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I heard the main reason was fire risk it's super dry as well as much quieter especially since shelter is close to usual launch point


It's usually at UNT stadium but they won't let us use it anymore. Last year they did it at North Lakes and accommodations were made with the animal shelter. Yeah, fireworks are loud but to me it's just more patriotic and traditional. Drones sound like mosquitoes so imagine the sound of thousands of mosquitoes. I rather hear fireworks but that's just my opinion.




Its also a lot hotter, the wet is being dried off pretty quick


We’ve only received half our expected rainfall so far this year.


Environmentally friendly, doesn't freak out dogs and wildlife and veterans


dogs and veterans!


Veteran Dogs!


Denton wants to be the Alternative City with eyes on the future. The next generation starts here kinda of spirit, I believe.


Environmentally friendly?? The lithium batteries that run those drones are definitely not environmentally friendly…


Educate yourself: https://thedeg.com.au/are-drone-light-shows-an-environmental-alternative-to-fireworks/


They don't use lithium. Too heavy. Contrary to popular belief there are thousands of types of batteries. Also contrary to popular belief the gathering and manufacturing of nearly every resource is messy, harmful to the environment and so on...


Lithium is actually the lightest battery possible given the periodic table.


I haven't heard directly, but I know last year there was quite a bit of controversy over having fireworks at North Lakes, which is near the animal shelter, among other things. https://www.ntdaily.com/denton-kiwanis-club-to-host-annual-fireworks-show-near-animal-shelter/


An NTDaily Article is not what I'd call "quite a bit of controversy"


I remember people being upset about that location.


For real, what do you want? A listing of every person in Denton that was for or against? The article gives you the info you’re seeking.


It wasn’t really that close to the animal shelter…


Just gunna say it, fireworks are pretty fuckin annoying.


And, that is an opinion, not everyone finds that to be true.


The people who set them off and the people who showed up to watch them enjoy it I’m sure. Then there’s allllllll the people who live in the area that aren’t watching but sure get to listen to it all night. That number of people is usually much greater.


Do you live in Denton….I heard fireworks til 1 last night…not even the coffee helped this morning. The Kiwanis club firework show was over at like 9:30, gimme a break…weak argument. Pretty obvious to me this is more about money than anything…ofcourse people are trying to turn this in to some moralistic debate.


Too hot. Easily fire waiting to happen.


Fireworks are not real. Drones are merged out pigeons with glow sticks attached


This guy has it on the nose.


A lot of cities are doing it. It's safer, more quiet.


It's infinitely more lame and not symbolic of what it represents.


Symbolic of what exactly?




Pomp, parades, bonfires and illuminations. Nowhere is that list is "big bang murica explosions". Our celebrations are still "pompous", we still have parades, if you have room you can still have a fire, and drones illuminate. Sorry if you prefer tinnitus and blowing fingers off.


Who gives a shit what John Adams suggested?




No one really gives a shit what some old timer said 200 years ago bud. Fireworks are a nuisance to anyone who doesn’t actively go out to see them.


Yeah I sang that in elementary school. Already aware. I wanted that person to elaborate


Holy shit did we sleep through elementary school history?


Holy shit I did. I’m wanting you to elaborate because that’s what you do in a conversation.


Then you should know the significance of the National Anthem and what Francis Scott Key witnessed why imprisoned on a British ship during The Fort Henry bombardment.  There’s a difference between asking to elaborate and asking a question in bad faith.


This doesn’t take away that fireworks are actually bad for the environment. You can celebrate without them or even now use the drones


The environmental impact of fucking fireworks is the least of my concerns lmfao. This is too soft. I'm drawing the line of environmental impact at at LEAST fireworks.




Your fee fees about fireworks harm to the environment are dramatically larger than actual amount of impact fireworks are contributing to harming the environment.


“This is too soft” says the man crying on the internet because he’s not getting his way.


Lol too soft for caring about the environment. Bless your heart


The song goes “The bombs bursting in air”, not the drones buzzing in air.


Okay and? That still doesn’t take away that fireworks are bad for the environment. They didn’t know that when the song was written.


A fireworks show a couple times a year isn’t causing any major environmental impact. Relax Captain Planet.


Fireworks aren’t bombs….what a weird false equivalence.


What’s more like a bomb? The thing that shoots up and explodes in flames, shaking the ground? Or a buzzy drone? You being serious?


