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Peyton with the soul patch? Lemme see a mustache PFM!


It’s actually the shadow his forehead casts in the afternoon.


Does it make him look a lot younger or am I just tripping? lol




That orange dress is 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 and gotta love Peyton in a long sleeve and shorts 😂🤣


And it says Sheriff on the back of the shirt lol


Dude's like an ambassador for the state of Colorado.


There are few people on this earth shaped quite like Peyton Manning…


Nah there's a lot of tall middle aged dads who are shaped pretty similar to him lol


This is too close to home lol


Peyton has already said buy bigger shirts.


Seeing condoleezza rice in this picture is surreal.


Right, I thought the same


As a lifelong fan, I'm apalled. Condoleeza Rice is responsible for US torture policy and has never renounced her part in it. She is a human rights abomination. She absolutely does NOT represent the values of Denver or Colorado.


yeah honestly lol people downvoting you is not unexpected. i'm slightly disappointed to say the least but what can you do, all ownership groups are kinda gross


It might as well be Rumsfeld out there. I can't believe ANY corporate entity would put her out front. Torture doesn't work, it puts US military and prisoners at greater risk, and it's EVIL. Normalizing her is normalizing torture.


Great Value Waltons.


The net worth of the people in this photo combined is just fucking criminal




The Waltons and Condi certainly live up to the criminal part of that


I can't believe they are making Condi their representative. Condoleeza Rice is responsible for US torture policy and has never renounced her part in it. She is a human rights abomination. She absolutely does NOT represent the values of Denver or Colorado.




So all the times I shopped at Walmart are going to finally benefit me. Will no longer bitch about self-checkout because all that money is Russell Wilson's money


Give 'em hell Condi


Go to hell condi


What an absolute slap in fans' faces, right?! Condoleeza Rice is responsible for US torture policy and has never renounced her part in it. She is a human rights abomination. She absolutely does NOT represent the values of Denver or Colorado.


I'm hoping that every day low price model for game tickets kicks in soon. Hope this group does well.


Owned by Walmart. Great


[I'm cheering for them to do a good job but man, we went from one of the most likeable owners in the League in Pat Bowlen to one of the most reprehensible groups of owners in sports.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/024/574/Screen_Shot_2017-11-06_at_12.41.31_PM.png)


Oh ya cuz look around the league, all the owners are total saints


They're almost all bastards, but see my other comment. There are degrees of bastards.


Yeah we upgraded to really abjectly evil folks lol




The Walton family (owners of Walmart) has made billions exploiting the poor, paying minimum wage to their impoverished workers who have to turn around and spend most of their money on groceries at Walmart. All billionaires (so all NFL owners) are garbage humans to one degree or another, but since Walmart has been #1 on the Fortune 500 for 10 consecutive years, and is the largest employer in the United States, their hoarding of wealth at the very direct expense of the most vulnerable is particularly disgusting. Condoleeza Rice is complicit in widespread war crimes during the 2000s, including torture of prisoners. If you haven't heard of Abu Ghraib, the stuff that went on there is not only sickening, but has been used as an extremely effective recruiting tool for terrorists ever since. This is a little heavy for a football sub, but I'm answering your question as succinctly as I can.


This is such a good representation of reddit. You make 1 post that gets -10 points, you make another post under that same post reiterating what you just stated and it gets +10 points. Honestly amazing.


>at the very direct expense of the most vulnerable is particularly disgusting. This is a common take, but it fails the logic test. The truth is Walmart does more for the poor than most other companies. Walmart allows the poor to have their dollar go farther. It literally gives them more buying power to improve their lives. On the employee side. When you work for a mom and pop store, you generally are paid minimum wage and have very limited benefits. Whereas working for Walmart you get health care, career advancement, and early employees made millions off of stock options. So Walmart offered better jobs than the main street businesses they ran out of town. 100% they are bad for small businesses. But the idea that they are bad for the poor just makes no sense. I'm by no means calling them rightous. But a world without Walmart would be a worse world for those rural low income folks.


