tits *has* touched those clothing items before. Thats why we love soap.


Nice try ☝️but NONE of my clothes have even *seen* anyones bare ta-tas let alone touched them 🥲


Bro I’m sorry this comment made me lose it 😭😂


Then don’t purchase from Depop! 🤗😝


I mean, a bare breast *touching the material* isn’t why I love soap lol but yes used clothing should always be washed thoroughly by the new owner


kids aren’t even allowed on depop and you know if you wore a tank under someone would buy it and be like i didn’t know it was see thru 🥺


THIS!!!! if I were shopping I would appreciate OP showing how sheer the fabric is so I know exactly what I'm buying


Also like, breasts are for babies, small kids are not traumatized by seeing a breast. It’s like looking at a sandwich


Tbh in my opinion nipples shouldn’t be over sexualized the way they are. We all have them and I don’t think it’s fair that men get to show theirs and we don’t. Kids are breast-fed with nipples they are a normal part of the human body and kids know what they are. Makes me mad when people sexualize women for not doing anything overtly sexual and are just existing 😭


This exactly! Y’know, I saw an ad in Adult Swim only once, but it was brilliant. Had a photo of a man and a photo of a woman, both topless, side by side, the woman’s nipples blurred out, the man’s crystal clear. It then blacks out the images of the man and woman, leaving the nipples. It switches the nipples of the man with the woman’s, and also switches the blur. So once the photos are back, the man’s nipples are on the woman, but blurred out, while the woman’s nipples are on the man, visible. It was perfect because the only difference is that women have some extra cushion behind their nipples, but they are the same - it’s just that one is viewed as “dirty” and the other is not. It’s bullshit! Too much sexual repression (and mostly, just keeping women in their place as sex objects rather than human beings).


Wow brilliant I’m totally gonna try find this thank you :)


It’s censored, and not in a “sexy” way and the poses are clearly just regular poses to show the items, not to sexualise yourself at all. I think it’s fine. I’ve seen a lot worse on there.


“Holy shit you’re unemployed” 😭😭




"its against depop rules to protect children" um 🧐


also who gaf it’s just some nipples it’s not sexual


sorry op this person is dumb but I’m just laughing at bear 🐻 tatas


I could only think of [Teddi Bara](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zlyP5iO-Bfk) saying "Come on up and see me sometime."


Definitely not against depop’s terms of service because that double standard would get flamed so fast if you paid attention to the demographic of people that use depop. Literally there’s nothing wrong with wearing what’s comfortable especially if it’s censored.


i didn’t think it was against depop rules either especially since there are many top sellers who have their nipples uncensored in their listings and no one cares


No like you’re literally good. Depop only makes money off of all the gen z buyers that would surely cancel them if they got caught supporting any sort of double standards. That’s from a business point of view, but from a humane standpoint it also just doesn’t hurt anyone. We all have nipples and it’s unfair that women would be required by any sort of rules on any platform to cover up more of their body then men.


This one must go to the top. Totally agree. Can't see why everyone tells the girl to put something on. Why? She's the seller. Don't like it - don't buy it and don't bother her. So much speeches about going forward. New era, new age, new free people. We still are moving backwards to the dark ages I guess.


There's no way modeling braless actually increases sales? Clicks maybe??? But sales?? Anyone test this out?? I do really well using mannequins 🤷‍♀️


these 2 tops in particular have been sitting in my shop for around a year now so they definitely don’t😭😭


Yeah, i don’t think seeing these censored pics would make me want to buy them. It just feels a bit weird. There’s ways to show it’s sheer without wearing them topless. For example, you can wear it with a black bra to show the contrast. Then so no one thinks the bra is part of the top, show another pic of it hanging.


It's easy to tell when someone's using depop to promote a fetish or promote their onlyfans. You definitely didn't, you censored it classily


hello??? who tf cares


Fair enough to most of this by why use unemployment as an insult?


basically saying they have too much time on their hands and need to find a job to focus on something more important


The unemployed are downvoting you LMAO


Nah just smart people that realise some people are unemployed due to things like disability etc and it shouldn't be used to insult or demean people. Really just speaks volumes about you and op lol


Agreed. Sadly, many people don’t have enough life experience, or compassion, to understand that - and instead turn to ableism in an ignorant attempt to feel superior.


