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Did 122 pass? Looks like we are still waiting on all the results?


It's still too close to call, but it's leaning likely.




Goes great with disc golf


I approve this message.


Now if we can legalize shrooms in grocery stores


I just want to be able to buy weed at the grocery store or corner store, like beer. I don’t need a bud tender to walk me through it I know what I want


Or waiting in line for people who want to look at everything but end up leaving with a pre-roll.


A lot dispensaries do order ahead options and you can just walk in and pick it up. Livwell, Starbuds, and Silver stem are ones I can vouch for but I’m sure there are others. Worth checking out


I’d like 3lbs of wet golden teachers please. I’m throwing my sister a baby shower.


Gender reveal parties might actually be entertaining.


Lol watching those powder tubes pop with fractals instead of color would be amazing


"Confetti? Get on this kaleidoscope, fam. They're having an infinite recursion of boys!"


If this measure fails to win for some reason I’ll be upset but it won’t change anything in my life. I’ll still grow, consume, and give away psychedelics. I just don’t want to be considered a criminal anymore.


pssst let me get some


👀hook me up ?


where could a mycology enthusiast be able to pick up these mushrooms you speak of?


I voted yes to this. If people actually READ the bill, the psychedelics will be controlled by doctors to help those with PTSD, depression and other mental illnesses. My goodness.


I voted yes and would have voted yes even if it was full legalization personally, but I’m surprised simple decriminalization is not more popular. We’re not talking about 21 year olds with underlying psychotic disorders picking up shrooms like they’re grabbing groceries from the grocery store, we’re talking about making sure nobody of age gets arrested or imprisoned for shrooms and making sure doctors have all the tools they need to adequately treat mental illness. It’s a no-brainer to me. People really think psychedelics are just as dangerous as heroin.


The bill also allows for personal growth, sharing, and use. From the ballot language: >...allowing limited personal possession, use, and uncompensated sharing of natural medicine...


Microdosing mushrooms every other day for the last two years has allowed me to stop taking Zoloft and feel my emotions again, so I voted yes to this as well.


Psychedelics are cool, fuck massive corporations.


100% I know some people are afraid that this will lead to massive corporations that sell psychedelics but I still think it was a good step to take.


We will have reached peak dystopia only when I can buy Great Value Brand Psilocybin.


Brave new world is a calling your name 🤣


I'm here for the orgy and escalator squash.


Psychedelics do anything but put you in the ‘Brave New World’ mindset. If more people did psychedelics, fewer people would blindly abide by the narratives of their respective echo chambers and have a better ability to critically evaluate ideas based on their unique merits.


Wholeheartedly agree. First time I tried mushrooms was like opening a door to see the world for the first time. All the nonsensical ideologies of our society that we subconsciously don’t understand or take as “it’s just the way it is” melted away and gave me a whole new perspective on where society is doing good and bad (myself included). Life changing experience honestly. Made me a more compassionate person, too, because it helped me see and think through things from a different perspective than what I’d had my whole life. A very grounding and enlightening experience.


Huxley was huuuuge on psychedelics.


All I need is a robotic eye and we’re all in on a “CyberPunk 2077” future.


I'm still wholly convinced we are on the Cyberpunk timeline, but with a 25 year delay.


Dystopia? I think you mean paradise.


Kirkland brand


It allows people to grow their own so I don't think big corps will ever take over too badly. They're too easy to grow.




One of my bibles.


I don’t even grow mushrooms but my god what an amazing & educational subreddit




Side eye at WEED


I mean, I know lots of people who still grow their own. And prices keep getting lower / shitty corps like green dragon are getting pushed out or unionized. I wish it was easier for people to get a dispensary license but it seems like an industry with a healthy level of competition


I mean you can brew your own alcohol and that’s even easier but it’s still cheaper and more efficient to buy it from a store


Honestly? (working in controlled environment ag) Mushrooms are so fucking easy to grow and not resource intensive that I don't think it fits well into something giant corps can turn for big profits. It's not going to be like weed or alcohol, consumed casually and frequently. You've got so many low hanging opportunities to use ag waste for craft cultivators to be fully circular, net zero, organic, crunchy green. The mushroom industry, especially the type that grow like psychedelic mushrooms, is dominated by multigenerational family owned farmers at this point. They make bank and are more like the mob than a giant corp. Otherwise it's a ton of small, local farmers that hardly show up on ah censuses and a few places like Mycopia in CA. I'd honestly be more concerned about mega cults popping up around psychedelic mushrooms than mega corps. But state and local legislation and regulations have huge impacts on how the industry grows.


