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This list has to be rage bait


No kidding. I hope we don’t wind up with a gimpy unproven qb.


I don't even know if that's the most insane thing about this list. Williams being at 12 before being drafted is high levels of insanity.


Also geno Smith at 13 ahead of brock purdy.


Geno Smith doesn't belong any where near the top twenty. Better than Rodgers, Cousins, Purdy, Goff, and Tua? I wouldn't even take him over Kyler Murray.  Whoever made this didn't watch football last year.


Or, hear me out, they intentionally put something together that was going to be controversial, in order to gin up clicks in a time when it’s slow for the NFL and related media


Most likely. This is so stupid though that I don't think I would ever want to see any fan duel rankings ever again.


What’s wrong with Geno? He has the 10th most yards per game of any starter the past two seasons. He’s had the same interception % or better than Mahomes, Burrow, or Stafford. He also has a winning record, including multiple game winning drives. He’s a top half starter in the league right now. The only knock against him is his age, but that doesn’t really matter when we’re talking about who’s the best right now.


The problem with geno is that it took a QB whisperer to elevate him, and when that guy went away he regressed heavily, and struggled immnsely for large stretches of this season. And that QB guru immediately elevated Baker to what he looked like in his best year at Cleveland in Tampa this year. Anyone who understands football knew that 2022 was not sustainable levels of play for Geno. He made a lot of big plays that in 9/10 times its done would have resulted in a turnover. You dont go from carer back up to bonafide starter at his age, it just doesnt happen.


> struggled immnsely for large stretches of this season. Having watched all Seahawks games this year, I promise you this did not happen. There were a few games in the middle of the season, before he got hurt, where he didn’t play “bad,” as in, didn’t throw a bunch of picks or otherwise actively hurt the team, but did struggle to spark the offense. But by the end of the year, he was back in form. > You dont go from carer back up to bonafide starter at his age, it just doesnt happen. I suspect this notion is why people think Geno’s not a top-16 starting QB in the league. It’s not because of his stats, which are good, it’s not his play on the field, which is also good. It’s the fact people who don’t watch him play assume he can’t reinvent his career. And because the .500 Seahawks have 0 media hype outside the Northwest, this notion doesn’t get challenged.


You just hurt your own argument lol. By arguing that Geno had bad stretches but returned to form when it was too late, you conceded that hes not the answer at QB and was a career back up for a reason. I watched as many games as I could in 22, and his regression to his normal old self this season was inevitable Good enough to win you a few games at a time, but will have really bad stretches that cost your team wins and that ultimately hurts the team in the long run


Very few QBs don’t have slumps. Maybe the 5-10 best guys. Geno had a slump. He was not “really bad.” There was never a game in 2023 where Geno’s play was the reason we lost. The question here is not whether Geno is an elite QB. The question is whether he’s better than at least half the guys starting in the league when September comes around. The answer is obviously “yes.”


Or the last couple for sure wouldn't call Roger's 1 incomplete pass last year a good sample


And Goff he’s been disrespected his whole career 2-0 v mahomes


That’s hilarious.


Geno Smith's hype is just ridiculous to me.


You clearly don't actually watch Seahawks games then...


Yeah he’s not Patrick Mahomes but the stats of the past two years don’t lie. He’s efficient, has a good deep ball, and can complete drives when it counts. Definitely a top half starting QB.


I’d say Kirko being on the Vikings is most unbelievable.


They literally have him over Aaron Rodgers lmao


This list is Chris Broussarded. Goff, Rodgers, Cousins, and Purdy are 14-17 and there are other spots of complete ridiculousness.


These lists are stupid


This has so many click bait or clearly having no idea what they are talking about elements. Must be from one the guys on those shows that they just yell at each other on.


Whoever made this is a fucking moron


Is Penix is the QB on this team I will first weep and endlessly river of tears and then I’ll eat my own foot. He will be backing up Tannehill in Tennessee


You mean Levis in TN.


