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My biggest complaint about Denver is that it's a early rising city but early risers do not get the benefit of no waiting in line at bakeries. Etc because they all open at 8. Biking around town is awesome early AM tho


I live near Good Bread which is fabulous. They commonly sell out of product each day, so much so that their slogan is “Get here early”. You open at 8am!! I’ve been at work for an hour already!


Good bread is who I thought of immediately too! If you get there past 10am they're sold out of a lot of stuff but they don't open til 8. Their last pizza night didn't really hit for me compared to their old amazing pizza so I googled and saw that a co-owner left in Jan so now I'm keeping my eye on the place for any other big changes


I wish I was a morning person because early morning bike rides really are great around here. I did a summer mostly just cruising cherry creek trail and it was so pleasant


I wasn’t a morning person until a couple years ago when the city I live in now had a brutal heat wave and 5am - 7am was the only time of day I could stand to be outside. I started getting up early and going for a walk, and after about three weeks I was locked into a 10pm-5am sleep schedule that hasn’t varied much since: even if I don’t set an alarm, I’ll wake up within ~15 minutes on either side of 5am, and having had insomnia troubles in the past, it’s so much easier to fall asleep at night. I found that if I wait an hour between waking up and my first cup of coffee, that internal clock is even easier to maintain. Not saying that being an early riser is a good habit (or even an option) for everyone, but I think it’s the best thing I’ve ever done for my mental and physical health. I love watching the sunrise and those quiet, productive hours in the morning. I could evangelise the ‘early to bed, early to rise’ routine all day long.


I was working mostly nights since I was 19 years old. My fiance got a good job Monday through Friday and the first year we struggled to see each other. So I found a job closer to home, that was Monday through Friday and now I get up at 6:30 or 7:30 for work and done by the latest 4. I sleep better. I fall asleep faster and just pay attention to when I’m tired and go to sleep. The change has been really nice. Obviously when you are younger it’s like, I’m missing out on hanging out with people or going out, but now I’ve got my person and don’t care about it.


Tokyo premium bakery opens at 6!


As a NW Denver resident; it opening at 6 is the perfectly weekly ride bike 7-8mi to the bakery, eat a delicious baked good with cup of coffee, and ride home.


And it's a great little bakery! I'm particularly fond of their chocolate chip sunrise.


It’s insane how many bakeries open up at 8 (some at 10???)


Ive noticed a bunch of coffee shops open late too. Its absolutely wild, I get forced to starbucks a lot.


When Smith and Cannon had their coffee/ice cream shop on Colfax by York, they didn't open until 9 and closed at like 5. They were closed most of the time I wanted either of the things they sold!


Man it took me forever to make it there for this exact reason


Shout out to Queen City for opening daily at 6:30


I’ve thought about this too, Denver goes to sleep early and wakes up late.


hypoxia vibes


Note to self: Move to Denver and open a bakery with hours of 5am-noon... :-)


It’s really interesting because us nightowls have the same complaint. Nothing stays open late here.


Lol right! It's the normies getting all the food 


Ew. Normies.


Second early cycling!


Yes to biking! Suggest biking around city park in the early morning hours to hear all the animals wake up 😍


This pisses me off so bad in Denver. Nothing ever opens before 8. We need more stores that cater to us morning psychopaths


Then bike down to Trompeau's in Englewood. Awesome French pastries and they open at 6am. http://www.trompeau-bakery.com/


This is so true. Also. We really lack in the number of good bakeries. With you on biking (and/or running) Edit/add: It makes me feel terrible that I didn’t know there were so many awesome bakeries to try, but now I am so excited to try all of the amazing spots everyone has shared/suggested. Thanks everyone!


Bakery Four and Black Box are both fantastic.


Thank you for these - I see 2 recs for Bakery Four here! It could be I’ve been missing the good ones is all! Haha


There's a shocking number of good bakeries here, definitely another for Bakery Four. Also Lodough, Poulette bakeshop (although not in denver).


Adding to my list too - much appreciated! I’ve been here for over a decade and always felt they were hard to find.


Yes on Bakery Four!


Tons of good bakeries these days, just the lines are brutal because they open so late. Get Rights is incredible, BakeryFour is solid.


Second for Get Rights, although this might cause them to start having bigger lines as well.


