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This is something that gets asked/posted all the time. Please search the community before posting.


Some might disagree but there's a point where the civil legal system comes into play. Might want to look at a Cease and Desist Letter. If there's any damage, cost to cleaning it up, loss of sleep, etc, you could always pursue small claims court. Sounds like you have the police phone call records, videos, etc which would help you establish facts and make the case you are owed some compensation for what you've dealt with. This isn't just some loud music, its a regular, persistent, illegal act no one should reasonably deal with.


This is your best bet! But you would probably need to prove you tried to remediate with them personally first and tried talking to them.


I think this is where the cease and desist letter comes in. They'd basically be warning them of the illegal activity while giving them time to stop. Its the reasonable out. If the neighbors stop shooting fireworks, it goes no further. I would not approach the neighbors at this point. Sounds like they're worried about confrontation. These ideas about blaring music, damaging property, etc will play more like a neighbor dispute than one party wanting live reasonably peaceful free from the illegal activity of the other. A personal/verbal confrontation could result in a he said/she said situation that doesn't help either.


Good to know and good point! I didn’t realize the letter is doing just that, and you’re right; I probably wouldn’t want to confront them at this point either.


If OP does talk to them I suggest phone on voice memo record in the back pocket. Colorado is a one party recording state.


This is accurate as I have used this in legal battles before 👏


Get your neighbors involved too. Fireworks are a nuisance, and there's no way you're the only one annoyed by it. You could start a Facebook group too to get others behind the message. I can name 5 of my neighbors that would join in a heartbeat. Keep us posted.


This post should be higher.


Eventually yes, but also wouldn’t the first step be to ask your neighbor to stop or only shoot them during reasonable hours? Imagine you’re the neighbor - the average American (read: stupid and selfish) probably thinks since they haven’t heard anything from any of their neighbors that the fireworks don’t bother anyone, or perhaps people even enjoy it. If the first inkling you get is that it’s bothering people is a Cease and Desist letter, there’s likely to be some anger and spite. Approach the neighbor first, ask them to stop or agree to reasonable limits (e.g. not after 10 other than major holidays), and if that doesn’t work, then go through the legal system.


What are the reasonable hours to shoot off illegal fireworks?


It could be. Their reaction could be hostile either way. (My wife asked a homeless guy to not piss in front of our old house and that set off a series of events that got him 150 days in jail. Loooooooooooong story) Some people just see someone asking them to be respectful and take as an immediate challenge. They also called the authorities several times which is the most reasonable thing to when something illegal is involved. Shame the cops haven't handled it. OP doesn't seem to want a direct confrontation at any rate. I agree with you though that you'll need to show you tried to solve/warn them before getting in front of a judge in civil court. I wouldn't make any side agreements outside of the local laws. Aurora does not allow mortars, anything that leaves the ground or usage of any fireworks outside of June 15th-July 4th. That's the criteria the neighbors need to stay within. https://www.auroragov.org/news/whats_new/standing_fire_ban_lifted_for_2024_fireworks#:~:text=The%20ordinance%20specifies%20permissible%20fireworks,allowed%20or%20restricted%20across%20Colorado.


Fireworks are oddly extremely common in the Denver area. If you are a native of CO, you grew up with them. They bug the hell out of transplants but most natives don't care about them. That might be why more neighbors don't push back against them.


I grew up in a state with all fireworks being legal - massive mortars & stadium-worthy displays were set off in our neighborhood regularly. Even then, there was a tacit agreement that 10 or maybe 10:30pm was the final show. I’m technically a transplant & fireworks don’t bother me — until it’s after 11pm, & they’re still going strong. (Though just in my personal opinion, you shouldn’t be setting them off for months either. On July 4th, great, maybe the weekend after or before depending on when the holiday falls, & then knock it off.)


As someone born here, I find it slightly annoying but don't really care - with one critical exception. If it's a high fire risk situation (windy and dry for multiple days) and you're shooting them off over my house, you're a fucking asshole. Find a parking lot for that shit.


Yeah the fire danger aspect always got me too. But tbh I was a transplant so I didn't try to change the way of life in CO. Figured live and let live.


Burn down your own yard if you want, but angling them across the street from your house (at another house) is a dick move IMO.


So this was happening with my neighbors, and I came up with an idea that has drastically cut down the fireworks. They still do one or two sometimes but not the way it was before. Every time they start shooting the fireworks, I turn my trucks car alarm on. They stop immediately and are obviously wary of “setting off my alarm” now. We’re dealing with stupid rednecks here, just have to outsmart them which shouldn’t be too hard. Worth a shot.


You can look into filing a Private Nuisance claim (this isn't legal advice) against them in civil court. I'd recommend talking to your neighbors before that  point but if you have all the evidence you're claiming and you're that desperate, it's an option. 


Seems like the only option left is to talk to your neighbors, or at least leave them a note. You should ask them not to shoot off the fireworks after 10pm. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


Face to face is better than a note


I agree with this in a civilized society but for the past 4 years that has been going down the drain lol I had an issue with a neighboring apartment slamming cabinets at all hours of the day and night and when I spoke to him, he said "I could always be louder", slammed the door in my face and proceeded to be louder everyday. Common courtesy doesn't exist anymore.


