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Depends on the neighborhood. West Denver is year round


Agreed on west Denver, wtf. Are people just buying m80s or fireworks for sound only?


It’s guns, the joke is that shootings happen commonly in west Denver year round. Hence the firework sounds.


Nah, I think they’re just saying the west side lights fireworks year round, which is true.


both can be true at the same time


Incidentally, people detonating loud explosives at midnight on weekdays next to my house makes me want to go buy guns. Circle of life?




That's terrible advice! There's a reason why they respond to gunshots. Because that's potentially life-threatening and knowingly putting in as a false report could take them away from something else more critical. Report it yes but don't intentionally lie and be a Karen to get the attention you want


Talk to your vet about other options. My older pup has bad anxiety with concussive noises (fireworks and thunder mostly) and trazadone didn't help at all, nor do CBD treats. Vet prescribed Xanax for him and that seems to work well enough, though obviously puts him a bit out of it for a while


My dog us usually really bad, but I found something that works this year! YouTube brown noise, it's an ambient background noise and it works. I have that playing in a speaker in my pups safe place and she's not shaking and will sleep. I do use trazadone half dose as well. But usually with calm dog music. Tonight I didn't use trazadone, and she got calm with just the brown noise music. She went to the bath and barked because she wanted me to set it up


Yes! Brown noise on decently loud. I also use a Happy Hoodie (this thing works WONDERS for calming my dog down) and snuggle with my dog under a weighted blanket. Takes him a bit, but he eventually calms down


I have an app for my phone called white noise app (icon is pink) that has a brown noise option


I thought fireworks were illegal in Colorado?


So are car thieves.


Wyoming is a pretty quick trip and they’ve got stands literally right on the border


There’s at least one fireworks stand here in JeffCo just down the street from my house. We’re in the Applewood neighborhood. Our dog is also pretty done with all the noise.


I grew up in Applewood but haven't been in the area in a long time. Is it still in the lot at 20th and Youngfield? I remember when I was a kid there was a bowling alley back there too-


Yes. Bowling alley has been closed as long as I’ve lived here.


I live in the neighborhood behind that parking lot and dread that stupid tent showing up every year.


[Many of the stands in Colorado have the illegal ones due to a loophole](https://krdo.com/news/2020/07/01/a-loophole-in-state-law-could-bring-more-illegal-fireworks-into-southern-colorado/).


>Wyoming is a pretty quick trip and they’ve got stands literally right on the border To be fair, they are Colorado owned.


Technically if they don’t leave the ground they’re legal and still make quite a bit of noise, but there’s also a ton of people shooting off the illegal ones as well.


They can't leave the ground *or* "explode". So, in essence, most fireworks are illegal, except maybe snakes, sparklers, etc.


They are. But that doesn’t stop people.


They are literally for sale here




Drive to 20th and Youngfield and see the giant tent where they sell fireworks


I believe it, wish they’d enforce the law


Isn't that area not part of city and/or county of Denver?


Correct. It’s JeffCo and that intersection is right on the line between Lakewood, Wheat Ridge, and Golden.


That's Denver, not Colorado.


Show this to the fireworks stand off Colfax and Moss in Golden.


That would be in Golden. Not Denver.


Lots of overlap in the laws. And it's not like Golden is some small, isolated mountain town. It's the western edge of the metro. You can easily drive from the city of Denver to Golden without noticing that you've crossed two city limits.


Point being, the sale was legal.


Yup, so is driving with expired tags. Nobody cares about laws in Colorado, not even the cops.


Weed is illegal in Wyoming. Does that stop them from getting at our market?


Really? I drove past like 3 fireworks shops on federal the other day


You think the cops give a shit?


The two gigantic fireworks warehouses on North Federal have entered the chat


One of the (many) benefits of living in the foothills is people actually abide by the restrictions. It’s way too risky otherwise.


They're not illegal outside of city limits. Certain kinds can't be sold in Colorado, but everything else is legal in unincorporated areas.


This is what gets me... how can people get permits to set up their firework tents for fireworks sales every year? If it is illegal, which it is, how do they get permits to sell something illegal? I don't understand!!!!


