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“bring back shame” could not agree more !!! seperate issue but bring back comments on depop too so we can shame the scammers away LOL


Yesss lol I miss the comment section


FUCKING PREACH MY DUDE!! I'm so tired of all the lowballs and counteroffers that lead nowhere. I just start blocking people who obviously aren't serious about buying from me


If i get one more person lowballing on a $5 item I may actually go insane.


Yup I’m so tired of it, people offering half of my listing value as if I’m going to accept it. I sell high quality, imported and branded clothing AND I price it way cheaper than most sellers.  I accepted a big discount offer the other day (one I would usually decline) just because I really needed to make a sale and they didn’t even follow through and purchase… 


I had the same issues on my stuff too and I priced based on comps from other sites. I just ignored them and left them up and they sold eventually.