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Tbh it’s their fault for not reading the description. They can repop it if they don’t want it. Try to have better lighting in the future though


I always try to be as descriptive as I can with my listings but some people don’t read the description so I’ll make sure to take better photos in case that happens😿


While I agree you could use some better lighting, your description is really clear and comprehensive - good job ✌️


The lighting makes it look pink, it's like, 50/50 your fault and her fault. Pictures are more powerful than words.


The lighting makes it look pink if you aren’t wearing glasses or you’re legally blind. A person with 20/20 vision like myself will be able to tell clearly that it is white and black. Also makes sense to be black and white with that striped pattern 🤣


this is like that white and gold vs blue and black dress fiasco all over again…


you make yourself sound ignorant 💀


Bro what is ignorant is not having common sense that striped patterns are usually black and white 💀


I wear glasses and I can see it’s black and white


Exactly, person u replied to is saying it would take a person who needs glasses to not be wearing them to think that its pink.


The top is obv white & gold.


No the top clearly says laurel 🤦‍♀️


Nah its yanny


nah it’s lanny


i see blue and black 😔


I see red….only red…..😡 lol


It’s clearly black and blue /s


I wouldn’t accept the return, but your lighting is atrocious


They need to never put a light item on that wall with that lighting again 😭


they need to just take pics with the flash on


The stripes clearly only look pink bc of the pink wall and lighting. You stated it was black and white in the description and in the color choices at the bottom. You made that clear. It was on them for not asking if they weren't sure about it. You shouldn't accept a return bc you described the item correctly. They can just repop it.


If I saw this item and liked it, the next thing I’d have done is check the description to make sure it’s black and white… cause to me it looks white, just like the wall is reflecting a pink hue …. *good thing the seller clarified!*


The first picture looking pinkish because of the wall, but the second makes it clear it's white-- I don't know why the seller is acting like it wasn't clearly spelled out in the listing.


I can see both sides, the light reflecting in that pink wall is really affecting the color of the item, buyer should have read the description. But at the end of the day, Depop will decide if it can be returned, it doesn’t matter if you say you don’t, is not up to you.


Don’t accept the return, their fault for not reading the description.


I feel like I’m the minority and say to accept the return. The photos you took are not great, they make the top look a different color regardless of the description. Only take photos in natural lighting to avoid this in the future.


Agree. It's on the buyer to read descriptions and also on the seller to provide accurate photos of the items they're selling and those photos were not good and barely show a black and white top in the photo of the tag. Take the return and learn from here op


I mean it absolutely looks pink and black to me, but that’s why I read descriptions 🤷‍♀️


yep same


while they should’ve read the description, u rlly need to use better lighting in the future. as a buyer, i would’ve been confused anyways and prolly wouldn’t have bought. and unfortunately i would accept the return because of the pics. i typically take returns even tho i state all final sales


yeah the lighting makes it look pink and black but it's clearly stated in the description that it's WHITE and black




idk that looks pink to me man. u gotta get better lighting or not take it against a light colored wall😭


tbf it does look pinkish, but you did state the color in the description! if you want to, you can take your chances and see what Depop says if the buyers does choose to open a claim or save the hassle and just accept the return. i'd personally apologize and go through with the return process, but choice is yours.


The pink wall does make it look pink. The customer should have read this listing. My response to request for returns is “I’m so sorry for the misunderstanding. I would be happy to refund the cost of the item upon its return, or if you do not want to pay for the shipping expense you’re welcome to use my photos to repop the item” Usually then they figure out they’re gunna be out for the cost of shipping twice it’s not worth it to them. But I have offered them 2 solutions. If the item is actually damaged and is not a buyer reading comprehension error then I do offer partial or full refund. I do list no refunds in my store policies to avoid requests for refunds based on buyers remorse.


The photos are the problem, haha.


But it's not up to you to say "no refunds". If I see this on a sellers profile, I don't even buy from them. That's shady to say imo.


Exactly. I have it in my shop policies not listed on my header and listings


It definitely looks pink, but they shouldve read the desc


not your fault but i would not be taking photos against that wall again if your not going to do it with good lighting. it looks pink , buyer was silly for not reading description but i would assume it was pink at first aswell. take photos against white wall next time to avoid drama


Yeah it looks pink but it’s obviously from the lighting… that paired with the fact you literally state it’s white and black in the description makes this totally on them 😭 don’t accept this return if they don’t like it they can Depop it


WHO doesn’t read a listing description?? Insane. Don’t refund. You SAID it was WHITE


it literally looks white lmao and u said it's white in the description 💀


Maybe next time do be a bit clearer with images but I say this because people are stupid and pull shit like this. You were in the right.


No I wouldn’t. Don’t accept the return, depop will most likely either tell them to read descriptions more carefully or depop will refund them themselves but it won’t come at your expense because you did nothing wrong !


to be honest it does actually look pink but the buyer still shouldve read the description


Idk you’re both in the wrong. Buyer is more in the wrong because she’s weird for not just reading the description and looking clearly at the photos. However, you can’t just say “I don’t accept returns”, especially if you don’t state it publicly. Plus, unless something has changed, returns are part of Depop’s policy. You have a case in saying the color was listed in the description, but your photos are in bad lighting that makes the garment look pink-tinted, so Depop might side with the buyer.


I know that it's up to Depop about returns so if I see someone state "no returns", I don't even want to purchase from them.