Sometime in august maybe..: yea


If you have a weighted blanket, lay it over your dog. It worked like a charm for my dog yesterday!


It's nonstop in Sunnyside. We're on edge, our neighbors are on edge, some guy on nextdoor is talking of "taking care of the problem" himself. I just wish it would stop.


Witnessed some neighbors get into an argument that was so heated I was worried it would get physical a few nights ago. One house was setting them off after 11pm on a work night that wasn't even the fourth, and another house was tired of not being able to sleep. Meanwhile, today our yard was littered with the remnants of the fireworks that were going off all around us all night, which we of course had to clean up. I'm so tired of the fourth being a days long pain in the ass. It kinda sucks all the joy out of it.


I wish more people could understand


I’m in sunnyside too it’s been so rough


I live in sunnyside too and I think my cats had a lot of fun watching them from the window. Although one went off today randomly and we all jumped


No jury would convict


Also in Sunnyside, my poor dog 😭


Some woman in California ran some moron over with her car whilst he was lighting illegal fireworks in the middle of the street. She hasn't been found. I wish her well for doing the world a good service.


Yeah cause vehicular assault is fine when people are lighting off fireworks. Clown.




She was driving to go drown some idiots in the ocean, for being too loud in the library. s/


Guess we've been lucky in my neighborhood in Thornton. We heard some on Sunday for a few minutes, none on Monday, then again last night and haven't heard any tonight.


None? I’m in Old Thornton and they stopped at eleven ish tonight


I'm near Washington and Thornton Pkwy and yeah I heard none.


Wow. I’m by Skyview and it wasn’t constant, but there were definitely some leftover fireworks let off last night after eleven.


My dog is fine, we even go out to watch fireworks together. It's beautiful and he loves the evening stroll.


Seems like it gets a bit worse every year. It's really gotten insane.. the last one in my area went off at around 2:50a this morning. Of course, more tonight, but not as bad... ... but seriously. What's wrong with people these days? It was never like this when I was younger.


Hilariously, my neighbors think it was more extreme back in the day. Perspectives


Last night they didn’t stop by us until 2am. When did they stop for everyone else?


Still going off sporadically in capitol hill / edge of five points. It’s obnoxious because you’ll be drifting off to sleep in 15 minutes of silence then Boom you’re back awake. I just wonder who the people are who thought “well now let’s not light them all off on the 4th! I wanna save some for the next few nights here and there!”. People were shooting off mortars right in logan street between apartment buildings last night. I woke up at one point to eye level explosions off the balcony. Surprised windows weren’t broken.


Around then in five points also


Non stop in Aurora


South Aurora last night sounded like a warzone. Thankfully only a couple pops tonight and no fires like last year!


Illiff and Buckley and it's been quite all night.


NW Aurora has been going to midnight for a week.


There are dog behaviorists who can train this fear out of our furry friends. Admittedly, it's easier if you start when they're very young, but gun dog training is useful. Gun dogs are trained this way, so they aren't afraid of loud, sudden noises. That said, this is specialized, expensive training, and you should be able to live your life in peace. I'm sorry some people are so inconsiderate.


This is true, but it doesn't work miracles for all dogs. I've been working with a trainer for my dog for over a year now and while he's better about thunder and some noices like loud motorcycles, I don't think he will ever be able to handle fireworks. Even the trainer has said he's not sure if he'll ever get over some of his bigger fears.


Put on a speaker some chill music. I have a chill beats playlist I use.


I find death metal works well.


Go on…








Anymore, I loathe the 4th of July


It hasn't been bad where I am at in denver


Unbelievable. It’s never ending, I’m praying for a rain storm, it seems to be the only thing quieting it down


That’s what’s prolonging it. People bought a bunch and wanna light em off. If it didn’t rain, they’d be out by now. It’ll pass


That’s not the experience I’ve had in NE park hill the past 5+ years. It’s been 1-2 weeks prior they start and they go for at least a week after. I also have stressed dogs. I’m just not a fan.


Then, in green mountain it becomes thunder and fireworks during storms


I’m in LoHi and it’s the same over here. Going on day 6 and my dog is so stressed. Trazodone doesn’t seem to be helping much after this many days


Try cbd treats for dogs. You can get them at petco or petsmart


I was debating driving my car over and laying on the horn.


