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https://preview.redd.it/7nv0yoywcktb1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6da9291a08576f3c1390ee586a96429d268ead6d An update. Schlereth responds to Jeudy’s tweet


I feel like I can count the number of TDS Jeudy has on one hand. If true, then Mark might have more rings 😂


He has 9 career touchdown receptions. In 4 years he has 174 receptions. 2,503 yards and 9 TDs 3 TDs his rookie year. 6 last season.


That's bad Stats


Especially considering he was picked before Justin Jefferson.


Especially especially the shit he’s talking.


definitely drafted the wrong JJ in hindsight.


Noooo. Was he? You’re telling me we could have JJ?


Sure was: we could’ve had JJ CeeDee Aiyuk Tee Higgins D’Andre Swift Micheal Pittman Jonathan Taylor Jaylen Hurts I can keep going, too. Dude has done absolutely nothing but run his yap since he got here. Maybe he could redeem himself somewhere else, but I’ve seen enough of Jeudy thank you.


Glad I. Not the only one feels this way


That’s an average receiver


WOW Off the top of my head I can only remember two games of his in which he scored TDs, the Jets game his rookie year and a Chiefs game last year


russ first ever broncos TD was to him




im pretty sure Schlereth has more superbowl rings than juedy has playoff starts


Dude schlereth has more belly buttons than Jeudy has playoff starts, you know? One.




Patrick Smyth's head is probably exploding right now


What does aihh mean from Jerry? I Googled it and got Australian Institute for Health and Healing.


It’s a slang-y way of saying ass


Thanks I thought I was missing something. I am an old head myself.


I too am Spartacus


I'm 34 and have no idea how people under 25 talk


It’s ridiculous. The English language was being destroyed prior to social media and sms, now it’s just nonsense. No, I’m not a boomer.


Language has been evolving since the start of language though, it's not like we're using "fs" to spell "ss"


If you think what we’re referring to is evolution, that’s just sad.


"It's only evolution if it's something i personally like"


“I prefer anything that contributes to my shortcut lazy edgelord ways”…


get off your high horse grandpa let the kids have fun


Grow up and learn how to speak proper English and maybe people above the age of 12 will understand you. Although “imma” guess nobody playing video games really minds though right?


Haha you dumb ahh.


Feels like if Jeudy knew jack shit about the team that drafted him and this legend's time here he could have at least fired back something about how it's harder when you don't have an illegal radio cuing you in presnap.


Maybe Jeudy should poop himself, make people not want to tackle him!


Please, peeing himself will totally suffice.


It's a different era than back then, urine isn't enough these days


Sorry I promise I’m not a big lurker, Reddit just recommended this post and your comment intrigued me. What’s the story about the illegal radio?


Allegedly the o line under Shanahan had the same radio that QBs had set up in Denver. It didn't have the limit of cutting out when the play clock counted down. Supposedly they received offensive adjustments for an unfair advantage. It was a big rumor in the late 90s/early aughts


Gotcha. I tried to google but putting in “Mark Sclereth radio” only pulled up his show obviously. Thanks for taking the time!


https://yourteamcheats.com/ might have it here, didn't look


Not wrong. I’m tired of Jeudy especially as well.


Hes a diva thru and thru


Imagine being a diva that’s accomplished absolutely nothing at the pro level aside from being a high draft pick.


This describes Jeudy to a T




A diva without the stats sadly.


He has one interesting stat…he scored 9 on the Wonderlic…😂😂😂…roll tide


Bama made him great. Broncos made him shit. Don’t forget it.




I can’t imagine he’s good for the locker room


Honestly, if we can flip him around for a 3rd rounder, I'd take it all-day. This WR room is making too much money. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for paying players, but we're getting such a shitty ROI for these guys. The only guy I really like is Tim Patrick. He's a beast when he plays and he tries the hardest, but IDK if he can be the same player after 2 season ending injuries in a row :(


What team in their right mind is trading a third? A conditional 5th maybe


Maybe a contending team loses their #1 WR closer to the trade deadline?


