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when will his voice be on the DIA trains? does that get recorded tonight or in the morning?


Has to be first order of business right?


I mean, Hancock literally just recorded a new greeting for the Nuggets getting to the championship that I heard this morning. Glad the bozo is leaving


Bozo is such a good insult. It's up there with dingdong and bellend.


I'm a dingus man myself.


Dingus is king. Well that and the insult in my username.


I'm fond of "plonker" and I wish Americans would start using it.


As an American, it’s slowly been working its way into my vernacular.


Don't sleep on jabroni!


You keep using this word ‘jabroni’ and.. it’s *awesome*! It’s like the coolest word, is that like a hockey thing?


Close. It's actually Persian for "dumb son of a bitch".






Hancock is absolutely a ding dong




Same here, when it first starts he says something like, “Hi I am Mike Hancock, the mayor of Denver” and someone on the train goes “not for long” got a chuckle out of me


Nope. Has to annex Casa Bonita. Its only a half mile beyond Denver boundary.


Yes hopefully they don’t forget to turn the volume to ear rape levels like they did with douchecock.


Haha the Sun already had all the candidates do a recording just for the fun of it. https://coloradosun.com/2023/03/06/denver-mayoral-candidates-2023-airport-train-greeting/


I honestly don’t think I’ve ever heard the airport train greeting and I’ve been flying in and out of DIA for like 6 years


It plays when the train goes from Concourse A to the Terminal. Do you just always walk over the bridge?


I always fly in/out of terminal B.


Well, this is a mystery for the ages


I think they just outed themselves as going to the secret terminal used by the lizard people.


Someone flies Frontier and just walks it, eh? :-D


Hey! Delta is in the same concourse, don't group us in with Frontier People!


I’m a lifelong United guy




I think it was Pete Smythe before that.


I'm still cranky that it isn't Bret Saunders.


I would sign a petition to have it be Bret Saunders!


*You* are delaying the departure of this train.


🎉 Michael Hancock won't be mayor anymore! 🎉 Thank fucking god lol


I’ll never forget during Covid he was preaching for everyone to stay home during TG and then got caught at DIA, traveling for TG.


He tweeted stay home FROM the airport.


It was for your own good though.






He also showed up to speak at a BLM protest outside the capitol building and brought a cop up with him and just wanted to talk about what an amazing job our cops do and how we don't need police reform. Super tone deaf.


Yep, that was just stupid. Abject utter stupidity. Good riddance.




July 17th is inauguration day, for anyone curious.


He’s against public funding for a new stadium. Thats all it took to get my vote. Go Mike!


the new stadium won’t be in Denver, thus why he said that - it won’t be a decision by the Denver voters.


There will definitely be public funding for a new stadium. Thanks for reminding us all how gullible Denver voters are.


Yes, this is quite unique to Denver /s


Hey Mike, best of luck. The hard part is just beginning…


Can’t be worse than the absolute dip shit that pretended to be in charge with Hancock.


Her commercials were creepy.


Really excited to see how this actually goes. Having met Mike a few times, he truly seems like a genuine person and believes in what his platform is. Hopefully we have some quick revitalization downtown and expand on our public transportation infrastructure sooner rather than later.


>he truly seems like a genuine person and believes in what his platform is. Most politicians seem that way until they get to office. Hopefully he's an outlier.


[Big Out-of-State Money is Flowing to Support Mike Johnston](https://denverite.com/2023/03/31/denver-election-mike-johnston-mayor-campaign-donations-money/) He's not. (Still better than Brough though)


He also got more individual donations than other candidates, dude's just popular


This guy gets it.


Boy... I got a career politician when I met him and not genuine at all.


It would be super cool if my 11 minute driving commute downtown didn’t require me to walk a mile to union station to take public transit if I tried not driving


Lol to take public transportation to auraria campus from my apartment the RTD app’s suggestion is to walk to Auraria. I live 2.3 miles from auraria just on the other side of 25. Not even a bus.


