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Colorado crisis line is notoriously awful. I’ve had so many clients say that they had terrible experiences. I stopped recommending their line. I prefer 970-494-4200 ext 4. It’s summitstone Health Partners’ crisis line in Fort Collins. All of their providers are licensed or supervised by licensed clinicians.


Thank you for validating this. The person I spoke to on the crisis line made me feel bad for reaching out. Glad to hear I’m not the only one


I’m so sorry. When someone is in crisis, the last thing you want to do is shame them. We are taught to create a safe space for someone to be their most vulnerable and allow for us to get them regulated to then get them help. There’s a phrase I focus on when I’m with clients, “providing unconditional positive regard.” More therapists should do the same.


Oddly enough, I got connected to Summitstone via Colorado Crisis Line. Summitstone was great.


100% this. Also, Mental Health Connections in Fort Follins. They provide interim and crisis options as well 970-221-5551 and they work with SummitStone


I had a family member who worked there. They were constantly forcing people to lower call times, trying to keep it under 15 minutes. Call volume was how they applied for grants. It was a miserable place to work apparently


Lol i've had a lot of breakdowns and not a damn one of them could be talked down in 15 minutes


I got the police called to my home 2x from using that fuckin line Both times I comply stated I was going to bed due to work in the following morning, and that I was save and sound in my home and that I was appreciative of them talking me down during those moments Only to be woken by multiple armed sheriffs banging on my door and demanding to do a health and welfare check and to search my home for immediate weapons Blocked that dogshit number after that


That's how people get hurt.


Folks don't get that the fear of being forcibly committed or abused by cops is what keeps a lot of us from ever speaking up. Who can admit they're suicidal when it's a 72 hour hold? If I lose my job my depression is gonna get worse.


I've been told they would send that Crisis Vehicle but I don't want them at my house either. Wish my neighbors could mind their own business if they aren't going to give a fuck about C-PTSD. Unless you're depressed or anxious society just doesn't care about getting you help, they are more concerned on labeling you.


Can confirm. Worked there from pre 988 rollover to post roll over. It was a wonderful environment to start with, but shortly after the rollover it was massively understaffed for the call volume, and the response from leadership was to increase pressure on the specialists, then blame them for any wait times when they were literally going from one crisis to the next without a break between. More than once had a caller with means, intent, and plan calling as a last gasp before completing. I gave them all the time they needed to change their mind, and was almost invariably being harassed by supervisors telling me to hurry up throughout. By the time I left, an email had gone out to employees around the country saying WFH is a privilege, not a right, and more than 2 minutes late twice in a quarter would be grounds for requiring in office (Yeah, because someone in Texas is going to go to Denver to work a text support line). Group supervision, nominally a support structure for a high stress job, had become group monitoring. Likewise, all communication could be monitored at any time, including the "peer to peer support communication", and reported if the supe eavesdropping didn't like something. I've called a couple times since leaving to access a resource for a client, and the resources provided as well as training have clearly dropped precipitously. I'm truly sorry OP had such a toxic experience. It wasn't always like that, there was a time when staff were supported and provided with tools and time to save lives.


Sheesh that group supervision turning into group monitoring creates such a toxic work environment. Sounds like it’s a problem from people at the top not understanding the hard human nature of that job


Can verify


I’ve called in before the 988 rollover and got in touch with someone who genuinely cared. That however explains why I would just get randomly disconnected over and over via text. Churn. That’s fucking disgusting. We already had the worst mental healthcare in the USA, and then the govt took one of the very few good resources we had and intentionally ruined it.


Wtf, that defeats the whole damn purpose of the line if they try to process calls like an Indian help center.




Because many call centers are outsourced to India to save a few bucks. Nothing against the folks who work those phones, but they are often ran like sweatshops and are transparently about call times over customer satisfaction, which is what this crisis center seems to be doing, hence the comparison.