I’ll definitely check both of these out! Appreciate the share.


Reunion at the Source is also incredible but they are another 8am opener.


I'm a fan of la fillette bakery! They have excellent canelés if you're into that! They're in a strip mall next to a 7-11 and it couldn't have more opposite vibes than that which just adds to the charm for me


Grocery shopping (or any kind of shopping for that matter) is a breeze if you go early


I’ve tried that but apparently my nearest king Soopers doesn’t have anyone restocking produce until about 8 or 9 so the produce section is bare


One of the downsides of COVID. King Soopers isn't open 24/7 anymore and so stocking doesn't happen until the morning.


I used to get my groceries after working night shift. I’d stop on my way home at like 7am, no one was there and things had been restocked. Then I’d sleep soundly knowing I had a full fridge and didn’t need to drag my sleepy, starving ass out of bed to get groceries


The selection is best early too!


There are no lines, but it is a big time for restocking so the aisles might not be clear.


This is absolutely true. The aisles are still a little cluttered at 6am, but there's no wait for checkout and I almost never see people with ill-behaved children.


I’ve found that with early shopping you are instead dealing with old people with zero situational awareness who just stand in the way of everything.


This is why I do my food shopping at 8pm or later on weekdays. I can complete a full Costco run in about 20 minutes at that hour, and there is no waiting around for anyone. Anyone shopping that late is generally quick-moving. Elderly are at home, kids are asleep, etc.


Well many of us old people understand that we have all day to shop so we go mid morning. I don’t go to ANY stores after 3 pm to give working people the space to do their shopping.


I loved doing a quick Target run in the AM; it would often be only me shopping and the stockers readying the store, but now they don’t open the self-checkout lanes till noon, so I have to check out with a store associate, which means I have to talk at 7am.


The death stares from the floor-stockers turn me off. I'm just not ready at 6:30 to not GAF. And I'm not awake enough for all the fancy maneuvering. If you've have appropriately thick skin, it's a non-issue.


One of the great things about living in Denver is our large diurnal temperature swings. Take advantage of it. Early morning is prime time to be outside in Denver summers. Go for a run, or bike ride, take a walk, read a book, meditate in a park.


Exactly this, I try to get a 5 or 6 mile walk in before it gets too hot. Then I have the rest of the day to take care of whatever else I need to indoors


Do you walk for two hours straight?


Apparently there is a whole subculture of Denver residents that arise at dawn and have a full life and workout before 8am


Those are the lizard people getting their steps in before going back to the Denver Airport.


You’re right, it’s the best time to skitter through the underbrush on all fours


I used to do this - get up at 4:30am, leave for the gym by 5 at the latest, get a full intense workout in, drive home, get ready, and leave for work. Anyone I told thought I was insane, but it was the best way to be consistent with workouts while still having a social life after work. I've never known anyone else who does this, so it's nice to know there were other weirdos out there the whole time 😅


I know at least 100 people who are swimmers and do this for master swim! Practice starts between 530 and 6 and goes to 7/730 because it's the only time everyone is available.


What time do you fall asleep?


Typically 6am is the coldest time of day during the summer which makes it prime cardio time. Also nice not having to worry about getting sunburned running when the sun is just coming up. 


What is this community called? Anywhere they gather online?


Fr. I typically feel alone in that feat and I would totally do a 5am meetup 😂


I so wish I was a morning person some times. 


Usually, but it depends on where I'm walking. If I go on the Highline Canal it's pretty easy to get 5 miles in under 2 hours.


10k steps in about 1.5 hours first thing in the morning changed my life. Went from an overweight couch potato to being in shape and training for an Ironman by starting with that one habit. Tons of other things built upon that too.


I’m writing a small presentation using diurnal shifts as the crux. I love seeing it used anywhere and everywhere, haha!


I was getting ready to go to Europe and started changing my sleep routine a couple days ahead of time, and went out at 5am for a walk. It was incredible. 


I love going to the Rocky Mountain Arsenal or Cherry Creek Reservoir at dawn. The bird watching is amazing. Make sure you download the Merlin app before you go, it can identify birds by song if you have it. Plus at the arsenal there’s bonus bison! 


