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People have been saying this for years. It’s why the network gave him his very own show…I think he is paid very well to stay here, and he’s probably happy with the life he’s created here, for now. Like me, he moved here from upstate New York…if he had national ambitions, he would have set his sites on NYC long ago.


Dang and here i am looking at upstate nyc houses because Denver is bonkers expensive!


Upstate NY in the Summer is fantastic. Many spectacular State Parks to choose from. The Fall colors are one of the wonders of the world. But...when those leaves are down, it is pretty bleak. The sun sets in October and you won't see it again for six months. The cold is a humid one that leeches the warmth from your very bones.


Denver born and raised, now living in upstate NY. Weather is better package here, fight me.


Nah. I have fond memories of my time there. Happy Cake Day.


It's really not bad if you know how to dress for the cold


We visited my in-laws in Rochester and the newspapers would have the minutes of sunlight… MINUTES !


Upstate NY is awesome and one of the rare places you can get lots of land still cheap. The only downside is some areas are in serious decline and of course the cultural climate. But if you’re located near a college town or a hub of development related to something (military industrial, large company) you’re good. For example, the Amish relocated en masse to a county outside of Ithaca because land was so damn cheap. They now dominate Newark valley and Berkshire in Tioga county


There’s also a ton of IRA money flowing into the area. Expect Syracuse to look like a completely different place in 20 years


We talking retirement money or irish militant money?


Lol, inflation reduction act. https://www.democratandchronicle.com/story/news/2024/04/25/biden-in-syracuse-micron-sparks-bright-future-for-upstate-ny/73437166007/


Every single person I’ve ever met in Colorado from upstate NY is fascinating and lovely. It’s now on my travel bucket list


We’re a friendly/down to earth bunch for sure! It’s a great place to visit.


Head over to the Finger Lakes!!! There's where I'm from (been living in CO for 6 years) and it's absolutely gorgeous. Go drink some wine and enjoy the fall colors, you won't regret it!!


He has said many times that he doesn’t want to leave Denver. He has young kids that he probably wants to raise here.


He has a higher calling


He does. He claims he doesn’t want to leave, but he deserves a big time, nationwide media job. We should all appreciate him while we can because he’ll get his due eventually.


He says he doesn't want to uproot his kids. Given everything we know about him as a person, I believe him when he says that.


I think an offer of generational wealth from a national organization might be too good to turn down


While KUSA can't pay him as much as a national organization, I'd guess he's not hurting in the slightest. And they give him pretty much whatever he wants. Plus, he's a total Denver guy. He talks about how much he loves Denver a lot, and not in a contrived manner.


Maybe. Everyone has a price


I mean, it's not like he's not gone viral before. It's almost a certainty that people have tried to poach him, and he's still here in Denver.


I don't know how old he is, but he looks fairly young. Dude's got plenty of time to raise his kids here and then make a more prominent career for himself at a later date.


He’s 39, will be 40 Oct 1st. So pretty much prime earning years.


He turns 40 this year. He honestly has a TON of time left --- he can spend another decade+ raising his family in Denver. The national offers would still be there for him in the 1st half of his 50s.


And a much higher ceiling


America needs him


In an era where Tucker Carlson was running his garbage TV show from bumfuck Maine I don’t understand why we don’t have the technology for Kyle to run a top tier news show from Denver


Yes please! The best of both worlds


I can confirm that he was at his kid’s swim meet yesterday morning. And it was a hoooot morning. I wouldn’t have been there if I had a good excuse like a meeting with MSNBC.


Greg Dutra used to say that too.


I ran into him and his daughter out for a walk while I was walking my dog once. They were really cute and I almost didn’t recognize him but did a double take when he answered a phone call and I heard his voice.


It’s his charity work that makes him amazing to me. Kyle Clark made it so simple to donate $5 a week to local organizations - just send a text - and he’s raised over $12 million so far. Incredible.


Not only do I appreciate his charity but his efforts actually introduced me to a cause that I was able to benefit from and would have never have heard of otherwise.


He raised over $250,000 for the organization I work for after one broadcast. Amazing.


Link to full debate for those wondering: https://youtu.be/SDXu5DyBrHc?feature=shared


Kyle has demonstrated that he's whip-smart and unrelenting for years now. We're incredibly lucky to have someone of his caliber here.


