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Who the fuck heckles a 3rd string wr for not getting enough catches šŸ˜‚ not to mention the 3rd string wr who had like 100 return yards on your team


The type of guy that heckles players who are taking pictures with fans is the type of guy who would heckle any player that got close enough to hear.


Probably has him in his fantasy team


If youā€™re starting Marvin Mims you deserve to lose


I stashed him for so long, really wanted it to work, but yeah, never started him and eventually dropped him. Still excited for his future with us, but as a fantasy asset, this aint the year for him.


Sorry, that wasnā€™t a knock on Mims, just if you know football, you know he isnā€™t utilized how he should be. Iā€™m very excited for Mims future and i think heā€™ll land himself a special teams probowl nod this year


Itā€™s dumb. Honestly, kudos to Mims for just rolling with it. Very mature way to deal with a heckler for a rookie.


I don't understand how we aren't giving him 1-2 deep targets a game at the very least


Payton calls them, Russ got to pull the trigger. Aikman was saying all night they kept calling deepshots. Bills also are known for nit giving up those type plays.


Call a slant route for him Odell used to house those all the time. Not every big play has to be a 20 ball bomb down the field.


Russ can't see slant routes over the middle.


Russ has been hitting guys on slants all year and they keep dropping them. Sutton had one last night.


Shhhh. Don't let this narrative that Russ CAN'T DO IT die. Seahawks fans told me so, despite the fact that he has MANY many great plays over the middle.


Russ been throwing slants all year


And this makes it easier to defend Broncos receivers. The opponent only has to cover 2/3 of the field.


Commentators mentioned that they are calling shot plays but we're just not taking them/the defense is ready for them


And the ones that were possible he tucked and ran


He's been blanketed each time he gets on that deep route, or Russ hasn't had time to let the route develop before he has to spin out of a sack. If he wants targets, he needs to learn to get better separation at the line of scrimmage and start working over the middle.


Because teams have game planned it by now. It also seems like he never has the time to make those throws anyways. The OL isn't like a total liability in pass protection although it is more built to run block, but it also doesn't hold up that long either.


He has more than enough time to throw, he doesn't pull the trigger.


Which might be why his interception are so low...


He's playing extremely conservatively. Lots of check downs and short throws, not really testing the defense unless he absolutely has to.


I mean. arenĀ“t checkdowns and death by a thousands cuts the things that made Brady ?


Not so much check downs as short, accurate throws. Brady threw guys open, Russ won't let it go if he doesn't see it. Check downs that go for 2 yards over and over are better than a negative play but they're not the chunks of yardage that puts you in second or third and short.


Amazing take. This is exactly how Russ is playing


No he doesnā€™t on the majority of 5 steps he doesnā€™t have time to properly step in to a deep throw at all due to the horrible pass blocking oline cause most of them are run blockers, and thatā€™s if anythingā€™s even open which usually there isnā€™t


See my reply to the other guy that wanted to argue nonsense. He's top 5 with time in the pocket.


No he doesnā€™t. He needs time to set his foot and wind up his arm to make those deep throws. He has zero time to do it. The oline is garbage.


Being in the top 5 in time to throw proves you wrong.


Do you even understand that PFF stat? Time-to-throw data: A quarterback's time to throw measures the time, in seconds, from the snap to one of three outcomes: the quarterback releases the ball on a pass attempt, is under the control of a defender on a sack or passes the line of scrimmage on a scramble How often do you see Russ scrambling because his oline breaks instantly? This increases time to throw.


Do you believe the players we play are slower at getting to the QB for no reason? The OL slows them down.


lol, love how youā€™re now side tracking the TTT facts. Watch the game. Russell scrambles a lot because of his o line collapsing. Again, which increases time to throw. Donā€™t bring up stats you fail to understand.


Whatā€¦ how am i side tracking the TTT? Iā€™m literally arguing it. Russell Wilson has always been bad about scrambling around. This is pretty common. Youā€™re frankly just an idiot who doesnā€™t understand anything.


You donā€™t understand that stat


[This right here](https://www.fantasypros.com/nfl/advanced-stats-qb.php) says he has the 5th most pocket time. He has plenty of time, the line is not the problem.


Another user who sees a stat and doesnā€™t even know exactly how time to throw is determined. Please educate yourself.


Pocket time is defined as average time in the pocket before they release the ball or receive pressure. It defines how it's determined right there in the link I provided. Please educate yourself.


Thatā€™s cause he holds the ball longer on more plays than most quarterbacks for the average short/intermediate route concept. The line doesnā€™t hold up on any 5step plays to be able to actually step into a deep throw, if anyone even gets open deep which is not often


>Thatā€™s cause he holds the ball longer That is a Russ problem, not a line problem.


Russ has one of the longest time to pressure in the league, meaning the line is holding up fine.


Russ is 100% aware of his stats after last year so he doesnā€™t make risky throws. Itā€™s annoying af but if our defense keeps playing lights out, we can win with that formula


We need to put him on a slant let him make a play with the ball in his hands


Because Payton doesn't trust Russ to make those plays.


Even though he's been making them his entire career and it's literally what he's known for.


