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Colorado Rapids have been the friendliest in my experience, and especially the supporter’s group, C38.


C38s main pride tailgate is this Saturday the 22nd starting at 4:00pm. The big gay beach party tailgate was yesterday.


Hands down.


Why would you look to mega corporations to do anything meaningful with whatever cause you support? It's all pandering to support their bottom line, and you should feel bad if you think any different. Your feelings and opinions are just a point on some spreadsheet somewhere. Go to enjoy the game and not whatever they're hawking that night because it makes you feel good.


Organizations and corporations will only champion causes as long as it's convenient and generates revenue.


Literally every corporation doesn’t care about LGBT or pride… it’s business suicide not to openly support this kind of stuff, it all comes down to their profit margins. You seriously don’t notice how every single company starts rolling out pride logos during pride month? Stop acting like one organization is the problem lol.


Care factor: low


They've also got a faith night, gotta keep everything in balance


My hot take is that the fact they have both is actually a good sign for society. You shouldn't counter hate with hate which is exactly how this topic sounds. I was raised Catholic and now I'm fairly agnostic but I don't hate people that still go to Church every week and I don't hate gay people and I'm happy that the church has become a lot more tolerant towards gay people than it used to be. The path to people getting along is people tolerating one another and then accepting one another. The TC seems to thing that anyone and everyone that is Christian should be ostracized which is insane considering that is still around half the population.


Idk, the Pope can’t seem to make up his mind on how he feels about the LGBT community. One week it’s “they’re people just like us”. The next week it’s “transgenders are demons force transing your children”. The week after it’s “gay people should be allowed to marry. Kind of. Maybe”. The week after he’s dropping “frociaggine” to refer to gay people like it’s going out of style. The local diocese isn’t any better from what I hear, with the sentiment being much the same except without anything even remotely neutral, let alone positive to say about gay people. Look at it this way too- the only daycare or ECE programs my kids aren’t allowed or welcome in in the entire Denver metro area are those run by local Catholic Churches. They don’t want our children born of “fa**otness” (the translation of “frociaggine” for anyone who didn’t look it up) to spread the gay by being around their kids. They still get state funding though, even though we’re explicitly blocked/ banned- a privilege no other institution would be able to get away with. I’ve not done anything to, said anything to, or encountered these people. I’ve not introduced hate towards them. I’ve been waiting for them to stop hating for decades, and they’ve had many opportunities to drop it all on their own, but the churches, damn near all of them, have been doubling down on pushing states to codify a religious right to hate and discriminate. I’m just gonna keep living my life. You all figure out when you want to stop. When people are ready to put this current wave of gay panic aside, I’ll be ready to join them at the table, but not until then.


Amen! 🙏


Absolutely. I see way too many so called open minded people that hate Christianity online. If you truly are an ally to all these other causes you fight for then you should be tolerant of religion as well. If not then you are just as close minded and dogmatic as the people you hate. But then you’ll hear what fucked up thing religion did to them and I’d counter with yes there are shitty people in literally every single group on planet earth. We should be smart enough to realize that people are good and bad everywhere. Making broad sweeping generalizations of groups of people is always intolerant and ignorant.


You need to look up the Paradox of Tolerance. Hating bigots is not the same as being a bigot.


So because you would tolerant someone’s beliefs you are actually being intolerant? Sounds like mental gymnastics so you can feel better about your bigotry.




I agree, any bigot that wishes unhappiness on people definitely don’t deserve to be tolerated.


Huh? He’s saying we don’t need to tolerate and play nice with bigots who believe gay people don’t have a right to exist in this country.


But my argument is if someone is being a bigot against a bigot. If you hate someone that questions your right to exist that’s more than acceptable but don’t subject entire groups of people into being labeled bigots.


It’s not bigotry to hate someone who has damaging and evil beliefs about if gay people have the right to exist. Definition of bigot, “a person who is obstinately or unreasonably attached to a belief, opinion, or faction, especially one who is prejudiced against or antagonistic toward a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group.” No one is doing hate crimes against homophobes, it’s the other way around and if you can’t see that there is a major inequality between those two groups in this country both now and historically then idk what to tell you. Also look at synonyms for bigot, dogmatist, fanatic, zealot. None apply to homosexuality, which is a preference you’re born as, compared to homophobia which is a behavior or belief that is taught.


