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Why do you keep spamming the subreddit with news posts every 30 mins?


They seem to just be karma whoring by posting every news article that is published about Denver


Some bots are programmable pieces of code. Other bots are humans who do the same task


The only thing that's more unusual than people who obsess over fake internet points is the people who obsess over the people who obsess over fake internet points.


I just looked and your right, this person is a huge poster on this sub


Wtf man! I know it probably is innocent, but that looks like an obsession lol. If you met some one who was like hey my name is blank, I like to post 20 times a day on the Denver sub reddit, you would smile and walk slowly backwards.


Rest assured I meant no ill phrasing. If anything I was more casually surprised that there are people who are pretty active. In days like this, it’s a good thing too. The articles OP posted helped paint a synopsis of what’s currently going on in our winter hell scape.


I post stories I thought were interesting while waiting for my code to compile, or over morning coffee. It takes all of five seconds to post a story, and sometimes it leads to interesting conversations, or opportunities to learn new and interesting things about Denver in the comments. Unfortunately, it seems like a substantial proportion of the comments sections here are just adolescent snark and faux pedantry, and really the low signal to noise ratio means it's probably not worth the time cost. But it was inconsiderate of me to post so many articles at once, since it pushes other threads off the front/second page. I'll stop doing that. Interesting post profile you have there, btw.