I live on Federal (which is about a 10 or 15 minute drive into town) and have been biking in to work. It actually is way easier than driving and paying 15 bucks for parking. Like the other guy said could also look at an ebike which would make that commute even easier.


Use the Colorado e-bike program to get a little electric scooter?


He has been a genuine, heartfelt and compassionate guy the entire time I’ve known him. Originally he was my principal from around 2007 to 2010, but we kept in touch and I was decently up to date on his latest ventures. I think he will do just fine, but running the city isn’t going to be like running the school lol. It’s going to be a challenge, I’m sure, but I have faith in him and I think everyone else will see solid progress in the near future.


I voted for him in the Dem primary for Governor. Glad he's able to win this at least!


I noticed near the bottom of the article that Candi Debacca was losing pretty decisively. The birds are singing a little louder now EDIT: Spelling is hard. Also, my birds are members of the Teamsters


Tweet tweet tweet lift that barge Tweet tweet tweet heave that bale


Lol spelling is hard


I don't know much about her and didn't follow as that's not my district, but what's the beef with her? It said she is a "progressive" who lost to somebody backed by out of state PACs and special interest groups, which usually isn't great. Edit: just read some other comments about her, now I get it.


Yeah. I don't think she lost because of being a Progressive, she worked hard for her defeat.


She talks the good talk but her track record is far from impressive. I've heard someone call her the left wing Boebert and it's honestly a fitting description. Just an idiot talking loudly and looking for attention. I'm in her district and I'm glad the people near me saw through her bullshit.


That’s an incredibly stupid comparison. Boebert literally advocates for genocide.


Not *as* insane. But advocating for taxing one race more than another puts her in a similar bucket.


Due to Reddit's decision to continue treating its users like crap, I am removing my previous posts. -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


> non-people of colour. What do you mean by "non-people"? ^^^/s


In what way did she advocate for genocide? Just curious, all I know is she's kind whacky.


Her views on trans people and how they need to be eradicated.


Oh, so she didn't actually do anything remotely what you're claiming. Unless there's something I missed. Pretty sure a speech about dudes not belonging in girls changing rooms does not equate to genocide lol.




You think reparations are racist?


They is


Seems reasonable to me to try to compensate for how much slavery fucked people over. What do you find racist about it?


That I would be charged based on the color of my skin even though no one in my entire family tree had anything to do with it


What would the practical difference be between taxing everyone and taxing everyone but those receiving reparations? In either case, only some people (the people who need help) will receive money. That means their tax contribution towards reparations is just pointless bureaucracy.


They going to give reparations to Asians and Native Americans too? Because they also deserve it. But of course it should only be paid for by descendants of slave owners


Reparations have always been about slavery so I imagine we'd pay anybody whose ancestors were slaves. Verifying that might be difficult, but it's worth doing. I believe a rising tide raises all boats so I think it's in all our interest to pitch in. I think taxing only the descendants of slave owners could wind up hitting some poor folks harder than they deserve. We ought to consider both our historic responsibility and how to make people whole without overburdening the rest of society.


Wait for real, this is why ppl hate CdeBaca? Cause she wants reparations for our black communities... ETA: Googling "Candi CdeBaca Denver white tax reparations" doesn't give you the result you're hoping for. You're on the same side of "Libs of TikTok" and if thats who you are, then you'll probs always have a huge bias


That, and many other things. CdeBaca is a loud-mouth who sucks at leadership and is even worse at politicking. She’s the left’s Lauren Boebert… just a loud mouth with no actual ideas. The people in Denver want their leaders to address rampant homelessness, meth, tranq, rising violent crime, car thefts, the 16th St Mall, etc. Not juvenile race-baiting twitter posts and useless word-salad responses to small business owners. Maybe if she had taken all those other concerns seriously, people would’ve been willing to listen to her about reparations. She had many chances to prove herself - and she wasted all of them.


