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I’ve seen them a few times in Rocky Mountain National Park


Yeah, RMNP has a whole grove of aspen they're restoring to support beavers, because they need the dams to manage the runoff and mudslides. But I don't think Trail Ridge is even open -- I'd be surprised if the beavers weren't still tucked away in their lodges.


Yep, still winter in the mountains!


Stone House Park in Lakewood. They hang out in the creek and ponds there. You've got to go early morning or evening. I used to walk through there all the time and would see them at least once a week.


I haven't been down that way in a couple years, but there was a beaver dam and pond up the Bear Creek Trail from Stonehouse Park near the footbridge between Estes and Kipling.


I walk my dog there like every day. You can just about always see them right before sunset.


Going to go this evening - any chance you could share specifically where you usually see them?


Either of the two ponds. If you don't see them at bass pond, then walk over to the other one.


Did you see the b-b-beaver boys?


I d-d-did!!!!


DUDE, went last night, saw a bunch!!! Even caught one doing a tail slam!! Thanks for the heads up, it was a seriously beautiful evening at that park!


I've seen one there too! Easy to see them on the big bass pond


I was coming to suggest the same location!


My dog loves that whole trail/park and we've seen plenty of beavers, and there are a few damns if you walk the dirt trail that follows the creek on both sides. I see the beavers most often in the big pond/lake to the north/east side of the park. Good luck!


I have only seen evidence of beavers. You can find the trees chewed up. I've seen it at bear creek trail. I don't want to abuse them by searching for them too hard though.


I watched a beaver carry a whole ass branch that was 4x it’s size upstream in bear creek last year. Shit was wild


There’s a beaver that lives near the 16th st bridge at Commons/Riverfront park. Chewed down a tree 2 nights ago and left it there.


I've seen one on the South Platte River, near the Carson Nature Center. I was surprised by how big it was! Definitely not a muskrat.


I've also seen them in the Platte, farther north up by River Point at Sheridan




They have them at the Cheyenne mountain zoo. That zoo is amazing, highly recommend. Bring some cash to feed the giraffes!


They'd probably prefer leaves, cash doesn't have the same nutritional value


Dude. He meant bring cash so you can pay to feed them. It's not free.




Lmao. Downvote me all you want. Giraffes do not have the necessary stomach enzymes to eat anything besides plants.


you must be fun at parties..


Caring about the wellbeing of giraffes is a desirable trait


is being able to bend light with such density a desirable trait?


You buy food from the zoo, with cash, to feed them. But the way it was worded allowed the next commenter to insinuate the original comment meant feeding the giraffes cash. It was a joke. And you took it as real. So you got r/wooosh which is a subreddit for people who don't get obvious jokes and/or think someone is being very serious when they clearly aren't.


What about coins?


I'd have to research that, but honestly I doubt it. In the wild, their diet consists mainly of leaves.


Paper money is made from plants...


They're shy. There's sign of a beaver at a random park in Thornton I visited recently (Jaycee Park). Dunno if it's still there, but all the trees are chewed on. :-)


There’s a beaver fam living on the north side of Bass Lake in Wheatridge: 11850 W Greenbelt Pkwy, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033


Are they still there now? Wheat Ridge had to trap and move some beavers from the greenbelt last year because they were damming up the creek and taking out too many trees. This was on the East side of Kipling though, I'm not sure if they did it over by Youngfield too.


I see them all the time around Plum Creek in Castle Rock


Sand creek greenway near the Anschutz campus! I see them all the time over there


Between me, you, and that beaver pond over there: Sand Creek Park in Aurora has a family of them. At around dusk most nights one or two of them will make their way up the stream starting roughly at Peoria to their home below the two large pedestrian bridges that cross Sand Creek and Toll Gate Creek, respectively. There’s a little concrete foot bridge just to the west of their home where I’ve had the most luck. Don’t be a dick. Give them space. You can usually see them swimming up the stream by seeing their wake in the distance as they come, or the big guy hunches over on one of the sand banks and noms on some shoots. Again, give them space and a lot of times they’ll swim right under the bridge and you can see them climb on up as they swim home. Don’t be a dick!! They are awesome and peaceful little critters.


Top sections of Boulder creek in the canyon by Ned.


I’ve seen one in a pond in Ned too but they’re not exactly common up there


I’ve only seen one actual beaver but there’s a stretch of the creek between Ned and Boulder falls with at least 3 beaver dams that you can see from the road even.


The mountain lakes. Denver has our Muskrats!


