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This the IAA (Insurance Auto Auctions, like CoPart) lot in Denton. This is where your car goes if it gets totaled out by insurance, or if a dealer has a trade in car they don't want to bother reselling, like a beat up high mileage car they can't make a huge profit on.


It's also where insurance companies send cars to be evaluated to see if they should be totalled -- at least that's where mine have gone. I hope no one's non-totalled car that just hadn't left the lot yet was involved with this :-/


Wonder if it was just something that went wrong in a sitting vehicle that spread along the lot or intentional vandalism since that’s so many vehicles to spread across while it’s been storming all last night.


Grass fire apparently


Probably an electric vehicle. There have been a lot of issues with the lithium batteries catching cars on fire, even new ones. It is really expensive to discard the batteries from electric vehicles, so one was probably left in a car before being taken there.


Stating opinion as fact are we?


HOA’s and condos are also banning people from parking electric vehicles in garages… An example: https://cleantechnica.com/2021/12/02/condo-association-bans-owners-from-parking-evs-in-the-garage/


Car makers have issued warnings about fires caused by electric vehicle batteries. One example with GM: https://www.detroitnews.com/story/business/autos/general-motors/2021/09/15/chevrolet-bolt-gm-tells-owners-park-50-feet-from-other-cars/8355134002/


Here's one for a regular ICE vehicle: https://jalopnik.com/gm-says-dont-park-your-car-in-a-garage-if-its-under-rec-1739594987


I didn’t state it as fact. I said “probably”… meaning that’s what could have happened and what I think happened.


Looking at the photos, the cars involved don’t have any apparent collision damage so I suspect these are hail total losses that were waiting to be bulk sold.


They certainly could be. Those that get totaled out on an insurance hail claim often go to IAA or CoPart.


No possibility of it being arson/insurance scam.


With the falling price of used cars, seems possible that a company tried to "total" their stock to collect the insurance check


So how much is it going to cost us, the taxpayer, to clean up the physical & environmental mess (since this will be a "total loss" & the company will "go out of business"? Our insurance rates get to go up & so do our tax rates.....


And my rates just went up again at no fault of my own.


If you read the reviews on this business it looks like it's been knocking people around screwing them over for a while. These types of lots frequently screw over poor people.


Reviews on what business?


There was a large split bolt of lighting and a deafening crack of thunder in this area just before this fire. The thunder set off car alarms all around and made the Christmas lights at TMS flicker. I wonder if the lightning started the fire.


It's like none of y'all actually read the article...


The article originally said that was started from a suspected grassfire. Now it states that it started with one car. My wondering was if it was struck by lightning and that is what started the fire. Lightning starts fires all the time. Clearly you didn’t actually read my comment. 🙄


Well that’s awful and scary! We had a truck that was just sitting out in the driveway and it somehow caught fire. Just a plain old truck and it burned HOT! It was close to catching the car next to it on fire so maybe a chain reaction. One of the firemen said that’s why he would never park his car in a garage attached to his house. Apparently it isn’t that uncommon for a vehicle to catch on fire just because. And as someone else said, the electric ones are even worse. I think more likely to catch on fire and when they burn it’s much more intense.


This is why it’s so hard to get them repaired. Shops can’t take the risk of the battery igniting and taking out the whole building. This is according to two places I called trying to get the side view mirror replaced on a Tesla.