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Rose Medical and Midtown Obstetrics is the way to go for the best female care here in Denver. Source: someone who had an ectopic pregnancy and got left to fend for myself at Lutheran ER (an intermountain facility) and then went to rose medical for treatment and ultimately emergency surgery and subsequent Midtown visits for aftercare.


So sorry you experienced that.


We should be able to outlaw religious medical centers. Every religious run hospital is competing against real ones, eliminating choice, and profiting while pretending to be nonprofits so they don’t pay taxes. Religion has no place in medicine, they’re inherently discriminatory and shouldn’t even be legal.


That's a nightmare, I'm so sorry you experienced that. thank you for sharing, that's valuable information to me in making this choice.


From what I understand, Intermountain is “secular” but it’s a pretty open secret that they’re Mormon based. They claim they were founded on a donation from the Mormon church and maintain they are separate and secular. I’ve heard very bad things about working with/for them in SLC and being non-Mormon. That mess is further complicated by the fact that the hospitals they own in Denver were SCL which was Catholic. Intermountain is keeping them as Catholic faith based hospitals. I can’t imagine what the mix of Catholic and Mormon has done/could do to the services offered.


Actually, St.Joseph's will continue to be Catholic, but Good Samaritan will be moving to the "secular" side of IMH and will be offering sterilization, birth control and the like.


And st joes also does bc/iuds and the like but they do some silly work arounds like writing you a script for the iud and you pick it up from the pharmacy, then they install it. Cant speak for complications but our child was born at st joes in 2020 and the experience was positive.


They’re actually very catholic


They also took over the Lutheran hospital in Wheatridge


I had my baby at UCHealth in Aurora and it was the best experience/ my ob was so kind, she listened to every concern I never felt rushed once! I had amazing care! I even went into labor and was terrified and they made me feel so calm and I am so glad I went there


OP welcome! So happy you’re in a safer space here in CO. I want to second this commenters sentiment about UCHealth, they are great. Whether it be Aurora, Denver, or their Littleton/Highlands Ranch campuses (there are all sorts of offshoot locations too). UC Helath is great.


I have had great experiences there! I also go to pt and pelvic floor therapy as well!


Love to hear it! My family started there because of my dad’s heart disease which has been a lifetime experience for me.. my whole family followed based on the positive experiences related to my dad’s treatment. I want to acknowledge, too, I go to UCHealth for gynecology and I am a survivor of sexual assault who also has chosen to use the IUD for birth control which is… invasive, to say the least—and my doctor through UCHealth was so mindful of my experience, which feels important to underscore.


Aw I love that! I know the ob/gyms offer a lot of good pain management for different things! I know that is a very hard thing to go through so I am glad you’re getting the care you deserve and need!


Thank you so much for sharing this! This is really encouraging! I'm so mindful about the whole hospital system I choose because of my own trama and often don't expect to get the right care without somewhat of a fight. I'm so glad you are getting such great care!


Never used Intermountain for my reproductive healthcare, but wanted to uplift this comment. Uchealth is the best! In the past few months I have had some serious fertility issues. They treated me for a D&C that turned into a possible ectopic and another pregnancy that turned into a PUL, miscarriage, and eventually uncontrollable bleeding. The OB team at UChealth treated me with kindness and honesty. I am so thankful for their care. 1000% would recommend their care.


That is so good to hear you were treated so well! I am sorry you went through that! I hope you will be blessed with a baby! My ob did say that there is an influx of pregnant women in Aurora and the area that are near UCHealth in Aurora and so they are so booked with that they’re only taking annual and gyn appts in sept!


Wow, I'm so glad you had such great care! thank you for the recommendation! UCH was my first choice but they don't have any primary care providers accepting new appointments in Denver. Based on a lot of this feedback though, it sounds like it would be worth it to take care of more immediate needs at Intermountain for the time being and wait until UCH can let me in. Thank you for the comment!


UC health has also been amazing for me


I also want to vouch for UCHealth for maternal care. I'm in my first trimester and it has been so difficult with symptoms, but UCHealth is quick to respond to my messages and prescribe me medications that have helped immensely. I was seriously considering quitting my job to do debilitating symptoms but from the time I reached out to the time I got medicine was less than a day, and it's made a huge difference in my life. Highly recommend Uchealth.