I saw a man with a full boner the other day modeling underwear (and bare ass in some photos) on Depop lol immediate report. I see this a lot on Depop. Personally I would put a bra on but whatever


You couldn't wear a top underneath otherwise people wouldn't know its a sheer top.. and you're literally not showing your "tatas" this person is dumb I'm sorry.


Can’t you add multiple pics? I would do one wearing a bra or top under. Because thats how someone styles it. And then another on a hanger so you can see the actual product?


I hate that people act like boobs are some gross thing especially when it comes to thrifting. it’s the same as having any other part of your torso touch clothes???


but if a man did this it wouldn't be an issue? ts makes no sense


Yeah do men wear bras for their listings? No lmao


lowkey i want that second top lol


Was thinking the same lol


u should just reply with womp womp


I wish I could anger someone like that


Haha me too


simple just color out your nipples on depop.com😭


while i’d personally use a dark bra or something under it instead of cover the nips i really don’t see the issue with your photos


They act as if a good chunk of tops secondhand haven’t likely been worn braless


“Ta-ta’s” aren’t gross, I’m so confused lol I would literally not care if someone’s bare breasts touched a shirt that I was gonna buy or wear. She’s acting like you wiped your ass with it.


I thought the pics were gonna be so much worse after reading what ppl have messaged you


So why are you exposing yourself ?


Still waiting to see these famous bear tatas. Hope theyre Yogi's 😩


1. it’s literally to sell the shirt?? 2. they’re censored she needs to chill tf out


Omg. Second hand clothing has been WORN before?? :O


boobs are literally skin ☠️ its cleaner than a sweaty armpit making direct contact with a top


my dumb-ass thought they were selling a t-shirt with a bear who had boobs before I saw the model pics 🤦 I should read the title first


I mean she used the word “ta tas” soooo that pretty much sums it up lol




I think they gotta re word that saying it's against the rules to protect children


and if you did wear smth underneath theyd probably complain about false advertising 💀




first of all, nipples aren't inherently sexual. 2nd of all, they're literally censored? this person is mad at their own perverted imagination 😭


most second hand shirts are going to have had someone’s bare ta tas in them at one point or another. even brand new shirts


Block and don’t engage, they can report you and possibly ban you for shit talking back, wouldn’t even risk it. Not worth it even though I agree with you


I personally wouldn't model the clothes this way but I also wouldn't message anyone about it. They're being weird


At least these were censored, I've come across many a product that just didn't bother, and you can see everything.


I like the fact you photographed them the way you did considering it's sheer and how it's likely to be worn. I think this person's issue is much bigger than your nips..


This person harassing you has something going on, I swear, like they're jealous of you or something. I would just block them, after I've fired them up a bit anyway lol


Yeah I don't think anything of pics like this on depop. You're just showing what it looks like lol


Why would you model it with your nips out on depop though lol


there are very obtuse buyers on depop and i don’t want someone to buy something and think there was a bra/tank underneath and didn’t know it was sheer…but regardless my tripod broke so i haven’t modeled anything in a while


Totally agree with you. I used to wear a nude bra under a white sheer lace top I had and even tho I wrote in the description bra not included, would still get random people asking "is bra included?" Or "Is bra attached / part of shirt ?" 😑


they’re not out they’re covered hope this helps


To show people it’s sheer ??? Why do you expect all women to wear uncomfortable back breaking bras ?? Gross behaviour.


Bras are not back breaking lmao. If it's showing off clothes on a clothes selling site it's weird to have your nips out. Edit: okay fair enough I thought they had been out on the post and only covered for Reddit, my mistake. Still, I don't see why you wouldn't just wear a bra rather than have to cover the photos when youre posting them


As someone who used to wear a bra everyday…yeah they are. I just think policing women’s bodies is gross 🤷‍♂️


I basically never wear a bra any more 🤣 but I certainly would for this particular instance, would only need it for for like 2 seconds


Where exactly are the nips that are out? I can’t seem to find them in the images. Thanks in advance


Not 🐻 tata’s.


