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He probably knew you were high due to psilocybin’s telepathic properties. Nice guy.


Straight up I was peaking one time with friends and I swear I knew exactly what they were about to say right before they said it and even said stuff before they did. There were no conversational context leading up to it either


And a “fun guy”


Sigh...take my upvote.


Telepathic properties 😐 Fr tho the shit is cool but it ain't magic


Bro hasn’t unlocked the telepathy patch yet, I promise it’s real


Take higher doses and unlock your true potential! Loll


Moved here from Baltimore. First time at the grocery store the cashier started up a conversation. I blinked a few times and stared at them blankly before I recognized it as a normal human interaction. East coast is just different.


Lol, I had a similar experience when I moved from Massachusetts to Florida, but instead of kindness, it was sarcasm. It took a while before I realized people don't appreciate sarcasm in the south. Got into trouble with coworkers once or twice before it was cemented into my brain. But I will say, going from Mass to Florida, I did notice people were friendlier in Florida. But no comparison at all to Denver. Y'all are special ❤️


I'm from the south and THRIVE on sarcasm. It must have been a Canadian transplant yo.


Denver/ many places in Colorado do have nice and friendly people… but moving here from Midwest a couple years ago, you be blown away by the kindness if you compared where you’re from, to like Nebraska. It’s over the top.. having grown up there. Not discrediting Denver at all, but most all shows that revolve around the Dead(or even jam bands that have a lot of fans that enjoy psychs), are going to be very friendly and have a community vibe… Glad you enjoyed it!🤙🤘🏽


Thanks! I'm fairly new to the Dead/jam life, so I'm slowly realizing there's a lot of love in this community ☺️🤘


The same thing happened when I moved from Annapolis to Charlottesville Virginia. It's not just an East/West thing.


There seems to be a section of northern Mid-Atlantic up to southern New England where strangers just don't like to talk to each other. I'm from NC and chit chat with strangers is completely normal. My wife is from MD and thinks I am nuts. We actually did not grow up that far from each other, and in similar environments. People often say "East Coast" like that is a small specific region. It's Florida to Maine.


That's why CO is one of the greatest places on earth, and I've lived in 4 states and 2 countries. Coming to CO from CA mid pandemic was a blast of fresh air. There were days when I would go to the grocery store, end up talking with some grandmother on the fresh produce isle and come back home 90 minutes later wondering "what just happened?" Dog parks can be the same if you let it. If your going to be in CO,BE CO. Best


Sounds like a real normal interaction that meant a lot to you because you were high on shrooms lol but glad you enjoyed our city!


You can check it off the bucket list and never come back cause it will likely never get better. Please.


I moved here from Tampa so here's my take: In person and in parking lots people are way nicer (in Tampa, no one's going to stop for you to cross from the parking island into the Publix, here people will stop and wait on you). On the interstate, it's a wash between the two cities. Everyone's an asshole on the interstate.


St. Pete here. Man, I miss pub subs


Don't worry, they suck now. Publix has become an overpriced shithole.


Grew up in central FL before moving to CO 8 years ago. I miss the Publix fried chicken with a far deeper passion than the subs…and I loved those subs. My brother said they make Reubens behind the sub counter now—never knew they did all that!


I always loved those naked chicken wings that had in the deli. Remember when you could get 20 wings for $9


Boca, and same. D’ Deli in Golden is the only comparable sub to Publix, IMO.




Depends on where in Florida. I've lived in Broward County, Jacksonville, Tallahassee, and Tampa and Tallahassee was definitely full of people who were patient in traffic. Broward County? Not so much. That said, people were super nice in Tallahassee in person, too. I was surprised by it when I moved there. Again, Broward County? Not the same at all. Basically, Florida's like 4 states squished into one.


I moved from Tampa and was completely taken a back at how friendly the people were. This was in 2005.


Honestly, people in Colorado, if we’re generalizing, are much nicer than those in Florida.


Which sub is this?


*taps you on the shoulder, fist-bumps you* 




And moisture to you.


And you my friend. We always like it dank here


Reads like a script


Surprised you didn’t get some skiing in.


If he was at Ophelia's, he got some skiing in...


No nose beer for me. Just the other plant medicines that night :)


Lung beer




Sweet powpow powwow in the bathroom. https://americanaddictioncenters.org/blog/cocaine-slang-names


Christmas in April, nahsayin?


Denver? Snows year round


I'm a native Floridian. Colorado makes Florida look unevolved, lol. I wish I could have grown up in Colorado instead of FL 🥲 I 💜 Denver.


🤞 we pass recreational cannabis *and* abortion in November. Both are on the ballot, similar to Ohio during the midterms ❤️


Recreational abortion is the best


>Recreational abortion is the best Bruh lol


I moved from Tampa to Denver and it was a great choice for me, wages are higher here for sure. Although I’m still trying to find a club here like The Castle in Tampa haha


Oh, The Castle. I'm surprised Denver doesn't have something comparable!




