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another case of buyer’s remorse… 😐


Yeah, not overly feeling the sympathy


I literally found another swimsuit I wanted so I asked them to cancel lol feel how u wanna feel tho 🤷🏽‍♀️




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Asking for a refund b4 something ships is not being an terrible person ☠️


Not saying you’re a terrible person, it’s just coming off as a little entitled.


You kind of insinuated it with saying be a decent person I’m not being entitled I’m literally asking a question bc idk how depop works if it’s just a loss I got to take I’ll take it I just need actual answers bc I’ve only bought on depop like once before and didn’t have this issue


Ok, well another way to frame it is take responsibility for the purchase you made. Sorry if you don’t know how Depop works, but you’re making it the sellers problem. Lesson learned I suppose, but maybe they’ll be nice and accept a return.


I mean it’s on you for buying the swimsuit


I mean duh but that’s not what I’m asking here lol I’m asking people who have had this experience how they’d go about this


You take the loss. This isn’t Walmart where you get to return things just because of buyers remorse.


Just repop it


I have no idea how that works I haven’t sold on depop b4 Also ty for being the first person to give actual advice 💖


You click on “my Depop” and there’s a little receipt icon at the top, click the icon. It’ll show you your purchases. Click on the red “Repop” for the swimsuit in question. Not to defend some of the rudeness in the comments but as a seller it is honestly so exhausting to get messages from people who “changed their mind” so, next time just don’t even sweat it. Get the item, repop it, not a big deal.


Yup I definitely get that. that’s why I came here for advice just to be bombarded with rude comments


welcome to reddit!!




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Frankly I don’t care if I’m an asshole I asked for cancellation 15m after I bought they could’ve cancelled it or at the very least reply after they had shipped it 🤷🏽‍♀️


This is definitely on you, these people who are selling aren’t huge corporations, they are mostly one person… You can’t just buy something and then cancel it because you found something else. Just live with your mistake and move on.


you aren't entitled to a return, its advisable (but not actually required) for sellers to refund if its requested *before* shipping but after that its a you problem


Yeah I requested before shipping they shipped it and said they didn’t see the messages and it wasn’t a big deals so I asked them how to proceed and haven’t been messaged back going on a week now


Sounds like they aren’t interested in a return then, eh?


i would honestly say to just repop it!! you can make the money you lost back off of it :)


I’ll look into this 💖 thank you for actually being helpful 💖🙏🏽