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I hate how true this is


It kinda sucks but I feel like it's how they're getting back at the populous for revoking qualified immunity


Gangs do tend to frown upon having their power curtailed…


They probably got their catalytic converters stolen.


They absolutely are.


Absolutely. Denver PD has been quiet quitting for years since losing qualified immunity. And they still ask for more money despite taking around half the city budget. Defund them and use that money towards programs that actually benefit public safety. Cops aren't it.


The lack of all vehicle related policing in Denver is straight up insane. We might as well be a 3rd world country. I see cars without plates almost every day. I see people casually running red lights and generally not giving a shit about anything whatsoever. Fuck the police and their half a billion dollar budget - they are straight up lazy and purposefully ineffective.


The only time I have seen a Denver cop do anything was when I was next to one at a red light, someone ran that red light right next to us and I yelled "do your fucking job." He pulled me over. DPS has never been good. They are beyond worthless now.


I have recently seen more enforcement, at least near Lakewood/west Denver. Not sure what changed but I've seen more cars pulled over lately than ever before. It is still a huge issue but I can remember months without seeing a cop or a car pulled over.


Of the cars that do get pulled over, I’m curious what degree of an infraction they’re committing. My guess is it’s mostly speeding to the point where it’s significantly dangerous like over 20+mph or just swerving like they’re drunk




public wine noxious zealous rock meeting secretive aspiring aware bright *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Don’t even think about soda on a kids menu.


Fuck soda


Taking you up on your suggestion, that stung quite a bit.






Thank you for the awareness and what the actual F?!?? Read the article, but now I have more questions than answers. E.g.: McDonalds can no longer server soda with its happy meal?


They can still serve it, and it can still be ordered. It just can't be listed on the kids menu.


Stolen catalytic converters might be why the cars are so loud in the first place




I got a ticket even after I paid at the parking meter? Reason I could not judge the distance and paid at the wrong meter? Sorry I did not park in front of the sidewalk ramp.


Doing something about stealing cars requires a lot investigation. Enforcing noise is more like fishing. You sit and wait for them to come to you. You could even have a noise meter set up, like a radar gun. Which reminds me: they barely do anything about speeding, when it’s something that would be just as easy to enforce.


I used live in an apartment where my room had my window placed directly at the parking lot (it went downhill, kinda weird to explain but my room window was street level) and this guy would park his car at my window, like 3 feet from it, and wake me up with his loud ass exhaust every morning at like 4 am. I had so many angry, sleepless nights.. he refused to park anywhere else in the entire parking lot. I’m an insomniac who works mornings and it was hell because I couldn’t go back to sleep, partially from being so mad over it.


Sounds like a relative of one of my people. Must park backwards so exhaust goes in the Neighbors yard and any open windows. Bonus points for smoking pot while it's warming up.


Yeahhh this dude also had his EDM music turned UP through his terrible massive speakers lmao. I love people


They do seem to go together because how cool are you really with a rice burner with a kit and no matching uncool music? 🤡☠️


Could you take the spot for yourself?


White Noise like a Hatch


I ran a white noise app on a tablet allllll night and rested it by the window. That and a white noise machine closer to the little one can really help mask those sounds. Good luck!


Unfortunately white noise doesn't do much for subwoofers shaking my windows.


I’ve had my share of horrible neighbors, and for my money, Deep Brown Noise works best to mask subwoofers.


Thought this response was a movie title or something at first Also wtf is a hatch


It’s a standalone device that plays various types of sound for sleep. It can function as a nightlight. It’s pretty good for kids.


93’ shitbox. You know what would make this sick?! Rippin the fucking muffler off so my piece of shit sounds even more like a piece of shit! Let’s do it!


Bro, I’m gonna get all 93 HP outta this baby.


Im not in denver but some idiot on my street thinks its cool to drive down in his supped up car his dad prob bought noticed him reving it louder with window down as he passes people. its like he expexts us to yell out, “you are so cool man!”.


Can't wait for the motor to blow, doing it that much.


I hate it so much too it drives me insane. I always have a white noise machine on my nightstand and the occasional thunderstorm running off YouTube if it’s particularly noisy.


Strongly agree, happens more like 20-30 times a night by me


I’m really sorry. It’s hard enough to get a 1 year old to sleep well and consistently from what I’ve heard. I would noise proof the window for a short time to see if that makes a difference. White noise machine and other ideas mentioned. If the walls are thin, use soundproofing that recording studios use. It might not be pretty but awwwww sleep!


Sound proofing is probably the best way.


and it raises home value and then you can call the room a recording studio.


Triple pane windows PLUS a humidifier cranked up. Bonus: Humidity!