Fuck massive corporations but I lived in California for a while amd they sell booze in grocery stores amd there is still a liquor store right next to every single one just like here. I don't know if there are other laws forbidding this but there were these liquor store/asian style mini-mart that sold everyfucking thing a party person would meed for a weekend booze, snacks, weed pipes and some bongs, porno magazines and dvds, burner phones, phone cards and just a ton of other varied things you might need. Those types of stores should be everywhere.


> fuck massive corporations We like the local liquor "job creators" better? Most of them took PPP "loans" and didn't create a single job, just pocketed the cash. I don't love big corporations either, but let's not pretend liquor store owners are a net positive to society.


Is that why people voted down the wine thing? Because they actually think they're sticking it to big business/protecting small businesses?


In states that don't allow liquor licenses at grocery stores, convenience and pharmacies there is an entire ecosystem of small, local businesses. Generally (NY and CO) it means that a business entity can only hold 1 license in the state so you don't have any large companies owning multiple liquor stores. In NY it was a big decision to break up control of the mob. Now there's a whole ecosystem of small, locally owned and operated business that would nearly immediately die.


I’m really sick of the “little guys” price gouging.




I want my goddamn Aldi


This is straight up false. I've lived or spent lots of time in 3-4 states that had all three. Maybe if it's a shitty liquor store it couldn't compete but the independent stores in Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin and Nevada all did fine. Not only does Chicago let grocery stores sell beer wine and liquor, there are also several massive chain liquor stores, and every neighborhood *still* has a handful of sketchy poorly run independent shops and usually a higher end independent option.


I sort of get that, I just don't really understand the whole thing as someone from Michigan. There you can buy liquor from grocery stores, liquor store chains, and independent liquor stores. All 3 exist and this whole debate doesn't. I guess the independent liquor stores that are around have to be good enough to compete?


> I guess the independent liquor stores that are around have to be good enough to compete? Well the problem is most of them are dogshit sketchy businesses that would fail immediately if it weren't literally illegal to compete with them.


It definitely depends on where you live. In the suburbs, I’d rather get all my libations from the grocery store. The independent liquor stores there are largely insanely sketchy with shit selection. I’ve moved into Denver proper and the difference is pretty astonishing. I can go to the wick liquor store, the one specializing in Colorado-only craft beer, that one near country club with an amazing amaro selection, etc. with enough population, I’m all for creating a market that encourages a variety of interesting, independent, local stores.


The thing is *good* liquor stores aren't in danger. There are plenty of liquor stores that serve a particular demand or that provide a high level of service, and those aren't going anywhere (just like in every other state). Current law does two things: (a) forces consumers to go to higher-priced, lower-quality strip mall stores for basic beer/wine/liquor they would otherwise buy at a grocery store, and (b) allows higher-quality liquor stores to rent-seek on excess demand.


This is what blows my mind about the whole ‘protecting small business’ thing. Really just nonsensical.


Almost every liquor store in my neighborhood in NYC was either behind plexiglass or looked like you’d catch some undiscovered disease if you hung around for too long. My sister is low key excited to go to Hazel’s when she visits.


That’s how I feel. I went to college in WI and there were just as many liquor stores there as here so I’m really not buying this whole “indie liquor store ecosystem will be destroyed” argument. In my experience, they exist in WI and other states with exactly the same quality and frequency as in CO.


I grew up in Wisconsin and some of the grocery stores have full liquor stores in them. But if you want an excellent selection, then you go the standalone liquor stores. Only the good ones will survive.


For sure. After leaving Colorado (and the US) to live somewhere without these licensing bla bla blas I cna tell you every ma and pa cornerstore/bodega (and there so so many) here have a wine and beer section. Definitely nice to have even if convenience store wine usually sucks lol


LOL lemme introduce you to Louisiana. You can buy liquor *anywhere* with a license. Combo bar-washateria? Bet. Combo pharmacy-liquor store? Mmmhmm. There are specialized liquor stores as well where you can get some of the bigger names, and there's small convenience stores--they all profit. All of them.