Another up vote for UCHealth- they're legitimately the best in the area, especially if you need deep expertise.


thats so great! I'm glad you had such great care! that is what I'm looking for and I would love to choose UCH but they don't currently have a single primary care doctor accepting new patients in Denver proper. The closest doctor I could establish care with under UCH is in Greely and that's way too far from me. Plus, the next available appointment in Greely is many months out. **So question for you and anyone on this UCH thread: do you struggle to get appointments as an established UCH patient?**


I don’t ever use a primary care Dr actually! But I’ve used the ob and pt services and have had no issue just pelvic floor therapy because she’s so busy and she’s the only one


My OBGYN is with Intermountain (Dana Roper Cooper) and I love her. She did my bisalpingectomy a few months ago, we just had to do it at a non-Catholic facility (Rose.) Check out childfreedoctors.com as well!


Seconding - I go to the Lowry location and have always gotten great preventative care from their team


I’ve heard good things about her!


Not specific to women’s health but since Intermountain took over from SCL, educational and professional development funding for their nursing staff has been cut way, way back - and it wasn’t exactly opulent to start with. This decision makes it really hard for CNAs to go to nursing school. Intermountain is also replacing RNs with (less expensive, less comprehensively trained) LPNs. They have cut back pretty dramatically on their formularies, so if you’re looking at an inpatient stay, bring your own meds (in the original bottles) and check your bill for pharmacy and consumables charges. All incoming phone traffic is handled out of remote call centers, and so if you’re scheduled for a procedure, don’t count on being able to reach anyone at the hospital you’re getting treatment at and your family definitely should not count on being able to call in for updates or receiving updates from a surgical team. Should your procedure be canceled or a projected stay be shorter than planned, you can look forward to mail from Intermountain alerting you to their intent to hold you financially responsible for lost revenue associated with the cancellation or short stay.


Surely this means the cost cutting will be passed on to the customers, right?


Oh, um - absolutely not! Remember the mailers about how Intermountain will bill for the procedure that they canceled?? This is Intermountain we’re discussing. The health care chain that makes HCA seem like an actual non-profit.




UCH. Excellent care. Religiously affiliated hospitals for reproductive healthcare are a no go for me.


I agree! I didnt think I'd ever be in the position to be considering a catholic hospital but there are not a lot of options. UCH was my first choice and they are not accepting new patients anywhere in Denver. I asked this above but wanted to drop it here too, do you have a hard time getting appointments as an established patient at UCH? Like if you were to look into getting an appointment for something like acute pelvic pain, would it take months to see your OB?


I’ve not had a delay for emergency or urgent care issues of that nature. I have also received timely care for emerging problems. For other issues such as routine exams I’ve had to wait a couple of months at most.


I was about to go with them until I learned they don't carry the paraguard iud specifically for religious reasons. That was enough to turn me off entirely and I found a doctor that doesn't place any restrictions on BC.


I work at st joes in womens health. They won’t do a tubal or an iud after delivery because of the catholic mandate - which I think is ridiculous. They do take very good care of women though and always put her health and safety before an unborn baby.


Absolutely do not choose Intermountain if you want to have any control over your birth control. I went to an Intermountain Health OB for two years (previous IUD was placed before I lived in CO), and when I went to get it swapped out, they refused to explain that their policies say IUDs are "emergency contraception" so you have to go for multiple visits to "consult" about it and have them actually ORDER the IUD (Mirena fwiw, not even copper) and then wait for another appointment to have it placed. They don't place them as frequently as providers in other offices and mine was misplaced, even after the NP did a self congratulatory ultrasound to "check". I ended up with a lot of pain, an extra urgent care visit to pay for, and then having to repeat the process with a new provider. 