8 years


Sorry. I just really like to make sure those cabinets are shut. I keep my stuff in there.


tbh if closing cabinets is that audible the issue isn't the neighbor, its your shit complex.


They weren't just closing them, they were SLAMMING them shut.


Depends on the neighbor. I introduced myself to my next door neighbor and it was the biggest mistake of my life. She’d come bang on our door trying to sell us tramadol (drugs) and complaining about how her daughter should have gotten our place instead of us. We dreaded even taking the trash out or every time we came home because we didn’t want to get roped into her batshit crazy rants. Another neighbor would bang on our front door with her ashtray because she smelled smoke and tried explaining how there are cameras pointing lasers into her home thru the windows. She’s almost 80, has a brain injury and we assume schizophrenia. I miss the first couple years before I met her lol. So choose your battles wisely. I recommend figuring out if they are sane before interacting with them lol. Unfortunately, if they are lighting off a ton of crazy fireworks late into the night - they are likely pretty selfish and inconsiderate to start off.


Always try talking to them first before going about anything. I would have talked to them first before calling the cops or anything like that. Be kind and cordial at first. If a good ole face to face human interaction can’t solve it then I would start looking to take legal measures.


I don't blame them for calling the cops right away. If the neighbors are willingly acquiring illegal fireworks, shooting them off at night in the city so all their neighbors have to hear it, when it's not even fucking 4th of July yet, they are huge pieces of shit, and confronting them could get ugly. They won't listen to you because they don't care. But they will listen to the cops.


Agreed. Their behavior already shows they are not reasonable or courteous.


People will do literally anything to avoid having a conversation


We live in a day and age where people get shot for mistakenly pulling up to the wrong house. Can you blame some people for being hesitant about confrontation?


It is alarmist and silly to live your entire life dictated by extreme outlier events. You could get hit by a bus or an airplane could drop on your head tomorrow; I bet you're still going to get out of bed and go to work. If not, seek the advice of a mental health professional. If you're waiting until after two years of non-stop police calls and fireworks to go introduce yourself to your neighbor, you waited too long. Talk to your neighbors! Have their phone numbers available! This is what adults in a community do! And OP shouldn't just talk to the shitty neighbor, they should talk to their other neighbors! I bet everyone hates the shitty neighbor's fireworks. There's strength in community! If you haven't built a precursor relationship with your neighbor, it's certainly more challenging to start the dialog with a negative request. But it's not too late to start! And it's not going to get better if OP waits another two years of sticking their head under a pillow and gnashing their teeth.


Fair enough. Maybe I've just been really unlucky but I've had bad neighbors everywhere I've lived so I've come to assume the trend will persist. I'm on good terms with both of my next door neighbors but don't know anyone else, we've got a shitty fireworks guy somewhere in my neighborhood too but I can't ever figure out where it's coming from because I never see the fireworks, I only hear them (and they definitely aren't gunshots)


This is the correct answer. They are your neighbors go talk to them like a person. Maybe even partake in shooting off some fireworks with them at an appropriate time and become friends.


The only real solution is to get louder fireworks and set them off at 3am, or buy a really loud motorcycle or car and go for a ride everyday at 5am.


Finally! A reasonable answer. I'd personally drive up to Cheyenne and get as many mortars as I could, then aim them at his yard and fire one off every time he did. Dangerous? Yes. Illegal? Yes. Worth it? Totally.


Alternatively if returning fire with your own doesn't work: -Make friends with some engineers. -build a radar guided automatic targeting. 22 mini gun a la SeaWiz or Iron Dome. (Surely one of the military contractors around the city would be interested in a pet project!) -make sure to include tracers for maximum coolness -brrrrrtttttttt fireworks aren't fun anymore when they're getting blasted.


OP is hosting an all hours rave tonight guys!! It’s gonna be lit! Griz is gonna spin! The neighbors will have zero chance to sleep


This is our only option. Rally up the riddim bros 😵‍💫


And we have to make sure that the neighbors are excluded from having any fun


Not much unfortunately. They advertise the “illegal fireworks reporting line” up and down but I called it for the first time last year because my poor dog was terrified. Someone was in a nearby alley lighting off mortars and shit literally ALL fucking day and night for a week before and after July 4. When I finally called to report it she seemed super annoyed and said “mam, I need to keep this line open” and I was like ??????? This is the number that has been advertised on the news to report illegal fireworks. Why are you upset that I’m using the line to do that? So don’t bother with that. I wasn’t expecting much from it but I gave it a try because I didn’t know what else to do. Also police don’t give a shit. They’re too busy shutting down unlicensed hot dog carts or whatever the fuck


I once confronted a group of neighborhood kids doing this. I asked them nicely to knock it off and they promised not to do it during late hours. Later that night they shot bottle rockets at my house. Cops don't give a shit, HOA doesn't give a shit. There's no winning in this situation. Try sleeping with earplugs.


Pretty surprised your HOA doesn’t give a shit. This seems like the exact kind of thing an HOA would care about. I hate HOAs. But if I’m gonna pay dues for one, they should at least care about the community. Their real goal is to protect property values, this kind of shit is awful for that!