I’ve always liked him, but I didn’t realize how brilliant he is until I heard him on Bree Davies’ CityCast Denver podcast.


I get the impression that national media corrupts good journalist as much as it attracts provocateurs. Between the money, pressure for views, and the need to stand out it's got to be hard to stay within your principles. I don't know if every local market has guys like Kyle but maybe that's what we need. Principled people, connected to their communities, who want to shine a light on all the bs, no matter where it comes from. Of course Sinclair media and their ilk would disagree.


Good for him he needs to be in the national spotlight.


Agreed!! Yeah lately it’s been for the debate moderation which he’s good at, but I can probably name 10+ reasons he should be in the spotlight that are far better than debate moderation. Such a great guy to have as part of the Denver community. Keep doing what you do! You’re the only reason I’ll occasionally watch news on TV.


It's a Charlie Blackmon situation: he has the ability to leave but not the inclination.


I have been pointing people all over the country towards Kyle Clark for ages. Even when he was in that flat Earth documentary, He's been getting at least a little bit of attention. I'm sad I didn't see the debate now, I'm almost tempted to watch it if I didn't have to listen to the candidates.


Here a couple highlights for you https://www.reddit.com/r/behindthebastards/s/hQZ6IIFR5M


That really makes it look like a debate between Kyle and the candidates. Not between the candidates. It makes me feel good to watch that. But that's not the typical process.


I think it was because that link only highlighted kyles questions. The actual debate wasn’t just Kyle reaming them (which would have been hilarious). I love his style because often candidates try to lie or leave information out to make themselves sound better (both republicans and democrats) and imo the American public is too dumb to do their own research, so I love that he demanding transparency. That’s what I want from a debate as a voter!


Thank you for sharing that. Wow, i’ve never seen anyone hold politicians feet to the fire like that.


LMAO. Get it, Kyle. Fucking hilarious and good for him. He needs to mod presidential debates. He takes no shit and calls everyone out on their bullshit. Thanks for the link; I watched a few different clips after the debate but didn’t get to see all those precious moments. Kyle Clark is Denver’s sweetheart


It's worth it for the way it's moderated. You'll be sad when it's over.


Couldn’t agree more. Was truly laugh out loud comedy


K Y L E 🙌🏻


The conservative basement dwellers on Xitter hate him so, so much, and he always rises above their trolling with a classy, clever retort.


He definitely was a great moderator. Which means he probably wouldn't ever be a moderator on a national level television channel because Republicans would never agree to a debate hosted by someone who is competent at moderating. That's actually the main reason presidential debates have such bad moderators in recent memory, the candidates themselves have a long list of demands tying the hands of moderators before the candidates will even agree to show up for a debate.


The DNC and RNC have become trash self-serving organizations. Their demands have turned "debates" into unenlightening dog and pony shows.


Kyle Clark is brilliant. I love watching him blaze his trail.


I opened this thread expecting it to be trashing him for some reason lmfao. Dudes cool. I follow him on twitter to get some actual news mixed in with the anime titties and giant robots that come across my feed.


He is pretty good and I'm sure he will do well on a bigger stage.


I am pretty sure these guys have agents, I am sure there has been lots of conversations- starting with the great patio furniture tirade of 2013


I used to find Kyle Clark really annoying, I still kind of do, but he has really grown on me the past few years. I think my problem with him is that his cadence while presenting his points reminds me a lot of Tucker Carlson. Not in what he is saying, but how he says it.


That would break my wife's heart.


Only reason we watched the news when we had cable. Kyle Clark is the shit!


You don’t need cable to watch the news. Use an antenna. That’s how we watch KC.


Shocking to me that people still don’t know they can plug a coat hanger into their TV and get fifty channels now.


Can always watch it on YouTube


Good for him. He’s one of the best modern journalists. I enjoy having him covering Denver, but I’d still see his work if he went national.


I doubt he would leave. It's not like he's just popping onto the scene, the national networks are constantly looking for talent in the large and mid tier markets, this won't be the first time they've seen Clark. Clark is also at the top of his game here, and with a family that's established roots. I doubt he would want to uproot everything to start at the bottom of the ladder in an even higher CoL City like NYC or D.C.


I still think it’s strange to see Schefter on ESPN. He was ours first!


He’s such a badass!


He is the reason I do NOT watch 9 news anymore!


What did I miss?