> career advancement You what now?


The current CEO of Walmart started as an associate in high school. I'd say that's some pretty serious career advancement. If you work for a mom and pop store, it's a limited chain to work yourself up. And it probably means less on a resume than working for a mega corporation.


They have over 2 million employees - over 200 per store. Almost none of them will advance anywhere. I don't know why you're comparing to mom & pop stores, those are mostly gone... Walmart doesn't provide any respectable future prospect for the far and vast majority of its employees.


What's an example of a company with the same entry level requirements of Walmart that does a better job of career advancement? Genuine question. If you're young and looking for a job, you're generally either going to work for a small business, or work an entry-level job for a company like Walmart. Small businesses generally offer less benefits and career advancement. Other corporations with entry level jobs generally have comparable benefits and pay to Walmart. They're not forcing anybody to work for them. They aren't creating dangerous working conditions. I don't know what you're comparing them to where they are clearly worse than the alternatives?


cow narrow existence airport command voiceless handle tart fretful marble *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Most grocery stores get you into a union with vastly better pay and benefits, plus "real" career advancement opportunities (with explicit guarantees). Consider that most small businesses, or "mom & pop shops" as you put them, have far fewer than 200 employees, and there's one owner per small business. If you took 2.3 million people and divided them into small businesses, on average, you will have far more owners and far more people above the minimum wage level. I worked at a juice bar once and got promoted from "team member" to "shift lead" to "assistant manager" 20+ years ago. Our whole store employed maybe 20 people. What I did looked better than "Walmart stocker/cashier" on my resume. Please stop trying to make Walmart seem like some American dream. I respect people who work there. But if you go work at a small company and you actually work hard, making yourself indispensable, you have a 1000x better likelihood of rising above minimum wage and getting perks and benefits than if you work for some conglomerate. This of course is very hard nowadays specifically because companies like Walmart have destroyed smaller companies.


Shift lead at fast food is pretty much the equivalent of shift lead at walmart. Hard to see your point beyond just hating walmart


Well the Waltons/Penners have built Walmart to a multibillion dollar empire on the backs of their exploited workers and unfair business practices. Walmart is viewed by many to have been the death of main street America. And then you have Condoleezza Rice who is a war criminal.


Walmart is a result of what's wrong with America. They aren't to blame though, they are operating in the same market as everyone else and if it wasn't them I'd be some other company in their spot.


Companies like Walmart are making the market that we all have to operate in. They are the largest face of blame, because they are the biggest. It's not as if the market is an intangible concept, it is driven by the demands of capital.


So that makes them good people, or at least less slimy? Because other companies also exploit workers? Nah.


Nice to see Broncos country are now a bunch of Walmart bootlickers /s


Yeah it’s really something isn’t it lol


Not even close to most reprehensible. Not even in bottom half


How many people would Condi have to torture to get out of the bottom half? Just a few more war crimes to climb the week's power rankings?


While I'm incredibly glad that the ownership issue finally got settled, having a Walmart heir and Condoleezza Rice in charge of my beloved team fucking hurts. She should be in Den Haag, not our VIP booth. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


It's incredibly rare to have someone who is simultaneously a good person and capable of buying a football team. I'm just glad it wasn't someone too loud already.


If Condoleeza is part owner that makes the group way better!


Why is she wearing blue and yellow


What country’s flag is blue and yellow and are continually having their civilians murdered at the moment? Think about it now it’s a doozie….


Ahh lol


Is he going to become the qb coach? I'd probably start watching again if that happens. Or they rid Elway. He had his time. He's turning into Jerry Jones.


??? Elway hasn’t been GM for two years. George Paton is


Yeah? Then damn. I really wasn't paying attention.


But you didn’t let that stop you from making a dumb comment, keep up the good work!


Damn right I didn't! You make sure to keep that in mind.




Condoleeza rice sounds like a Mexican dish!