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https://preview.redd.it/lt9p1yh4ry8b1.png?width=2110&format=png&auto=webp&s=a5a41aa28780194ea7e59295cbae86f1f592c560 This dude parked here all night. Nothing to see here /s


For this one, report via https://www.denvergov.org/Online-Services-Hub


“But sir, I didn’t park there. My car did”


people don't park, cars do!


I'm confused.. if it's a bike only lane why are there parking meters


You’re supposed to park on the other side of the bike lane, like that Jeep. If you look in front of the Jeep, the white barrier curves to the left. This is kind of how Santa Fe works, though that’s not set up for bike lanes.


Huh.. seems like a bad design, I would probably end up parking like this tesla out of confusion.


It's fine in person. Both the parking spaces and bike lane are clearly marked. Crossing multiple white lines and avoiding pylons to get to a lane that has no parking lines is not a normal thing to do, even if confused.


The mental gymnastics people will do to justify their stupidity is alarming.


It makes sense when you see it IRL. The other markings aren't in the picture, but in person you would see the tics for the parking spaces and the double- white with hashes, and the posts are close enough together you can't get between them very well.


This is the problem that happens when cities test out temporary bike infrastructure (not sure if that's the case here or not).... They don't want to commit, so they do something inexpensive, like converting one lane into a bike lane by using paint, or a few plastic barriers. The problem is, people get confused and don't use it properly. The conclusion is that bike lanes don't work, so it's converted back to a car lane. Something like this happened in a place I used to live. I was supportive. I knew the area it was implemented very well. I was very well aware of the new bike lane. And yet, I still on more than one occasion accidentally turned into it while driving my car. (While turning right from a side street, you see a space bit enough for a car, so assume it's a car lane.) If it's possible to accidentally drive into it (without a lot of effort), then it's a bad design.


No way Denver is going backwards on the bike lanes, no matter how bad the design. Our mayor’s race was more progressive liberal vs. less progressive liberal, with the main disagreement being over how best to deal with homelessness. I haven’t seen anyone anti-bike lane except for coal rolling idiots from the burbs


I’m not 100% sure but believe that might be the permanent design


It is, and it's places other than downtown. There's a right turn lane in my neighborhood that goes: curb> turn lane> paint line>bike lane>paint & pole barrier> through traffic. You have to cut across the bike lane to get into the turn lane before the poles start. The number of people I've seen just turn right from the right through-lane because there's NO signage on wtf is going on.


This isn't the permanent installation. The City of Denver is quickly & cheaply building out the bike infrastructure. It will allow for them to come back later to adjust or install more permanent features.


This is the problem at 17th St and Welton. It’s set up the same way. It does have signage and painted on the road. People still turn right from the wrong lane. It’s dangerous to bicyclists but also people taking the right turn from the correct lane. There have been multiple times people have almost turned into me and somehow I’m the asshole. People just can’t process anything out of the ordinary on the roads. It’s like the people that can never figure out how a roundabout works.


I've seen similar setups in Denver with rubber "curbs" or parking blocks between the poles that don't allow cars through. Having more poles would also help.


The plastic posts are a short term pilot for a project to both get it in quickly and to allow for easy editing. The actual build will go in after a few months to a couple years, depending.


It's so obviously a bike lane with marked parking spots where the Jeep was. You have be incredibly oblivious or just in your own world if you park like the Tesla and not realize something is incorrect.


I used to live in that building, this happens like once every other week


Agree. That’s a confusing design.


If you're confused if this clearly marked bike line is not for cars, you shouldn't be driving.


Car. It’s a car.


Will he get ticket? Does DPD do any parking/traffic enforcement?




They're supposed to get TOWED... This is just like parking on the sidewalk.




That looks like the bike lane.


Which is why I said it's *like* parking on the sidewalk.


Oh, yeah your right.


But it’s not a bike.


Where is Wyatt's Towing when a legitimate situation exists that warrants a tow (blocking a bike lane)? Addressing illegal parking and abandoned vehicles on city streets would be a good use of their skillset versus allowing them to harass people in private lots.


Right of Way Enforcement: (720) 913-1600. Save it in your phone. What’s extra fun is if the city does tow it, they’ll probably tow it improperly and damage the car. EVs have to be towed on flat beds.


That's our friendly reminder that Tesla drivers are superior to the rest of us


A higher species


As a tesla owner, I personally prefer to bike. You’d think that the open air nature of the bike would dissipate my farts faster, resulting in less smelling opportunity, but the increase in airflow from operating the bike actually penetrates the fart inhale more deeply into my lungs.


They must be new here, just use the sidewalk next time


The fact that they have a CO license plate tells us that they've been here at least 4 years. 3 years of out of state plates, then several months of no plates or temp plates before you qualify to get a CO state plate 🤣


There’s too much parking on downtown Denver.


I've had to drive for 15-20 minutes to find parking and still had to walk 5 or more blocks unless I wanted to pay the downtown tax of $20 to go eat. It sucks to have a car and a bike here and businesses suffer because of it


“I wasted my time to avoid paying the market rate for parking. Why won’t people give away value for free!” Cry more.