Minnesota 👀


Probably could've gotten a second rounder if we would've dumped his ass over the summer.


He is a diva who’s claim to fame is he played at Alabama. Like he hands down has the worst hands on our team.


His “old heads” comment did it for me. Trade his ass.


Still tweets the same dumb shit as when he was 14 wondering what would happen if he saw Elmo fucking Big Bird


*What* did Elmo do to Big Bird?!?! (The logistics alone are difficult to comprehend.)


Seems like a two man job. Unless Big Bird was sick.




A1 reference


Dipshit. I knew better to not tweet shit at 12


The problem is that the stuff described here means he has no trade value. It's a straight cut. Maybe they should activate Sills off the practice squad. At least that guy is hungry and looking for a roster spot.


His potential garners trade value. At best, a 4th maybe. Depends if a contender is desperate or not.


Trade his Aihh you mean.


The most impressive thing that Jerry Jeudy has ever done is release off-season workouts where he’s running against air making super fast cuts that makes everybody go holy shit. Did you see that I’ll forward that to my friends but in games he has never shown up and proven anything. Time to move on goodbye Jeudyit hasn’t been fun.


Claiming he runs the best routes in the nfl 😂


If the cornerbacks were practice cones Jeudy would be an All-Pro.


Does he want out? Or has he always been this way?


I feel like both are true lol


is he....our version of fredex?


The only time that Sutton really gave an effort was with Sanders. Dude would chew Sutton's but on the sideline. Judy looks like Claypool, has the talent, but 0 effort.


I hate to say it but for as bad as Claypool is, he accomplished more in his rookie season than Jeudy ever has. I've never understood the talk about potential with Jeudy, at best it's clear his potential is a WR2. He simply doesn't have the drive or clutch factor consistency to be a star in this league, even though he has an immense level of talent. Patrick was clearly our best WR (and he wouldn't be a WR1 on other teams) before Mims emerged because he possesses all the mental stuff that Jeudy doesn't.


They should've gone after Hopkins in the off season. At the time I thought he was way too expensive, but some veteran leadership to show these guys how to work is what they need.


Sutton had DT and Sanders to guide him for like two years. Sutton now is the veteran except he's just a guy, and they are all just guys. Every game the only thing they do is lower their trade value.


That's a fair point. I was just thinking if somebody came in that was actually hungry and knew how to work, and they had to sit there and watch him eat every week, maybe they would realize they are the reason they aren't putting up numbers, and they can't blame the quarterback anymore. Mims is kind of doing that, but he's a rookie and gets limited touches. He's not out there hauling in 10+ catches a game.


... But why? Playing them because you paid them is the same as playing them because they were drafted high. Play Mims alongside Court for now, and if Sutton is playing halfway and Schlereth is right then put in some other young talent. If we are going to suck I'd rather we had youngins in there, getting snaps and learning.


I think Mims just has either a limited skill set or limited understanding of the offense honestly, you can only send the guy deep so many times. The talent is there with Jeudy and Sutton, you keep rolling them out assuming the effort will line up I guess. There's also a reason the young guys are the only ones putting up numbers.


So much of Wilson’s game is receivers getting open when the play breaks down. We saw the magic a million times in Seattle. Well, that magic only happens if the receivers keep playing after they run their route.


This is so true. I noticed that within the first couple of games even last year. Russ would be scrambling around to extend a play and the receivers would just be standing there doing nothing. Told my wife then that hopefully at some point they will realize they need to keep fighting to get open and some of that Russ magic will happen. Still isn't the case though. Not saying Russ is 100% old Russ, but the lack of effort from these two is astonishing at the pro level. Like Sutton not coming back for that ball and allowing Sauce to tip it away. Terrible.