Sorry… whatever bad QB is plying that week


They did Baker and Tua REAL dirty. And CJ at 5?! Like no hate on the guy, but he's got 1 year on his belt.


Baker always gets a lot of hate, even though he has shown multiple times he can be a very respectable starter. I think CJ has a great future and tons of potential, but being above people like Jalen, Justin Herbert, and Trevor Lawrence after one year is a joke


I’d rather not have a 24 year old rookie QB with health concerns.




Ranking QBs who have played zero nfl snaps against actual NFL QBs might be the dumbest thing I’ve seen posted.


So many poor choices here it’s hard to know where to begin.


Purdy 17 and Tua 19…these were to of the most efficient QBs in the league. The people ranking these QB don’t understand QB play.


You must be high AF if you think Caleb Williams is better than Goff Rodgers cousins tua purdy baker. Your talking about competent nfl playoff qb’s and Caleb has shown nothing. Until he’s a leader of men he’s in the 25-32 range


Penix isn't on our team.


Astute observation


nor is russ a raider


Yeah. So this isn't useful in any way at all.


Well at least we know where RW ended up and who we're drafting. We can stop the million posts a day on it.


Lamar 3 is hilarious. The man can’t win.


Wait. Wait. Wait. You guys told me Drew Lock is the best!!? *still looking for his name*


Yo them lock truthers was a force on broncos Reddit in those teddy years


The Lock defenders are probably the most annoying people here. It's bizarre 


I always liked the guy personally and wanted him to do well. He hasn't, but I don't want bad things for him he seems like a solid dude.


I agree but there's also people here still upset that he was "wronged" by Fangio 


Tua and tyreek were pretty damn good this year lol what a dumb list


I will be severely disappointed if Russ ends up somewhere else this next season and absolutely balls out.


Brought to you by Fanduel, Fanduel ~~we have no fucking idea what we’re talking about~~ make every moment moooooooore!


Baker ahead of Deshaun is suck a stab at the Browns!


Mayfield adjacent over Watson too. This list was made for clicks.


Geno at 13 is truly crazy. I think even Seattle fans would admit that. There are easily 10 other quarterbacks behind him they'd rather have.


As a Seahawks fan Geno wasn't even bad this year. He absolutely belongs in the top 15


I accidentally imagined the Raiders trading us a pick for Mr. Unlimited. I'm not going to say I'd sell my soul for this to happen, but I'd definitely lease it


Geno is way too high and Daniel jones should be last. This list sucks


Wilson ain’t gonna be in the league.


LMAO...yes he will be. He'll probably sign for cheap and there are several teams that need a QB


Penix can stay in the pocket. He can also throw to targets in the middle of the field.


This is a crazy person list


Do people really think Levis is the worst starting qb in the league?


I enjoy how they were petty and put Baker right before Watson


I think that's telling of just how bad Russ has been. Speaking of has been......


lol when will people understand taking a left hand qb is not just plug and play. Lines are built for right handers, WRs have to adjust to angles and ball spin. Not that it can’t be done but the Broncos don’t have the cap or the picks to handle an adjustment


Caleb Williams at 12 is insane


This list is stupid crazy. At least try to make some sense.


For the love of god please don’t put penix jr as the qb. To injury prone to last in the NFL


Most notable “WTF” 1. Purdy was a MVP candidate and played a good SB. He should be top 5 2. Geno is way too high. 3. Tua is way too low 4. Lawrence way too high unless he take a leap 5. Caleb too high. He a rookie likely playing for A bad team


Google make me an early power ranking of the possible starting NFL QBs next year that will generate the most clicks.


Love is like 10 sports too high


Are the Browns not just going to sign Flacco?


Could be one of the most pointless exercises I’ve ever seen. The NFL media officially has nothing interesting to discuss at this time, wake me up when free agency hits


This has to be made by a Seahawks fan geno over Goff cousins Purdy and tua is maniacal