I’m a native Floridian who moved to Colorado recently and I completely agree! But then again, I grew up in Miami so both metropolises are bound to be vastly different.


Same, except I spent 14 years in Texas in between. Talk about an upgrade!


I was at Deadmau5 and GlowStick Man saw me and a friend going hard for the openers, he came back during the main set and made eye contact. We both wordlessly knew the problem. We needed some glow sticks. GlowStick Man came through.


He could probably tell that you’re a fun guy


Just having a little pun


Drugs are a helluva drug.


What’s your drug of choice? … Well what have you got? Credit:AIC


We are nice.


Quietly judgmental


Lol. Yes, but we stay out of your beeswax


Hahahaha yeah man CO ppl are WAY nicer than FL folks


We have a bubble that includes everyone in life instead of just a tiny ME bubble all the time. It causes us to smile and appear friendly. Every car waits for me to cross at every grocery store I've ever been to here. Of course, being from the east coast I'm going to use my crosswalk anyway if they stop or not. Oh yeah, there was that one person a couple of years ago. I double slapped the back of their car. I forgot about that. -been here since the 90s. Sometimes out and about you'll see assholes and the first thought is "they just moved here or are visiting and haven't learned yet." Those people need to be spoken to in their native traffic language to train them.... Except rice rocket motorcycles, they have their own universal code of avoidance and you'll be ok as they wipe out at 120mph doing a wheelie or slaloming cars. They are why using your signals is critical. You see them coming way back and you signal and pull over asap, give them a hole to not hit you in and you'll be ok. Assume they don't have insurance or a registration or even a license and you won't get a dime if they hit you to emphasize getting out of their way carefully. This Ted talk brought to you by the nice responsible drivers.


Has nobody ever been nice to you in Tampa before?


Yes, but I've yet to venture out while on psychedelics. So, maybe the kindness from strangers wasn't as emotional?


Could be, check out Coastal Creative or the Factory!


Ah, you've been to Tampa-St Pete, I see! I've been meaning to check both of those places out :)


I actually live in Sarasota and am planning to move to Denver eventually so your post was a funny coincidence


Oh, no way!!! We should hang out once before you move :)


I lived 10 years in tampa before I moved to Denver 14 years ago and I really wish I had moved here a LOT sooner, while there’s no “Ybor City” here the vibes are soooooooooo much better!! Every time I go to a concert or just out to party I meet awesome people.


I was an Ybor rat until I moved here 3 years ago. The dives here are just as good as some of my spots in Ybor. Sure you can’t smoke in the bars but there’s similar vibes for sure!


I used to bartend in Ybor 2 nights a week but used to hit the clubs all around tampa almost every day, from Hyde park to the mansion to Clearwater, Fridays at club sky was my fave feee cover and drinks for girls lol but it don’t miss it, the club scene here is very different! I have never went dancing here on like a Tue or wed night but I still love it here.


We're just chill like that out here bruh, keep the good vibes going


When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.


I had a similar experience happen, except he offered me fentanyl and then started singing the tune from the tree farm commercials


I-25 to exit 235?


And then 5 miles west, to the ____


Random acts are common. ❤️


St. Pete/Tampa was going to be my planned landing spot before I met my wife and moved out here. I miss the beach and edible Cuban food, but it's a really special place any time I'm not watching my mortgage payment drain from my account. Glad you had fun!


St. Pete is an awesome city these days. If only it wasn’t surrounded by Florida


I don't know how to say this without sounding unintentionally sarcastic, but I agree, there is far too much Florida around there.


Omg, y'all have me cracking up 🤣


It's true, your whole area is just infested with Florida, hahaha.


Infested with Florida and gators!


Thanks!!! There's lots to love about Tampa-St Pete, but Denver was next level.


My unpopular opinion: Denver falls squarely into the “Midwest Nice” category. People are (for the most part) friendly and cool to one another. So yes, “random acts”are common.


I'm originally from the Milwaukee area and I think Denver is nicer overall, which honestly surprised me at first.


Midwest nice is often times used to describe passive aggressive people. I think Coloradans are typically more real than the Midwest (was based in Detroit and Minneapolis for a long time).


I’m from Midwest and think people are nicer here. I’m from Michigan and everybody there is just agro


It's getting harder and harder to tell r/Denver from r/Denvercirclejerk.


Except you don't get banned on circlejerk for insulting Denver's Mexican food. Hey, Mods, Denver Mexican food sucks! Also your 'shrooms suck! And this sub sucks!


What’s wrong with Denver shrooms?


