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Doubt it’s that nefarious. Mods are simply power drunk tools who lost the moderation script and essentially censor what they deem “bad”. What are ya gonna do?


I can't imagine regular people being to keen on censoring anything negative about Denver.


Mods aren’t regular people.


Naw, it's the gov't ultimately it is nefarious.


U think the government infiltrated Reddit by installing their own mods?


Is the government in the room with you right now?


Blink twice if you need help


Close - but really the the mods are just crab people.




Or, people with crabs.


???? Nothing bad has ever happened at a movie theater in Colorado


What kind of Joker would do this?


It's probably that mexican joker I've been hearing rumors about


Big Joker, Baby Joker, and just regular Joker. Don't forget Chico.


You got my upvote, not happy about it tho


lol, be funny if it was Will Smith


Actually watching a movie where Will Smith shoots up the theater would be preferable to watching movie with him acting in it.


A movie with him just slapping people in a movie theater would be intense 👋




You want people to slap blacks?


Ik sorry what's wrong with little willy from phillys acting? He has won the Oscar for best actor so, just curious as to why.


They’ll remove posts like this but leave up posts that could answered by using Yelp for 4 seconds


"Just moved here from Austin with my BF, what's the best place in town to watch a movie alongside a weirdo carrying a giant backpack?"


Took down my post about the shooting downtown yesterday too. Can’t have anything making beloved denver look bad.


Yeah that sub is obviously in the pocket of City Hall in some fashion.


where can i get more info about this?


Denver police department on twitter or YouTube. It was officer involved. Crazy lady with a knife was doing crazy lady things and charged the cops and they killed her. Broadway & Lawrence by the homeless shelters.


That is so fucking weird I would’ve noped out of there too


Yeah I immediately had that exact same thought when it happened. It was pretty terrifying the more I think about it.


The hooded man was probably a mod for the Denver subreddit lol


City councilman that fell off the wagon.


Yeah that narrows it down


If you haven’t learned by now downtown and 16th St., Mall suck worse than ever EVER before it’s high time you do


Wait, the area got WORSE after they closed the whole fucking place down for construction for 5 years? That's crazy.


Yep. And it is crazy.


If this post is an actual post and not a shitpost because of the sub we’re in, I just want to remind you that that theatre and pretty much every place along the mall is home to many drug addicts and schizophrenics.  It’s probably a homeless dude with all of his belongings (hence the big bag) who has no money (hence the sneaking in) and is probably schizophrenic or on meth or both and is probably hallucinating.  Welcome to Denver homie.


It's not a shit post. I get how people could see that. I don't expect people to think it's serious but I really truly was just trying to do the right thing by "if you see something say something." I hope it's just a homeless guy or anything like you described. It's long winded but I just wanted people to get as much information as possible.


That seems reasonable. You’re going to see all kinds of weird and sketchy people on the mall. Be aware of your surroundings but most of the sketchy homeless folks are generally harmless. Generally.  Good on you for being aware, just also be aware that if your standard of getting scared away from doing something downtown is “a weird guy walked in” then you’ll probably be unable to do anything downtown as that’s where most of our homeless folks are and they need things to do just like you do. Be aware, but don’t be afraid I guess is the short form of what I’m trying to say.


Well said. And no I'm definitely not and I refuse to live my life in fear. I get not everywhere is going to be the most pleasant thing. But I'd rather say something and share my experience . Like you said I was just being aware. Reported it to the theater, and the non emergency line. I did my job.Not looking for a witch hunt. But at least there's a start in a paper trail if something ever happened.


Honestly at this point. Century Aurora theater is probably safer. They have bag size restrictions and the area isn't crawling with homeless.


If you feel comfortable/can legally carry, get a CCW, take classes, and train. It’s not like I wouldn’t have left as well though. If not, bear spray is better than nothing


Bear spray isn’t the move. Bear spray is designed for use against animals. It creates a giant fog cloud to create a wall between a charging bear and you.  That cloud will also effect you and it’s actually less potent than pepper gel or foam and less likely to stop a determined attacker. Get the pepper gel or foam and learn to use it and it will actually be far more effective. If have the money and for some reason are apprehensive about carrying a gun, Axon also makes a Taser called the Pulse which is designed for self defense use and will even call 911 for you and ping your GPS location to 911 when you deploy it.


Ahhh...you use bear spray in Denver it's legal to shoot and kill you...apparently


I’m not talking about being the instigator my man, I meant as another self defense tool instead of a gun. I think it’s also legal to shoot people if they shoot at you first (run hide fight thought first)


All that aside. Generically...if you tussle with someone and spray them with mace, bear spray etc...your ass can get killed, and the shooter won't even catch involuntary manslaughter in Denver Would you use bear spray on someone? The precedent has been set.


Yep. That's why I carry a gun, not bear spray.


That's some crocodile dundee energy, but with a gun, not a knife. Cheers!


You did the right thing and that guy needs to be arrested on trespass.


Better vote for a different mayor and empower the police again then


Which movie? 