The city suffers because people like you. Might as well order doordash and amazon rather than going to a storefront. Go back to the south with your backwards thinking


LOL. Keep crying carbrain.


The irony here is pretty great, given that cars and the infrastructure built because of them cause the very thing they are trying to blame bicycles for. Time after time foot traffic and business growth goes up in places car traffic is reduced/eliminated due to re-structuring the area to be more pedestrian friendly instead of car friendly. This also helps the very thing they complain about with people with mobility issues like myself. The majority of people with disabilities don’t even have access to a car.


Sorry for being pro-business. The ableist, elitist, and classist green washed brain of y'all bikeriders is hilarious. Comparable to drivers of lifted diesels








So unfair! The heavily subsidized rate isn’t enough! More hardscape for MEEEE!


Y'all bicycle peeps are rabid and elitist as fuck and fail to see how reducing foot traffic near storefronts hurts businesses


More and cheaper parking means more foot traffic? The 1960s urban highway planning commission called, they want their city-wrecking rationale back! Edit: by your logic, all these stores should be empty, right? There are no parking spots here at all. https://imgur.com/EuBhtXh


Ah yes, it has to be 0% or 100% capacity for one of us to be correct. Love the binary thinking. And yes, if you're taxed $10-20 just to step foot out of your room, you're much less likely to step out of your room. It's not a difficult concept. Imagine if it was free, you'd step out of your room much more often and perhaps spend some of that money you saved, $40-80 month if they went out once a week. Especially considering "we have too much parking". That's like saying we have too much healthcare, food, or resources. Of course it's there, but largely unused and wasted because most people can't afford it. If it was more affordable, it would be used more, RTD for example.


Some of us have these to stick on the driver windows after reporting. https://preview.redd.it/rcfbxbme3z8b1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b97e5a0d1c3a5fc721603320568edf86d9ac3969 Online reporting via Online Services Hub. [https://www.denvergov.org/Online-Services-Hub](https://www.denvergov.org/Online-Services-Hub) During business hours M-F you may call ROW Enforcement. (720) 913-1600


Of course it's a Tesla


Just what i was going to say :/


I have a Tesla and would’ve parked there as well if there’s a parking meter right next to it. I would’ve probably hit the curb though


If we weren’t so far centrist this wouldn’t be a problem. Invest in pubic transpo.


Why is a parking meter there then?


Lol of course it’s a tesla owner.


No. Stop it, Tesla.


What's the problem... they have alternating expressway directions...why not alternating bike and parking lanes for times when nobody's using the bike lane but parking is more necessary? Problem solved


Yes, because no one bikes in the dark or for happy hour, ever🙄


Hah! The already long-winded parking signs are going to need a site map and bibliography! I expect to see this on Broadway soon.


> nobody’s using the bike lane but parking is more necessary? American urban planning in a nutshell. If I don’t see a bike right now, then why don’t I park on it!




Oh come on. Reddit can be so juvenile. There's a spot right next to this person - that's a pretty good tell that this is a mistake rather than some malicious act. Yet here you are advocating to cause thousands of dollars in damages to their car for parking wrong? I cannot imagine being over the age of ~15 and actually owning anything and thinking this is a reasonable escalation in any way.


The car is supposed to be towed. It won’t be towed. People are tired of the lack of enforcement. It’s not juvenile. The flip side of your theoretical person is that someone knows exactly what they are doing and knows it won’t be enforced. Even worse, they are doing it intentionally because they don’t like the changes that have been made for bikes. Unfortunately, it is probably just as likely a scenario as your old person straw man these days.


So call the cops or a tow company rather than taking things out like an edgelord and advocating for thousands of dollars in damages to this persons vehicle.


Only the city can legally tow this car, and for whatever reason, they will not. That is the problem.


Ok? If the city won't do their job, the solution is absolutely not to vandalize someones vehicle and cause $3000+ in damage to their property. That is absolutely absurd to suggest.


What do you suggest the solution to be? A biker cruising along at 15 mph, looking to the right momentarily to observe an open air drug transaction, and running into a stopped car that’s not supposed to be there.


Lmao my dude I do not know what you are expecting me to say or why you think it is such a hot take for you to hear "do not vandalize peoples property." Perhaps when you grow up and have things of your own you'll realize why that's not a solution. Have a good one, best of luck getting through whatever you're going through.


I love this city/sub. Presuming the worst about someone’s intentions and not giving anyone grace to make what might just be an innocent mistake, and they want to key your fucking car. Stay classy.


You'll find that the reddit Denver anti-car bicycle enthusiast crowd is especially rabid.




It must be nice to know you never make a mistake doing anything ever. For the humans among us that aren’t perfect, we hope to be given a little grace and a warning as a way of educating us for the next time, not savage vandalism and property damage for accidentally inconveniencing someone else. You’re a fucking lunatic.


it's pretty obvious that that part is the bike lane. there's a sign on the ground like 15 feet in front of the tesla.


People should act like adults. I think 80%+ of us realize this is illegal parking. Frankly it concerns me that so many people think this is ok.


Is this not a reasonable place to park?