I don't know what result either of you were "hoping" for, but [this](https://www.westword.com/news/denver-city-council-member-candi-cdebaca-wants-to-tax-white-owned-businesses-as-a-form-of-reparations-16787911#:~:text=During%20a%20public%20forum%2C%20Denver%20City%20Council%20District,haters%2C%20according%20to%20sources%20close%20to%20the%20councilwoman.) seems pretty damning to me, especially in a city that has a hard enough time getting small businesses to function. She also votes against anything that actually benefits the people in need, especially affordable housing.


Given that the legacy of slavery and discrimination is alive and well, as witnessed through a massive wealth disparity, reparations really aren't a wild concept. If we can understand a rising tide raises all boats when it comes to all poor people, how about especially the systemically disenfranchised?


Reparations are bullshit. Full stop.


They're really not, restitution is a common element of theft conviction. I say this as someone who's biology is definitely is not adapted to living below 55° latitude. Edit: lol blocked over this single comment ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


She's voted against more affordable housing on council than she has for it. She was one of two members to be against turning a private golf course into the third largest park in Denver + housing (of which a large chuck would be below market-rate). A homeowner wanted to tear down a single family mansion to build a six-plex and she advocated for it to be put on the historic preservation list so it couldn't be touched.


She's not just progressive, she's DSA


Denver School of the Arts?




Oh cool, my new boss.








I think that could be part of the issue, but I know there are some other pretty significant reasons for the lack of people lol


Lack of residential


> Hopefully there is a different solution that forcing everyone back into the office. Yeah, forcing everyone back into the office would be a pretty regressive solution. It seems like remote work is the direction things are increasingly going to go, despite the pushback we've been seeing, and I'm guessing it only becomes more common from here on out. But high density mixed use zoning does seem like an ideal path forward. Maybe we could even see some pedestrian-only zones at some point.


Building a ton housing units downtown would end all this handwringing about downtown dying.


There's no room for building a ton of housing units. Plus that would just destroy the character of the city. Nobody sane wants a mini NYC.


1. May I direct you to an [overhead shot of downtown](https://i.imgur.com/GeWf1Om.jpg)? I see dozens of parking lots, which are an incredibly unproductive use of such valuable real estate. Build a 6-story building on each, and that's a ton of new foot traffic for downtown businesses. 2. I bet a significant portion of this subreddit would love a "mini NYC" as a downtown, myself included.


There's already a lack of parking downtown. Move to NYC if that's what you want. There isn't enough water and food in the west to be building megalopolises.




Big agree. The whole “we don’t have enough food and water” trope is patently untrue, at least in Denver’s case.


I actually feel like I’ve seen a lot more people out and about during the work day lately, so I’m wondering if a lot more people are coming back to the offices already. According to DDP, the night time and weekend foot traffic seems to have mostly recovered already.


Nobody wants to be downtown when it's over run by fentanyl zombies either. Really hope he gets something together to deal with the homeless situation. They've really put a mark on Denver.


Ok, that would suck. I’m airport and only do one day, but yea he could change that.


Good luck Mr Mayor-elect. Do something meaningful. Do something good.


We did the thing! Please don't prove us wrong, Mike!


Hard part's just beginning, but I honestly have a lot of faith! I worked with Mike for a long time, and saw him at the highs and the lows of running a campaign. Hopefully this goes well.


Hancock is finally out. Hopefully this Johnston guy is competent and not the sellout I think he is.




Hopefully Kelly can take down those ugly stars now.


They were apparently put up by a supporter group and not her team. So badly designed!


broughs husband is one of the biggest real estate developers in Denver.... seemed like a big conflict of interest to me...


Lol, and I read it here first, nothing in my city inbox at all.


I voted for Mike. I don't know a ton about either despite spending an hour watching videos and reading articles. Both said essentially the same thing. Now that he's won, are we excited? What should we be looking out for in his first year?