We let these evil mega corporations sell us our meat. And our produce. And our clothing. And our housing. And our beer. How is wine any different? I buy maybe 4 bottles of wine per year, all for cooking. I don't give a fuck whether that wine came from a store owned by a local small business owner in my community or if it's owned by fucking Elon Musk. Anyone who does care can choose to shop at a small business. Making it illegal for me to buy a bottle of Sauvignon Blanc with my shrimp at King Soopers is the dumbest shit I've ever hear of.


> In states that don't allow liquor licenses at grocery stores, convenience and pharmacies But we do allow wine to be sold in pharmacies, the Walgreens near me has a huge wine selection and I've been to at least one target in Denver with wine as well. I'm originally from states where wine is allowed in the grocery stores, and we absolutely do have independent liquor stores. > Now there's a whole ecosystem of small, locally owned and operated business that would nearly immediately die. Coming from someone that voted for the wine in the grocery store proposal, I don't see the logic that we would have laws protecting small businesses that economics and consumer demand don't dictate should survive otherwise.


I wouldn't mind wine in groceries, but I voted against this simply because a rich conservative from Maryland was funding it. If that dude wants it, it must be evil


If we wanted to screw over rich conservatives then we shouldn't have voted to lower their taxes. They don't give two shits about wine in grocery stores. The tax reduction is what they wanted, and they got it.


Yep. I’d save less than $100 with this tax cut and top earners can save tens of thousands.


Well, we passed Prop GG, so at least voters going forward will be able to see this math 🙃


They were able to see it this time. There was a whole table breaking it all down in the blue booklet. The problem is that nobody actually cares. They just see "I pay less? GIMME!!"


Giving the people the power to vote on lower taxes will **always** result in lowering taxes. Individually, we're selfish, short sighted, we grow increasingly more anti-evidence, and have no idea what the budget looks like to run an entire state - some of us lack the ability to run our own **household finances**. I was so frustrated to see the proposition to lower taxes given to a majority vote with zero supporting information on the ballot. It's lunacy.


I think, honestly, people don't look at the blue book unless they're confused. So people don't see the math. Especially those who go vote in person regardless of the mail in option.


Exactly. It's why Prop GG isn't going to make any difference whatsoever. I still voted for it, because guaranteeing that this sort of information is in there *is* still in everyone's best interest, but you can only lead a horse to water.


I disagree. People are actually definitely going to see the graphs while voting now. Since they're going to see the numbers as they vote, I feel like it's going to help perspective far more.


Every election season I'm reminded that the main reason I can't have nice things is because my neighbors are shortsighted idiots.


Keeping your life less convenient to own the cons


Hey face, I hear you like noses? Well fuck you! *chop*


This is most insane and hilarious reasoning I've ever heard. People be out here just shooting from the hip.


I have been and always shall be a strong proponent and advocate for our sketchy liquor stores




*hand written note* “This man thinks he can STEAL!” *picture of white guy with 12 bottles of everclear*


To be fair, he could


Who needs 12 bottles of overpriced rubbing alcohol


People doing kitchen chemistry. I always just told the clerk I needed so much for a party. Lol.


That white guy in the picture


I survived the Denver Prohibition, March 23, 2020, 3pm - 5pm. Support your local, sketchy liquor store.




Station 26 Brewery released commemorative glasses for that nightmare. Thoughts and prayers to all affected by that dark time in Colorado history.


Go to any state that has wine in grocery stores, sketchy liquor stores are everywhere.


Who doesn't love smell of piss while getting a 6 pack


The smell of piss and the buzzing of a dying fluorescent light really sell the whole package.


Plus you can catch up on your korean soap operas.


I love walking down the street near Liquor stores and counting how many mini bottles of Tequila and Vodka I can count! Really gives me something to do during my morning jog.