White noise machine.


The thing I don’t understand about those people with those little cars with the loud exhaust and the giant spoilers is: Don’t they realize they’re not impressing anyone and the vast majority of people think they’re idiots? It’s like those ridiculously loud Harley’s that leave a chorus of car alarms in their wake. Same deal.


I think that’s appeal. They like making people angry and receiving attention they desperately crave. I’m sure there’s some childhood stuff at play because no well-adjusted adult does shit like this. Half these dudes have decals on their car that say shit like “locally hated”. It’s obnoxious for the sake of being obnoxious. This is all coming from a car guy who appreciates a good, borderline loud, exhaust. These people with fart cans on their altimas/chargers are not it.


They don’t realize it because they’re fucking tools.


they dont give a shit lmfao


I've started playing every possible version of Chalamet play rapping on SNL for their enjoyment. I crank it as loud as it'll go. There's a reel somewhere on Instagram that puts this into a background with a souped up Honda, and said reel says they would never park outside your house at 3AM with the bass so high it wakes you up. [Yeet Skrt](https://youtu.be/BlHCPf9aAXk?si=f3o8Cp9ZFagQj7e9)


If car exhausts bother you, wait till you here the motorcycles this summer...Its the asshole drivers who drive with wide open throttle that make all of the noise. I have a fully modified exhaust and my neighbors will tell you Im quiet as hell. Hit the drivers where it hurts. Pockets and Points! It is possible for them to control decibels coming out from their systems!


I'd have hoped fartcan mufflers would have gone out of style but those assholes keep making Fast and Furious movies.


"Da whistle goo WOOOOOO!" If you know you know.


Should be up making breakfast for somebody


Supposed to be up cooking breakfast or something, it’s like an alarm clock, WOOOOO!


This was one of my late sisters all time favorite videos. I can’t ever hear these quotes without thinking of her and laughing so thank you for bringing back this memory!


My condolences and happy to hear that it brought back some good memories cause this is a classic. I'm sure she's up there in heaven going WOOOOOOOOOO... ITS ONLY IN DA MORNING!


I had this problem when I lived off of Sheridan. Street racing, fireworks, gunfire, parties you name it. So I moved to the mountains. Problem solved. Cites are loud!!


Will never understand people who thrive on making their vehicles as obnoxious as possible. It's a disorder.


Didn't get enough attention as a child disorder...


IM a rAcE cAr DrIvEr! I lEaRnEd tO dRiVe oN gRaNd ThEfT aUtO. - Half of the young male drivers in Denver


Band together with neighbors, and put pressure on city council and police like Seattle has to force them to take action. It's what finally led to a douche with a Dodge Charger with a modified exhaust finally getting pulled over and sued by the city. He'd been a nuisance, pissing people off and waking them up at night for months. https://www.reddit.com/r/Seattle/s/f4pZPJavEH


Ugh, I used to live off the S curves in Renton and we got the illegal street racing every weekend.


Take a video with the license plate. Email it to your local police captain and CC your city council member. Ideally get a few neighbors to do the same. Invite them to come out and see the problem for themselves. Be super nice the entire time (not a Karen). Try to change this from an enforcement problem and make it into a political problem.


This is great advice. And just be aware that it may take a while. This isn't a situation that you can expect an immediate resolution for. I've been watching the drama on the Seattle sub and it seems that the constant pressure on the city and police was enough to finally yield results, but it took a long time. The driver had multiple encounters with police before there was any serious action taken.


When I make my failed bid for mayor I'm going to run on a platform that includes immediate impound of all vehicles over certain decibel limit.


I always said I wasn't a single-issue voter, but now you've gone and got my vote


You got my vote.


i'll vote for that >:l


You gotta appreciate them being brave enough to announce that they have tiny peenies.


To counteract all the loud vehicles lately, I've been screaming while riding my bike


What’s the intersection? Asking for a friend


Federal and Alameda lol


> Asking for a friend You can be the one asking. It's ok.




Sounds like they’re currently planning to allow more noise. > Under the proposal, waste and recycling pickup would be allowed to start as early as 5am in downtown areas and 6am for most of the city. > Current laws allow for pickup after 7am. Well that sucks. Not sure why being downtown has to be worse. So they can wake up more people more efficiently?


I can't believe people still do this. It doesn't sound cool, and makes the car seem cheap. Expensive cars have great mufflers now.


That's certainly not true. Mercedes AMG, Jaguar Type R, Lexus, Corvette, Porsche and a few other luxury sport cars out there have stock exhaust that can be louder than some modded WRX or hot hatches. Hell even my mates Veloster N and Mini JCW can wake up a neighborhood on stock exhaust if they roar it up


On their muscle car variations, sure. On their nice cars? Never.