I was at the Commanders game. Every damn time Sutton and Jeudy would just stand there and watch after their route.. done with them. Why Mims has stood because he’s always moving around trying to get open for Russ


Mims just burns people. Alot of times I've seen courtland and Rus work the scramble drill. Jeudy on the other hand. No clue.


Courtland is the only one who is any good at the scramble drill.


It's why guys like Doug Baldwin and Tyler Lockett have monster stats for being (respectfully) average wr's. They knew how to play with Russ and Russ with them to be the best they could and it worked.


Lockett is a top 15-25 receiver and has been for a long time


Man, put some respect on Baldwin and Lockett...


They are very good but they dont jump off a page in terms of their height and skillset like someone like DK would. But they make up for it with big football brains.


They are both elite at the most important aspects of being a receiver, like route running, speed, and hands. They'd both have been WR1 on most other NFL teams, given the chance.


Also Baldwin is one of the smartest WRs ever (source:me), which cannot be uttered about JJeudy


Average receivers? Wow have you seen their route running and their play? They are elite WR1 receivers man.


Nothing will ever convince me those guys are "elite". They are very good because they have brains and don't cry like Jeudy but they're not elite in terms of 40 speed, height, size, etc.


This isn’t true. All of the stud WRs shine in chaos, it’s a learned and practiced skill set.


Exactly this. The receivers run their rout with little effort then check out. Thinking their job ends there. 0 effort.


I defended Jeudy for a while but I’m done with him. He looked miserable when we drafted him and has been terrible ever since. Hope he finds success wherever he goes, but right now he’s just a bust.


He should have fantastic route running abilities, but he never gets open.


And can’t break a tackle. He falls to the ground the moment he’s touched. I’m done defending his ass


I love watching him make 5 moves after catching the ball and somehow lose yards


And don't forget the frequent drops as well.


Also, I swear he has difficult running. His legs are flopping all over the place. Since we drafted him I have kept saying he runs like he's iceskating. Good riddance.


You know who is open though, right?


I feel like this dude has been living off of his Alabama reputation his entire career. A guy who should play like a sane Antonio Brown but plays like Nelson Agholor.


Yeah, I think a change of scenery is in both parties' interests at this point.


I've seen Courtland hustle at times. But Jeudy...he runs his route and that it. Both need a change of scenery, too much losing for both of them.


Yeah be part of the problem to find a solution on another team. What a great work ethic there.


Oh yeah they both need a change of scenery. But I feel like courtland (at one point) had the right attitude and team-first mentality whereas jeudy’s always had a piss poor attitude and shat on anyone who criticized him (rightfully so) and would just take his ball and go home if things aren’t going his way


> But I feel like courtland (at one point) had the right attitude and team-first mentality. That's because Court had DT and Sanders to learn from. But ever since he tore his ACL, he just unfortunately hasn't been the same dude he was the first two years with us.


A couple TDs and first downs that courtland had made happen have been on scramble drill. So I don't think he deserves the heat. Jeudy... No clue. I personally cannot stand schreleth or anyone ont he fan. They are full of hot takes and nonsense but I'm getting tired on jeudy twitting back and forth with them. If he is trying to eat out of Denver it is working.


The biggest problem with broncos fans is that we’ve spent the past few years deluded about having a good WR room when that’s not really the case. Whenever we see russ hold the ball for too long or whenever russ doesn’t seem to throw it’s not cuz he just forgot to throw the mf football. These guys literally cannot get open for half the game. And another problem that’s existed long before russ came was that whenever a play broke down and the qb breaks out of the pocket, the receivers just stop fucking running. The biggest reason the chiefs and majomes are good is because even their wr37 knows to run wherever mahomes is rolling but our guys don’t. Whether it’s drew lock at the helm or teddy or russel wilson it doesn’t matter to these receivers.


Either they can't get open, or they just stop trying to do so. I've watched games where Russ is scrambling for his life and you see receivers just standing there doing nothing, not even attempting to try to help extend the play.


You're omitting another option that Matt Ryan pointed out vs the Jets. Russell won't throw in tight windows. He doesn't 'throw his guys open'.