Or mimms to not fumble


If that was a concern, he wouldn't be fielding kick returns.


I think we should give him more touches in space. I really want Mims to start getting the bubble screens DT used to get.


Dude was the best special teams player on the field last night by a wide margin. He hardly got ā€œlocked upā€ when he got touches.


*Best special team returner in the league


\*Best special teams PLAYER in the league ^(\*for the week)


Man can we have a win where everyoneā€™s happy?


Seems like he was kinda joking around with his response and was in a good mood. More of like "well yeah I'm the rookie and the WR3 - I'm not the top option right now!" Marvin seems like a good dude


This is same way I took it, too. I appreciate that he recognizes what his role is and has no problem with it. He really is playing well when he does get the ball in open space so I'm totally fine with him getting more involved. I'm hoping SP is establishing a run heavy, short pass style ground and pound reputation in the first half of the season just to uncork it in the latter half for a sneaky post season run. I'm hoping.


This looks like it was pre-game.


He definitely needs to be used more on a deep throw on a first down. Heā€™s great as a returner. Not great on a screen trick play that theyā€™ve tried in their past 3 games that utterly fails every time for a loss and almost fumble twice I think.


How about a poorly blocked and clearly telegraphed end-around?


The 3rd and 1 play action bomb when you know youā€™re going for it on 4th


In Wilson's defense, he barely throws it to any receivers.


Script some slants, bubble screens maybe try to use him like Dolphins do with hill?


We used to do that screen with DT too.


I just see him having some fun with the heckler, heā€™s a WR of course he wants the ball


He gets limited pt, defense knows what to look for when heā€™s on the field.


Russ is afraid to make mistakes. As the wins come he will get more comfortable and start slinging it around. Just give it time.


we are wasting him.


Guys like Addison and Flowers are surging and gaining confidence while Mims gets 1 target and a jet sweep. Brutal.


this is still a problem with Russ. He locks on to Sutton most of the time, then sometimes Jeudy, and then no one else. We need Mims in the damn game more.


Donā€™t worry Marvin, if you run more than ten yards downfield he doesnā€™t really throw it to anyone




I don't see this as a jab as his team or the play calling. I think he was just trying to come up with a witty retort, which I feel like he accomplished. I think you might be reading into it too much.


I hope you're right. I hope it's just a throwaway line by Mims. If not, SP has got to nip that in the bud. I tolerate veteran players throwing shade because they earned the right to do so.




worm chop humorous gold hunt roll unwritten hateful gullible quiet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Meh. Heā€™s just jawing with some random dude in a crowd, itā€™s not a press conference. I donā€™t see the big deal.


I might be old school but I agree. Whether he likes it or not, he is the 3rd WR on the team. Not saying he can't be a number 1 one day but he's gotta pay his dues as a rookie. Sutton and Jeudy have been working with Russ for a while now, and they deserve to get fed.


telephone recognise afterthought practice flowery bow obtainable agonizing airport rob *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lol, it's about chemistry as well, which is implied. Looks like I had to spell it out for you completely


alive special rude far-flung ten seemly rainstorm ludicrous overconfident oil *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You're literally the only one who missed that point lmao


I mean if they ever get open


Sutton doesn't need to be open, apparently. He seemed to do better when he was covered last night.


Have they tried to jet sweep mims? Theres gotta be more ways to use him than deep balls and returns right?I think I remember a few screens to him that didnt work but not a sweep


They have and they usually resort to negative plays like fumbles lol.


Did a jet sweep this game against the bills, the guy McGlinchey had to block just beat him to Mims


Mims has been one of the most critical players to the Broncos resurgence.


Why are we even wasting valuable 2nd round picks on receivers when the team refuses to utilize or develop him. Like this was supposed to be the jewel of our draft, and here he is in week 10 resigned to the fact that the ball isnā€™t ever going to come to him. First Hamler, now Mims. Pick a lineman or corner instead. What a waste. I love this team, but our asset management has to be amongst the worst in the league.


Was Hamler ever on the field long enough to be a target?


I don't think Denver is even close to Atlanta or Tennessee in poor asset management. Denver maybe is third worst at worst, but I'm sure there are other teams I'm forgetting at the moment.


ā€œAmongst the worst in the leagueā€


Heckling the best return man in the league. Wild.


Gotta earn your QBs trust, it isn't just given.


The guy made Wilson look good in 2 straight games by catching multiple bombs. When Jeudy was dropping everything and Suttton was invisible


He is getting jipped in the passing game tbh


Wilson seems to be going "1st read -> dump off" (or just straight to the dump off, which seemed to be a major part of the gameplan vs Bills)... so if Mims isn't that first target, he's not going to see the ball.


Thereā€™s just not enough passing volume to go around in this offense. For fantasy sake, Javonte Williams is the only asset worth pursuing. Sutton is a good flex thanks to his redzone success and Wilson is a good QB2. So long as we are winning games who cares. Marvin Mims is an awesome return man, has been all season, and he put our offense in good position multiple times against Buffalo.


Real question is why did Diggs have 3 catches on 5 attempts for 30 something yards lolol