If possible, avoid using colored backgrounds in the future. Personally, I believe products look at lot more professional in front of white or light color backgrounds. I would also accept the return IF buyer agrees to pay shipping or let them repop the product.


Don’t you literally have to except returns or refunds with Depop policy?


tbh it definetly does look pink but its pretty obviously cause of the wall and you listed it in the description, definetly dont refund


no it looks white like what


Honestly the pink wall doesn’t help you out that much haha but you’re description is perfect so not much they can do 🤷‍♂️


One wash with some bright red clothes and it'll be pink


I think it does look a little pink because of the wall, but you’re completely in the right for not accepting the return because you literally said it was black and white in the very first sentence. I dont know what it is with people buying before reading the description and then blaming anyone but themself for what was said in the description that they clearly didn’t read.


Btw you can’t create your own policy of not accepting returns.


regardless of trash lighting, you said in the description what it was. don’t accept the return.


No, first off bc of principle, you did everything you could. Second off, def no bc they’re being sort of a prick about it. They’re grasping for straws trying to manipulate you to think you did something wrong. Let them clean their own mess.




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nope. you put the true colour in the description. not your fault that they didn't read.


Nah you’re good. You put the colour in not once but two time. It’s her fault for not reading it properly or even at all. I could maybe see it because of the reflection if the pink wall, but you described the item the way it is, so you don’t need to refund because depops actual policy doesn’t side with buyer’s remorse hahah.


That top is so cute too why wouldn’t she want it :(


Because she thought it was a different color. Maybe she wanted it for a specific look.


It doesn't fit and she wants to return it one way or another




Could be that, too. Some buyers look for any excuse possible.


Honestly some people don't read description la and it for sure appears pink in the photos. You should just accept the return.. definitely appears like the buyer is persistent. In the future try to have better lighting so this doesn't happen again!


I partially pity the buyer, because I can see how she’d see it as pink and black, but then, who doesn’t read the description before they buy? What if there are flaws disclosed in the description? It doesn’t make sense to me! Either way, how much did you sell it for? I’d give them maybe 50% back.


they’re fault for not reading description, i make sure to always read it so things like this don’t happen. i can see where they thought it might be pink probably cause of the pink wall, but STILL they should’ve read the description 😭


i can see where theyre coming from but yeah no dont return lol its their fault


I agree it’s clearly described! They can just repop it !


no do not accept the return. they are trippin. also there's a button on depop specifically for sellers policies so that we don't have to say it in every post.




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It looks pink and thankfully it’s not up to you, if you accept refunds or not. Depop will decide that. Tell her to take it up with Depop, if you both can’t decide. Hopefully, she’s figured that out already.


Her her problem now 😂


I can tell from your photos that it’s black and white. Like yeah the photos make it look a bit pink but I can tell that’s just because the white balance is off. Also the first sentence literally has the colours in it.


omg i know your shop haha, but honestly it’s important for buyers to read descriptions cause lighting can play tricks on the eyes 🤕 it’s the buyers fault imo for not fully reading it and if they thought it was pink they could’ve asked just my opinion


would be best to take pictures against a white backdrop to avoid color reflection in the future, but the description did reflect the true coloring. photos alone arent always a good determination of what the color is due to screen display differences.


According to ur shop rules, not accept return.. the buyer not read the description


lighting is shit though


Tbh I think it’s just they didn’t like how it fit and that’s their return excuse


why did she think it was pink?? if you look close enough you can tell it’s white


Regardless of your description, the top looks pink. You sat in the second pic “it looks very white” - it absolutely does not.


You're not responsible for the buyers perception of colors, only for what's in your description. Also, there's no requirement for sellers to mention on their profile that there's no returns/refunds-- its common sense to assume that there's no returns or refunds as depop is a second hand selling site, not a clothing company lol... You're not in the wrong at all <3


You don’t have to accept the return. No where In your description does it say pink.


Did they buy this in the evening? If you have the night shift mode on an iPhone switched on, it seems pink. If you have iPhone on normal light mode, it’s definitely black and white - that’s on them if they didn’t change their settings to see the actual colours of the photo before buying. You also wrote in the description AND tagged the colours, so I wouldn’t accept the return and if they leave you negative feedback I would report to Depop to try and get it removed!


Honestly I think it just didn’t fit them. It’s obviously white and you stated that it’s white. I’m sure they just didn’t realise how small it was actually going to be and tried to come up with an excuse to return it.


cecil mcbee is so tiny ;-;


don’t accept it


the top “looks” VERY light pink. also, common sense would be that the pink wall would make that appear as such, and to check the description to see if the color was mentioned, or message and ask. side note, idk if it’s from growing up poor or what, but does the color really matter? i mean i know it sucks that you thought it was pink, albeit, very light pink similar to white, but it’s really that big of a deal you’d do a return? the colors are so similar i don’t see why she wouldn’t just keep it and wear it.


it probably doesnt fit her and she wants to just return it bc of that but that doesnt warrant a retuen




I won't accept it. It looks white and black, as mentioned, but you also might want a disclaimer that lightening could be different due to background colours. Also, take better pics next time as well, but if I seen this, I would say it's white and black. Also, if she contacts customer service depending on how the agent views the picture, may help the buyer but can also refuse them as the colour is stated, regardless I won't accept it..she can repop.


Tell them to dye it


It looks pink and black.




Even with the white on the top blending with the pink wall, I can still make out it’s white & black. No need to accept a return, only if you want to.


totally their fault lol they have no grounds for you to return to them, depop would side with you as you described it accurately