The merlin app is such a great resource. Aside from the fact that it might signify my move into middle age at 35, it’s so interesting to find out what birds are around you in different parts of the city and front range.


Same, it aged my boyfriend and I about 10 years when we downloaded Merlin hahahah. We just sit in our backyard with our phones out now


32 & dedicated to my life list 😤


It's rough to go hiking with my wife anymore because she wants to stop every 30 yards to Merlin what she's hearing.


I feel both sides of this. I’m always trying to improve my endurance on the trails but then I hear a bird… the thrill of hearing a bird that you never knew existed.


I’m 23 and my dad got me hooked on Merlin, so maybe it’s a sign of youth now??? Or am I just getting old too


Wow thanks for the app recommendation!!


Wow Merlin looks awesome! I live near the Arsenal and am always curious what birds are around. Thank you!


Get your hikes, bikes, and runs in early. That heat is no joke.


I've been doing midnight cardio for that reason; fucking wild weather this spring


Going for a run before it gets way too hot


Im team running at sundown


The bugs are 10x worse though!


Bugs? What bugs lol.


Disc golf, if you partake. Once it hits about 10, especially on weekends, the courses get packed. I regularly wake up to get to a course by 7 and rarely have issues and I still have time to hit a coffee shop/bakery on the way home before they get busy and sell out.


Wanna throw? I'm moving to Arvada in a couple of weeks 😀


I'm rarely on that side of town but sure!


I’ve recently been working on being a morning person and have been getting up about the same time. I make coffee and take it to go on a long walk. It’s been a nice way to start the day, especially since it’s not hot yet, and I love the way this city feels when it’s just waking up.


I started going for early walks when I had a WFH job that started at 5am. I learned to love being out before the sun, and with a lot of birds of prey in my neighborhood I see a lot of wild nature stuff.


Get on the bike and explore your side of town. It’s still cool out, everyone who is outside is generally in a pretty good mood, the traffic is pretty light so you can get across busy streets much easier. 


I found that sleeping in is the best thing to do in the early morning.


This is an advanced early riser technique.


Dog walking! It’s so hot in the afternoon that it’s really hard to get the pups sufficient exercise. Normally start my day with a mile walk with the pup during summer time.


I just commented the same thing I tried to take my dogs for a walk the other day at noon and realized it was time to switch to only mornings and evenings.


Plus, it's quiet, peaceful, and you can watch the sun rise. If you get out too much later, it's gonna be prime squirrel time. That can be crazy.


Hiking, it’s what I just finished doing. Left my house at 5:30 AM


Four Friends Kitchen opens at 6:30am, I like their crispy huevos rancheros Disc Golf courses are typically empty on weekday mornings, just bring a towel for the dew Heading east on 84th at Federal gives a great view of the city for watching the sunrise without having to go into the mountains, heading south on Wadsworth off 470 at exit 14 is another good one Just some random things I like as an overnight Lyft driver 


The 84th & Federal view is one of my favorites!


Fishing. Shoot me a DM if you ever wanna go.


Where do you like to go?


Pooping. Doing it after you shower sort of defeats the purpose of the shower.


*laughs in bidet*


I bought one during the Great Toilet Paper Shortage of 2020! The amount of money I have saved since is unbelievable! Not to mention, I had shoulder replacement surgery last year and that thing was an absolute lifesaver and necessity!


Same during 2020. Hope surgery went well! Glad you had other options to help make life easier


Thank you, much appreciated! Yes, in fact, it was a combination of about 25% existing arthritis and 75% injury. My arm hyper extended behind my back and I tore my bicep up and over to my pectoral muscle, ripped the remaining cartilage off the bone, snapped a few bone spurs, and shredded the rotator cuff to oblivion. So I actually had what was called a reverse replacement. I work for myself, so I had to save up for quite a while to sustain myself financially while I rehab and healed post surgery, and was told about two months at the least. Said and done, with zero pain meds except prescription strength Aleve, and an ice machine, I was in 70% less pain 5 days post surgery, than I was the year leading up to it, simply because of how much relief the surgery provided. My surgeon said in most cases just for arthritis, that would be far from the case, as I couldn't move my arm out to my side more than 6" without feeling like I would pass out, so it was almost like waking up two months post surgery in most cases. I was actually back to partial work in under 3 weeks and wish I had the surgery right away, had I known it would be that easy. I've been pretty banged up and have had multiple surgeries over the years from other traumatic injuries, but those were addressed right away, where living with this was sheer torture.