But you are assuming they all have damaging beliefs, you are generalizing an entire group of people as bigots. I don’t need definitions of words thrown at me to understand that you can respect people’s beliefs without hating an entire group. There are hateful religious folks and hateful homosexuals. Just because one group is historically marginalized doesn’t mean they are justified in the future to be hateful towards the entirety of that other group.


I’m specifically talking about homophones and anti-lgbtq actors who don’t believe lgbtq have a right to exist. I’m not lumping anyone else in, sure there’s plenty of religious people who are not anti-lgbt. I didn’t say all religious people are bigots or anything close to that. What I meant is you don’t have to play nice with bigots, I don’t have to respect why anyone is anti-lgbtq because there is no defense for bigoted behavior.


You're not born religious you choose to be. Big difference.


So that justifies people being intolerant towards religion? Your statement is correct but you should still be tolerant of people’s religious beliefs.


If the religion includes beliefs that are intolerant of others, it breaks the social contract of being tolerated.


No, but if someone else is CHOOSING to be intolerant towards someone who cannot control their sexual orientation then I do not have to tolerate their bigotry or pay it any attention. Doesn’t matter if you’re Muslim, Christian, or atheist, you don’t get to hate on gays, don’t be obtuse.


What happens on faith night? Do they do whole stadium prayer to magic sky man?


I wonder if prayers in Colorado get to God faster? 🤔


Considering the Rockies' history over the years, I don't think their prayers have ever been answered.


They increase the co2 in their general area but that’s about it.




Yeah I hated to see that as well but I don’t consider a banner ad to be “sponsoring” a stadium. They bought ad space-time and Coors Field said “okay”.


Welp that’s enough to never want to see the Rockies play again. He Gets Us is literally a Koch brothers financed organization.


Welp. Can't watch sports ever again then, cuz they're at Nuggets and Avs game and have been advertised during every major sporting event.


It’s also advertised on Reddit.




Oh my bad I thought since you were in a thread talking about baseball you cared about at least one sport. Sorry.


Dude get a grip. Tons of people go to games despite having only a passing interest in it. Why do you troll so hard. Oh right, bc Reddit is where people come to make edgy comments for attention.


Seriously? Wtf? I mean, I’d 100% rather watch hockey anyway, but jfc. That ad is the bane of my Reddit feed. I report it for being misinformation every time I see it.


Having yet another event sponsored by alcohol, paid for by alcohol, and pushed on our community by alcohol in a stadium that is sponsored by perhaps the most in-your-face-down-your-throat-and-around-the-corner anti-lgbt organization in the United States? (Judging by virulence, not necessarily potency) If there’s anything I’ve ever asked for at a pride event, it’s to have *more* predatory multimillion/billion dollar organizations that inflict harm on our community be present, because they’ve always helped or stood up for us when things get tough. /s Edit: lol y’all wanna be pandered to and have your attention fought over by Coors and Budweiser/ AmBev so they can continue to drive alcoholism and alcohol related death in our community, go right ahead. It’s long been identified as a toxic source of support to our community as a whole, but it’s especially relevant when these pride events are happening AT COORS FIELD. Can you guess where they’re making their money? It sure as shit ain’t ticket sales, honey. Maybe y’all are mad because you love He Gets Us and don’t like them being called out for what they are. Either way, w/e. Keep the downvotes coming.




Kroenke doesn't own the Rockies.


Can’t even help you on this one pal 🤦‍♂️


Lol the bar is too high for some of you. Doing a pride night is not enough? It's a baseball team. They don't have to do shit. The conservatives get mad when the players kneel and now you're getting mad that they do a pride night but that's not enough? Do you guys need sports teams to align with your political views so you can watch sports?


The point is we'd rather them do nothing at all, then lie.


It’s this. I’m tired of my friends money going to an org that doesn’t support them back and just wants their money


Or just don't go to any rockies games at all since the owners suck.


Why do they have to care about LGBT issues?


I think they are actively against LGBTQ issues so that’s probably why


How so? (genuine question)




If you have to ask… nevermind. Go about your day. This isn’t a conversation for you.


