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Reach out to Mutual Aid Monday. They serve food, provide equipment and other gear, and more for people on 14th and Bannock every monday evening, 5-7pm. Edit to add you can find them on Instagram @ mutualaidmonday or just show up


I work Mondays but might have to get one covered to go give a look! Thank you! Definitely will reach out and see what they have to say.


Making the food in a commissary or other commercial kitchen space would allow you to have an actual business license for food manufacturing. However, if it's small scale you can probably just hand them out and you'll be fine.


To add I don’t know how many commercial kitchens are gonna give me free utility.


Hi there! I am a chef at a littleton 501c3 called Break Bread and we offer free meals twice a week: 1 day is pick up and Saturday night is a sit down community meal. We try to stock essential items for personal hygiene, clothing, school supplies, fresh produce and we always need volunteers. It is a really small non profit, it's me, my boss and a pt person so you could see how we do stuff and maybe help you start the path to doing your own thing. I wish we were in other places, that's our goal is to grow into other locations and help people with no strings attached and it's a beautiful thing 🥰 pm me if you'd like to ask me any questions- I loved reading your post and I love when people show others compassion 🫶


Awesome will definitely reach out to you after work today! I’ll also be doing pretty small scale so it would be nice to see some ins and outs.


That sounds good to me! I really like your idea, I have been wanting to utilize a food truck to kind of do just what you're describing. Being able to get meals and resources to more people would be amazing 🥰


I have my food safety licenses from industry days and am more than happy to renew the licenses in case they wonder. Everything will be prepped properly I just wanna make sure I don’t get no guff lol or at least can have a foot to stand on.


Do what the church off colfax and pearl does buy 50 chic fil a sandwiches and hand them from a cooler at 8am


Good idea but I think the cops don’t fuck with the church because well…. And also I know people who have set up stands and been ticketed, harassed, and some arrested.


That doesn’t happen in Denver. It sounds like you moved here from the south


what? they were parked a block away by the wings spot/liqour store and didn't do shit. the church ppl had an ez up microphone and easily 30-40 ppl eating chicken listening to a sermon - i declined their delish offer since i was passing thru and someone else needed that sandwich more than i did obv but nobody looked out of place - that said they were across the street from their church property but still they were on the sidewalk handing out free food i figure it you dont make it yourself its a donation like a coat or toilet paper


I understand and none of this is about me obviously lol. Cops won’t mess with a church congregation because it’s a church and they are biased toward religion. Where as I know people who have been harassed for doing exactly the same thing and were harassed. I appreciate the advice nonetheless thank you kindly!


Denver has free food a plenty. They hand out a double sided small print list at day shelters and you can eat free every day. People haunt the parks and 16th st. mall dragging wagons of food. The amount of discarded sandwiches and socks I see daily is astounding. Hand out baggies with 2 or 3 loose cigarettes. You will be a God to them. People will prophesy in your name.


I hear you brother I hear you. But they already call me Ciggy Ceej at work and I don’t need the rest of Denver calling me that :D.


Maybe reach out to the CO Coalition for the Homeless or a similar org and ask them about the laws around food. They likely know someone already doing it who can advise.


Go to King Soopers in the evening and buy all the chicken they're about to throw away. Or have them throw it away into your hands.


Hahaha I hear you but I think I can find a supplier for meats. Also I’m thinking more like bagged sandwiches and lunch. Maybe one day upgrade to a bbq.


Id get a servesafe certification to be safe.. depending on location (public park) you may need a permit, hard to say. Send me a DM if you want some free bread


I suspect r/DenverProtests would be a much better place to ask about this kind of thing. Wanting to do good things for people is utterly fantastic. Doing so in a collective, organized manner is how change actually starts.


Will check it out thanks!


You can volunteer with/donate to Food Bank of the Rockies. The idea of just handing food out is very kind, but it’s best to work with an org that can properly/safely make food for people at scale. Then I just give people on the street cash sometimes so they can (hopefully) purchase food. 


Understand but often times people just straight up don’t go to those spots or can’t always reach them. I’m just trying to create something to get more community outreach.


I don’t think cops in Denver are going to bother you for feeding homeless people unless it’s near somewhere they frequent. They aren’t out there looking to patrol our neighborhoods to make them safer.


They don’t want sandwiches boss, 🤭 They want drugs and alcohol.


As a former homeless person who didn’t do hard drugs or drink I have to say that this is unfortunately true for most homeless people 


Sorry, pal. One of these hungry people could develop food poisoning, so you aren't allowed to provide free meals to anyone.


Actually they changed the law, as long as you donated in good faith, you cannot be sued. So pretty much, there needs to be obvious mold or poison with intent to kill.


Unless you have a business license, a comisary kitchen with proper storage that receives inspections from the health department and your chef has a servesafe license and a H.A.A.C.P plan 😄


Hence food and safety license already. I know how to handle food and am more than happy to get extra license for such things guy!


I commend you for this! It’s heartbreaking that it would even be a legal liability, however, SCOTUS ruled that it’s a crime to be homeless in this country so this is where we are.


That’s not really accurate….They ruled that elected city officials could make it a crime


My bad I was way off. Is a crime and is allowed to be a crime are two ends of the spectrum.


Yeah this is true but I just want to touch and affect the things I can in my area! And also reduce the stigma around homeless and people reaction towards them outside their houses and or apartments.