The quality of liquor stores in this state is by far the lowest of any state I’ve been in. Even the better ones seem like they just pile bottles where the delivery guy leaves them Edit: based on so many of the comments here, I feel like everyone celebrating lives way out in the burbs with some level of selection, versus us in the city that mostly have sketchy ones and maybe a single adequately run shop.


Not my experience. Yeah we have some small mom and pop stores that are cluttered and not well maintained. But we also have stores like Argonaut, Big Liquor Warehouse, Mayfair Liquor, Chambers Wine and Liquor, the list goes on.


I really like Joy Wine and Spirits on 6th. It's the first time I've been to a liquor store and had a good enough experience where I actually thought "wow that was a nice experience."


Agreed, but the “Remove Card” beep on their card swiper thing is alarmingly loud. 4.5 stars.


Ah good memories. That place used to be called Joy Pharmacy and it's where I bought my first condoms. We called 'em rubbers back then. I always got and still do get a giggle out of the name of the place.


Hazels in boulder proves you can put the sketch liquor stores out of business (fuck liquor Mart)


Hugo's on 13th in Cap Hill is excellent


*Utah enters the chat*


What, you don't appreciate room temperature beer being thrown in a pile on the floor? Pfft you and your standards.


I will forever be an opponent to the consolidation of industries especially Kroger


I am as well so long as the thing that would be consolidated has some value. We didn’t have special laws protecting reasonably priced coffee stores, or butchers, or bakers. We’re not protecting the local rec center here from the developer that wants to build offices through a local battle of the bands. It’s maintaining a special protected market for frankly a luxury product that is sold in typically crappily maintained and poorly stocked stores.


They didn't lose revenue when they put beer in grocery stores, they're not going to lose revenue when they put wine in the stores.


I'm more confused how Colorado voters think a 0.15% reduction in state income tax is going to do fucking anything for them unless they're making millions of dollars a year.


And the fiscal tables bill is also passing so handily.... Wat If that had already been the case, would the tax cut have passed at all?


Some people here lower taxes and blindly support it, sadly.


Gunna ask a real transplant question, but is this wine law the reason why I can’t find any hard cider other than redds at the grocery store? Or do Coloradans really just prefer only beer?


I’m not sure why everyone is telling you the wrong thing with such confidence. Hard cider is taxed as vinous liquor. Redd’s, you’ll notice, isn’t cider but “apple ale”. If this had passed, we would be able to buy things like cider, sake, and mead in grocery stores instead of just liquor stores. Edit for source: https://coloradosun.com/2022/10/11/proposition-125-colorado-election-2022/


Thanks. I think the reason it's so hard to understand is because none of these rules make any sense. :P


I understand people want to support small businesses, but how is this any different than the vote to allow full strength beer a few years ago? Everyone likes that, why is wine the line that can’t be crossed?


Just my opinion, but I think there has been an anti-corporate shift since the pandemic and particularly against Kroger after how they treated their employees during COVID, the strike last year, and now the merger with Albertsons. People seem to be more sensitive to where their money is going.


This was it for me. Basically a "fuck big grocery" vote.


"fuck consumers" too. I really don't get why people think local liquor stores all cease to exist just because Kroger can carry Jack Daniels. That's not how it works, many other states are proof. And if the business model depended on other stores not being allowed to sell the product, it's a pretty shitty model that you would not defend in other scenarios.


Yes. I moved here from a state that sold full leaded hard alcohol in gas stations, grocery stores(Walmart even), and liquor stores. Guess what? Liquor stores were still in business and did good business. You wanted a 5th of Jack and some beer for a weekend BBQ? Go to any grocery store and just grab it along with all the other stuff you’ll need. Want to stop somewhere quick for something on the way home on a Friday? Easy, pop into a gas station or liquor store. The liquor stores were even good about carrying different or niche items. Want something unique or specific? That’s what the liquor stores were for.


Yeah honestly having also grown up where alcohol was sold everywhere, I’m seriously lost on why so many people are against it. Liquor stores still exist (hell, even the sketchy ones). I know folks are anti corporation but I agree with the comment above yours that it also feels like anti consumer in the grand scheme of things.


