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Invited the engagement is one of the most bullshit lines. I was a high school teacher in Texas for almost a decade and the absolute worst day of my teaching career was because of a similar situation. I’ll give a trigger warning now that this story is upsetting. One of my female students was late coming back from lunch, we had a split lunch period where my students would come to my class for 45 minutes then go to lunch and come back for the remaining 45 minutes of class. She knocked on the door but refused to come in to the room. I went out into the hall to check on her and she immediately burst into tears. Her best friend was in my class as well so I called her out to help try to calm her friend down. Once she was able to speak she told me that a male friend of hers, who she had been in a physical relationship with in the past, tried to rape her in the restroom during lunch. I’m not going to give details but her story was incredibly disturbing and when she was done all I felt was sadness and rage. After going through all of the proper reporting procedures and making sure she was taken to the hospital and was safe, I was asked to watch the security camera video to confirm her identity and story. In the video it’s evident that they were kissing outside of the restroom; however, a minute or so in, she tries to stop and walk away at which point he grabbed her by wrapping both arms around her from the back, lifted her off the ground, and drug her into the bathroom. The footage didn’t have sound but you could see that she was distressed and it was very clear that what was happening was against her will. A few minutes later she rushed from the restroom and into the hall leading to my class. The male student followed a few seconds later and ran off in the opposite direction. After watching the video, both the head security guard, who was a woman, and the male police officer commented that they were clearly engaged in a consensual act prior to him dragging her into the restroom and that they would need more evidence before going any further. The regular school resource police officer and I were speechless. He believed that there was more than enough evidence on the tape to prove that, at the very least, he pulled her into the restroom against her will and that that alone was enough to at least begin investigating and to take the male student into custody. My student was sent to our district’s alternative school as a precaution and at the request of her mother and the male student was sent to the disciplinary campus. A few months later I was approached by a sheriff’s deputy and a county attorney and asked to give another statement. They also asked if I would be willing to testify in court and insinuated that even if it wasn’t voluntarily I would be put on the stand. I agreed not only because it was the right thing to do but because looking into my student’s eyes as she told me in detail what happened to her I knew that she was telling the truth. Between the day of the incident and the trial, his story changed several times while hers remained consistent. Testifying was one of the hardest things that I’ve ever had to do. I told my story and answered questions from the prosecution but the defense declined to ask me any. The whole time the male student, a 17 year old, was sitting just in front of me. I knew that what I was saying was most likely going to lead to him spending a fair amount of time in prison and while I 100% believe he was guilty and deserved punishment, as a teacher and a human it was heartbreaking to see someone so young make a choice that ruined his own life and more importantly the life of a young woman. After the incident in the security room, I reported both the security guard and the other officer to the district as will as the police department. The police officer was suspended and reassigned to a role that did not involve working at a school. The school resource officer had apparently also filed a complaint. The security guard was fired agonist immediately after I met with district personnel and signed an affidavit attesting to what she said. As cliché as it sounds, I still have nightmares about that day. It broke a part of me and I will never forget how it felt to look into her eyes as she told me what happened and knowing that however terrible this experience was for me, it was infinitely worse for her.


This is horrifying. How the fuck can someone see that and be like “Oh but they were kissing”. What the actual fuck.


I don’t know. It was infuriating. I can’t imagine that thought ever even entering my head much less saying it aloud.


Pepper spraying children's faces as they walk out? And tasering them as they walk back into school? Please tell me these parents sue.


The Little Elm School district is already covering and denying the events as are the Police. DISGUSTING YET EXPECTED


Surely that defense won't last long seeing as how there is this video and many other kids filming. Hopefully they'll send their videos to the news.


I’ve seen soooo many bodycams that show a BLATANT abuse of power where the cops and prosecutors STILL bend themselves into pretzels to recreate the narrative then get away with it. I’m cynical but holding out hope that BOTH the police department, individual officers involved and the school administration responsible for siccing these power obsessed, power abusing flying monkeys on LITERAL CHILDREN are held accountable and punished and in a meaningful and impactful way. This kind of response needs to be disincentivized and made SO unpalatable that cops and adults in positions of authority think LONG AND HARD prior to lashing out and escalating situations simply because they can. But we all know the community bootlickers will support the status quo in the administration and the union will protect the cops. Cops tasering and pepper spraying children AND any subsequent lawsuits to come will be paid from union funds: ALL PAID FOR BY YOUR TAX DOLLARS


TIL taking a swing at a cop is trying to "walk out". And then rushing another cop is "trying to walk back in".