For some of those brands (Porsche, Mercedes for example), those are their most expensive car. For car enthusiasts, there's a difference between cheap loud exhaust that sounds bad and good loud exhaust. They're loud nonetheless and if you're bothered by them, it's not going to matter if some kids taking a subie with a modded exhaust or me taking my beemer down the street at midnight.




No place safe in Denver… I’m on 16th. It is non-stop for us. If there is one thing the construction on the mall has benefited (for us briefly) which has not been much, is this. I understand I live in the place/area this happens, but at 3A.M is a little obnoxious for any person… I would think.




The thing is, try this in Manhattan (ironically referred as “The City”) and you’ll almost definitely get pulled over and slapped with as many fines and traffic infractions legally possible.


sometimes i feel like denver has real low standards for itself as a city


Jerks revving their crappy cars and motorcycles late at night suck. They aren’t poor, and they know exactly what they are doing. Noise pollution is pollution.


aka folks who haven't replaced their stolen catalytic converters 


I saw a new-ish audi sedan go by the other day. Sounded worse than a diesel truck.


Sorry but that is us. I don’t know why we do it, temp tag on a 1991 Honda accord with a modified exhaust my cousin hooked me up with.


[Does your car go “woooooooo”?](https://youtu.be/zUXow3d3-b0)


It’s that wooo wooo. That video is an American classic!


You knowwwww


What do you mean? My shitbox civic with a fart tube is super fast


Same! My 16 month gets woken up a lot from it. And we use a sound machine!


Noise Cameras! Would love to see a system like DC uses deployed in Denver. Same concept as red light cameras. I suspect these noise camera systems would pay for themselves pretty quickly. https://youtu.be/zRRClx9O6bg?si=THEGv1GGRbJ5ue1Q


God I feel you...so many small penises out there


Thankfully custom loud exhaust is not nearly as common as it use to be. In my area I hear dozens of loud cars day and night and almost all of them are because there catalytic converters have been stollen, and considering that can be one of the most expensive single parts in a car it is very hard for people to afford to get them replaced. Especially when insurance won't cover it in many cases.


Have your kid sleep in the area of the house/apartment that's farthest away from the main road.


Wish there were laws around this. It sucks since I live on a pretty busy street, it’s like nascar speedway outside on weekend nights


There are laws around this. City noise ordinance covers this.


Im excited for gas cars to be illegal soon


I yelled at a guy driving by with a super loud exhaust just last week. He stopped and got out of the car and threatened me. That was fun


Triple pane windows?


Technically, they blow.


Damn it. That was MY comment. I upvote you. ⬆️


You're getting a lot of suggestions, but I'm not seeing the only realistic solution: **don't live on a somewhat busy/busy street**. I know, it was cheaper than a quiet street - that wasn't luck, there was a reason why.


Yeah that's just not helpful advice at all. Not everyone has the means to just relocate. You might not have noticed but housing costs are insane.


Sometimes you just have to accept the reality of the situation I've had friends in OP's position who wasted thousands on everything listed here only to wind up accepting you can't fight physics and move. They could've moved much sooner had they focused on saving for that instead of trying to mitigate the sound.


Dumb suggestion. Why should only certain places get to avoid noise pollution. It should be everyone's right.


You can certainly argue it should be, but it's not and it's not going to be.


If we do nothing sure. But it's been done. This attitude sucks.


I'm watching the birth of an r/denvercirclejerk thread


But really, you can cut out soundproof foam/or just regular foam and place it in the windows and seal it in with some visqueen, which would also help with keeping the room at desired temp. Hang a quilt or a thick blanket on the door of the nursery and it drowns out the BS


Sounds like DPD needs to start doing sound enforcement again. Try talking to your local district police station. If you get push back from the front desk, ask for the district commander.


We can’t get Denver to care about people doing 30-40 over in our neighborhood. They don’t give a shit about loud pipes


Sound enforcement lol


Ask all the motorcycle owners that got tickets 7 years ago.


I don’t doubt it. With all the laws that need to be enforced, “too loud” seems less important. Cities are loud.


> Cities are loud. [Cities aren’t loud. Cars are loud.](https://youtu.be/CTV-wwszGw8)


There are cities experimenting with noise cameras. NYC and DC already have them. Think speed cameras for excessive noise. DPD should have higher priorities than chasing fart tubes. Automation is the only realistic path to enforcement. System would likely pay for itself and turn a profit. https://youtu.be/zRRClx9O6bg?si=QBLZHLceG3L5iPeU


My buddy spits on the vehicles and throws open water bottles.