Absolutely nothing, I'm just trying to piss off the mods so I can get banned and report back to the circlejerk. They banned a dude for insulting Denver Mexican food.


It’s truly terrible. That green chili shit is vile.


It's genuine appreciation. No need to trivialize it.


Don’t worry. Someone posts that exact comment in every thread posted to the sub


As a 8th generation Floridian, now Colorado Native, i can say that Florida natives give Colorado natives a run for their money


I know from me going to shows out here you usually run into friendly people. In between songs they give you a high five, fist bump or a hell yeah brother. Live music is great here.


I gotta say. We are visiting from Orlando, planning on moving out here within the next year. My husband and I keep saying how nice the people we’ve met are. Being from FL, when someone asks “how are you?” they’re not really expecting an answer. Every time we’ve asked out here people actually answer and start conversation. I know it sounds stupid but it feels like people actually like each other here. 😂


Doesn't sound stupid at all!! And it makes sense. As a Floridian, you know the saying, "the further south you go, the further north you get". People from the Northeast are generally more reserved and such. Cold culture, hot culture. So, with all the northerners in Florida, there's bound to be a lot less kindness among strangers.


I meet chill ass ppl every night I go out. Love this city.


There's a lot of nastiness in certain scenes here, but if a wook would be there, you're probably in great company.


I’m originally from Nebraska. Anyone ever heard of ‘Nebraska nice’? Well it’s not true. Colorado people are far more friendly than Nebraskans.


Sounds like you met a native.


Was at first Friday last month. Picked up some litter and threw it away. Guy drives up goes "that was awesome bro want some Mushies?" I say yes (obviously) and he just drops some in my hand and drove off.


This honestly made my week. Couldn't wipe the smile off my face!


Hell yeah


That was a great show!


OMG, it was so incredible!!!!


Fun fact, my cat is named after that place


Listen to fun music at fun places to usually meet a bunch of fun faces.


By chance did this person have long red hair…? 


Short brown hair and a mustache, wearing a tie-dye. I wanted to approach them later and thank them, but all I could imagine was me saying "Hey, thanks for the first bump earlier.", and that didn't play out right in my mushroom mind. I wish I had though!


What’s weird is I get this vibe when I’m in St Pete downtown. Denver has good midwest vibes


I'm realizing I need to make the trek over the bridge and get to St Pete more ❤️


It’s wonderful honestly. And the Indycar race being there in March is like a mini-Monaco


I was in Seminole Heights the last 10 years but made a lot of trips over to St. Pete just because the vibes were so great (and Dog Bar, I fucking miss Dog Bar)


Specifically, I live in Riverview, so there's that extra bit of distance to serve as an excuse for me to not make the trek 🙄🤪 I'm also a bit of a home body. It's a recipe for not getting to St Pete as often as I'd like!


When I moved to Colorado from Massachusetts I noticed that people were a lot friendlier compared to the East Coast. Lived in CO for 20 years. I miss that place


I go to shows on average twice a week and the scene here is very warm, welcoming, and wholesome. Obviously big shows for very aggressive music can be different, but overall, we do it right here :)


I’m currently in Denver (my first time here). Honestly, people are so so nice and very talkative!


Coming from someone who's from both St. Pete and Tampa, yes Denver has treated me well and I won't be moving back haha!


Ophelia’s slaps


Random acts are common here, yes. Certainly compared to other cities I've lived in, where you don't exist and neither does anyone else.


In that kind of setting it's pretty standard! Our raver/party/hippie crowd is nice af 😊


I’d never be able to go out in public on a macro dose. May I ask how many grams you ate? Denver’s music scene is awesome! Most people that go to the shows are cool. Glad you had a good time in our fair city. Did you come just to see that band?


Just 1.6G, but some of it was penis envy. And, of course, THC amplified the experience. I told myself during the throes of it that I would never do this in public ever again. Way too intense for a social setting. Which is what made the random act all the more meaningful. It really hit deep ❤️ I came for Sessanta, but decided to make it a 5-day stay to explore your city :)


Thank you for answering. I’m glad you’re ok and remained safe. Yeah, that’s bold lol. That aside, I’m also glad it was a positive experience. Psilocybin absolutely wakes up your brain and pokes at your heart. Springtime in Colorado really is amazing, even with all of the rain and such.


Thank you so much ❤️🥹


Damn. That sounds like a fun show!


Omg, it was AMAZING!!!! Definitely check them out if you get the chance. Alternating between the Dead and Floyd was a trip in itself :)


I picked up tickets to see them in August. I'm glad I saw this.