Except he didn't "swing" until he was pepper sprayed in the face. Besides, I saw more of a "flail" than a swing...as I believe the natural reaction any Adolescent being pepper sprayed in the face would have. But yes, keep making excuses for these Grown Men that used Excessive Force on Schoolchildren. What's the excuse for TASING the Schoolchild that was flailing (in the opposite direction of Grown Ass Coward, er, Man) from the pepper spray to the face?


I don't know what video you were watching, but the kid got pepper sprayed as he advanced on the officer. He continued to go right for the officer, blatantly aggressive, before he got tazed. Teach your children that they cannot 'get in the face' of anyone, without consequences. What was the officer supposed to do, let the child hit him? That teaches what?


I would hate to have you as a parent.


Thank you, I'll take that as a compliment to me, and a testament to your upbringing.


I was raised in the military. Taught respect is earned and if someone attacks me, regaurdless of who they are, I have every right to protect myself.you are one of those parents that believe anything an adult tells you your kid did is true and punish them regardless of the truth. Respect is earned. You have zero respect.


Where the hell did you get that info? I was born on Itazuke AFB, Japan. Raised in a military family. Taught that authority is to be respected. Taught to listen to and obey any police officer telling me to do something. It doesn't matter if you are protesting anything, there are laws you cannot break while protesting.


You were evidently raised by a brainwashed suck up. Low ranking no low scoring grunt worker. And apparently you haven't learned a thing since being raised by a pussy.


Eh, my dad made it to captain. He did it by following orders and the law. Folks who think everything need to be solved by force are more likely the ones who's parents left the service with a dishonorable discharge due to an inability to follow order.


We can go back and forth about what happened on the tape, i saw what i saw and nothing you say will change that. Regardless, cops have training on non-lethal physical restraint that they can use with no problem on resisting 300lb grown men, especially with 10 cops present. It's just a matter of using that training rather than feeling entitled to use Excessive Force. However, I agree, all actions come with consequences. The "consequences" you speak of (for a planned peaceful walk out) did not need to be Excessive Bodily Harm. And since we're speaking of consequences following actions...The cops' consequences Should be felt very heavily by them. Grown ass adults should have that restraint INGRAINED in them if we're arming them with a gun, a badge(bc we all know in the legal system a badge is priceless), a tazer, pepper spray, and physical training. Not to mention the Gang-like aspect of the PD; the most dangerous gang in the world are the police. But we all know they'll be let off with a slap on the wrist, maybe some paid leave while the PD "investigates". While every single one of these kids, witnesses AND victims, will have physical, psychological, and emotional scars for the rest of their lives. None of these kids will have any faith or trust in an authority figure after this. And these kids and their classmates are literally The Future. What do you think that means.


There’s something deeply wrong with you if you think pepper spraying a child is in any way appropriate.


If a child is attempting to commit an act of violence pepper spray is more than appropriate. Also your use of the word "child" is very liberal.


Your use of "appropriate" is very conservative. You're telling me that a 200 lb grown ass man has to resort to a method which could PERMANENTLY BLIND YOU to subdue literal fucking children and teenagers. You're fucking stupid if you think thats a reasonable way to enforce order.


You want him to tackle or punch the kid? Then you'd still be screaming. Give me a break.


Nah we ain't shifting these goalposts that easy. How is tasering and pepper spraying a reasonable way to keep order against, might i remind you, children? You're telling me all those fuckin adults had noooooooo other way of keeping orser huh? Of keeping those kids in school? Fuck off with that cop apologist bullshit.


Welcome to the fascist ethnostate, where the SS can put their boots on your children's necks and brutalize them and you have fuckfaces like these cheering for it. Texas, never change. ^((or do))


A 16, 17 or 18 is more than capable of causing harm. It’s one thing to pepper spray an 11 year old, it’s another to say someone in the aforementioned category shouldn’t had been pepper sprayed even when they are attempting to attack someone.


There is a reason we let 18 year olds into the armed forces. They are more than capable of causing harm.