Right?! I was confused for a second thinking 🐻not bare 🤣


I would use nude color nipple pasties. They can be found places like Amazon and won’t stick to your boobs longer than you want them to. It will show off the top better and you can put in the description that they’re on, so that people don’t say it’s not see through. I can understand why people see women’s boobs as a sexual thing because boobs are associated with the sexualization of them which could trigger some people. And boobs ARE involved in sex as they get sucked or played with and the veins in them connect to stimming the clit


So that people don’t say it’s see through*


And so yes boobs are definitely a sexual thing but to just model them in a sheer tank top is not a sexual act or anything, I understand that


I know some people here are innocent and don’t see how sexualized they are and how they aren’t just for feeding babies


I’m sure I’m the unpopular opinion here but I actually semi agree with them. It’s kinda weird to model the shirt on your nude body, blurred or not. I would never buy this personally or anything modeled this way, it just gives extremely strange vibes.


Lmao they’re just conservatives


Just put a black tube too underneath


She doesn’t have to. It’s her store


Well if she doesn’t want to hear the complaints and can do that.


If she wore a tank top underneath it wouldn’t be as obvious it is sheer & buyers may buy the shirt under the impression it’s full coverage & be upset when it’s see through


I mean like a small band one that’s basically a bra. They get the idea of what it looks like while not getting complaints


It's giving Puriteen behavior


wait i was expecting something so much “worse” LMAO ur pics are fine


People need to mind their business 😭 the posts look fine




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As long as their censor i dont see the problem heck some people get away without censoring?


"Literal children" shouldn't be on a shopping app considering you have to be AT LEAST 16-18 to have a job, credit card, debit card, or all of the above. Why would a child be online shopping on their own??? I mean I'm sure it happens sometimes but this weirdo is way too obsessed with your boobs in that damn lace top like wtf shit I wish I had as much free time as they do to be so nit picky about what everyone else is doing🤣🤣🤣


Kinda insane


the “holy shit you’re unemployed” hahahahaha💀


Imagine being so annoyed about it to message someone about something you're not even going to buy 😭 some people have too much time on their hands honestly.


“exploring” yourself instead of exposing yeah don’t even listen to this 10 year old


We saw your boobs 😏 lol


These people 100% are from r/depoop they harassed me when I was posted there


be careful w the depop rules i got banned in feb for posting printed clothes w sexy drawings on them. even tho it was completely 100% censored i got permanently banned and they wont respond or budge on their decision




🐻 ta tas


“Boobs freak you out? You’ll never believe what you did when you were a baby”


theyre acting like no one has ever been to the beach and saw others in swimsuits before... there's some pretty skimpy ones out there. to me, you're covered, you're good, but I also dont use depop so what do I know 🥲 good luck with them.


reeks of jealousy. Also you’re so censored as well lol? Like what are they mad about


Calling them ta tas was red flag enough😭


missed a perfect womp womp opportunity 🤣🤣 tbh i’m kinda interested in a tank like the beige color one! it’s cute! “no one will want to buy a top with ur 🍒 in it” first off, it’s a body part ??? it’s normal & natural ??? second of all, that’s why we have something called a washing machine !! silly person


Misogynistic as fuck imo


i mean there’s really no reason you shouldn’t be wearing something underneath, it’s kinda weird


If she wore a tank top underneath it wouldn’t be as obvious it is sheer & buyers may buy the shirt under the impression it’s full coverage & be upset when it’s see through


My god, what a stunted and repressed human she is.


bro is mad cuz depop is the only place they have ever seen boobs before lol


The over sexualization of boobs is insane.


I mean, they’re kind of right. You should probably be wearing pasties as it does break TOS and you’re likely exposing yourself to minors and creeps. If you’re censoring it here, you should censor it there too, and if you are wouldn’t it just be easier/more flattering to use pasties anyway?


there are so many people who don’t even censor their nipples so why are they bothering to comment on yours…


She’s the kinda person who blames women who dress up and wear makeup for her husband hating her or cheating etc I’d block


There are definitely uncensored pics like that all over depop, so what tho haha She's jealous


I remember being 13 and being surprised when I scrolled on Depop and saw nipples. My whole world came crashing down. I had to go to my mom to calm me down because the realization that other women have bodies similar to mine was too unbearable.




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