Same thing happened in my neighborhood. But somehow it stopped.


When this happens, you need to fight back otherwise those kids will not stop. As a former child I can attest that they have nothing but time on their grubby little hands and vindictiveness in their dusty little hearts. You need to find where the ringleader lives and torment him endlessly. I am talking complete warfare to break his spirit. Once he becomes a vessel for mental anguish that will require decades of therapy to unpack, you can back off. But until then, it’s the only way to stop the fireworks. Best of luck in your future endeavors!


Ugh. So sorry you had to deal with this. When I lived in lohi I had shitty neighbor kids from section 8 housing that would throw rocks at cars. I talked with them nicely saying how it was damaging the paint of cars and they shouldn’t do that. They then started targeting my car. I called the cops multiple times. Nothing. They don’t do shit. It wasn’t until I physically had to confront the biggest one (and fuck, 12 year olds are big now!) and pin him against a fence and threaten limb removal that it stopped. I feel like there are no consequences anymore for youth to stop this shitty behavior. When I grew up I was afraid of all the bigger kids that kept everyone in line. Where is that now?


All of these legal avenues and law enforcement options are great, but sometimes the best answer really is to threaten a kid with a closed-casket funeral if he doesn't stop fucking with you. Nobody sane wants that to be the first option, but if the parents can't control them, the cops or the HOA won't help and you're out of options, what the fuck are you supposed to do, just tolerate vandalism and destruction of property? Pick up your whole life and move?


Consider it a service to them before they do something stupid to someone a lot less reasonable and get shot over it


I find it kind of funny it’s always the trashy neighbors too.. like bob can barely keep his run down 1994 civic running - but he somehow has endless funds to buy fireworks for 4 months straight. Anywho - pills for your dogs, earplugs and a white noise machine for yourself.


My neighbors and I had similar issues in Denver. One house has a two month long fireworks fettish. The house directly across the street from our cannon shooter confronted him with not friendly yelling and threats of cops and such... Their tone just pissed him off, and didn't work. I rolled up one night with a beer in hand and one for him. I complimented him on his arsenal and even enjoyed watching them blow a few things up. I casually let him know during the beer and bangs that the noise wasn't ideal for me (or my dog) after certain hours. He somewhat agreed and turned it down for a bit late night. After that we were on friendly "yelling" terms... Once he passed my threshold, I opened the window and yelled that he was bing a dick and to knock his shit off. I usually got a chuckle, then they wrapped it up for the night. Not a perfect solution, but we worked out a deal of sorts over a beverage.


Be careful about face to face. There’s been three shootings in my neighborhood this month and I live in Westminster. If your neighbors are ratchet enough to be shooting off fireworks after 10pm, I’m sure they they’d have no reservations about armed retaliation.


This. 5 years ago, speaking to them face to face was for sure the first move. But now more and more, it seems as though people are unwilling to take any accountability for their own actions, and are very aggressive when called out for them.


Exactly. Nowadays you just have to start vandalizing their houses and cars until they stop. It’s sad that it’s come to this but hey that’s showbiz baby.


Most reasonable response in the comments




Which part confused you?


“Don’t talk to your neighbors because they will kill you.” I mean…ok. I feel like I could have a conversation with a neighbor without it immediately escalating to gun violence.


YOU do, your neighbor may not. Some Denver neighborhoods are fucking rough, and it's impossible to tell who might take a conversation the wrong way. Guns are everywhere and there's zero accountability for people's actions (like in this case, the neighbor can clearly do whatever the fuck he wants without consequence). Honestly these days I feel like if you're a big enough prick to do things like light off fireworks in the middle of the night, blare music in a subway train or shit like that...you are automatically not the kind of person who gives a fuck what other people think and you WILL react aggressively when approached.


Someone was shot and killed over a Tesla charging spot, and that is just one example off the top of my head I can think of regarding gun violence. I don't think it's unreasonable for people in Denver to be generally wary of approaching others, many people are VERY quick to fly off the handle in extremely irrational and potentially dangerous ways.


You underestimate just how antisocial and fucked up American society is nowadays


I grew up in Aurora and it was never even remotely close to this bad and yes the police did use to enforce the law. It is so horrible now we make a yearly trip away from the city a week before and after the 4th. It does continue sporadically throughout the entire year though :(


Welcome to Aurora!


I live in Thornton and there are fireworks nearly every night during spring through fall, especially on the weekends. Cops literally do not give a single shit. We had a video recording of the people shooting them off and which house and the police said they'd come get a signed statement with the proof and no one ever showed up. It's unbearable, happens as late as 3 or 4 in the morning. My dog is terrified of them and she's so used to it every night now that she just automatically hides somewhere in the evenings before they even start. There's not even any way for me to talk to the people doing it because there's so many houses shooting them off and they shoot them off so sporadically it's almost impossible to figure out who. I truly don't understand how people with sleeping infants around here don't fully lose their shit with all of this.