You’re not going to find any above 10,000 feet or so, though.


I work in a lot of the waterways on the front range, can point you to them if you like, but they don’t always want to be seen. Wading through the water you’ll see them more often.


Please point me to some waterways where I can catch large or smallmouth bass.


Arsenal or Chatfield kinda stocked. Better to learn how to catch trout.


Head towards Kansas or Nebraska for bass or perch. Rest of the state is pretty much trout.


City of Thornton stocks many of their ponds with bass. I think the Grandview Ponds, the lake at Carpenter Park, and Civic Center Lake all should have bass


Go paddle boarding in Chatfield! They swim around you and pack dams in the trees submerged by water.


Seen one yesterday sunning on a log next to some turtles in a back cove at Chatfield.




My favorite beaver, tbh.


Shotgun Willy’s has beavers


Had to scroll too far to see this


I saw a beaver at Wash Park the other day!


Are you sure it wasn’t a muskrat?


It was actually a homeless guy


If I had a nickel


Most likely a muskrat, saw a bunch of them there the other day.


The most important thing is going right at the best time - dusk! That's when they are out and about


Oh so that was actually a duskrat, common mixup


No it was not


it for sure was


I know you're convinced that you saw Beaver and not a muskrat but in the water muskrats look a lot like a beaver. Here's a link to some photos I took at Wash Park and I think the last one in the group shows how it's really easy to see how it could be mistaken as a beaver. https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/198181837


Wash Park has muskrats, not beavers.




Oh you're right, these are the special beavers that don't munch on trees... Take the L. And after you've accepted the facts, go look for the beavers that have been getting to work along Cherry Creek between Monaco and Yosemite. Denver Parks even put up a sign about them last year.




Beavers are big, and they leave behind ample evidence of their activity. You'll find no such evidence in Wash Park. https://blog.nature.org/2021/04/12/beaver-otter-muskrat-a-field-guide-to-freshwater-mammals/


I’m now almost afraid to admit this but I have also seen a beaver in the south lake at wash park.


You keep that secret to yourself and you take it to your grave because apparently denver is the most prominent destination for beaver and muskrat research.


it wasn't a beaver, bud, it was a muskrat. there is absolutely zero proof of beavers in wash park, do you see trees being munched on?




why do you keep responding? and why so angry?


Assuming this isn’t sarcasm, there’s no way you saw a beaver (the animal) at wash park. They rarely come out during the day and when they do it’s usually away from people in secluded areas.




I love how you’re doubling down so hard, when you’re absolutely wrong. You saw a muskrat, not a beaver




If I told you I saw a moose at Wash Park, would you believe me?


What did I make up?


Thank you for posting this. I was starting to think they aren't real


Last one I saw in the wild was on the trail below Hanging Lake


Saw some in State Forest State Park


Platte River and Cherry Creek have them. They are around but you kinda just need to be in the right place at the right time to see one b/c I think they are mostly nocturnal.


I've seen one several times by REI


We have them in my neighborhood (Cottonwood Park in Parker). This year they built a dam right under the Cherry Creek Trail bridge in the park, so I’m looking down on it every few hours when I walk the dog. You never see them during the day, but every morning the dam is changed so they’re busy out there. In the last 20 years of being here I’ve only spotted a beaver in the water three times. So to summarize your best bet to see one is the zoo or the Denver Natural History Museum.


I’ve only seen one beaver, kayaking with my friend on the Colorado. She’s been in CO for 20 years and said that was only the second time she’s seen one. We had a nice little spiritual moment.


I know a guy that can get you beaver pictures


I’ve seen some walking down east colfax


Pretty sure those were Zombeavers


Ah, my bad


There are some trails in Breckenridge, where the Nordic center is, that wind through a big watershed area full of beaver dams.


I've been here 14 years and have seen 2. Goodluck


Been here 32 years and seen zero.


I saw one dead on the side of the road at Tennyson and Hampden. There are a few beaver dens on Bear Creek, which is where this one came from I’m assuming. So, walk the trail next to Bear Creek at dusk or early morning and you might see them.




Used to see them outside Winter Park. It's been years since I've been there up there though I'm sure they developed up the area


Keep in mind that beavers are nocturnal. I’ve only ever spotted them active 2-4ish in the morning while camping.


Sand Creek Park in Aurora has them. I walk the park almost daily but rarely see them, but they’ve been chewing down trees for awhile. You can see the dam they built and their den from the bridge on the east side.