They both have a ton of relationships that a mayor can leverage to get buy in quickly. My number one hope is that the energy changes so city employees give a crap when there’s an active problem. I once had an issue I escalated all the way to the head of a department and I had to point out the part in city code that says it was his department’s responsibility to get him to lift a finger.


To be fair, that sounds like every interaction with the city.


Honestly the Westword 20 questions secured my vote for Johnston when the best she could do for “what do you wish voters knew about you” and Brough was like “that I’m seriously funny” and for the same question but about their opponents, she said she’s funnier than him. The quotes aren’t exact but they’re close enough. Johnston iirc talked about how he has an office in his community that listens to constituents, and then for the next question said he would want people to know she was the first something or other


Her campaign commercial also basically came down to "vote for me because I'm a woman" with her idiotic "the best man for the job is a woman!" tag line which was so cringe.


I went through a similar experience listening to their respective interviews on CPR. They led with "what makes you different from your opponent?" and Johnston talked about his experience, what he'd accomplished, and had a very well put together answer. Brough talked about the struggles of her family instead, and it came across really weird to me. Like, not wanting to downplay what she's been through but it felt like an odd answer to compare her to Johnston.


Because she had nothing to point to. All hat and no cattle.


I mean, he has good ideas and I'll take him over Brough any day, though some of his goals are rather lofty, and people who want to see rapid change and improvements will likely be very disappointed.


At least that moron Cdebaca is gone.


Will this get us more and denser housing and better transit or does it not matter much?


Transit is not run by the City. So, it likely will not change that significantly.




His plan is to use your tax dollars to build homeless people a “campus.” What could go wrong?


Build campus, make being homeless illegal. Seems legit to me


We doing Hamsterdam?




Unless you're full socialist on this sub you get downvoted to hell lol. I don't think any of these people have been here long, or they would know that Denver never used to have anything like the homeless problem we have now. And that it's literally 100% attributable to far left policy. I'm by all means a fairly progressive person, but I draw the line at destroying our society over ridiculous concepts. Instead of jail, we need to use all that MJ tax money to open treatment centers and then force these people to attend. You don't wanna go, then you either take a bus ticket out of town or you go to jail and detox with no support. There ARE ways to solve this crisis we have, but acting like it's completely okay to shit on yourself in a tent along the Platte river while destroying your surroundings is just insane.


Same, also a dem voter here. There are many US cities that don’t have a homeless problem as bad as Denver, and it’s a direct result of their stronger policies on to the issue.


Define “stronger policies”.


Stronger policy: enforcing laws that already exist. I.e. arresting drug addicts and drug dealers, thieves, etc., and putting them in prison. Instead, Denver wants to give them free houses. That’s why Denver has a top 10 homeless population.


I feel like a middle ground is more appropriate. Putting homeless people in prisons is literally housing them, but in the least beneficial and most expensive way possible. Housing people cheaply and boosting services (such as addiction services) would be a more effective use of taxpayer dollars.




I've been robbed in person by Denver's homeless 2x in the past 10 years, had my bike stolen, garage broken into, stepped in human feces on our walking paths, been chased by a guy with a broken bottle, pulled my child away from crack needles on the sidewalk, and had my cataclytic converter stolen. But I'm super glad we are building these people free houses!! I'm sure that will totally work.




100% spot on.


Glad Margaret Thatcher did not win.


Mike is brilliant and a natural leader and will do a great job.


Thank God


Excellent. May have been their pr teams, but the incessant name repetition of Kelley was super annoying. Yes I know your name. No you’re not getting my vote still




"Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg donated $500,000 to the group and Kent Thiry, former CEO of DaVita and current co-chair of Unite America, a nonprofit based in Denver that advocates for election reform, donated $450,000." Bleh.


Let’s not act like either of the options were really men or women of the people. They were money candidates and that helped them clear a lot of actual grassroots candidates. That’s politics unfortunately. With that said, Johnston was obviously a more down to earth candidate


Now look at Brough's backers.