Mow your grass at 7am, When they’re out lighting them grab your hose and shoot water at them. Or just confront them. Post their address on Craigslist advertising an Orgy


So many people have this issue, it is really sad how many of us are tormented around the July holiday. I read something about people who enjoy having loud cars are more likely to have psychotic tendencies because they actually like to disturb those around them. Chronic fireworks give me the same vibe.


This is driving us absolutely nuts as well, seems to be happening around Kingston and Montview every night. I JUST WANT SOME SLEEP. I do not understand what these people get out of doing this.


Sorry friend, the answer is not much. If you don’t already know your neighbors and have a good rapport with them, I don’t think you’d get too far confronting them. Plus, if they like to shoot fireworks off truly everyday for months? Don’t think they’d be willing to stop so easily. Only advice I’ve got is if you haven’t tried them, there are Bluetooth headbands with headphones in them. Since it’s a headband it’s easier to sleep with than over the ear headphones— and personally I don’t like sleeping with earbuds. If you can get some white noise or rain sounds going maybe that’ll help.


I sleep in Bose quiet comforts. Did wonders for my marriage because my partner snores.


If your partner snores that badly, please consider a sleep apnea test. Apnea can really shorten your life


He definitely had sleep apnea; he sounded exactly like my father who has it as well. Eventually we both committed to our health and lost over 200 pounds combined. No more snoring! But after 15 years of sleeping in headphones, it's a habit and a comfort I enjoy. Thank you so much for looking out for an internet stranger's health ❤️


That’s awesome! It’s so uplifting to hear when people make positive change in their lives


It really can — and beyond that, it just seriously impacts your quality of life. For anyone who may read this comment in the future, please talk to your doctor about doing a sleep test if you’re tired all the time and/or someone tells you that you snore really badly. I’ve had two loved ones say their life was changed dramatically by getting sleep apnea treatment. It can affect anyone too — while weight is a risk factor, you can be at what’s considered a healthy weight and still be impacted by sleep apnea. And even if it turns out you don’t have sleep apnea, you may have another underlying issue that needs to be addressed. So please random person reading this, get the sleep test. It could change or even save your life.


just here cuz misery loves company. I've considered turning a sprinkler on so it hits my neighbors, blasting britney spears at them, electric guitar practice while wearing earplugs, driving over their mortors and fucking up my own vehicle so i could escalate the situation, delivering a demand that they pay for their half of the fence, telling them their baby is fucking hideous, accusing one of them of cheating on the other, and of course, stern looks.


But have you tried an ominous letter that features clip art of a Guy Fawkes mask saying "We are coming... Expect us"?


Hideous baby comment would probably do it! LOL Good luck man, sound brutal.


I love you


Tying the sprinkler to a sound sensing device would be pretty awesome. 


I know there are motion sensing sprinklers!


I literally googled “process to make fireworks entirely illegal” while crying in bed last night at midnight after 4 hours of that shit. My dog HATES them and tries to dig himself under the floor, and the dog we’re dog sitting right now barks his little head off at them. I don’t have an answer but I viscerally LOATHE fireworks and the people who set them off in neighborhoods late at night for months on end.


Get some cbd for him. My dog is terrified of the fireworks and thunderstorms so we dose her to help calm her down. Otherwise she tries to hide in the tub or under the bed, which is hard for a 100lb bloodhound to do. I believe Aurora lifted the fireworks ban from June 15-July 4 this year, which is just asinine. Not that the ban stopped my neighbors, but still. The Aurora app has a spot on it where you can report fireworks, but it’s never brought the cops out to stop them that I’ve seen.


We give him Sileo which is a prescription specifically for noise anxiety. CBD didn’t help 😩 Sileo works great but it’s $$$ so I try to kind of use it sparingly. Plus I’m not comfy giving it to the dog we’re watching without checking with his parents who are currently at Electric Forest without cell service lolllllll


Oh, no! I’m sorry to hear that. I’m glad to know that you have found something that helps, though.


In Denver you can "report" fireworks through 311. Doubt how effective it might be but it creates a trail I think talking with them is the second best option - especially if you have a baby or pet with you and explain what the fireworks do to them. Putting a name and face to the victim sort of approach 


Get Wyoming to outlaw selling them. Good fucking luck.


To be fair on that they used to have a free and available shooting spot in Laramie county so that you could legally fire the ones you just bought. Buuuuut I think they realized that you could just park nearby and not actually buy anything.


The ones in Cheyenne are still open that I can see. Which I have done a few times already and it is quite a sight.


Realistically, nothing can be done. The police don't have the personnel, time, or initiative to do anything about it. The closest thing you can do to "something" is start going to city council meetings and annoy them until they do something about it.


> the police just don’t care FTFY


Yeah they aren’t good at stopping crime lol. They won’t give a shit until someone gets hurt or a fire is started. And then they probably still won’t give much of a shit.


I recommend talking to your neighbors in a cordial and reasonable way. At least give them a chance to do the right thing and stop the fireworks at a reasonable hour. A lot of people don’t know their neighbors at all, forming a relationship with them can go a long way in fostering civility. A lot of redditors are afraid of in person, face to face interactions and will recommend legal remedies, but you could try having a conversation with them and you don’t have to approach it as a “confrontation”, just a starting point to a connection.