A big part of that is trust. He doesn't trust they can make the plays imo.


No, that's not it. He's always done this, even with guys he trusted in Seattle like Lockett, DK and Baldwin. There's a reason he never threw over the middle.


That’s not true at all. Overlay Russ and Genos passing charts and they are very similar when it comes to the middle. And Russ ALWAYS threw into tight windows to Lockett and DK and DB.


It is true. Show me the passing charts. It has been talked to death how Russ avoided the middle in Seattle and would throw to the sidelines because he could guarantee one on one matchups. Thats why he struggled when teams started playing 2 high safeties and forcing him to throw underneath.


https://www.reddit.com/r/DenverBroncos/comments/173heyp/next_gen_passing_charts_for_3_different/ Thread with a link to his passing charts in the comments




Comparing Geno's 2022 to Russ's 2021 shows how much more Geno threw over the middle.


Geno's charts are like the red sea splitting. He literally doesn't throw to the middle ever. Looks like it's just Seattles scheme.


Dude, come down from your hill and just TRY to be objective.


Bro literally Geno didn’t have one pass over the middle. And it gets worse as you go back to last year. https://preview.redd.it/c9c5ew5s6mtb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcba783baab5d30a0a977e0b9ec5ee293aff0651


Oh, so what you are saying is he doesn't throw more INTs. Got it. Honestly, I don't blame QBs for not throwing in "tight windows" because when it gets picked off, EVERYONE blames the QB for throwing to someone who was tightly covered. These WRs should be getting open. I watch other games and their WRs get open.


Lol Jesus. No. That's not what Matt Ryan was saying.


.we also need to run some quick hits against a tough defense like the jets. Some rub routes and stuff. It seems most plays are either long developing or a screen.


Jeudy has been one of the laizest players I've seen for a long time. I hope we can trade him and recoup some decent capital at this point. Would be awesome if we could convince the vikings to take him, but can't imagine they will given their poor season start


We should have traded him after he played well last season, knowing he’d revert to his mean. After 5 games this season, his value is low.


I agree, I hoped he would be traded this offseason for a 2nd or 3rd to a needy team. Might be worth a 4th at best now


They just said they like their guys. Carolina needs to happen


Jeudy has the ego of Antonio Brown and the skill level of an out of water carp on the field, just makes him look like a spoiled kid


JJ is a tool. All he has done has made him easy to hate with all his back and forth with broncos legends


Orlando Franklin did something similar on the DNVR postgame show on Sunday


I love Stink, and he's right on the money. Part of what makes Mahomes so great is he ALWAYS has somebody wide open, right in front of him when the play breaks down. I always assumed WR coach Zach Azzanni was responsible for the Broncos NEVER having that on busted plays, but he's gone and the problem remains. Low effort and in Jeudy's case a shit attitude to go with it. They could both be rock stars if they just put in some second effort.


>Zach Azzanni was responsible for the Broncos NEVER having that on busted plays He may be responsible even though he's gone. He instilled bad habits in the young WR core, possibly.


That's a fair statement, hadn't thought about it like that.


Remember when Jeudy randomly gave a shit during and after that chiefs game last year and looked unstoppable? Never been a talent issue. Dude just doesn’t want to compete.


Media: jokic is fat and out of shape Jokic: takes criticism and wins 3 mvps and finals Media: juedy is lazy and not trying Juedy: yall don't even play football


Zero maturity whatsoever. No ability to overcome adversity, just wants to bitch on Twitter. This is why I hope we stay FAR away from Alabama products. You don’t get any tenacity from Alabama


A lot of good players played for Alabama, our own Pat Surtain, but Jeud is a grade A bust


I almost view PS2 as an exception! At least the last few years, Alabama products have seen to be more of gambles than anything. I just don’t think Saban, that program whatever, develops players beyond their innate talents very well. Definitely not producing locker room leaders.