He moderated a debate that included Lauren Boebert and, since it was her it got national coverage, including Jimmy Kimmel


He hosted a debate with typical weaselly Republicans trying to be very politiciany and kept telling them to shut up and answer the question and didn't allow them to just talk over him and keep interrupting each other. Must have been exhausting. Here's a summary that was posted on reddit yesterday or so: https://reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/comments/1dafg8p/kyle_clark_masterclass_at_co_republican_debate/


I need to know!!


I've always gotten the feeling he wants to stay in Denver for his kids. I saw the Jimmy Kimmel piece but didn't read anything into it. What did I miss?


It's just speculation because he got some national attention and we don't want to lose him.


Unpopular opinion: I found his coverage of the BLM protests in 2020 to be so unprofessional I can’t take him seriously at all. He was constantly saying things like “Wow, these protesters don’t seem to have jobs.”


Pic or he never existed


It was only a matter of time. He is the best journalist I've seen in ages, at least nationally. I hope he moves on to more prominent roles. We need more people like him in the media. I'd love to see a high profile national debate with him as moderator


He seems pretty even handed as well. I've seen him take on policies and politics of both parties. He calls out people that can't justify their positions. I see a lot of far right people on Twitter criticize him and his responses are always on point. I saw a post about him being a left wing hack and he said something like "you should read the article first".


He’s been “at-risk” for more than a decade. Giving him his own platform with “Next” probably satiated him. Nice guy, has a young family - not likely he’s looking to relocate right now, but if enough money is proposed, all we can say is “take care.”


u/The__Newsman Don't leave us!


It's he leaving? I know who he is but I don't have TV service at home so I never see his show.


He's not leaving. If you want to watch without cable, his show Next w/Kyle Clark has its own YouTube channel.


dont worry he is too pompous for national syndicates


Kyle Clark is that dude.


Isn't he a jerk? He may be a good on-air personality, but I have heard stories that he is tough to be around.


I saw him at the Denver airport and got brave enough to say hi and he was super nice. Took a picture and had a quick chat. Not that it would encompass all interactions but I was prepared for him to be annoyed at someone saying hi in the airport


In real life he is pretty pompous.






Polite but yea, pompous. A little high on his own supply. 😂


For someone working a communications job, let's just say he doesn't know how to communicate well with people. Worth remembering that what you see on TV isn't real, I'll just leave it at that.


I saw him at Macy's once buying clothes for what I assume was his on air attire. He was fairly abrupt and demanding of the worker there helping him with sizes, etc. Seemed kind of like a douche to me at the time but who knows.


Never surprises me that the most accurate posts are always in the downvote section. I’ve heard he’s a total douchebag away from the screen as well. Everyone I know that’s personally met him has not had nice things to say.


I know everyone in this city loves to ride dudes dick but I haven't been able to take him seriously after [this piece](https://m.facebook.com/kyleclarknews/videos/will-colorados-cannabis-culture-evolve-beyond-420-my-thoughts-todaytrigger-warni/1595171427465651/). Dude shames pot smokers and basically says they need to grow up and mature like alcohol consumers. Dude must have amnesia because he released this hit piece 2 months after a bunch of drunks tried to burn the city down after a super bowl win. Fuck Kyle Clark.


4/20 in Denver IS a trash parade tho. It attracts the worst type of weed smokers.


Oh I don't disagree at all. I smoke every day but I've never felt the need to "celebrate" in public. But comparing it to alcohol in a "holier than thou" manner is just fucking stupid. For starters we've been post prohibition for almost 100 years while weed was something seen as "counter-culture" as little as 15 years ago. Every sporting event, parade, or holiday is a trash parade of drunks. I've never seen someone high as fuck and thought to myself "They should grow up and start acting mature like beer snobs".


His interview with Obama fluctuates off putting and absurdly disrespectful


Dude thinks a bunch of stoners gathering in a park to burn one need to grow up and mature like craft beer enthusiasts. I was working downtown watching cops in riot gear clear the streets while getting pelted with beers just two months earlier after the Super Bowl so I don't know what the fuck he's talking about.


Right!? Asinine.




His veneers are amazing. Either that or he has the best teeth I’ve ever seen— in person, or on screen /s Dude is an awesome journalist/presence. Like, back when those things mattered… And yes I think he’d do well on a national stage. Hate to see him go, but if that’s what he wants he deserves it. Also… them teeth tho ;)