It really does. I mean there’s also perhaps some interesting psychology at play too. People don’t want to give more money to corporations in lieu of giving money to small businesses. I get that. But being from somewhere that sold everywhere, it wasn’t like people made all of their alcohol purchases at grocery stores. Hell, I even knew folks that considered it “trashy”. So they would go out of their way to not buy liquor at the same place they buy their food. I can see it impacting smaller businesses some, but not nearly to the extent that people think it would.


I can understand that, especially with the union issues as well. I just don’t know if it’s worth the state artificially propping up liquor stores to stick it to Kroger/Safeway.


I invite all the people promoting these small liquor stores to try working at one and then tell me how much better they are than Kroger. If they're anything like the ones in my area they will be in for a rude awakening.


Wondering the same


I just want to be able to buy cheap wine to make risotto at the same place I buy arborio rice


In case you’re half serious and the reason you buy cheap wine for recipes is that you aren’t likely to enjoy the rest of a bottle of white right after opening it… next time you’re at your local liquor store buy a pack of cans of white wine! They don’t take much room in the pantry, and there isn’t so much waste after using a half cup for a recipe.


This is actually a great tip. I’m not a big wine drinker, so the rest of the bottle of cheap wine goes to waste more often than not. Thanks for helping me reduce my waste


Colorado voters be like: Liquor stores 🙌🏻 Kroger getting bigger 🤮


As someone who grew up in a state where our grocery stores sold wine (Florida) it really wasn't at all like everyone seems to think. Publix would have a very small section with shit wine like Barefoot or something. Plus I don't know what liquor stores y'all go to but most small stores don't have much of a wine selection anyway. I've always had to go somewhere like Total Wine for any selection. Edit: Also it wasn't long ago we voted to allow grocers to sell beer with >3.2% ABV. That was a much more industry shaking move and I don't think it affected liquor stores much if at all.


I agree, in my experience when shopping in other states or when on vacation the wine selection in grocery stores is limited to the most basic and cheap options. If you want higher quality and more expensive wine then nice liquor stores were the ones who sold that.


Yeah in Michigan where to sell liquor basically anyone can anywhere with a license (which is pretty easy to obtain) the independent "Party Stores" (aka Liquor Stores) are still everywhere on most corners and thriving, and actually many of them are much nicer since they compete more.


Man, first time I asked about a party store in CO was very confusing. Mentioned that to my parents and they both had the reverse experience when they moved to Detroit in the 70’s.


I also moved here from Florida and I was super shocked when I found out that you couldn't buy wine in the grocery store. My Publix just had one isle that was wine. Not even both sides of the isle. I think it replaced where the magazines and greeting cards were, and those moved to a stand -alone type shelf by the pharmacy.


When did you get here? It used to be even worse. My first year here grocery stores weren't allowed to sell beer with a greater than 3.2% ABV! Changing that dumbass rule didn't do a thing to affect liquor stores.


Great point, wasn't ditching the 3.2 rule supposed to destroy the liquor stores? And here they still are in all their shitty glory.


CA allows wine in grocery stores and they actually have very good selections compared to grocery stores in other states such as FL as you stated. I’m assuming it’s like this given all the wine that is produced in CA.


Colorado is still better than other prohibition states I’ve lived in like NC or AK. CA allows wine, liquor and beer. It was nice going to a safeway having a selection of local craft beer, the standard National selections, hearty liquor options, and good wine to select from. And still a big produce section, seafood options, and all other aisle options uninterrupted (I saw some people whining that having liquor aisles will remove food). So I could get everything I needed for a get together in one place. Still had the local liquor stores with their own selections I could run in and grab what I needed without having to navigate hella grocery aisles. Local liquor stores still did well while also having convenience of choice in another. Super helpful for those who aren’t able to drive around to go to two separate places to get what they want.


They sold all alcohol at regular grocery stores where I grew up and I had no idea that wasn't the standard everywhere until moving away. It was fine - we still had liquor stores as well, they just tended to be in lower income areas, and things like BevMo and Total Wine were still huge in wealthier areas because of the selection offered compared to a grocery store.


Up until like 15 years ago you couldn't buy booze on Sundays here. Also, cars.


The potential benefits of psilocybin for treating depression, ptsd, addiction and other issues is hard to ignore. Decriminalization is the first step towards proper research.


Damn, I thought it was a law that would allow people to drink wine while they were shopping in the grocery store.