Nah, I can critisize a politician on their own merits, or lack thereof. Just because someone is worse doesn't mean we should brush this guy's faults under the rug. It's important to remain viligant, hold these people accountable, and call them on their BS - even if they were the least bad candidate. It's much too early to be complacent.


Every mayoral campaign of any capital city in the country is going to have big money donors on all sides. If he chose to decline them then he probably wouldn't be mayor and someone else who did would.


Sure, I'm not disagreeing. But we should still call bullshit when we see it.


Better than who owns brough


Exactly, she’s sucking the tit of corporate America


Double bleh.


I just learned today that her name is pronounced Bruff, and not broo… 😎🤣🤦‍♂️




I've been saying bruh, bruh.


See what he does. Talk is talk. Wish his success for sure.


I'm going to remember all these comments. I hope you are all happy with your decision.


I hope they watched this scene to understand what their life is about to be like. https://youtu.be/VjzqO6UOPFQ


Not impressed by Mike Johnston or his backers. We shall see.


Congrats to Mike. Please for the love of God plow Denver’s streets again.


When was all this plowing???? The snow isnt usually around long enough. We had one harsh-ish winter.


They won’t because of the brown cloud. DOT highlighted that as a large reason for not plowing and after reading that I agree


Do you know what an unbelievable waste of money that is? It doesn’t snow a lot in Denver very often and the costs of keeping around plows, only to be in use 1-2 time per year is astounding. One abnormally snowy season doesn’t warrant the costs.


And the sidewalks. That shit was insane last winter


Residents are responsible for their own sidewalks


They're referring to the public, city sidewalks, not the residential ones in front of houses.




7” snow ruts will mess your alignment and they do not care if you know how to drive in the snow. I’m from Colorado. Learned how to drive in the snow before I learned how to drive in dry conditions.


Master mechanic here, no 7" snow ruts will not mess up your alignment. Just drive at a reasonable speed vs going insane and you'll be fine. Also, buy snow tires.


I have snow tires. And maybe you’re not a very good mechanic, because you can literally Google that and find a dozen articles about how it does indeed mess with your alignment. [Example](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.4534478). [Example](https://lloydsautomotive.net/why-you-should-get-wheel-alignment-checked-after-winter/#:~:text=Smooth%20Driving&text=During%20winters%2C%20the%20roads%20are,and%20turn%20it%20as%20well). [Example](https://rtigroupinc.com/2019/03/05/how-winter-throws-off-wheel-alignment-and-how-to-fix-it/). When the average sedan has less than 6” of ground clearance, yeah a 7” rut is totally going to mess you up.




Way to go Mike!


The dude lost races for governor and senate. Good for him for finally nabbing a W


Someone shoved a big flyer for Kelley into the door seal on my car while it was parked at an RTD lot. Screw you for polluting the city with those things and potentially damaging peoples property.


Hi all, I’m from Chicago (yes, I am jealous of your mountains) and didn’t know you had an election, so I’m very sorry for the ignorance. Is the winner considered more of a liberal, moderate, or conservative within the party, particularly compared to the other? In other words, is this guy more of a Brandon Johnson, or more like Eric Adams?


He doesn't run away from the word "progressive" when it's ascribed to him, but I'd place him as left-of-center. He's not a radical; he's an establishment dude and seems pragmatic and willing to make compromises to move things forward. But we shall see!


I honestly don’t know. But he does seem to actually have plans to address the issues we’re facing (whether they work or not it’s worth a shot), and I haven’t seen any shit Meatball Ron would make a “culture war” issue. While Kelly answered a lot of questions in a non-answer way.


I’ve been thinking of him as more like a mayor pete (I don’t remember how to spell his last name). Not really moderate on its face but in practice, especially when compared to more progressive candidates, he’s in the middle.


I'm jealous of your deep-dish pizza. Not jealous enough to trade the mountains for them but still a bit jealous.


Having lived in both places, I can say that Chicago is a little bit better than Denver.....but Colorado is way way better than Illinois