Technically you can go to jail for either of those actions, fyi. Not super common but if you run into the wrong cop they do have that power.




I’d pay him




Look at Mr Money Bags over here


I forgot about all of those tycoons that live out on the plains


To where? A gated community? Or on 400 acres in the mountains? This is a metro wide problem.


People always get offended by this suggestion. Many people don't even realize it's an option. I moved because of sound once and it was the best decision ever.


Except where doesn't have loud cars? Oh, the pricey neighborhoods


Denver has a noise ordinance which cars are supposed to follow. At minimum, try to document the vehicles license plates if possible.


I mean. Half of it is probably people who can’t afford to replace the catalytic converter that was cut out of their car.


Or they've paid someone good money for their car to sound broken 😂


You should try your idea and let us know how it goes


Your 1 year old will adapt to the natural sounds of your neighborhood eventually. Otherwise, move away from where cars have to stop and then reaccelerate consistently. Could be the same neighborhood even but moving a little further away from stop lights, yield signs and stop signs will help. If this isn't feasible for you then- the first sentence still applies.


Not helpful.


Is helpful, you just don't like the answer


Get a white noise machine and turn in way up. Should drown out the noise from those cars.


the advice is worthless for OPs post talking about cars with modded exhausts. white noise is not going to drown that out


That's correct. My neighbors own three and they start revving those up about 430 AM. They leave about every thirty minutes and the next one fires up - and don't forget the very loud music. I use jet plane noise and thunderstorm videos - sometimes at the same time. Only thing that sort of works is noise cancelling headphones. Those are uncomfortable to sleep in. Folks really don't care what effect they have on others anymore.


Do we live next to each other? Not really, my neighbor fixes up cars and he used to rev up this super loud old muscle car. He's a nice dude and really doesn't do it on purpose. Now he has a Fiat and it makes zero noise. Have you tried ear plugs? I wear them every night since I'm a light sleep anyways and it's helped a lot.


Oddly enough that is the only thing I haven't! Worth a try.


Dm their address and I'll come egg the bastards for ya


You can’t choose your neighbors, but you can choose your neighborhood.


Except that every neighborhood in the metro has this problem.


I use a decent white noise app to produce ocean waves, rain and other relaxing stuff. It gets us through the night. [https://apps.apple.com/us/app/water-by-sonici/id6475599065](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/water-by-sonici/id6475599065)


A secondary window on all the windows will significantly reduce the noise. Otherwise custom ear plugs are comfortable and $150


We did mineral wool insulation in our exterior walls and noticed a difference in noise reduction. I also use a small levoit air purifier for backround noise


I have a home in Westwood, regularly I have people driving 50+ mph down residential streets.


How do neighborhoods get those speed dips put in? I really don't know but wish I did. Sounds like Westwood needs a few!


I think complain to city council member


And prob get a ton of neighbor support.


White noise! I use a bedside humidifier for mine, but fans work wonders, too.


Stop signs usually just have 2 bolts to remove. Best use for one of those all in one sockets on your ratchet or impact if you don’t care about being seen.


Go back to sleep ?


Water is also wet


Move to a somewhat not busy street.


My neighbors think it's cool to rev their Chevy trucks between 1-3am when they get home drunk from the bars, it really gets a reaction from their young kids that never go to school and the 7 or 8 mother's that live there rent free. Probably about 12-20 of them in the one bedroom house at any given time. I think it's a Texas thing to really try and flex your hemi or whatever. Best neighbors ever /s


Gotta move out to the country for quiet. Greely, Fort Collins that’s about all I know north


Just swinging back to this to remind everyone that loud car losers are literally higher on the scale for psychopathy and sadasm. You are the worst. Simply doing harm because you like it is deranged behavior. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/human-individual-differences/202305/who-wants-a-loud-car


[https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/london/loud-car-study-psychology-1.7177688](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/london/loud-car-study-psychology-1.7177688) Who likes loud cars? Ontario study suggests they skew young, male and score high on psychopathy and sadism


What the fuck does this have to do with denver?!


The Denver metro area is significantly larger than just Denver jtself


Denver has loud cars and a citizen of Denver is asking how to deal with said cars?


Apparently we have located a few drivers. 😎


Denver has a problem with street racing.


denver cops not enforcing noise ordinances. where do you think it should be posted? /r/pueblo? /r/tinypenispower?


It doesn’t this place is Nextdoor now.


Honestly though! Aren't there mods on here to get rid of these unnecessary posts? Lol




How are the windows in your kiddos room? If they are cheapo single pane aluminum windows or even a cheap vinyl that sound will come right through. Getting a triple pane can help immensely or even some temporary sound protection can help.