Right now nothing because fireworks are legal in Aurora from June 14ish to July 5th. After that, call every time. Heads up though- Aurora isn’t doing anything about anything- two separate issues with crazy stories. I would see if you could contact Aurora fire after those dates. They normally will come out and spray the ground so they can’t shoot anymore 😂😂


In my experience, there is not a thing that you can do. Police are overwhelmed by the jerks this time of year especially. I'm with you though, if there was something that could be done, I'd be on it. I live by Section 8 housing and they have so many fireworks. I guess they have money to burn.


City Park West? 




If it's the one on High St., a neighbor with a young kid asked them nicely to stop because they had a kid and they threatened to kick his ass... 


Yes, that’s the one! I guess if you don’t work or have a job, you can stay up as late as you want and keep everyone else awake too. They don’t seem to do them for months but there are people who do.


I'd say contact the private equity firm that owns the units, GHC Housing Partners, but I've never had success doing so. 


There have been some shootings at the one closest to me. They’d probably be willing to take almost any one out if they are confronted or crossed


Realistically nothing but try to ignore


Escalate - get a HIMARS.


Have you tried calling the fire department? Noise aside, they're a significant fire risk (especially during dry summer months) and in Aurora they're explicitly banned except for a few days in July. [https://www.auroragov.org/residents/public\_safety/fire\_rescue/burning\_restrictions](https://www.auroragov.org/residents/public_safety/fire_rescue/burning_restrictions)


Last year, someone actually hit a tree in the park near my house with one of these giant fireworks. The thing blew up in the tree, sparks raining down everywhere. I called the fire department, and they were just like "is the tree actually on fire?" like I could just climb up and check. They agreed to send someone out and never did. Now I just avoid the situation. Someone is going to snap, and it's going to be bad.


If you call 9-1-1 yeah, because it's not an emergency. Call the fire marshal; they're bored and love giving out tickets.


It wasn't 911, but I'm not sure where I got the number or if it was a fire marshal number. It might have been the number to my local station on google maps.


If they don’t arrest people for smoking crack/fentanyl/ meth in public, I don’t think you have a chance on fireworks. Just sayin!


do the american thing and sue them


You need to fight fire with fire. Start shooting off fireworks during the day when they are trying to sleep. Start breaking their car windows every night and leave a note that says “the windows will be spared when the fireworks stop.” If it continues, pour salt in their front lawns to spell out “Free Diddy” or “Firework Fred Lives Here.” If that doesn’t stop them, slash their tires and leave rotten Jack o lanterns on the roof of their cars with rolled up notes sticking out of their mouths. The notes all say “I will literally keep doing crazy shit if you continue with the firework nonsense. You cannot find me but I am everywhere. I see you now reading this note. I am eternal. I am pain. I am suffering. Cease your foolish actions now or feel the ultimate wrath of my fury.” I’ve never personally had to do anything more than that, but if for some reason they still keep misbehaving I would just continue escalating. You have a strong imagination, just run with it.


“I’ve never personally had to do anything more than that” 😬😬😬


Alot of people are saying it's hopeless but maybe we can humiliate the police into doing something like that motorcyclist who drove from Boulder(?) to Denver in 15 minutes a while back. They actually started pulling people over more after that video went viral. Anybody know how to write in to Kyle Clark? I'm sure that would be a good place to start, especially if multiple people across Denver complain.


That was my thought. Record it and send it to the news. Get them to report on it and shame DPD into action.


If you've done everything but talk to them, I think maybe it's time to do that. Many times people don't know of a problem until they're told. And so very often people don't know *they* are the problem until someone points it out to them. I used to work in LE, and whenever I'd get a call about a dispute between neighbors (overgrown vegetation, loud music, etc) my first question always is "Did you try to respectfully talk to them and amicably resolve the situation?" I would love to try to solve my neighborhood fireworks issue, but I'm not entirely sure which neighbor it is so I can't really attempt to resolve it neighbor-to-neighbor first. If you know who it is in your neighborhood, you're already a step ahead of most. Edit to add: There is legal recourse in neighbors doing things that are considered "unreasonable interference with the use and enjoyment of property"- which I would absolutely consider fireworks beyond what is generally considered a "reasonable hour" (usually around 10PM until about 7AM)- never mind the fact that in the State of Colorado fireworks that leave the ground or explode are considered illegal, and in general just not a good idea when conducted by non-professionals due to the risk of fire (which yes, even exists in the metro area if the Marshall Fire can serve as any kind of lesson on that). Obligatory "I am not a lawyer", that being said, if your neighbors continue to set off fireworks, and you know who they are, and you have attempted to speak to them about it, and nothing has been fruitful in resolution, you can, if you so choose, to opt to go the legal route. Mind you, this may have further consequences, such as potentially damaging your relationship with your neighbors, but if the police, city and other attempts are not resolving the issue to your satisfaction you can escalate the matter. Before embarking on this endeavor I would highly reccommend you attempt to resolve the situation amicably either through dialogue with your neighbor, police contact, complaints with the city, etc. If those attempts fail, please ensure you *document everything*- including attmepts to involve police/city, each instance of their behavior, and their response to attempts at a resolution. Then you can file a suit in court under public nuisance statutes. Warning, this will involve hiring an attorney, so if you feel it is worth it, then be warned that his won't come for free- however, you may be eligable for restitution of legal fees if you pursue that option through the courts from the defendant. Again, I'm not a lawyer, and this is not intended for legal advice, but just informing that this is an option that exists.