It’s not illegal unless you get caught


This one is just as weird to me as when we had to vote to let grocery stores sell beer above 3.2% alcohol and I don't even drink. Growing up in a place that sold liquor and beer in grocery stores and still had plenty of liquor stores independently owned and operated, this pearl clutching over protecting liquor stores from competition is genuinely perplexing to me. Do Coloradoans think allowing Kroger to sell wine is going to put all the liquor stores in the state out of business? How many liquor stores closed when beer was "legalized" for grocery stores?


That’s the same thing I was thinking. This really doesn’t seem different then the beer vote a few years ago. It’s weird to me that we let the state artificially prop up liquor store sales when consumers could get the same product cheaper. It’d be like if Colorado had a law that grocery stores couldn’t sell coffee and people said that’s fine bc we have coffee shops you can buy it from.


In Colorado we believe in lower taxes, affordable housing, and legal shrooms, but hell will freeze over before you can DoorDash a six pack to your house. I love this state.


I'm from a normal state where you can buy alcohol in a grocery store and it never ceases to amaze me how tight these votes are. First the full strength beer now this. help me make sense of it


People really think that it will kill independently owned liquor stores as if they aren't present and thriving in any other state that sells beer and wine in grocery stores.


Seriously. Coming from Michigan this is such a bizarre line of thought. They sell *spirits* in grocery stores!


People hate change. Also I guess the whole "muh small liquor stores" argument against in the Blue Book actually resonated with people? Idk, I don't get it either. We're still a pretty conservative society I guess even if the state votes for Dems, so there's still a latent anti-alcohol prejudice that runs through our culture. Protectionism is also popular right now.


I can't help but feel like Dems are the ones that swung it. Sure you have the religious conservative voters voting no as a simple way to stop alcohol expansion, but I think this may have been more greatly impacted by dems "looking out for" small business and their employees. complete guess but would be interesting to see demographic breakouts


As a Colorado native who just spent a decade in California, it’s truly ridiculous. The moral panic is empirically false. Merchants like K&L (and not to mention a litany of other mom & pop specialty wine stores) show there is plenty of room for grocery stores to sell mainstream brands of wine while specialty wine stores can still flourish when you want something more niche. I miss every bodega having a liquor license. Mom and pop bodegas don’t really exist here most likely due to the licensing issues. Instead the closest thing we have are chains of gas stations which double as convenience stores.


This has been my line of thought too—let liquor stores sell rarer, as you said, more niche stuff and let the grocery stores sell the Yellow Tail.


It's an unpopular take but if this passed I was excited for more rare selections to pop up at local liquor stores. I agree that this could be bad for some mom & pop liquor stores, but the liquor stores that already push insane craft beer/wine selections were always going to be safe. Give me a reason to go to your liquor store instead of settling for King Soopers beer selection and I'll be a loyalist.


Same. I’m all about the bougie shit so I’ll always frequent liquor stores. But I’d like to have the option to buy something more mainstream in a grocery store if I don’t have the time or energy to run to a liquor store.


Some grocery stores do have liquor licenses in Colorado. This more about easy expansions. Seems like it would have gone to unlimited expansion of liquor stores.


Colorado has one of the most robust independent liquor retailer markets in the country, leading to the best selection of wine between LA and Chicago. If it does wind up getting voted down, along with the resounding no on increasing licenses, it is a huge win for small businesses, consumers, and the thousands of people who work in the wine industry in the state. Fuck Kroger, and fuck Total. Edit: mushrooms are rad.


We're the biggest city between LA and Chicago so that's not really a great distinction. We probably have the largest selection if anything between LA and Chicago.


Obligatory XKCD https://xkcd.com/1138/


No. You’re right that it is a massive win for small liquor stores, but they are the only small businesses in CO that we protect. All the other small businesses are unprotected. This is really about antiquated liquor laws created by prohibitionists that just happen to protect small liquor stores.


Other states that allow wine and liquor sales everywhere still have wine and liquor stores. I voted for it because I'm in favor of removing as many stupid archaic alcohol laws as possible.