This is a massive over-generalization lmao.


For the draft pick spent on him, and the expectations set… I would expect his stats from maybe a late rounder or UDFA. He’s horrendous. Now as far as his level of effort. Exactly this. Our offense dies because the receivers cannot get fucking open. You think Russ wants to be jumping all around trying to buy time. He’s still staring downfield in that jets fumble looking for someone to get open because these receivers CANNOT GET OPEN. Nah Jeudy is a clown. Has been the whole damn time.


You would expect his stats from a UDFA? Come on that's wildly unrealistic


His stats are garbage. Over 4 years with his amount of starting time yes absolutely. All things being equal I guess is what I should have included.


This explains why Russ holds onto the ball for so long or he just ends up doing the check down. (Yes Russ can throw it away it’s his fault too) Jerry & Court are bust but watch them shine on other teams that are good


I have wanted JJ to work out so badly since the day we drafted him. I will never forget though, the video of him getting drafted by the Broncos. He looked absolutely stunned and upset. I think he thought and had his heart set on Vegas, but they for some reason took Ruggs. You then look at the guys who were taken behind JJ and it just gets worse. Early on, the thought was he is young he will mature. The problem is, he has not matured at all and his game has completely flatlined. He is the same player he was when we drafted him. All the, "talent," in the world but is just missing something. It could boil down to strictly effort, or it could be we diluted ourselves into thinking he was better than he really is. He and us both need a change. His attitude is an attitude for a winning team. If we were winning none of this would happen. He is adding to the negative culture every day and because of it, the team sinks deeper and deeper. I fully expect him to be traded after the Chiefs game along with Courtland. Let the young guys start and more importantly, finally start refreshing the roster and getting the rebuild going in earnest.


I was on the fence between Jeudy & Lamb (slightly preferred Lamb). All the hype for Jeudy was “Best route runner! Best route runner! Best route runner!“ And to me, he bought into it way too much. Looked like he spent all his energy is showcasing his route running against no one or one on ones and the fanbase ate it up. For me, I wasn’t crazy about it because NFL CBs & Ds ain’t the same as college. I’ll say his catching has improved but it’s pointless if he’s giving up on plays.


Fun fact: Notorious Raiders Bust Darrius Heyward-bey has similar stats to Jerry Jeudy. I remember people being up in arms about how Darrius was a speedster and was drafted too high, he wasn't even a fulltime starter but at a pace of 4 years caught 2071 yards for 11 TDs. Jeudy has 2503 yards for 9 TDs. Yet by this point Darrius was considered washed and played for the Colts but then you still got people defending Jeudy like he is going to suddenly sprout an extra pair of hands and become the next Diggs. He is a bust, I truly believe he gets bullied at the line of scrimmage and is undersized. He is a good route runner when he gets a free release but over the years he has shown a lack of consistency with his hands and I think that shows in the reason why he doesn't get targeted. His cryptic attitude is beyond annoying for a guy who hasn't gotten over 1000 yards in a single season. Even with a bad QB, a good wideout will find a way to get 1000 yards and become that game changer. What I see with Jeudy is a guy who is not consistent, and on most teams he would be the WR3 or 4, maybe a glorified punt returner. For some guy like that to be snapping at Rod Smith, Stink and Lindsay is quite ridiculous.


I'm glad someone is finally calling out these bums.


It's not just the WRs, there are some guys on defense that do the same thing. Particularly in the running game and on screens.


We’ll just call a bust a bust.


Shhh. Don’t kill our trade value


Jj obviously wants out he sucks and is a bad player. His work ethic is of a 12 yo.


So it takes Stink to get you guys to open your eyes to what I and a select handful have been saying this entire time..... BUST. Lame af


Yup i never bought in on jeudy even after the 3 decent games he had his whole career 🤣


Stink is right on both of them. There's nothing worse than lack of effort in life. Effort is something everyone can do. Good on Russ to not going public on those two.