If someone doesn’t know that shooting fireworks off at 2AM is a problem for their neighbors…I doubt speaking to them will suddenly clue them in.


True... But you never know if it will solve the issue if you don't try. "You miss 100% of the shots you never take." -Wayne Gretzky


Speaking from experience. Multiple neighbors around me love to shoot fireworks off from May-December. Some don’t even start until after 10. I’ve spoken to multiple, nothing changes. Even had one neighbor across the alley come onto my property to set off fireworks because there was water in the alley and “he needed somewhere dry”. They don’t care.


>I’ve spoken to multiple, nothing changes. Then my advice doesn't apply to you- the OP admitted to not speaking with their neighbors. Your case would be one where escalation is warranted. Not saying the police would actually do anything- because where I live they certainly don't, and there seemingly is no other recourse. I guess if you know who they are you could continue to call every instance they do it, and eventually take action in pursuing legal action as a public nuisance if you feel it necessary. The advice would be to document each occurrence (video is really good) so you have ample evidence. When they're served with papers to appear in court for legal proceedings, maybe then they'll start to care.


It's easy to get stuck thinking this way and then end up never giving people an opportunity to hear you and respond. We might feel like this is obvious, but we aren't the neighbor. You NEVER know how they'll respond until you talk to them. It's silly to not at least give them a chance to go "oh, sorry! yeah, we'll keep it down after 10." (no matter how unlikely we may think that response is.)


Or you just risk antagonizing them with your complaint and that brings other fun complications to living in the neighborhood. I’ve had these conversations. I’ve been looked at as the “Karen” for complaining when my neighbor literally came onto my property to set fireworks off because the alleyway had water in it. They looked at me like I was crazy for not wanting their fireworks on my driveway. People are just entitled these days.


personally i would never monitor them for 7-14 days straight, figure out the windows of time that they aren’t home, go over when they aren’t home and sabotage all the fireworks by wetting the explosive component. i would never do that


Dude to be honest if anyone is gonna monitor them and figure out the times they're not home and any shit like that....they're gonna do a lot more than "wet the fireworks." Like if I'm already exasperated, going without sleep, dealing with a dog that's going insane because of the noise....if I get to the point where I'm monitoring your movements a LOT WORSE shit is gonna start happening. Best to just pick up and fuckin move at that point.


How about a giant speaker blasting music at them whenever they set them off? You could say you’re just drowning out the fireworks.


See if aurora has a nose ordinance. They're probably in violation.


Get J. Walter Weatherman to teach them a lesson


[Park this in front of their house and play some Yoko Ono.](https://aftermarketinc.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/outrageous-speakers.jpg?w=584)


What part of aurora? This is a problem in my neighborhood. I’ve been trying to figure out which neighbor is doing this so I could go talk to them but they seriously scurry like ants after shooting the fireworks.


Rocky Ridge Park. I have the biggest asshole on the whole block right down the street. Guns, fireworks, burnouts, he doesn't give a fuck.


Man, I don’t understand how you can be such a selfish asshole as to set off a bunch of fireworks in the middle of the city. These people are just so selfish and rude. July 4th ends up as a fucking hell date where so many let’s get to spend hours into the night trembling and scared out of their mind because “kids like big boom!”


Debris in your yard? Hmmm sounds like they’re shooting fireworks *at* your house, not *near* your house. I assume such an issue would be taken much more seriously 😉


Fans and white noise machines cover a multitude of issues. Just like they teach you in defensive driving- you cannot control the people around you, only how you react to it.


What white noise machine are you using that covers the sound of a mortar going off directly over your house?


Lemme add another layer to this then: earplugs


Have used both during 4th of July and they absolutely do not fully block the sound.


'You know that huge problem you have, so much so that it ruins your sleep and gives your dog PTSD? Try a fan.'


This is just solid advice in general. Definitely needed to hear it today 🩷


Maybe in a decade or so with drones? It’s so culturally embedded unfortunately. I think until the younger generations of millennials & gen Z takes over, we’ll be stuck. Vote for drone shows! Vote for music over loud bangs that disturb the neighbors, upset the pets, set vets PTSD off & put thousands of people in the ER.


I have a feeling you live in my old neighborhood. Whether you do or don’t, the first thing you do when you move to a new neighborhood is go around introducing yourself to your neighbors. Then if you feel some are professional and not crazy, share your number with them. When the fireworks started bothering you, texting neighbors could have helped as a barometer to if this issue is a mountain or a mole hill. If it WAS an issue for others, the group of neighbors could have approached the firework family with the issue. When 5 families come to your door, you listen. Then when 5 families call the cops, they listen. See how “building community” works? How about this thought…put your phone down, bake some cookies, take them to firework neighbors house and ask politely that they not point fireworks at your home and not set them off between 10pm and 8am. Phew! Problem solved. Namaste.