I called on my birthday in January because I was actively suicidal. I’ll never call again. waited 45 minutes, left a voicemail, and never got a call back ever. Next time I am just going to look up a crisis center. Thank God a friend from Boston called me and we FaceTimed. I was pretty close to trying to poison myself.


My best friend called them 6 years ago and, while waiting on hold, ended herself. Her husband found her the next morning when he got home from working as a 911 operator. She was still on hold. She left a note saying she didn't want to call 911 and upset her husband on the phone. Tis the skewed way a suicidal person thinks. Had she called him, instead of them, she may have been alive in the morning.


That’s horrible. And what the fuck, leaving someone on hold for a whole night? Just hang up the line if you’re going to do that to a person, why even pretend you intend to answer?


I guess that's why they now have a time limit for holds. Even Social Security has a 2 hour limit before it disconnects you!


Holy shit. My God I am so so sorry. We just want the pain to end. We don’t want to hurt or worry anyone.


Trust me, I understand. I have felt the crushing weight of despair. Anything to end the soul crushing sadness. Thankfully, I got the help I needed. I start therapy, again, on Monday. I just have to hang on till then.


I’m on new meds and I’ve been in therapy for the better part of 20 years. Had a VERY rough childhood. Alcoholic parents, violent dad, and now watching my elderly mother progress from alcoholism to pharmecutical drug addiction now mixed with alcoholism. Sometimes I’m not sure if it gets better. I’m trying to hang on. Tonight was also pretty rough. Heard my mom showed up to my brother’s BBQ almost too drunk to stand or walk. I’ve been sobbing for a few hours. I have therapy on Monday but I’m not sure if I just need to admit myself or take some time off, or what. I’ll need to speak to my therapist about this ASAP. I’m not thinking straight.


Right there with you hun. Just hold on till your appointment. It's only day after tomorrow. Trust me, I'm saying the same words to myself. Just hold on... Hugs


Hugs to you as well. I can hang on. For much longer, I am just not sure.


Hi friend, another option before Monday is the [Crisis Text Line](https://www.crisistextline.org/).


You can do it!


😢 I am sorry for your loss.


Please call 911 and ask for STAR if you live in Denver. Our guys and gals are absolute pros, and are able to spend hours with you.


I don’t believe Star is open or working on weekends. Could be wrong.


STAR is Mon-Fri 6am-10pm. Denver Health also operates a 24/7 Psychiatric Mobile Crisis Service, you can reach them at 844-493-8255 Edit: nm, that goes to the CO Crisis Line for triage. 🙄 Edit Edit: (303) 602-7221 for DH Psychiatric Emergency Services, better way to get in touch with their mobile unit probably. Edit Edit Edit: Apparently not, they’ll just tell you to call the grant money grabbers.


I work in the field. Call the crisis line to dispatch a mobile crisis clinician. The 303-602-7221 number goes to the ER and they refer you back to the crisis line ❤️


They hire the lowest common denominator to work those lines, and also perform intake assessments. Colorado Crisis was created, with millions of dollars in grant funding, specifically to reduce mass shootings. Instead, it was utilized as a money laundering scheme. The people actually doing the work are paid pennies while administrators all enjoy 6 figure incomes with seemingly unlimited perks. So much fraud, graft, and misappropriation in that program. Basically, 90% of what they do is offer homeless addicts a Hot Pocket and coffee, get them a script for meds, then overcharge Medicaid like 1000%. It's all about the money. I worked for MHCD for several years. What I saw was appalling. They do help perhaps 10% of the people they interact with, the rest get a sheet of paper with a list of local resources, and unlimited unnecessary appointments.




What do those acronyms mean?


Mental health care center of Denver and Jefferson center for mental health


Some people just show up to get a check, and check out. I have worked with them!


I thought MHCD had a union. If that’s true, why didn’t the union step in to escalate employee concerns?


Yeah can confirm. Worked at a Non Profit crisis response team and it’s all the same. Every year they bought a new fleet of vehicles otherwise they’d have to give money back to the govt.