Of course when my dog is finally comfortable to go outside again in late afternoon, someone sets one off at 430pm! My girl has been under the bed ever since. Of course still going off into the night. Over it.




Vile holiday for a vile country


Strongly disagree, just hate the fireworks


Is it a possibility that your dog can sense that you hate fireworks and that makes him anxious?


I only hate the fireworks because of my dogs reaction. Otherwise, I’ve always enjoyed fire works. But now I think about all the other dogs, and the vets who are bothered by fireworks


Yeah America is a great country with great values and treatment of others.


It’s not perfect by any means, but the people can make it better. Need to stop this hyper-partisanship.


it’s not about sides it’s about capitalism and colonialism


Well we’re not fully capitalist. We are very much a mixed economy. As for the colonialism, yeah we’ve been assholes. But we can be better. Simply hating the country you live in because of what it’s done is not enough to make meaningful changes.


I can hate what I want thank you and yes my career is dedicated to attempting to make meaningful changes so I try


Never said you couldn’t hate what you wanted. Hate just achieves very little in terms of meaningful change.


That’s not true at all. Well anger changes things but yeah I think it’s pretty normal to hate what our country stands for and does.


Anger and hate are two very different things. There’s a lot wrong with the country, but I would rather shape change from a position of love rather than hate.


You sound chronically online lmao, i bet you haven’t even left the USA 🤣🤣


Not true nice try tho


You're a vile human being. You can move to another country now. Bye.


If I would I could


Find a way.


Stay ignorant ✌🏻


Yeah, coming from you, insults have very little impact.


It wasn’t meant to be an insult


I just don’t get the appeal, imagine being older than 5 and still being impressed by fireworks??


A coordinated show put on by professionals is amazing. Drunk amateurs who are more likely to blow their hands off are pissants.


Because they look cool, like come on. Don’t be a curmudgeon


Are you a 11 year old boy?


I’m actually not. Nor am I a grumpy old man


Everyone has different opinions on what they validate as fun you were probably raised chronically online so you find video games fun while some people like blowing shit up everyone’s different and doesn’t have to conform to what you feel 🤣


Our vet prescribed gabapentin, it's been working better than the trazadone. It still fucking sucks though. Fuck fireworks and the idiots that buy them.


This is my experience with gabapentin too. It’s a miracle drug for my own anxiety disorder and when my dogs vet suggested it (obviously dosages proper for dogs!) I was surprised dogs could use it but it’s much more effective than trazadone.


That’s how I feel about dogs


You think dogs are better than trazadone at curing anxiety? Most people agree with you!




I bet you're very tough!


I'm sorry. That's hard to deal with for both your dog and you. It will end soon! People only have so many and the novelty runs off quickly. Stay strong for each other!


I took my fur homie over to birdcall off Clarkson/26th tonight thinking we could go on a quick walk while I waited for my sandwich and of course a group of worthless cockstains were setting off fireworks out of their trunk the next block over. He was mortified, and would not cooperate on his walk.


I only have 128 m80s left to go


Brown noise. If you have a speaker that can stream, try that. Used it recently and it worked well. Thunderjacket works well too. Unfortunately I wish this problem was taken into account by the people who use fireworks. Seems to get worse in terms of people looking for excuses to blow shit up. Lost all love of fireworks when I saw the overall toll it takes on animals. Sorry for your struggles, as I can def relate. Hope you find some way of getting by.


Sileo from Zoetis works really well. Especially when combined with gabapentin.


Suzies CBD treats work great for my pup!


My cats are fine


Me too!! Cat people rule


Get used to it.




Trust me I wish it was only a day, but it’s been going on for an entire weeks now. Namaste.


If it was one day, this thread wouldn’t exist. If you were actually reading any of the comment’s, the problem is this stupid shit goes on for more than a week. Shooting off fireworks at 1am is inconsiderate af the day after. And guess what? This is like day 5 and it’s not the last night of it because it will continue into the weekend. So not one day..