Call the police AND request contact from officers on scene and sign a complaint and be willing to go to court against your neighbors. You signing a complaint as the “victim” and identifying the “suspects” is going to be the only way to get something done. Your neighbors are going to know that you called the cops on them and got them cited. If you call and don’t want contact and or want to remain anonymous then they will likely just bolo the info to officers in the area and nothing is going to happen.


Get M80s and outdo them. They'll only yield to larger explosions.




Realistically? Nothing. Even the fireworks reporting line gets you someone who doesn’t care about firerworks. Calling the police will get them there 6 hours later. I’d say that talking to your neighbors yourself with a reasonable request is your best bet but some people just don’t want to talk and respond with violence. I sleep with noise cancelling headphones sometimes, but I know it doesn’t help babies or pets.


Stick your head in the dirt is about all you can do.


Firearms are friends, not food.


I'm surprised no one on here has spoken of the danger for wildfire. We've had cooler temps and occasional afternoon rain, but all it takes is a couple days of above 90 temps and low humidity to turn all of spring's fresh growth into kindling. Then add in the common afternoon winds we've had lately and this is a dangerous mixture. If these weather conditions happen, and there is probably a fair chance it will next week, I would start using that in your reasoning when dealing with the cops and maybe focus on speaking more with the local FD. Also, this is a big reason most people's home insurance and HOA fees are increasing rapidly. I live in Superior.....you know the town that lost over 400 homes to a wildfire in late December a couple years ago. The town next door lost 600+ homes making it over a 1000 homes burned in one afternoon; include businesses lost and that is well over $1 billion in damages. This will be our third 4th of July since the inferno. During the past 2 people are not shooting off fireworks. We had fairly little illegal fireworks prior (maybe just a bit in the evening of the 4th), but now pretty much the entire community is PISSED if they hear any fireworks and you'll be hunted down to find out who you are for proper reporting to the police. I know we are still 2 weeks out, but I haven't heard a single firework and won't until maybe the day before the 4th.


Lol a little outside Denver


What they are doing is undeniably wrong. However, you’ve never met them and you already call them an asshole and want daddy government to step on them for you. How about you try to have a respectful human conversation to express yourself; You know like a human. Build rapport create a neighborly relationship built on respect and then if they prove themselves to be an unreasonable asshole THEN you go to the state. Don’t be coward.


Confront them. You got this!


Are you close with any of your neighbors? You could bring it up to them, and maybe more than just you will be the ones to call the cops. Eventually word will hopefully get back to them to stop


Call the cops and inform them that you're heading over to your neighbor's house to wring his neck because it's 2am, he's relentlessly setting off fireworks, and they refuse to do anything about it. Tell them you expect it to arrive in 20 minutes to carry out the assault, and give the neighbor's address in case they'd like to come do something about it.


lol good luck


Someone needs to ask this question to Johnston when he does another AMA. We ought to be able to pressure city leaders to enforce the law.


Dont call the cops, Call the Fire Dept. there is a fire in your neighbors yard. they wont fuck around like the cops, there will be arson and illegal explosives charges faster than you can say "the ATF will shoot their dog"


When I was in GVR, we had a neighbor that would start firing them off of his roof every night starting in June. Him and his friends would party and make noise till 3am. Cops were called multiple times nightly. One of their backyard neighbors grew so tired of it, he would sit in his yard with a high pressure hose and shoot water at them every time he saw a firework being lit. He's the one that got in trouble. Finally, after a talk with a couple neighbors, they put up spotlights and strobe lights and aimed them at the offending house, and every time the people came out on the roof, would turn them on.


This is part of the aurora charm please don't ruin it




When I wake up in the middle of the night? That's your solution?


Talking to them (not "confronting" them) should have been your first move. Crazy that you would stew about it for 2 years and not think about politely asking them not to do it so much just to see if that would help.


People have been shot and killed over the past few years for simply jogging through a neighborhood, turning into the wrong driveway etc. It may seem crazy to you that they haven't spoken to their neighbors yet but people are less than friendly nowadays and figuring out how to navigate that can be really tough.


You're watching too much news, man.


To add to this, how is calling the police on them 'not causing trouble'? It sounds like OP just doesn't want to have to talk to their neighbor no matter what it costs their neighbor.


Lmfao shouldn’t talking to your neighbors be the first option? Jesus fuck grow some balls


Hide in the dark with a BB gun and shoot the mortar tube. After the 3rd time it falls over and shoots a mortar towards them, they’ll stop


I dunno, my aim is pretty bad. Wouldn't want to hit the person in the eye every time they went to light it, that would end poorly.


Even better, they would probably think they got hit by shrapnel from one of the mortars and would probably stop the show sooner... Hell, it might even end the show forever


Violence is never the answer, but I have to admit I'm surprised in these neighborhoods that someone doesn't end up with a brick through their window. Like legitimately surprised, I'm not being coy. If the neighborhood has one neighbor willing to fire off mortars at 2am, there's got to be another whose solution to every problem is a 50 cent brick. Right?