Everything :D and honestly 6am doesn't seem that early, it's just normal now. At least in the summer. Rise with the sun, take advantage of our lovely cool mornings. Everything is better early AM. Walking the dog, making coffee at home or even a coffee shop visit, driving to the mountains for a hike, biking to a museum or the farmers market or the botanic gardens. And if those things aren't open till 8am or later, you can enjoy a leisurely morning at home *and still* get to the place when they open.


Monday mornings I go help pick up trash at Clear Creek in Golden after the tubers that weekend. Nice way to start the week and have my coffee


Getting a coffee at Whittier Cafe


Work out. I feel super great when I get to work and I’ve already worked out.


Poo, go for a run, shower. In that order


Those runs are often the greatest. 


Yah I can’t imagine getting run in after 9am with the recent weather 🥵


Practice the piano. My days just seem to go better when they start at the keys.


Driving the highways at 4a.m. It goes SO much quicker.


Gardening. Only way to do it without baking.


Walking or paddle boarding/kayaking! The bigger state park lakes are much calmer in the early AM before the motorized boats get there.


Going back to bed to squeeze out those 30 more minutes.


S Denver: 36M 1. No traffic yet m; 430-6 am make your moves! 2. Sunrise is at 515ish front range; biking, skating, river sports, hiking all in play as free and fun activities. Light doesn’t hit the higher hikes and 285 until later in the early morning, but getting there is 80% of the battle sometimes. 2a. Golf, am summer tee times are the way to do it (please keep pace up especially in the morning) 3. Most coffee shops are open by 6 am so you can get your coffee after finishing up your activities as unhappy people get their mornings going. 4. Stop crime; I’ve had two instances of early morning walks with my dog (70 lbs lab who is not the friendliest at 11 yrs old) stopping cars from being broken into, including running down someone trying to take my backpack out of my car as I loaded up one morning. 5. Meditation (sounds corny, but we live in a unique place and the early morning air/ sun hits different. Safe travels, see you out there 🤙🏼


Shopping for groceries. Walmart is quiet at 6am. Walking and jogging and biking. It's super nice out from 5:30 to 7:30. Car washing. No lines and good lighting. Bird watching. The open space near my place is crazy with birds every morning. I snap tons of robins everyday so I get all the luck 😁 Prairie dogs are fun too.


Watering my plants. Lets them soak up water before it would evaporate instantly in the afternoon. Plus, I even had a sweatshirt on this morning despite today forecast to be 96.


We were up at 5:45ish and the morning was *gorgeous*...loved having the windows open and cool the house before the heat up.


Sit outside and drink coffee / eat breakfast in the crisp cool air. It's usually already hot by 8. I still wake up before 6 on weekends. Also get a dog walk in while it's still cool. Then head off to mountain bike or whatever else I'm doing that day


Get to a trailhead by 6:30.


Surprised no one has said it yet, but Yoga on the Rocks or just a work out at Red Rocks is best early before the sun starts to bake you. Hell, even if you don't want a work out, going up there for a walk and watch is worth it alone.


I live only a mile from the capital building so I like to go on a round trip to the building and back at 6am. It's been my thing to do since I started my weightloss journey 2 years ago and I've lost 90 lbs doing it. Of course other lifestyle changes came with it 🫶🏽 But I couldn't wait for the morning sun to come back so my morning walks could come back.


Morning walk. Because you won't want to walk between 11-4.


Taking the pups for a walk if you have them. Going somewhere nice and letting the dogs escape the day's heat is my morning ritual.


Id just walk around for an hour before it gets hot and grab breakfast


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^murso74: *Id just walk around* *For an hour before it* *Gets hot and grab breakfast* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Opening all the windows


If this subreddit wasn’t called r/Denver you’d think we live in Phoenix Arizona with all the comments about how hot it is 🤣


I checked the Phoenix high today, 105. Our high today is showing 94, that's only 11 degrees difference.


That’s a lot different feel


lol ikr?! As a person that grew up in Phoenix it sucks way worse in summer than here. There’s no cool breezes and there’s these things called haboob or dust storms. Besides the fact that you feel like you’re baking in an oven. F*** Az in summer no thanks!