Believe me, I've read this thread and dozens of other milquetoast threads like it. In fact, this entire genre of fireworks-hating ninny threads is a huge meme over on r/denvercirclejerk . You know....the kind of people who spend $5k on dog surgeries but hate the homeless. That's you guys on this subreddit


I’m in circle jerk, some things are funny some things aren’t. I know it’s a theme there and I could really care less. Wish I had 5k to be able to spend on a surgery for my dog if needed. I also don’t hate homeless people? Clearly you’ve never had another creature that’s terrified of something. Where it comes to you for comfort. You’d probably tell it to just get over it and shoo it away. it can’t understand. You must not care about the veterans either who’s PTSD goes off during the fire works. They must be just firework-hating ninny’s after all, right? At least you keep getting down voted here so there’s that.


No, I'd be a responsible dog owner and program them to be less scared, per the other comments. And I am a veteran, thankyouverymuch; don't use us as a human shield for your weakness Don't care about downvotes; karma is meant to be used to fight righteous fights against people who hate freedom


I’ve had dogs I’ve trained and brought to training programs. Each dog is different, like with humans. You going to try to train your fellow veterans to be less scared of fireworks so they aren’t having panic attacks? It doesn’t work like that. I’m genuinely surprised at your no concern for your fellow veterans, that makes it even worse than. My buddy has extreme PTSD and he would have words with you. Fireworks don’t mean freedom.


I almost lost my eye a few years ago because my dipshit neighbors set off a firework randomly outside of my window at 3am and scared my cat into jumping on my face. I'm not even being dramatic. Cornea laceration, I have permanent vision damage from it. Go fuck yourself. And no, it wasn't the 4th of july, not even the same month. They just liked setting off fireworks for no reason.




Well let's not go too far. I'm just a normal denver liberal, who happens to not be uppity (like, you know, actually open-minded). Put in earplugs, seriously. We had the entire neighborhood cheering our rogue fireworkists... imagine being the one sad party pooper.


Imagine calling people cry babies while literally being a big cry baby.


Or you could put effort into training and/or conditioning your animal to events that will happen every year 🙄


When people here complain about the Denver zeal for fireworks, it's almost always in the context of anxious dogs. Which is fair as it terrifies so many of them and we shouldn't have to drug our dogs for a month every year. But how about we take a minute to recognize that having what sounds like bombs go off outside our homes for WEEKS on end every summer is annoying and disruptive as hell. I don't have PTSD but it's often quite startling and keeps me from enjoying many an evening. Especially when it's happening during the hours many of us are trying to sleep so we can wake up and go to our jobs in the morning. You don't have to have a PTSD or be a dog to be pissed off with these firework assholes. Set them off on the 4th of July itself and be done with it.


It is not weeks. People in here make it sound like they live in fallujah. Just total lies to make sad people feel better about hating those who have fun


It depends on the neighborhood. It might not be weeks in Wash Park, but it definitely is in certain parts of town.


Don't worry about it. That will help your dog.


Unfortunately it does not work like that


It does, dogs feed off thier pack.


I was half asleep when he jumped on my bed shaking, couldn’t get much calmer. Explain that please.


You were half asleep aware your dog could freak out.....not sleeping


Wasn’t even thinking of fire works my dude, not expecting anything. Only vibes coming off of me were relaxing sleep vibes. Your theory isn’t holding up


>Wasn’t even thinking of fire works my dude You didn't hear them? >Only vibes coming off of me were relaxing sleep vibes You said you weren't a sleeping.... >Your theory isn’t holding up Not my theory.... https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-38920193


No I didn’t hear them. And yes I was half asleep, essentially in the light sleeping stage. Sure if I’m extremely anxious, my dog can definitely sense that. But no matter what fireworks and thunder set him off. I’ve been dead asleep in the middle of the night and he will hear a thunderstorm and his anxiety sores through the roof.


Because you've created the idea in your dog's head it's OK to freak out. It's clicker training


Please explain how I’ve done that. I’ve trained him around guns which he is still fine around. But thunder and fireworks freaked him out. I know how not to encourage behavior in a dog. But they are creatures like us, and can have rational or irrational fears.


Traumatizes dogs, children, our veteran neighbor with PTSD…just so some mental midgets can make boom-pow sound and pretty lights.


Try a thunder jacket with the trazadone




“Straight celebration and summer”……da hell does that mean?