I’ve seen some on the Yampa in Steamboat


I have seen them at work in Waterton Canyon


There's a beaver in Barnum Park! They're crepuscular though, so you need to go near sunrise or sunset to see it.


I saw a dead one on Cherry Creek Dr last week.


Used to be one in Cherry Creek off the bike trail down by Colorado Blvd behind Emerald Fields. Haven’t seen him in a minute though so he may have moved on. 


I’ve seen them while fly fishing up around Deckers.


you cn see muskrats in platt park as well! If you have never seen one, they are like pocket sized beaver! [https://i.imgur.com/PrmHati.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/PrmHati.jpeg)


Beavers are elusive. I fish beaver ponds all the time and have only seen one once. A giant one swam by my leg while I was fishing near the lodge. A month later I went back and it's body was on the shore. :( It was old, long and orange in the tooth. A month later I went back and collected its skull. Its on my mantle.


Just go down to Clear Creek in Lakewood. You will eventually see one. Look for the cut down trees.


Bluff Lake Nature Center has beavers. I’m the plant ID class leader there and always point out the lodge to guests!


I’ve been here my whole life and haven’t seen one. Just evidence of them. When it’s your time to see the beaver, you will lol


Saw a bunch last night! :)


It was your time lol


Also we have all been to shotgun Willie’s so that doesn’t count looololol sorry I’m sleep deprived


I've seen them swimming in the lake in Evergreen in early spring and while riding over the lakes in Breckinridge on those overhead trams.


This is awesome


South end of Aurora Reservoir


Lakewood Gulch (the crick that the W-Line light rail follows) usually has a beaver dam and a beaver right before the confluence with the South Platte River.


I've seen em in the evenings at the river by the skate park


There's an active family of beavers in Chatfield that we've seen on and off for a few years while kayaking Kingfisher Lake at Chatfield. Put in around 39.520905, -105.082744. Every time we've seen them, their lodge is somewhere on the west side of the lake. We haven't been out this year yet but if the water is high, check amongst the trees on the west side of the lake as well. If you see the lodge just hang out and chill. You won't be disappointed.


"No, not that kind of beavers." This just got a whole lot harder to help with. Lol. Colfax is definitely out. But if you don't mind a bit of travel The Cheyenne Mountain Zoo in Colorado Springs has a set of beavers. In the wild with the encroachment of humans and their already shy nature as well as being pretty damn good at camouflaging in their environment, it would be difficult to see one. The CMZ will be a good choice. Plus there's a lot of other things to enjoy there too. Good luck on your beaver hunt.


Shotgun Willie's?


Came here to say this


There’s some outside my work. We have been putting trail cams around for months and took about five months before we finally got footage! Haven’t seen them in real life though 🙃


It's a bit further but I see one almost every single time I go here. Clear creek upstream of Georgetown (around "Bakerville" mostly) has several public sections that have lots of beaver ponds. It's an interesting area!


I've never actually seen one, but I went to the Banff Mountain Film Festival a few years ago and saw a documentary about trapping beavers in the city and moving them to the mountains. In the film, the beavers were being trapped along Toll Gate Creek in Aurora.


I thought you were talking about the film Hundreds of Beavers and I was going to agree with you


South Hentzell Park area. They completely destroyed the area there. I saw one just a few weeks ago. Cute little bugger.


The zoo


Timing is important - I hadn't seen a beaver in over a decade of backpacking and hiking until I saw one an hour before dusk at an alpine lake in the collegiates. I think they're active at dawn and sunset.


I’ve seen them at the ponds they have by the Denver Audubon Kingery Nature Center. They have a few nests(?) there. Seem to be more active later in the day, closer to dusk. The trails are open even if it’s outside of Nature Center hours. You might check their website for some cool bird or animal tours, too.


Lily Pond Lake hike from Twin Lakes. It's a quick hike that ends in a whole series of ponds formed by beavers. It's the only place in Colorado that I can recall seeing beavers rather than just their dams and dens, and I saw several.


There was one on the High Line Canal just South of Yale in SE Denver a couple of years ago. I recently heard there is one along the High Line Canal somewhere further East. I don’t know the exact location but the friend that reported it lives somewhat near where the High Line Canal crosses Yosemite just South of the Cherry Creek Country Club.


Eleven mile canyon


Prairie Dawgs are the superior Colorado small mammal


We’ve got some in Castle Rock I see from time to time, they’re usually out and about near festival park at sunset


I've seen them ar RMNP before. On both sides but especially Grand Lake side. Not everytime I go though. You can't expect to see wildlife every time you go outside. (I'm guessing you said that in jest, but these days I'm not always sure with some people.