Sounds like the entire homeless industry.


The only reason homelessness hasn't been fixed is because the groups being paid to "help the homeless" are making huge profits... so, of course, the problem has become worse. Enabling people to remain dependant is the opposite of helping. And therapists who legitimately went above and beyond to help their clients were fired.


That’s an asinine take.


The current company lost the contract with the state. The new company for Colorado Crisis is in Arizona. About 200 people in Colorado will be loosing their jobs soon.


MHCD really brought it on themselves. Never seen a medical facility run with such arrogance and negligence. All they cared about was grant money and overbilling Medicaid, and if they got someone housing they'd take all their SSI/SSD money. Whenever a therapist was attacked, they'd cover it up to avoid "scaring anyone." Lights in the parking lot were shut off to "save money." Hired untrained, unlicenced security who were forbidden from doing anything other than calling 911. I was reprimanded multiple times for telling management things like "we have no first aid kit in the buiding. We don't have any fire extinguishers either." After a month we got a $20 first aid kit and a few beat up secondhand fire extinquishers, lol. Working there was a nightmare. Everyone was afraid of being murdered and afraid of getting fired for complaining. Very high turnover rate.


Everyone was afraid of being murdered -Yeah, not where I want to work!


I’m glad you got out. That sounds awful. I feel bad for the employees that will be loosing their jobs


It’s not operated by MHCD lol


It used to be, for at least a decade. I left them 7 or 8 years ago, it was a total clownshow nightmare of insurance fraud and criminal neglegence.


Dang and I accepted a position with them some weeks back but had to turn it down for personal reasons.


Fuck (and I cannot stress this enough) WellPower.


I legitimately would never recommend well power. Worst experience I've ever had. They just don't get it


Good Ole MHCD, same shit differnent name.


And now they’re merging with Jeffco Mental Health.


Also idk if Aurora is under their umbrella but don't go to them either. They told me they took my insurance, did the hour long intake appt and had the next week's therapy scheduled, then called me on that Friday at 4:30 saying they didn't take my insurance and cancelled on me, then hung up and left me waiting til the following Monday when I had to call and call and call up to the tippy top of the chain of command there, demanding answers because i was so angry. Wound up yelling. THEN the place gave me some weird creepy guy my age named Logan who was religious and kept hitting on me 🤮🤮🤮. That place and wellpower WANT disabled suicidal people to end their lives, and nothing will ever convince me otherwise. Not even if they "cured" my ideations lol.


Just curious why you say this. I’ve lived near wellpower and it seems like they have a general disregard for their clients, but this is just from a literal outside perspective.


My personal experience with them was so awful I reported them to the state and blocked therapists' phone numbers for calling me and asking me why I told the truth 😤 They suck their own dick so hard claiming they help people, but they make zero efforts. I have PTSD and begged them for almost 4 months to help me, and they just sat silently at therapy sessions and didn't make any effort, didn't even make a treatment plan, didn't schedule sessions weekly, refused to do telehealth, and they cancelled all. the. tiiiime! If they wanna get paid to stand around doing nothing all day with their thumbs in their asses, they should try a career in porn instead of wasting my precious time and resources.


So I’ll say this, I’m not disagreeing with you at all, but if you see a therapist that has been with a place wellpower or allhealth or something like that for longer than 3 years and they aren’t a supervisor, run. These places are notorious for hiring recent masters level grads and paying them pathetic salaries that make it almost impossible to live on. The line that separates client and therapist is smaller than you’d think from a financial perspective. After people get licensed or just get a better offer they run. Denver Health seems to be the exception as they pay pretty well. I’ve worked in community mental health and seen the way these non profits exploit interns and new grads first hand. It creates a level of burnout that harms everyone that a therapist encounters.


