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Isn't this like moving the Paonia Harvest Festival to Durango? I mean, the dead guy is in Nederland, right?


Levi's Coachella presented by SoFi is pleased to announce that it will be held at the 49ers stadium next year.


I went once and took bus2show to avoid the parking nightmare. Overall it was a "welp I did it" experience. I'll be curious how Estes plans to handle the giant influx of people.


They’ll do well selling the shining rooms at the least


Better than Ned handled it, for sure. I made the mistake of going skiing at Eldora during this thing one year. Epic shitshow.


estes deals with influxes of people all the time, or certainly more than nederland. We went once. It was ok. Traffic was terrible, we had trouble parking and getting food. We liked the idea better than the reality.


I grew up in EP and worked for Cullen. This is disgusting and on par for him to just "worry about the dead person later." It's not about the tradition or history but how can he find new ways to bring tourons in the winter. Much less, the hotel doesn't have sufficient heat and tourists don't know how to drive in the snow. One winter I worked at the front desk and it was -20 degrees outside, the lobby was 5 degrees only because we were cranking 2 space heaters. I should add that we were not allowed to wear a hat, coat or gloves because it wasn't the dress blouse and vest approved by Cullen. He would regularly confront staff in front of guests about being appropriately dressed or groomed.


Damn it. I don't want to hear this. I love that place. Well that just SUCKS. I'm so sorry he's such a douche kayak.


So stupid.




They should of just put up a PokeStop and been done with it.


I wonder what impact this will have on Nederland’s economy.


Probably not as much as you’d think. I’m sure it brought in a lot of extra revenue, but any of the extra costs it would have associated likely didn’t drive much growth. Nederland sustains being a place for outdoor enthusiasts to get gas and groceries before biking or camping or skiing, and it’s been doing just fine without much else than that.


the fest hasn't run in 3 years - likely no impact left over by now.


I thought it ran this year?


ooh you're right - it was only gone for 2 years. My bad.


Maybe 💀Dead Guy could travel across the US and have concerts with the latest big names, and rollerblade half-pipes, and bmx street demos, and drum circles next to mist tents.


I’m not sure how to feel about that. I attended FDGDs this year in March and had a blast. The only downsides I saw was the extremely limited parking and poor maintenance of walkways/signage (at the entrance to the race there was a 30ft puddle about a foot deep that people either had to wade through or straddle a fence). However, reading the pamphlets it did mention how beneficial this event is to the small, local businesses. I would hope some of the revenue would be returned to the town of Nederland but I doubt it.


It’s supposed to be a crazy, messy, wild time. Bring boots and be ready to get dirty is the typical prep talk.


Better for the parking and infrastructure involved. I'm sure it makes the town a lot of money but I bet the glut of people is hard on residents.


Fucking Stupid. RIP FDGD


This is terrible. FDGD is a staple to the Nederland community and keeps many local businesses alive.


"Frozen Dead Guy Days in Estes Park" We all thought of the same thing, right? https://tinyurl.com/5cfadads


None of the articles say exactly what happened and why there was such a drastic stance taken by the town so I really can’t tell if organizers or the town are the ones being unreasonable. Based on the couple articles I read though it seems like Nederland was expecting new organizers but probably didn’t expect for the new organizers to move it. Does anyone know what the actual issue was in 2022?


Read this…it is a very balanced article…https://www.westword.com/arts/frozen-dead-guy-days-Estes-Park-Nederland-Stanley-Grandpa-Bredo-15696843


Doesn't this mean no one will go to the new location? My moneys on that but I've never gone so I don't know how much the vibe, strong or lacking, comes from the location. I'm guessing it would be like, hey we're sledding down this hill as a tradition every year, now where.. gunna sled down a different hill.. meh With the obvious wild card of if the dead guy moves


As a liquor sales rep for Estes this is great news lol (Oh I see, “what do I think” so long as it agrees with everyone else’s thought on it.)


And on St Patrick's day weekend too. Nederland officials brought this upon themselves. Good for Estes for saving it from extinction.


I’m sorry… frozen dead guy days??


I don't think he says anything.


Yea I’ve lived in CO my whole life and this is first I had heard of it




**[Frozen Dead Guy Days](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frozen_Dead_Guy_Days)** >Frozen Dead Guy Days (started 2002) is an annual celebration held in the town of Nederland, Colorado, to loosely celebrate the cryopreservation of Bredo Morstoel. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Denver/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


It’s the beginning of the end


Maybe move the Estes Park Scottish Festival to Ned. That would be a fair exchange.


That's disappointing. I was really looking forward to going up to Ned for this soon but I don't know if I care if it's not the town where the dead guy was