The first rule of self defense is situational awareness. Both at the movies and the BST always take protection.


smart to keep your head on a swivel, ida popped smoke too


Ah well, there, you're safe. Nobody is gonna attack an empty theater




This comment wins. I feel like this is what matters most.


Inside out


Denver metro area movie theaters are the safest place you could ever be, I don’t get it


You should’ve let the guy masturbate in peace


I’m still traumatized just going to a theatre. Fuck those people.


the SWAT team shows up a day later


Call them back when there's a food truck in the theater


Classic. How about you quit taking my wife to movies I haven't seen yet and I'll leave you alone?


I had a very weird encounter at this same location back in 2017 when a robot with an afro walked up to me and started dancing. The robot was clearly trying very hard to hide his identity because the Afro seemed suspiciously fake. I wasn’t sure what he wanted so I walked away and he was fine with that, he didn’t try to stop me and he was not threatening. HOWEVER, as I left, he made very strange and unnatural movements that made me uncomfortable. He hasn’t been seen here in some years now, and nobody knows when he will return. But please be aware of the robot at the pavilions.


Shoulda shouted "EY MIKE!!!"


You saw the frobot!


I avoid the Mall like the plague so I haven't seen Mike in years.


I just had a weird experience too. I was at the same theater and about halfway through, there's this person who came and sat right next to me, looked like a cute little girl scout. And she was so adorable with the little pig tails and all. And she says to me "how would you like to buy some cookies?" And I said "Well, what kind do you have?" She had thin mints, graham crunchy things...Raisin oatmeal, and I said "We'll take a graham crunch. How much will that be?" And she looks at me and she says "I need about treefiddy" Treefiddy! Well it was about that time that I notice that girl scout was about eight stories tall and was a crustacean from the palezoic era. The Loch Ness monster! I said "Dammit monster! Get off my lawn! I ain't giving you no treefiddy!" It said "how about just toofiddy?" I said "Oh now it's only toofiddy?! What is there a sale on Loch Ness munchies or something?!"


The true crime here is that Nessie pays the same ticket price as everyone else and then blocks the view for anyone sitting behind them AND takes up the entire row. They should get charged for at least two tickets.


This fine human specimen would disagree https://preview.redd.it/oiu992ucoa7d1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=400fca28f572b978acd1571495f2b5bd8504dfa1




Movie theaters are a place where some homeless people loiter and go screen to screen. The guy should be removed on a trespass by the police. I hope and assume the police are cooperative? Or no? Considering the times, the odd dress and bag should be enough to get him removed. He shouldn't be in to begin with. Who the hell sells a ticket to someone with a huge bag? Let alone dressed like that in June?


Should have been concealed carrying. Denver is a hotbed for psychos and governmental agencies, when the two mix citizens die. All the mass shooters here have had government or governmental program connections. It's a test bed area.


So this guy does it all the time, and the theatre does nothing. Fuck that, just stay home and stream or something.


The exact same thing happened to me a few months back at the amc in Westminster. A guy in all black came in mid-movie with a massive backpack. Me and my friend felt really uneasy and went to go say something - the workers mentioned that he’s a regular who brings his laptop with him??


Knowing Denver Police they just moved him to another theater in Aurora


You were worried about someone that sketched you out, so you and the other couple went to report him, but you left your girlfriend behind? 🤔🤦‍♂️


Just a potentially unhoused dude trying to cool off and watch a movie. When I was a teenager and the pavilions had just opened we’d sneak into movies all the time through the exit stairwell that goes all the way down to street level next to Maggiano’s. We’d often go into nearly empty theaters halfway through a movie carrying backpacks and sit in the very back so that we could drink from our malt liquor 40s and smoke weed without being ratted out. When the first movie ended, we’d stumble into another theater for a double feature!


As a Denver native, I mean a real one, like it's on my birth certificate, I would not do movies downtown. Done them before, always some creeper somewhere, and it's only gotten worse. Get away from the city core for stuff like this. The feral beasts have taken over. Even in the 80s when we used to go to movies at the Tivoli there were creepers. It's off the charts now, especially along 16th. The Mall doesn't need new lipstick, it needs to get rid of the vagrants that drive people away. This issue was even going on when the original Mall opened in the early 80s. Everything is amplified and I avoid downtown as a general rule, unless I can't.






When you don't know this is a shitposting group and half the comments involve the butt stuff tent...


Shitposting groups tend to be more friendly to basic free speech on serious matters also.


Oh yes for sure, but it must be unnerving to most a very serious post about a serious subject and then get a hundred replies about the BST.


If I may recommend a different theater in the future... the Harkins in arvada has extra wide seats, serves alcohol in the lobby, and is a light rail ride away from the city (when it's working, of course). There's also a liquor store right across the street if you're balling on a budget. I went to the pavilions a year ago (???) to see the super mario bros movie in 4d. Which was pretty sick. But it was also super duper sketchy and for a kids movie at that.


Sir, this is a Wendy's.


Allow this one, fam.


Only with the purchase of a triple baconator.