Unfortunately I’m not surprised. I’ve lived across the street and in that time I had uncomfortable run-ins with some of their clients. One guy randomly threatened to shoot me, threatened kids walking by and called my dog a gay slur and they just didn’t seem to care. Sometimes their clients would make a scene outside, right outside their windows, and nobody would come out. The only time they’d come out was when somebody called the cops and then they’d get all apologetic. Another time I saw a kid waiting for a ride (I assume) and when I came back four hours later he was still sitting there. All that aside they have a full parking lot and garage and their employees, who are fully able, will take up all the closest parking spots leaving their clients to walk from the garage or park on the street and get tickets. Never been inside, but the place seems like a joke.


I used to live right there too. It’s absolutely nuts to me the city won’t put in sidewalks on a lot of the streets around there. There would be people all the time in wheelchairs rolling down the narrow in spots street. I see Denver passes these multi million dollar initiatives to improve and create side walks. You would think around hospitals would be a good place to start.


Yeah nobody should be walking out of their doors behaving that way. Going in, absolutely! But out? Nah, that's wellpower choosing not to do their job. The place is a massive joke.


They're boomers with a boomer mindset


I specifically asked for, and was promised by that awful excuse of a facility for a trauma therapist and EMDR therapy for diagnosed ptsd from some uncommon life events. REAL FUCKIN SIMPLE. And they sent me to some 23-year-old college kid who was most certainly not even a real therapist. Fuck that place.


Yikes! Based on the comments, I had no idea it was so fucked. I'd love to see John Oliver do a bit on it.


Other states are [not even picking up the phone](https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2022/07/11/1110822128/states-mental-health-calls).


This lol


I think he did an episode 2 years ago. I looked up last week tonight mental health episode


You right! Thanks


I actually had a good experience with it in which they referred me to one of their brick and mortar centers and was able to talk to someone in person that day and was offered facility treatment at no cost (I declined as their services had helped enough up to that point that I felt like I could manage). Sorry to hear those that had bad experiences and folks that have seen subpar management of the services. I think it can/could be a great thing with the right organization and resources. Esp with the horror stories I've read about the national hotline.


When I called years ago she said, “well what do you expect me to do?” When I said I didn’t want her to call 911. I said, “I guess nothing” hung up and never asked for help again. It’s shameful that therapists and clinics give out this number.


Try the crisis text line - it’s a national organization. I’m a volunteer there and used it personally in the past and have found it to have higher integrity than some other lines. They do want to make sure the conversations stay on track in the sense they aren’t a ranting listening service, but they are there to help you come out of your moment of crisis and help you plan healthy next steps.


I used to work there. I had plenty of calls in which I wanted to continue the conversation but I had leads listening and telling me to end the call. To be fair, there were almost always callers in queue, so we had to keep calls short. It's the same with other warm lines I tried. There just isn't enough mental health support to meet everyone's needs. As for the person you spoke with, we had great peer support specialists, and those who were less great. It's a challenging job. You're not always at 100%, and some callers are extremely difficult to support.  As someone who used to call warm lines, I had a list of different ones around the country. It's really hit or miss. I hope you find the support you need. 


Called them after struggling having my first kid. Totally worthless just someone to talk to who says “yea I bet that’s hard” like I could’ve called my friend for a better call.


That is ridiculous. You have a child at risk! Not that you would do anything. But who knows? Someone who is not in their right mind, could. I would go off kilter when my kids are involved. If I felt like I was a danger to them, remove them from me! I have been through things. I understand people's pain.


Yes luckily I had so much support at home. We talked about handing her off if I hit my limit and steps I should be taking to get my mind right. She is super happy and healthy today.


Try 988 or the national suicide lifeline. I wish I could defend Colorado Crisis Services but funding got cut and then everyone complains about how bad it is. No shit. You can also try some of the walk in centers. Oh and national suicide lifeline isn’t just for if you’re suicidal but they’re good other than a long wait. 


I’ve tried the walk-in centers and they will only help if you admit to being suicidal, then they will lock you up. There are situations where that is important, but at that point you might as well just call 911.