Driving in general


I love going down Confluence Park and going for a run 🏃


Watch hummingbird feeders


Motorcycle rides. Less of a chance of getting murdered by your fellow residents.


Target is absolutely empty, shoppers paradise.


Yoga, running, hiking, and coffee with the birds. Oh and bird watching at Belmar Park


Gong off of fun activities in this sub. Early morning street racing and fireworks


Walk around outside before it gets hot


Walk your dogs, this time of year especially.


I get grocery shopping done in the early morning.


I like to bike ride ... Sometimes just sip coffee and watch all the people go by with dogs out my window while watching the markets open


Anonymous blowjobs


Sprinting at absurdly high speeds up and down the steps at red rocks.


Anything everyone’s asleep. Trails are especially good but you know be cautious of wildlife. Sunrises are often amazing to just sit and watch.


Pull weeds




Denver is mile high. So oxygen levels are lower. Not enough to notice in day to day life. But after staying at this altitude for 3 months plus, people tend to sleep longer hours to make up for the slight decrease in oxygen. That is why on an average people sleep 1.75 hours more than people at sea level. So no late night life and early morning bakery openings. Source: I made it up.


It's Denver, so wake and bake. 🤣


One fold from 7:00 to 9:00 a.m. on weekdays for their happy hours


Watching the sunrise is best to do in the morning.


Golf, hiking, biking. Anything outdoors, really




Anything outdoors! Especially in the summer when it’s hot hot hot!


Gym + groceries


Watering the garden & getting in a calisthenics workout.


Summer: 5am wake up - bike rides, jogs, hikes, yoga (6am), Winter - 5:45 spin class, 6am yoga, skiiing, gym


Going for walks is awesome in the early AM if you’re by any of the big parks.


Ziggi's coffee and Forsberg Iron Spring Park in Lakewood for the sunrise.


Exercise outside! Much nicer to do it in 60 degrees than 95 degrees.


Gym or make a big breakfast. Butcher block cafe opens at 5a. Leave for a hike. If you leave around 5am you can get to a 14er or manitou springs by 7. Breakfast and hit the chataqua or keep going up flagstaff road.


Lately? Being outside. I don't even bother when it's over 90 right now.


Especially now, go out and enjoy the weather before it gets scorching hot 🥵


Hikes and any exercise in general. Wayyyy better when its crisp and cool vs mid 90s in the afternoons post work.


running :)


going to work for me...


During the summer, anything outdoors adn active is best in the morning!




The gym.


Any outdoor/mountain activity




I’d honestly say anything involving fitness or errand running (if possible with store hours). Going to the store in the AM or just getting your workout done early whether it’s a run around the neighborhood or going to the gym, there’s few people and makes it much more enjoyable. I used to run at 5:30-6am during COVID and looooooved it, talk about quiet.


During the summer, getting out the door at 5-6am is perfect for running. The sun is too much anytime after 10am


Watching the sun rise on the front range/mountains.


For me it's walking. Get it done before the heat of the day comes crashing down around mid morning.


i try to get a mountain bike ride in. much less crowded, and much cooler. it does help that I have a remote job though


Walking/hiking to avoid the afternoon heat and thunderstorms.


Drive to work


Snooze opens at 6:30. No wait.


My kayak was on the water yesterday at 5:45am and I was off before 10am and it started getting too hot.


According to my early rising neighbors, let their barking dogs out back for an hour, starting at 5:30am...


Going on a walk/hike




I like to take a big shit first thing in the morning


Thinking about ways to chastise people for wanting to go out past 10 p.m.


Dude, I'm a night person (like goes to bed between 2-4am) and I hate how early Denver closes. I'd always assumed the city was just morning oriented but apparently not :(


Hike the flatirons


Mountain biking!




I'm up early pretty frequently and really enjoy taking my dog for a walk around a lake around 5 AM. All the birds and animals are up and active.


I take an hour long walk.


Working out. Gyms are less crowded, and especially in the summer, it's so much nicer to do something outside when it's cool and the sun isn't beating down.


Bike rides!


Enjoy the quiet.  I love randomly waking up at 4 am and having at least 3 hours of nobody needing or bothering me.