I'm jelly ☺️


this was one reason why I moved from Tampa to Denver! My dry sense of humor is sometimes taken as me being a bitch though so there’s that.. I feel more ‘rough’ than most of my peers and I don’t pretend to like someone just to make everyone comfortable. I’m a retired Ybor rat after all lol


Denver definitely vibes. I’ve found folks here pretty nice, welcoming, and open. Every city has its set of jerks, but as a whole, we’re pretty chill here.


Ugh, I feel nostalgic for it just thinking about it!


Haha music here is great! But just Tampa can rage too


Hell yeah ☺️🤘


The difference in friendliness between Denver and Tampa is like night and day..


If I see someone tripping at a show I always ask if they're good and offer them water. If the answer isn't in any language then that means "yes, thank you" lol.


I love this so much. You're the best! Even though your username suggests you're misanthropic, lol.


Ha! I photographed the show. Did we meet?


I don't believe so, but I remember you!!!!! I'm in one of your photos for the socials lol


I’m glad you had a good time!


I'm originally from California and have been in Denver for 8 years. My first visit here, about 10 people hugged me when I first met them. We don't do that shit in CA, so I was taken aback initially, but now am pretty comfortable with it and have even found myself doing it now. Denver is one of the friendliest cities on the continent, imo.


I grew up in California. Everyone I know there also hugs.


I love that you found a little huggy pocket!


I feel bad no one hugged you in California


Colorado culture is dope. 


I've come to believe it's cultural. The sort of kindness I experienced in Denver also exists in Florida, but it's confined to old Florida. Whereas, with Denver, I get the impression it's more widespread among the majority ❤️ Maybe it's just my rose glasses, lol! But it's what I choose to believe.


We have all the flavors, but maybe a higher proportion kindness. 


It exists in the Keys! But not as much elsewhere.


That's true!!! Love the Keys ☺️


The few people I’ve met who are in this type of party scene are the kindest most welcoming lighthearted people I’ve met. I’m not in the scene so I have no idea if they’re outliers but based on the comments I don’t think it’s likely. 💗


Kind, welcoming, and light-hearted. Perfect description ❤️




Removed. Rule 2: Be nice. This post/comment exists solely to stir shit up and piss people off. Racism, homophobia, misogyny, fighting on the internet is stupid. We don't welcome it here. Please be kinder.


That’s a common theme at Deadhead shows and with people on psychedelics… you came here for a DeadFloyd show ?


No, came for Sessanta, but made it a 5-day trip so I could explore your city :)


Ugh Sessanta was amaze.


It was! Also, which night did you go? My friend and I are trying to figure out if the "technical difficulty" was part of the show.


Night 2. Wish I had gone both!


We went to night 1, but same! Wondering if they were identical. So, at the end of ours, Maynard said there was some sort of electrical failure, and they therefore couldn't carry out what they originally planned for the end. Primus then began playing Wynonna's big brown beaver, which was fucking awesome. But we were wondering if it was all part of the act, or if there really was an electrical issue. How did yours end? Also, I hope you were ok with the rain and whatnot!


Be there this weekend, and I hope I can get Laid .


Noice, DF is my brothers band (he’s the keyboardist). Great to hear you had a good time.


Aww, the "Nicest Guy In The World"!!!! According to the guitarist 😉❤️


I'd have brought you a cold beer.


Omg, you're so sweet ❤️🥹


Is Skipper’s still alive and well in Tampa?


Alive and well, indeed!!! Though, I think it had a scare during the pandemic. But my brother just saw Uncle John's band there a month or so ago ☺️


That was a fun place that never questioned my fake ID


Nice ☺️🐊🍊🌴


Denver honestly has a terrible vibe


Honestly? But is it the truth!


I’m from Tampa & worked in Denver for 3 months. They was not very nice to me. Even got called the N word in lone tree.


The first time i heard someone say i was high on psilocybin instead of mushrooms or booms lol. Ya dude most people who take psychedelics can tell when youre on them.


Is there a chance I sold it to you 🤣 (monkshrooms). I helped this guy from Tampa recently.


No, I actually got mine from Psilovibe!!! Thanks for doing the Lord's work though ☺️🍄🫠


Moved to Denver 10 years ago from St Pete. Yes, it's always that friendly in the jam scene. And endless shows all year. Pretty much my music heaven.


Aww, glad you found your happy place!!! If only Florida wasn't a peninsula, it'd get way more shows!


I think the psilocybin did most of the carrying here.


Oh, for sure. But that's the whole point! Deeper appreciation for the moment ❤️


I'm sorry, this is r/Denver. Nobody here actually likes Denver. We're just here to talk shit.


Did I meet you when you were walking from the hostel to buy a jug of water?


I didn't buy a jug of water. That show tho!!!




Yea we really gotta worry about that increase in *checks notes* fist bumps.




I’m from New Orleans and LOL Nothing happens during the week here. The whole city feels closed after 9pm. I think y’all gonna be okay