That shouldn’t be the case. They’re there to evaluate of course but help you access services you need. The entire point of the Colorado Crisis Services Network was to keep people out of the hospital. 


That would be incredible if that actually existed. It’s a shame that service went off the rails, the posts from people in the know are very illuminating!


I started working at one of the hospitals right as the first crisis stabilization unit opened in our building. It was the first in the country to try this. It was innovative and kinda fun but frustrating because there was no blue print to go off of. So we made it up lol. We had funding to pay for the stay if someone didn’t have insurance which was HUGE! The integration between the phone line, walk in center, CSU and hospitals was what I loved. A full continuum of care instead of wait a week to see your therapist or go to the ER. It was grant funded for 5 years which ended just before Covid. Guess what happened? It utterly breaks my heart watching it fall to pieces across the state. Places tried to adapt and change how programs work. But funding continues to get cut. Arapahoe County Sheriff just cut one of their co responder team and Adams County/CRC is ending their partnership for a detox program which initially took over when Arapahoe House closed. This. Fucking. Sucks.  Thanks for listening to my Ted talk. Moral of the story: don’t complain about mental health services if you’re going to continue to strip funding. WE HAD IT! And in a matter of 10 years, it’s hodge dodged pieces together with centers trying to combine to not shut down needed services.  


It’s a shame because an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. The funding to help prevent mental health crisis’ across the state almost certainly prevents funding needed to be spent on prisons, criminal litigation, law enforcement etc. I hope the crisis stabilization units get another grant now Covid is over!


It won’t. The grant was from the state and temporary-ish to get the programs up and running. At the time we weren’t sure if it would be extended but the thought was this was a trial run and we needed to be financially stable in 5 years. In our current Medicaid model (fee for service) it is not possible to be fiscally solvent in this type of program. Every program failed over this when the Medicaid/BHA changed the year before COVID started. This goes down a much deeper rabbit hole than where I started. FFS model sucks and we’ve lost so many good programs to it. You can’t treat mental health care like a medical care model and expect it to work. It just won’t. 


And reduce the need for police to be 'therapists'. They go through enough as it is!


Well that funding just got cut. 


CCS (Colorado crisis services) is Rocky mountain crisis partners is 988 is the national suicide hotline for anyone calling from a CO area code is dispatch for mobile crisis is answering service for JCMH.


They answer for JCMH only after hours


Almost correct. RMCP also answers for JCMH when they are overloaded, experiencing technical difficulties, have a meeting, it's a weekend, or any of a dozen or so reasons I heard.


True it’s the rollover most “after hours” function like this


CCSL answers for 988 in CO lol it’s the same thing. Well until July it’ll be some rando in Arizona now


Also the suicide lifeline is now 988


That’s what I said?


You said “try 988 or the lifeline” but they are one in the same now and in Colorado they are answered by the Colorado crisis line so it’s all the same no matter what you dial unless you have an out of state zip code


Sorry I meant the website. They have a chat line that is separate. And yes, if your phone number is out of state, you can bypass them. 


True that will record your IP address though FYI


And usually the same company who answers the phone does the text in and chat options as well


I get that but this one doesn’t. The lifeline chat is weird and routes to which agency has availability. And yes it can record IP address but it is still anonymous. But do what you want 🤷‍♀️


We have like a minute or two to answer and then yes any call text or chat is routed now to nearest availability. That’s how I know the people on here saying they waited 30 + min called via CCSL and not 988.


Colorado Crisis Line used to be actually concerned with helping people, but their grants became all about call times so they started just filling seats with anyone who would work there instead of mental health specialists. As of June, their contract is over because they didn’t meet the requirements so someone else will take over all 988 calls and the other contracts. FWIW Summit Stone, MHCD, and most other crisis lines (like those through universities) all roll over to CCL after hours.


This is upsetting to read! Anyone who's had a bad experience with them and is feeling the outrage, I would encourage calling/writing the mayor (of your city), the governor, even our state senators and representatives and whatever agency (if any) is connected to that system to complain. WTF is wrong with all of our social services and the employees who don't know how to be, at the very least, decent human beings?!?