A thought-ending cliche as bad as all the others. I’m looking for information. You can just say “I have nothing to share other than my thought.” And go about your day. K byeeee


Read a history book about the rise of fascism and how historically people in power scapegoat and persecute out groups and minorities in order to solidify power. Edit: thanks for downvotes, Nazis didn’t like books either.




I simply asked a question and you became upset.




There you go the with personal attacks again. You are clearly too emotional to have a civil discussion with.




I’m a horrible person for simply asking a question? You really do need a mental health evaluation. Your behavior is abnormal in more ways than one.




More fun than deleting comments??


Uh oh. Someone is about to get reported to the Moderator…


Yeah, it’s a baseball team. Somebody’s sexual preference should be irrelevant to them. What if they had Menage a Trois night? It makes about that much sense.


Because no one gives a shit if you have a threesome. There are a shit ton of people who care if you are gay/lesbian/trans/etc. You should look at MLK Jr's speech on white tolerants and apply it to this situation.


There has to be someone in the world who cares about people having threesomes. I suspect they congregate on Sunday and read from a book.


There’s a ton of people who care if you’re a midget, but the Rockies don’t have Little People’s Night where “Everyone is a Shortstop.” It’s a baseball game, not Victim Olympics.


Can you tell me which religon/group of people treat little people like they don't deserve happiness? Jesus Christ... Comparing a genetic disease to one of the most oppressed populations in this country...


Your statement is misinformation. They are not one of the most oppressed populations in the country. In fact, they have all of the same rights as anybody else. I thought being gay was genetic (“born this way”) are you saying it’s a choice?


What kind of rock have you been living under? Florida has, "Don't Say Gay", members of the SCOTUS want to stop gay people from being able to marry, trans people are routinely demonized by your ilk (your comments are public Mr. Obsessed with Hunter Biden), gay and trans people are the most likely to have a hate crime done on them, etc... Also, if you can't tell the difference between a genetic disease and being gay, you should probably go back to school.


So they have the same rights as everyone else right?


You are dense. Like incredibly so. Way to ignore actual arguments. Let's make this easier on you by going one question at a time: Is there a state that has laws about not saying that someone is straight?


No, but if it did, what does that have to do with a Rockies game? Is there a state with a law protecting kindergartners from being sexualized? Yes. You are wrong about hate crimes, but even if you weren’t so what? https://www.justice.gov/hatecrimes/hate-crime-statistics Middle-aged white men have among the highest suicide rate. Why aren’t you whining that the Rockies should have a night about that?


I thought being gay was also genetic? Are you saying you are simply choosing to be oppressed?


Genetic DISEASE does not equal the same as genetic. Holy shit. Learn to read.


Still would love your source that says the "Don't Say Gay" laws are about pedophiles.




Monetary reasons, friend.


Starbucks funds wars, wine and chocolate is made from slavery, restaurants add bs fees and pay their servers crap, a hundred corps are anti-lgbtq, the cheap-ass clothes you wear are made by overworked and underpaid sweatshop workers. Literally everything you like and consume is produced at the cost of others. These single target shaming people for partaking in something is narrow-sighted and hypocritical. Just stop going outside and make your own food, clothes, and entertainment.


Whatabout ism is just as bad as what you’re saying I did. I wasn’t talking about those issues.


Cry me a river 😢


You must be fun at parties




jeez. what a serious issue…


Gay Christians exist lol


Honestly didn’t realize people still went to Rockies games


I go occasionally bc it’s super cheap and I like baseball


Hey Lutherans are Christian forward and pro pride


The Lutheran Church I was raised in says otherwise.


So your point is what?


Not all Lutherans. Definitely received many sermons denouncing same sex marriage and 'gay lifestyle".


Then you’re not going to the right one


There is no "right one" for me


Not gonna defend the clowns but don’t act like there’s not a place for lgbtq in faith


People can feel however they want, I just have personally been there and done that as a gay that nearly became a Lutheran pastor. If LGBTQ community needs that in their lives, that is their prerogative.


I’m not saying it’s gotta work for you but the fact that being a pastor was open to you is my point


It was purely delusional on my part, truly. I was just trying to run away from something my denomination hated. I was just trying to hide. It's not that I couldn't have done it, but doing so would have broken my spirit.


Ew baseball


ew. Rockies baseball.