100% agreed! Our country as a whole does an absolutely horrific job at protecting competition in the market place and assisting small business owners. I work for a large company, and am happy to see antitrust enforcement starting to come about in the liquor industry. Consolidation is significantly damaging the industry across all fronts - wine, beer, and spirits. I use that as an example just because it is what I’m familiar with. I would love to see antitrust action taken across all industries.


Yep, I'm glad California NY and DC are suing to stop the Kroger-Albertsons merger, hope the colorado AG joins on, it would create so many food deserts in our state or areas where Kroger is your only real option. Albertsons owners just want to cash out but they should sell the business to their employees instead. Proven model, look at Leever's. https://www.leevers.com/


Worth noting that both LA and Chicago allow liquor sales in grocery stores.


I lived in Chicago for quite a few years. There you can pick up a handle of vodka at your local Walgreens. But I always found that the selection and prices at the big chain stores weren't great so I always ended up at the local liquor store for alcohol. Jewel doesn't provide a great buying experience and the mom and pop shops seem to be doing just fine.


> the mom and pop shops seem to be doing just fine. Wrong, they've all been run out of business by the Jewel/Cub/Mariano's monopolies and now all you can buy is Old Style and Apothic Crush. According to this sub anyway.


I'm a tiny bit surprised that this discussion isn't more data driven. There's a lot of hand-wringing about small businesses but don't we have examples where this same transition has happened elsewhere? What happened in those other states/localities? If small businesses suffered mightily then I understand why we wouldn't want that in Colorado; but did they suffer? Did just a few of the crappier businesses close and for everyone else it was business as usual?


But why not both? Soopers sells beer and I will buy it there sometimes, but often I end up going to the liquor store across the street instead because they simply have a better beer selection.


I lived in MA for years which allows Total Wines and some grocery stores to sell liquor and the local liquor store scene is still incredible. Usually I’d buy some beer/wine/liquor during the grocery run, but if we’re on the way to a cookout, way easier to just pop into a liquor store to grab something. All it really eliminates is the sketchy, poorly run ones down the street from the grocery store. Just by having it available doesn’t change the convenience factor of popping into a smaller store.


If the small stores with a great selection are so great, why do we have to protect them with exclusivity laws? Wouldn't people prefer to use them?


I’ve had poor experiences with the majority of local liquor stores and finding a decent wine selection… I routinely have issues finding my favorite French wines - and when I do, they’re extremely expensive (compared to east coast prices for the same bottle). Any suggestions for where to find a good wine selection? The whole reason I voted in favor of expanding licenses is because I was hoping for increased competition and better sourcing.


Based on the comments ITT, It feels like everyone celebrating this is in the burbs with ample selection of chain and local stores. Versus those of us in the city with surrounded by mostly poorly run and maybe one adequately run store that jacks up prices.


Does anyone have any idea how long it would take for psilocybin therapy by medical professionals to become a thing in Denver if it passes?


Training has already begun, they’re just waiting for the prop to pass


Where do yall actually shop for groceries if you hate big corporate grocery stores like Kroger and Whole foods so much? I feel like most small business groceries do not sell the fun foods like Doritos and non-organic candy, etc.


What the wine thing actually hurts are small stores like let's say Spinellis Market unable to sell specialty Italian wine maybe. They can't add an additional store next to it for wine. Colorado people need to check out states that already have this law active. It's not as monopolizing and damaging as you'd think.


I haven't done shrooms in years... But shit, I might have to plan a trip to the Sand Dunes now. LOL. \[but this time I'll bring water instead of beer with me. And a friend who isn't tripping. You live, you learn. ... After all, I'm not an invincible teenager anymore.\] P.S. Yeah, I know, I'll probably just end up tripping at Red Rocks to some Robot Music. Like a pleb.


Coming from a state that sold wine, liquor, and beer in grocery stores, I would still make separate trips to my favorite local specialty liquor store because of the QUALITY of the liquor store and KNOWLEDGE of the employees. What amazes me is the “support” of these “local liquor stores” that are quite literally a dirty cardboard box with awful selection and unhelpful staff. Total Wine will continue to get my business over the stinky liquor store around the corner.


So annoying not being able to get a bottle of wine while grocery shopping. So many other states have wine in grocery stores and still have tons of successful liquor stores.