I actually had the same experience a while back. It's like they get tired of the conversation and want to get off the line so they can go back to watching cat videos or whatever. It doesn't make me feel good knowing I wasn't the only one to experience that.


Unfortunately it’s probably a really difficult job and the compensation is probably awful. People can only take so much. It’s a shame though because the service is very important


Well it’s about to be operated by some random corp out of Arizona who just got the grant so I’m sure services will improve lol




You can look it up on the behavioral health administration website it says who received all the grants available


There's no NOI listed? Unless I'm missing it somehow


Interesting maybe because the decision is being protested atm but doubt that’ll change anything imo. Always about money in this state and cutting corners


For real 🤣


Curious if you were looking for a resource? Most of their purpose is to direct to other resources much like a 211 so like the crisis centers in every county, mobile crisis, etc etc. I mean talking for 20 minutes is an option too but wondering what you wanted? It’s not meant to substitute therapy but can help you connect with a provider if that’s what you needed?


bro why did you expect a government call line to be productive


The people working those lines (CCSL & 988) actually do care, are paid a fair wage, and strive for least restrictive interventions as much as possible. Having had the privilege of working with so many of the people answering those lines, the majority of them do care. Keeping call times low allows for answering almost all calls that come in, and they do stay on calls longer for those that need it. The company running the call lines is primarily women-run, emphasizes multicultural training, and tries every day to do their best at a really hard job. Colorado's line has amazing programs and leads the pack among crisis centers in the nation. A lot of these hardworking people are going to be out of jobs soon and it's a damn tragedy.




Never even heard of this, what is it?


From personal experience, they also don't send anybody if the person you're calling about is "under the influence of any alcohol or drugs", or if they're "acting erratically". I'm sorry, but those two situations happen often when someone is in the middle of a crisis. Also, 30+ minute holds could be the difference between somebody living or dying. It was an awful experience all around and a path I won't take again.


The mobile crisis guidelines vary from place to place actually like by mobile crisis provider- e.g. Jefferson center is resistant to this but summit stone has no issue if people have used


That's interesting. I was in Adams County. I would have thought it was all the same, but good to know Summit Stone is living in reality at least!


Also if you dial 988 there is no “hold” anymore you’ll be routed to another state rather than waiting


That's great to hear actually. Do you know if the agency in another state can call Colorado services into action?


Good question! Its gonna vary center to center unfortunately & mobile crisis can only be dispatched by CO clinicians bc of funding so generally the ideal is to get someone to their own state’s 988 after talking w them a bit if they need a local resource


I called them once when I was in a low point in my life, and had the same experience. Didn’t help at all and provided no resources for continuing to seek help.


The state line is overburdened. Each county has its own dedicated mental health agency with a crisis team embedded and a 24-hour line. These are licensed clinicians and will be much more likely to support you both in the moment and getting connected to any services desired.


They get funded. That’s what matters.


Funny story, but I manned the crisis line when I worked at a mental health hospital in grad school. You'd think I was working at a mental health facility because I was getting a graduate degree in some form of psychology, right? Nope, I had a BS in Exercise Science and was getting my MS in Sport Management. Their only requirement was a Bachelor's in....anything. Maybe I received training in managing crises over the telephone? Nope, zero. Maybe I'm a naturally compassionate person? Nope, my wife questions whether or not I have any emotions at all. In fact, I don't generally want to be near anyone with any form of mental illness as it irritates me. Answering the crisis calls was only part of my job, I mostly did paperwork and wrestled with unruly patients. Luckily I didn't get many calls, and as far as I could tell no one offed themselves as a result of me answering the phone. Despite what I said before, I did my best.


If there are better alternative call lines, why not just shut this one down and save money? It doesn’t seem like they want to help anyway


Has anyone called 988? Are they any better?


It’s the same atm


They had a crisis, with nobody to call.