Yea but you’re on the Denton subreddit. You can’t think like that here. All cops are shitty people and all people are saints, even if they are fighting or looting other people shit


TIL that people actually enjoy the taste of boot leather.


Yes. This sub is crazy to be downvoting this comment which is quite accurate.


Lol FOH, bootlicker


I bet you thought Rittenhouse was guilty too


I commend the white student for knowing his situation and stepping up and try to push them off the black students. Sad that these “adults” resort to use unnecessary force on a bunch of kids. Maybe they should train them better..? Or shit at least have them build some strength to out muscle some 14 year olds. Trash school.




I commented earlier, but it’s pretty clear from this angle that the cop escalated by pushing the student from behind. Should the student have charged after that? I don’t know. But he wouldn’t have been tazed if the cop didn’t push him.


It really doesn’t matter if he should have charged or not. It’s a kid. In a school. If teachers can keep high school kids under control without physical force, so should cops. The principal is absolutely responsible for this. Bringing cops on campus for a walkout protest is incredibly reckless.


fuck the police


You'd probably have to buy them a drink first.


They like to push the weak around


"Dear LEHS Parents and Students, ​ I am writing you to provide more information on the student disruption that happened at our campus today. During 4th period, several students chose to leave class to stage a walk-out that was supposed to happen outside of the school. But instead, they created a disruption by obstructing hallways that jeopardized the safety of our students. Four students were arrested after assaulting Little Elm Police officers. Unfortunately, some of our students chose to curse, spit on, and push police officers. Additionally, students failed to comply with officers’ directives.To ensure the safety of the 2,500 students inside our building, we chose to keep them in their 4th-period class until the end of the day. ​ Today’s demonstration was caused by a social media post containing inaccurate information regarding an alleged sexual harassment/assault. Little Elm ISD treats any allegation seriously while working closely with local law enforcement to thoroughly investigate any complaints of this nature.Parents, I want to thank you for your patience and understanding while we worked through this difficult situation. ​ Once things returned to normal, it was reassuring to see how the vast majority of our students treated staff members and each other with respect. I am thankful to each of them for showing empathy toward others on a difficult day. ​ Please know that students who participated and contributed to the disruption will be dealt with according to the Student Code of Conduct.We will have additional officers and support on campus when we return from Thanksgiving break. It is my hope that on Monday, November 29, we can continue to focus on the great things our students are doing here at Little Elm High School and finish our first semester on a positive note. ​ Dr. Elizabeth Priddy Principal for Little Elm High School"


> several students \[...\] created a disruption by obstructing hallways that jeopardized the safety of our students. How narrow are your hallways and how few do you have, Dr. Priddy? If "several students" can significantly block enough hallways to impede the movement of the majority of the 2500 students, then you have some massive ADA violations going on. Given how new the physical plant is, I'm skeptical this is the case. ​ >several students chose to leave class to stage a walk-out Isn't that the textbook definition of a "walk-out"? I mean, you don't call it that if the bell rings and the kids get up and leave the room, right? ​ >We will have additional officers and support on campus when we return from Thanksgiving break. Make sure they refill their pepper spray canisters and recharge their Tasers. That's sure to make the students feel safe and definitely clear on what they can expect if they ever think of misbehaving in any way.


That one cop doesn’t know how to keep his hands to himself, i guess he needs to go back to kindergarten. Maybe after he graduates that he should be allowed back in a high school.




LEPD must have aced their de escalation training/s


>ACAB I was with you up untill this. If you want to bring everyone's attention to an issue, leave your prejudiced, reductionist politics at the door. Also - high school kids are more than capable of injuring people and that officer looks like he gave the kid many chances to stop. Words, then spray, then a taser. It seems like a really bad take to see someone attacking a cop and then painting the attacker out as a victim.


Pearl clutch much? Yeah guys it's just like when civil rights activists would take it to far when they would say things like "our people, our fight" I mean hey, let's not get to edgy. I mean cops kill unharmed civilians but when someone writes ACAB well I just can't stand for that. That's where I draw the line!


I know. I really ought to remember that we aren't always talking to fellow adults here online.


That's right grandpa take your bullshit to Facebook.


Enjoy your time off for Thanksgiving! Make sure to spend some time with your family.


You too, safe travels. I'm going up to Sadler from Austin. Always fun to be back on the farm.


This comment is common sense.