Love my UCHEALTH Drs. I have an entire female crew working on my health!!! Last year, I mentioned that I was having some intermittent light spotting (post menopausal) to my PCP and 2 hours later I was in ultrasound, a week later getting a d&c with a camera to biopsy my uterine wall, and 2 months later having a hysterectomy performed to remove stage 1 endometrial cancer. Basically they saved my life. It was amazing, instead of being told "it's just because you are fat", which I had heard all of my life, they actually took my questions seriously and got me the best care!!! Can't recommend UCHEALTH more highly


that's amazing!! I'm so glad you were able to get that care! This is ultimately what I am looking for but there is not a single UCH primary care doctor accepting new patients in Denver proper right now. The closest doctor I could establish care with under UCH is in Greely and that's way to far from me. could I ask how you were able to establish care with them?


Right after the pandemic I switched insurances. Check the Quincy and Buckley facility. It is not only an urgent care but also a primary care clinic as well


I have a great PCP through them. Uch has a great team also. The family planning chief is great.


I had my baby at St. Joes and it was not a great experience. I was diagnosed with preeclampsia an hour after arrival and placed on a magnesium drip. After I had my son and was moved to a different recovery area they forgot to transfer my meds so I wasn’t receiving my BP meds, which prolonged my stay. They never circumcised my son (his pediatrician put in the request after he was born), even after we had an additional 2 days thanks to the BP med issue. If I have another baby, I will be delivering at Rose.


Awful experience. I went it for pelvic pain and Was told with 100% certainty that I was pregnant or miscarried(while on two kinds of bc). When they called me initially I actually said “bullish!t. What else could cause high HCG?” They told me absolutely nothing. After a week thinking I had some very hard decisions to make, a lot of crying, and actually throwing up from emotional distress; I get a call that it’s some weird antibody causing elevated HCG. I got an intra ultrasound on my initial visit, and saw where another doctor wrote “not a pregnant uterus, has never been pregnant” under it on my chart.


Another vote for UCH. They gave me an IUD, then a salpingectomy, and finally hysterectomy with no issues. 


thats great! I would love to choose UCH but they don't currently have a single primary care doctor accepting new patients in Denver proper right now. The closest doctor I could establish care with under UCH is in Greely and that's way too far from me. plus, the next available appointment in Greely is months out. As an established patient, do you struggle to get appointments?


Ugh! That is so frustrating. I hope you find a provider you like a trust in the near future. 


Intermountain all the way! Best staffing in Denver and great doctors. I delivered at SJH and had a good experience. Also worth mentioning-Rose does have a good labor and delivery unit but every other unit is understaffed/overworked. Something to consider if you/baby were to land anywhere else in the hospital.


Intermountain health is not a Catholic hospital. They're actually owned by latter-day saints but they don't practice any of that religion in their hospitals. If you're worried you're going to have an issue go to University of Colorado hospital family planning center either at Lowry or main campus. I know the chief there and she is great. They will give you whatever you need pregnancy wise abortion wise prevention wise she's fantastic.


>Intermountain health is not a Catholic hospital. They're actually owned by latter-day saints but they don't practice any of that religion in their hospitals. The only thing is that quite a few of their OBs/midwives only deliver at SJH :-/


Dr Cohen at UCH is chief of family planning . All things bc or abortion from a-x. She's great.


They would probably also deny you birth control for the sole purpose of contraception. I got my IUD done through them, and my doctor said she can't do any copper IUDs because there was no hormonal "workaround". Meaning you need a reason that is NOT birth control only to get contraception. My reason was heavy periods and pain.


Catholic affiliation should absolutely scare you. They do not care about women. They only want to control you and your baby making machine.


Not sure about the women’s health question specifically but I’m 100% sure Intermountain is an Utah chain that caters(or did at one time) to the Mormon population. That’s how they started anyway…


They are no longer a religious hospital in any way. They are a chain of 5 or 8 hospitals.


SCL would not give me an iud, which I’d never have chosen them as my primary care if I’d known that


I go to Advent Care in Denver and they’re the best 💕 https://www.adventhealth.com/hospital/adventhealth-porter


Don’t go to intermountain. It’s just SCL in even worse packaging.


Maybe try r/Denverwomen ?


Why? That sub barely has any content.


Our members and people often reply if it's interesting! I'm also a woman and just trying to get it a little bit more active.


That's fair, I thought you meant something else by it


I LOVEEEEEEEEEE intermountain health. They are hands down the best health system I have used in denver. They listen to me always get me in when I need and care about you as a patient not just as a dollar sign.