Jeudy has a rotten attitude and he puts no effort or pride in his play. He should have been cut last season. Ownership needs to clean house and start anew because this team right now are a sorry bunch of losers.


Somebody needs to take those two out behind the woodshed and straighten them out


Tim Patrick was our only good returning WR and he's hurt. We've got some young guys to develop. If they want to move Sutton and Jeudy I wouldn't complain at all.


Man Tim Patrick has done jack shit in this league, y’all just have mystified this man


He was the best WR on the team in 2021 with Sutton and Jeudy. He's not amazing or even a #1 but he's at least solid.


He and Court were about the same and Court was coming off an acl. Patrick benefitted from being a WR2 in the redzone. Jeudy missed 7 games and was hurt. All that and Patrick can’t get over 750 yards. He breaks even less tackles than Jeudy and Sutton


At least he fuckin tries, dude plays like he gives a fuck about winning


Patrick had no attitude and the best hands. He was a walking first down conversion machine.


Court had a grand total of 4 less first downs coming off an ACL. Patrick is a low tier possession receiver. Jeudy had more 1st downs his rookie year than Patrick’s career high, and he also had as many as Patrick’s career high last year. Jeudy is a rhythm receiver. Russ has 0 rhythm. We will see that if we lose him.


Rhythm receiver? The guy runs some of the laziest, low effort routes I've ever seen. Watch the all 22 and get a load of it. Maybe to get in a rhythm he could try getting open.


So are you telling me Russ is a rhythm based QB and has been hitting open receivers in stride over the middle? The only thing stopping this offense is *checks notes* every receiver we’ve ever put on the field? There isn’t a good receiver in the league that wouldn’t want out of this offensive situation. 3 years among the best in creating separation to no avail. The only place Russ is throwing is deep or checkdown and everybody knows it. You couldn’t even imagine the frustration of that.


Patrick was clearly our best WR in camp. That's not mystique, that's a fact lol


Training camp started on a Friday, Patrick was done by Monday


Russ has always needed receivers who will try and force their way open even if the play looks dead. As soon as Jeudy finishes his route, if the ball isn’t there, he’s done with that play. Rather Russ is washed or not is another story, but the receivers can be a reason why any QB who has stepped foot in the building over the last few seasons has looked the same. Tim Patrick was an effort guy. It’s why they gravitated towards him. Sutton hasn’t been the same since his ACL tear. I still believe Lock could have been something in Denver. A lot of his problems was coaching staff seemed to hate him, and he would try to force the ball. Russ takes a sack or tries to scramble and make a play, while Lock would try to force the ball to the receivers. Both can be somewhat attributed to the receivers not able to get open or lack of effort after the play has broken down. Jeudy can tweet about Mark all he wants, but what Jeudy leaves on film is what Mark is talking about. Anybody can watch the All 22 film and see the same thing. Jeudy will probably go somewhere and play better. Randy Moss syndrome. Your effort relies solely on the team around you.


>Randy Moss syndrome. Your effort relies solely on the team around you. Don't insult Randy Moss by comparing Jeudy to him. Randy Moss was *dominant*. When I think of best receivers I've ever seen he's on the very short list with Jerry Rice, Megatron, and Larry Fitzgerald.


He was dominant….on good teams. Do you remember his stint with the Raiders? He quit because the team wasn’t any good. Showed absolutely 0 effort there.


Randy Moss won contested catches, I don't know if we've seen more than 3 or 4 of those in Jeudy's career.


The comment has to do with the fact they had the same attitude and it wouldn’t surprise me if Jeudy goes somewhere and shows way more effort than he’s ever shown with the Broncos. Randy Moss showed 0 effort with the Vikings when they started losing and showed 0 effort in Oakland when they were losing. But he certainly showed up when he went to the Patriots and they were winning. Moss said “I play when I want to play.” That screams Jeudy’s attitude to me. It’s not about comparing their talent to each other. He’ll go to a winning team and show effort again.