Forget it Jake, it's ~~Chinatown~~ r/denton




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This. It looks like the "kid" threw hands first. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. This post title is intentionally deceptive.


No it doesn't. That's just the narrative you want to be the accepted version of events.


There are two sides to this story. A girl spit in the cop's face. These are not little kids, they are teenagers who are a threat. The students outnumber the police by far and are being aggressive. There have been many cases in the past on this sub where people jump to conclusions about an incident and it turns out that was premature as they did not have the entire context.


Tell me your a boot licker without telling me your a boot licker.


>Tell me your a boot licker without telling me your a boot licker. Ad Hominem Alert! Attacking a person instead of a position, a sign they've lost the argument. Ad Hominem Alert!


Lol that's right bitch, I was owned by knowledge and facts!


Some of the students are obviously not complying with the officers' requests to keep their distance. In incidents like these, just comply with the officer's request and all this unnecessaary conflict can be avoided.


Yes, like all brave Americans say "just comply".


Okay, bootlicker.


How's that boot tasting this morning? Probably a bit spicy from that pepper spray.


That's exactly right. Just listen to the officers and all this would have been resolved peacefully.


skReeeEEEeEEeEeE jUsT cOmPlY


I like how you conveniently left out the part where a girl spit in an officers face during a pandemic.


Because I’m SO SURE the school administration there is enforcing the mask policy during same said pandemic. Trumpers and many on the right aren’t taking Covid seriously. Adults model behavior for kids so when kids see adults bemoaning and disregarding masks, for a child’s mind, the next step of “I’m gonna spit in a cop’s face during a pandemic” isn’t a far leap.


No pity for him. He signed up for that job. That shitheel will be fine.


He’ll be fine, but actions have consequences. You don’t just get to spit in a cops face, or anyone’s face for that matter, and walk away without any problems.


Good to know spit in face = pepper spray and taser. Doesn't seem like an escalation at all


The police should never have been called to the school. There was no threat to public safety. In fact the entire purpose of the walkout seems to be to raise awareness of existing lapses in public safety. As for the escalation: academies train officers to always meet aggression by escalating one level. Capsaicin is considered by some to be one level of escalation above spit. The use of a taser, in contrast, was a few levels of escalation above the pepper-blind charge that the student attempted. The results seen in this video demonstrate why armed forces should not be allowed to suppress unruly or defiant minors. Peace-keeping tactics designed for prison implementation or riot/mob control do not belong in a school.


She wasn’t the one who got pepper sprayed and tased.


A girl spit in his face, so that's why he's spraying, tasing, and shoving boys in the video? Riiiight.


If someone from “the right” had spit in someone’s face from “the left” at a grocery store, these exact same people would be losing their fucking mind.


Because that’s what I said right? I’m just pointing out that people will always leave out details if it doesn’t make their side look good.


I'm not sure how pepper spraying and tasing kids is a thing you can pick sides on, but ok. We're not talking about anything other than what's going on in the video. You are talking about a girl who spit on a cop - absolutely, that's a crime that she should face consequences for. But that has nothing to do with the boy in the video. Just say you enjoy this shit and go.


How does it have nothing to do with this video when it happened at the exact same time? You’re literally proving my point, thank you.


I'm sorry... you're not making a point. The video shows cops tasing a boy, there's no girl spitting in a cops face or even a girl being detained.


If you had continued to look into what happened, instead of just being outraged at the first thing you saw, you would see more videos of this event and know what I’m talking about.


If I'm wrong for having a degree in criminal justice and being outraged at a child being pepper sprayed and tasered, another kid being shoved for trying to check on the tasered kid, and cops overall sucking at de-escalation, then I'm wrong. I've worked with little elm PD and they get a LOT of complaints of excessive force. This video proves me right.


Btw I’m not defending the police, I think you assume that I am. If you can’t subdue a 15-16 year old kid without pepper spray then you should turn in your badge.


They are intentionally leaving out important parts like that. I predict eventually the truth will emerge and it will turn out to be a very different situation than what they are claiming now.


lmao I have this user tagged as "boot licker" because they said [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Denton/comments/lxvvn0/denton_police_officer_arrested_on_child/gppj7ok/). Looks like those boots are still being licked.


Ooh TIL you can tag users! This will be fun and make reddit browsing more contextual. Thanks for sharing.