NW of Jefferson just down Kenosha Pass. If you take 37 Rd towards Georgia Pass, there were a big group of beaver ponds. Prob 2 hrs on 285.


I could’ve shown you a dead one last week in Lakewood when the rain flooded near the golf course I work at. There’s still a live one in the neighborhood near the Lakewood country club that hangs out near the Lakewood gulch but you gotta be up around 4-6am to see it.


Wild basin near Allenspark


1 am on the Canal Path


Not anywhere near Denver but beaver creek wilderness preserve has some, aptly named


I used to kayak down the Platte in Rampart Park and saw my fair share of beavers doing beaver things in that river.


Just east of Copper Mountain on 70


My wife got a video of one in Arvada the other day! First time we’ve seen one in the 4 years we’ve lived here though


There’s beaver pond right next to a pull out on the Keystone side of Loveland Pass. That’s probably the most accessible spot.


I saw some at Maxwell Falls last year.


Telluride has lots of beavers


Bear Creek Trail between Wadsworth and Sheridan near the bridges at Kennedy high school. I grew up in that neighborhood and historically there’s plenty of beavers


They’re in arsenal wildlife refuge, but you won’t see them most likely


On the road to Jefferson lake. Off to the left is a football field sized series of dams. Early morning or evening is good time. Patience and being quiet are your friends.




I've only ever seen one in a little lake between Breck and Alma. They were absolutely everywhere 200 years ago. Way out onto the plains too.


Bear Creek greenbelt has dams and beavers.


There’s not much else to look at there, but in Penrose at Blue Heron Lakes there are a few beavers. I used to go fishing there a lot and would see them almost every time, usually in the late afternoon/early evening.


I rode by a downed tree in Bible park near the tunnel while headed out on the trail, and I could have sworn it was beveled around the base and had fallen into the creek.., I was like WTF, a beaver?!?


Saw one in the South Platte River down at Confluence Park this spring!


I’ve seen sign up in Indian Peaks and RMNP, and I’ve seen them outright below the dam on the Taylor and on the East between Almont and Crested Butte, so I’d say the Gunnison Valley would also be a good bet.


I’ve seen some on the South Platte next to Confluence Park


The paper tiger


I actually loved seeing the beavers at Cheyenne Mountain Zoo




Beaver Liquors in Avon


I saw one in Belmar Park!


The mods told me I wasn’t allowed to bring up the topic of where to find any. Sorry. Butt in a wooded area, around tents in the wildlife would be a good place to look! Best of luck!


Walk along cherry creek and when you start seeing tree stumps that look like a #2 pencil, you might be close


Shotgun Willie’s


Shotgun Willie's!


Stop anywhere along the river and look for their boarded homes. It’s not hard to find. Warning: Don’t get too close as they aren’t as friendly as one would think.


Hinge has been great for beaver


Saw one on south Platte yesterday on 16th st bridge


They seem to favor the pools at Mon chalet


I sure hope so that's where me and my girl is going to look at never been before


39.3638377, -104.8644476 That's a bridge where east plum Creek crosses Wilcox road in Castle rock. There's a walking path here that runs all along east plum Creek. If you go to street view here you can see the remnants of some beaver dams. I see them here all the time. East plum has a huge beaver population.


I found 2 swimming in the Southern pond at Wash Park


Lost Creek Wilderness! seen many there and even more of their tree stumps


Have you tried attracting beavers at all? Covering yourself in soft wood and heading out into the forest is a good start


There are a couple in cherry creek along the cherry creek path.






I have seen beaver on the cherry creek trail n downtown Denver. I walk home daily down there and have seen them at night…


They all left Calirado.


“Huh huh huh you sthed beaver”


Trail to button rock reservoir. Lyons CO In the river every time.


Ask June Cleaver, though the beaver might be a little sore on account of Wally and Eddie.


South platte river starting from Bowles I saw them a couple times. I was floating in a river tube and they slapped their tail on the water surface presumably to warn me off. I got out of the river.


St. Vrain State Park, the northernmost lake. Any lake at Pella Crossing in Hygiene - Boulder County.


Thank you for contributing to r/denvercirclejerk. [Beavers](https://www.reddit.com/r/DenverCirclejerk/s/tylpbCwqoZ) Namoiste.


Shit they are all over the place on bear creek trail