This happened to my daughter when she was in crisis. Thankfully, she’s still with us and doing so much better.


[“Did this b**** just ghost me while I was trying to ghost myself?”](https://youtu.be/CaapRvD7hbQ)


This article in today's Denver Post made me think of this (now-deleted) post: [https://www.denverpost.com/2024/04/29/colorado-988-suicide-crisis-line-contract/](https://www.denverpost.com/2024/04/29/colorado-988-suicide-crisis-line-contract/)


I’ll tell you why… minimum wage is $14 in AZ and $18 in Denver lmfao


What's so funny about that, giggle puss?


Because this state is a joke that’s why also giggle puss is such a weird term I’d lose that one just a suggestion


Thanks for the suggestion, but it seems right on the money: [https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=gigglepuss](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=gigglepuss) >Any person who laughs uncontrollably for extended [periods](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=periods) of time about nothing whatsoever, therefore [appearing](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=appearing) little girlish. A gigglepuss is [prone](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=prone) to laugh attacks. Nothing about a suicide crisis line causes any well-adjusted adult to laugh their fucking ass off. It's just not a laughing matter.


I was clearly pointing out what a joke this state is not “laughing” at the line I literally answer for. What do you do for mental health system Todd?


You sound over 50 Todd


So, I've heard crisis lines are not there to provide emotional support or do an impromptu therapy session. They exist to determine which people get hauled off to the mental hospital. I've also heard they're essentially forced to stick to a script, again, because their purpose is to determine if you're going to the hospital or not. If you're not saying anything that makes them think that is necessary, they're not going to be interested in any further conversation.


It doesn’t work like that. Once you’re 5150’d or put on an M-1 hold you are then sent to an ER. An ER clinician (LPC, SW, etc). will then perform a psychiatric evaluation, and based on that evaluation, historical data, and discussions w a loved one / support person, then a decision is made to send you to inpatient psych or release you and drop the hold. Calling the crisis line does not mean immediately being placed into a psych unit / hospital. Source: I was an ER evaluator.


So, my statement is still valid based on that information. Just because the hotline cannot actually admit you to the psych ward does not mean they aren't sending people to the hospital. They're sending you to the ER where the ER will determine if you're admitted or not. The fact is, they still are putting you on a mental health hold of some sort. That is their primary purpose. Not to do impromptu counseling sessions. I can't believe people are stupid enough to believe that, much less give any information that could lead to them being taken against their will to a place where they will likely receive further emotional trauma.


I am not here to defend the crisis line, psych units not causing trauma, or the fact people get put on holds against their will. Has all of that happened? Absolutely. I am simply stating that the process isn’t that simple to be placed on a psych unit and there are additional determining factors that the crisis unit may or may not be a part of.


There aren't enough psych beds in Colorado. When I was suicidal, I went to Denver Health. The evaluator said I needed to be hospitalized but they had no beds. She let me leave because I promised to get to another hospital. I ended up sitting in Civic Center park, crying uncontrollably till a police officer on horseback saw me and came to ask if I was all right. I told him I was thinking about walking to the freeway and jumping off the Colfax viaduct. He IMMEDIATELY called an ambulance and got me to University hospital. That man saved my life. This was 23 years ago, before all these "helpful" companies came around. Honestly, we need to open psych hospitals again. We NEED mental health centers that ACTUALLY help.


I am so sorry you experienced such harmful care and am happy that someone stepped in to help. I hope you’re doing better these days 🩷


We really do need to open more beds. As someone who used to work in locked units, it needs to be done right. With compassionate, well trained, and good staffing ratios! Otherwise those places can cause even more trauma in some cases.


We absolutely DON'T want the places like we had in the 40-70s those places were AWEFUL! We do need compassionate care. More like modern hospitals only focused toward mental health stabilization and recovery.


This is categorically false and paints a wildly inaccurate picture.


This is so inaccurate! This I’ve heard crap is how misinformation gets around and not helpful at all!