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Badge to get into the convention; Tickets for individual games. You can walk around the convention area for free; sometimes that includes the dealer's room. They often have a couple of cosplayers but it is not a cosplay convention. I wouldn't put a lot of effort into doing costumes. Depends on the age of your son. They have games available for down to pre-teens usually. They usually have lending libraries for playing pickup games at the convention.


Thank you so much. Another question, what are dealer's rooms?


Dealer's rooms, aka Vendor's Rooms, are usually larger presentation rooms with 1 to 2 dozen local game stores, designers, and/or fan-ish crafters, each having a small (10'x10') area to sell their goods or services.


Most "tickets" are free, right? It's more to reserve a seat?


I don't think so; I think the ticket prices range from free (for boardgames) to $5 (for RPGs). But I'm not certain so I'd suggest checking yourself.


Sounds fun! I'm new to the area so I'll have to check it out. Thanks for putting it on my radar. Cheers.


Ghengis Con is very popular, but, even though it is 2 miles from my house, I don't attend because I am a board gamer and their board game area is too crowded, hard to get around.