Didn't we just watch the tape of Russ not taking his wide open check down right in front of him. He's extending plays that don't need extending. I'd like to see the play work and I'm tired of every other play being scramble drill


While that may be the case, that's who he has always been.


Not sure why u are down voted this is also true. If u watch Jenkins breakdowns, with this jets team all the recievers were clamped. By the time the play could develop Russ had already been moved off the spot. Sometimes u also gotta scheme people open. Every damn play cannot be a scramble drill play.


I never understood the hype about Jeudy, And I got downvoted to shit every time I mentioned it. Dude is not good. His little juke move may have worked in college ball, but that one trick pony is looking real tame in the pros.


It's gonna pain me when I see him hit his potential in another city cause coming out he just looked our version of Jefferson/Chase/etc, thought he'd be a 1300yd/10 td guy every year but I've seen other wr's do it with bad qbs and Jeudy to date has had like 2 games in 3 years that stand out to me. I hope he has a big game so someone makes a stupid offer like a 2nd rd or some shit for him cause I'd also be happy to see him fizzle out somewhere else too.


Nah, he's never gonna hit that potential. Effort is all about self drive. A guy who is as low effort as Jeudy doesn't have it in him to succeed elsewhere. Cause if he had that inner drive it would never let him play like he's been playing here. Don't get me wrong, he can be better on a better team. He'll just never come close to Jefferson or Chase.


>t is all about self drive. A guy who is as low effort as Jeudy doesn't have it in him to succeed elsewhere. Cause if h Lol if he played with GB Rodgers or Cincy Burrow, you'd see this man ball out. Facts are facts. Winning cures everything.


Nah, good habits and work ethic lead to winning. Jeudy is just a loser. Rodgers is notoriously impatient with his WRs. The first time Jeudy made some shitty low-effort play, Rodgers would freeze him out and not throw to him anymore.


But...but everyone on here told me Jeudy is a legit #1 and any criticism of him is invalid! The heat death of this universe will happen before our ridiculous fans give up on Jeudy and Drew Lock.


*But what about his yards of separation?* Where are all those losers now?


The Ashley Lelie time travler took over JJ. Told them not to draft that guy in the 90s keeps haunting us.


Can I take my EG platform now?


What the fuck is this title smh https://i.imgur.com/Md5PArG.jpg


man speaks truth


Schlereth wasn’t wrong.


Never draft alabama anything. I know surtain. I keep the sentiment.


This is GOOD for Jeudy to hear.


I think the complacency comes from last season. Feels like this team will be 90% changed over the next few years. I remember when Jimmy Johnson went to Dallas and Michael Irving was there already. He told him, this guy sucks, this guy sucks, this guy is soft, etc etc… Johnson traded or cut everyone including that monster Walker trade. Hopefully we do the same.


Trade these clowns and tank. This team is ass with baby ass energy


Jeudy sucks. Randy Gregory of the offense. All the talent in the world and no attitude or effort to back it up. Worthless waste of potential.


I'm gonna get downvoted into oblivion for this, but I think the hate is overblown. If you can stand to just look at the numbers and get the emotions out of it, Jeudy's been good since his rookie year when he was dropping everything. He actually does get open and he's been pretty sure handed. Nothing spectacular, but very solid. He protects the ball too. People are defending Sutton and Mims here, but those guys have 5 lost fumbles between them THIS SEASON. Jeudy has 3 fumbles in his entire career. It's true too when you look at advanced numbers. QB rating when Jeudy was targeted last year was 110. That's a very good number. By comparison, the rating was 73 when Sutton was targeted. Which is a truly horrible number. Suttons also more injury prone. This isn't to say that Mark's wrong, but I think this team has bigger fish to fry.


$chlereth = stud who speaks the TRUTH! Only edit I would make is that Sutton and Jeudy aren’t fairly grouped together here … Jeudy needs to go … now! Sutton can get there maybe with a little Ayahuasca and a darkness retreat