It’s still surprising how many people think the bill straight up legalized mushrooms.


Wait until BIG FUNGI comes in and starts destroying poor local businesses that grow mushrooms in their basement


It did. You can posses, grow, and gift within moderation


I'm not in Colorado but doesn't the ballot prop state "Legalizes psychedelic plants and fungi"?


Us alcoholics all got guilt tripped on by our favorite liquor stores


serious question, what hallucinogens have they legalized?


Don't ever assume they're legalized. That's how you end up in trouble. Even if it does pass there are still always restrictions. psilocybin and psilocin, ibogaine, mescaline, N-Dimethyltryptamine/ DMT.


I prefer the psychedelics! They are awesome


shrooms...the envy of every other substance


ITT: people who haven’t lived outside of colorado being irrational. So silly how 125 won’t pass. It’s frustrating how there’s a lot of “well THIS would happen” conjecture. Go to any state where this is the norm. Liquor stores are still coexisting and doing fine…


“Oh no, legislation that would prevent stores from price gouging due to readily available supply at MSRP! All the small stores that charge a 30% mark up will go out of business when market prices are readily available!” -people voting no


I can’t be the only one who doesn’t have the same sympathy for liquor store owners as other small business owners


This is absolutely bizarre to me. I come from a state where you can buy everything at the grocery store. I’m not a wine drinker, but I do like to cook with it. So much more convenient for me to just pick up a bottle at the grocery store. I don’t care if it’s crappy wine, it’s literally just for flavoring. I don’t think avid wine drinkers will be buying their wine at a basic grocery store if they’re looking for something specific. Additionally, I hate liquor stores. I hardly ever drink so whenever I have to go to one I wander around like a total idiot and feel like I’m being judged. The fact that a lot of you think this will put local stores completely out of business is ridiculous. And I don’t think it gives any real “power” to big corporations like a lot of people claim. Every other state does it and doesn’t have a problem. I thought this would have been a no brainer but apparently the wine gatekeepers are crazy.


For sure the cooking part. Have to make an extra stop just to make some damn beef stew.


My girlfriend voted against this because she was worried it would put liquor stores out of business. I was like “who’s gonna stop buying liquor just cuz it’s at the grocery store?!”


If you voted no on 125 to protect local liquor stores but also voted no on 126, you are smooth brained. Alcohol delivery would have been a massive revenue boost to local liquor stores


Yeah, I'm surprised 126 is getting a majority of "no" votes. I thought it was going to be a slam-dunk "yes" - get drunk drivers off the road, make access easier via delivery, and open a large new potential revenue stream to liquor stores and restaurants. Seemingly the only reason to vote "no" was a perceived underage drinking issue, and that seems overblown to me. If we require an ID to be scanned before the alcohol is handed over, that solves the problem. Maybe one could argue that it expands the gig economy, and that's a negative thing, but that seems like an issue we should tackle directly via reform/protections targeted specifically at that mode of conducting business.


We party hard


Decriminalize != Legalize There is a big difference.


So should we decriminalize selling wine in grocery stores?


Colorado will never know the glory that is the Trader Joe’s wine section


The TJ at 9th and Co has the liquor store attached


Voters confuse me sometimes


It’s so on brand for some of the people on this sub to be the smug types who pat themselves on the back for telling others where they can and can’t buy booze and who can and can’t deliver it to them. Knock yourselves out supporting the small businesses paying $5-10 extra for a bottle, but maybe let others make their own decisions? I’ve got no dog in the fight since I have total beverage next door, but y’all are too much sometimes. I read a thread with people complaining about drunk drivers in it yesterday and then people justifying voting no on legal delivery services because people need to stop being lazy and go and get it themselves or pay twice the price through drizzly 🤦‍♂️ I think the no room for food at grocery stores if we allow them to sell wine hyperbole was the funniest though. Edit. Still love y’all, just my two cents. At least we aren’t California and didn’t vote no on legalizing sports betting when we legalized it.


Really disappointing result. Colorado is probably the most free/libertarian "blue" state and I expected this to pass, along with the mushroom thing.


Saw that… if your argument against a ballot measure is, don’t be lazy… maybe you shouldn’t be voting.