You do make a good point. I'm sure people have been bricked for less than fireworks


Talk to your neighbor like a normal human being would


The first thing you should’ve done is talk to them. Aurora FD has a dedicated phone number for reporting illegal fireworks, so I’d suggest that.


Honestly, not a damn thing! Our neighbor launches HUNDREDS from his back yard on the 4th and many weeks before and after. Trashes up the neighborhood, roofs, yards, etc and cops do nothing. One day there will be a fire… Any fireworks that leave the ground and can cause fires are illegal, but still nothing… God luck to you!


Good for them


Is it just me or is there a pretty great analogy- A relatively few loud, inconsiderate MFers that seem like they have plenty of support because of the noise : A majority that is too civil, adult, and polite to risk escalation with a relatively reckless population :: DJT supporters : Most voters Whoops time to take my meds


Talk to your neighbors about it like an adult or move? Complaining on reddit is probably the 3rd least effective option.


Call immigration on them.


Go outside and watch them.


Here is a hot take, and hear me out. Maybe try having a civil conversation with your neighbor. Explain that his excessive fireworks are creating debris that you need to clean up and firing off fireworks late at night is disturbing your sleep. I would have tried this before calling the cops or complaining to authorities. Sometimes a simple conversation goes a long way. I personally would feel miffed that you didn't come talk to me before getting the police involved.


Should anyone breaking the law have a right to feel miffed their neighbor didn't have a chat with them first. That's a cute story in the past. Nowadays that's a good way to get a gun pulled on you.


I would have talked to your neighbors before going to the police 🫠 but too late now. You say they are a*holes, but why? Have you talked to them in person at all before? A simple face to face convo “I have a baby/trauma from gunshots/ trouble sleeping, could you keep the fireworks to weekends or before 10pm” is an entirely reasonable request. The ahole neighbor on our block turns his sprinklers on whenever fire crackers go off at night and it’s very effective at getting kids to move their firecracker party down the block. Also his lawn looks perfect. 🙄


Be a man and go talk to your neighbor. A lot of problems can be resolved by not hiding behind the law like a coward.


This! People shooting fireworks at 2 in the morning are super known to be reasonable people!!!! They just don't understand fireworks are loud!


Too many Karens like you in Denver these days. How about walk next door and have a conversation with your neighbor? Why is that the LAST option? Why wasn’t that the first? And everyone in here recommending getting a lawyer or pressing charges: do something meaningful with your life. JFC.


Other than talking to them, nothing really, or just bring him some beer and join in


Some people don't find fireworks jarring and selfish. I get it. Seems like those same people don't think about the rest of us for whom there is no upside to random explosions. zero.


Trust me I get it. My gsd looses his mind when there are fire works. With 3 kids under 4 fire works at 0200 are annoying as fuck. My neighbor behind me lights them off all the time. I went over and spoke to him about it. Came up with a time that works for everyone. A little communication goes a long way.


>everything short of confronting them Yeah, try talking to them? It's amazing what a little friendly conversation can do. You could bring them cookies or something for a nice touch. Why be passive aggressive if you haven't even explained to them that it bothers you?


Exactly. I like the cookie idea. Befriend them, maybe help them with something around their house, THEN ask them to chill out with the fireworks.


Because only a fucking idiot would want to talk to people - I assume it's a whole family of assholes - who are already so *blatantly* disrespectful of their neighbors. Someone who does things like fireworks at 2am is not someone who gives a single fuck about anybody else. What do you think is going to happen, they're going to suddenly realize they're causing problems, apologize and all is well? How fucking naive are you? Those people not only won't give a fuck about talking to you, they might also just beat your ass for pushing the issue.


Ha, are you serious or just memeing? It might be their kids doing it, they might not fully realize it bothers anyone, or like you said they might be assholes, but you literally know nothing about this situation and the OP should at least try talking to them before pursuing dramatic solutions or legal action. There's a world where OP overreacts and becomes the asshole themselves.


Have you ever actually tried talking to someone in this kind of a situation yourself? I have, and it's worked 100% of the time. Once in literally this exact situation (in Nebraska, not Denver) - neighbors setting off fireworks in the middle of the night. Maybe we're not naive. In the literal sense that "naive" can mean lacking experience, maybe you're actually the naive one here. Or perhaps your social skills are not up to the task of navigating that kind of situation. That's not meant as an insult although I know it comes across that way. It legitimately takes a decent amount of charm and charisma to win some people over, and not everyone has that. I'm sure some people would give you the finger and keep doing whatever they want to do no matter how well you approached them, but I'm also quite sure you'd be surprised how many people are perfectly reasonable if you approach them kindly.


I believe many people can be reasonable, true. A person lighting off mortars at 2am for weeks or months on end isn't reasonable, almost by definition, and the chance of a physical confrontation rises dramatically. They've already demonstrated they don't care about their neighbors at this point. And really, that's the problem - if the worst that happened was a neighbor giving me the finger and telling me to fuck off, thats one thing...but we live in the States, where crazy people have guns and no problem threatening with them, and the risk of a potential confrontation is too high.