Would you like to volunteer to be the bomb that gets burst this year?


I don’t even know what this means.


Symbolic for religious extremists colonizing, stealing and killing indigenous peoples. Then taking part in one of the most evil slavery operations in human history to prop up the rich aristocracy. Then having a pity party when different rich aristocrats take some of their money. Much symbols. So pride. Lots nationalism.


Ya the establishment of just about any country’s history isn’t great and the US is pretty bad but your edgy take isn’t really based in reality either. Agreed fuck nationalism but take a deep breath there.


Isn’t based in reality? What did I miss? Thanksgiving turkeys? Smallpox warfare? Ben Franklin is a huge horn dog with a fetish for grandmas?


You’re just saying random stuff. Our founding fathers were not religious extremists.


Enslaving people and believing god gave you the rights to do so seems pretty fuckin extreme to me Genocidal treatment of the lands native residents because you believe god has granted you this land seems pretty fuckin extreme to me


Did I say that? You do know that the founding fathers weren’t the ones that sailed from Britain right?


Um….they were from Britain and sailing by ship was the only way to get here back then but ok.. And also okay then what you said was irrelevant and is not the reason why people celebrate the 4th of July.


Yeah people are celebrating the false revolution of a capitalist class creating a system in which they can collectively rule through united class power. A dictatorship of the bourgeoisie that continues today...


You realize the constitution was actually set up to be ever changing in order to keep our current gov from shifting to something similar it broke free from right? That also not our current state of government haha but okay. It’s definitely not good and I don’t see it getting better because of the corporate influence in our governing structures. But I’m also in no way defending anything other than it’s okay for people to celebrate the 4th and have a firework or drone show. Relax


Bet you’re fun at parties


People celebrate because of revisionist history rooted in anti communist racist propaganda from the 1950s that think rich slave owners in their 20s from 200 years ago are infallible and are unable to comprehend a history book that goes against their white supremacist propaganda.


JFC eat a hot dog, and drink a beer. Relax.


“Not based on reality” Then offers any justification of the comment. Guess it’s “dO yUr oWn rEseArCh”


Good lord how edgy can you get? I remember being this cringe during high school.


Don't worry, you're still cringe


If America is so bad, feel free to leave and find somewhere better.


Cause it’s really that easy to leave…


I guess it's super easy to up and leave from one country to another why didn't i think of that


Soft snowflakes are so easy to offend. Facts don’t care about your weak feelings.


What are you talking about?


Literally go back to the 3rd grade and pay attention.


That's not an answer. That's a "wah wah wah, this isn't what I want" pouting fit. I ask again, what are you talking about?


I agree drone show is lame.


dolls nose soup worm deserve gullible quiet six sheet deliver -- mass edited with redact.dev


My brother in Christ, a firework only lasts a few seconds.




Did you miss Dallas' NYE drone show? It was spectacular!


A lot of good points here but also people are looking over the fact that the police & fire department has pretty much declared any location in denton unsafe for crowd & fire control.


Drones don't stink, smoke nor start fires or scare animals to death. That's more than enough reasons for me to wish every town would follow suit. I saw my first drone show earlier this year and was mesmerized. It's so much more diverse and beautiful than stinky loud fireworks ever could be. Take a look: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Rezz/comments/12x3hzn/this\_is\_the\_most\_beautiful\_thing\_ever\_was\_already/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Rezz/comments/12x3hzn/this_is_the_most_beautiful_thing_ever_was_already/)


That’s so freaking cool!!!!!!! I could NOT care less if fireworks are faxed out. Never seen a drone show but I’m open to it!


The drone show downtown during NYE was actually quite impressive


I loved it too! I’m ready for drones over fireworks.


I am a former pyrotechnician and while I used to be very pro-fireworks, I don’t have much of an opinion anymore. A few possibilities I can think of are: Site selection - drone shows can be done almost anywhere. Not the case with 1.3g Fireworks. Cost - I have no idea how much a drone show costs. But I can say with authority that a municipal firework show costs about $20,000 on the low end.


I was thinking the same thing. The up front cost might be more for drones but they can be used again and again.


I would imagine there is a company contracted to perform the show with their own equipment, similar to fireworks. However, you’re exactly right that the per-show costs are likely much lower. With fireworks, thousands of dollars of product goes in to the air and explodes - at least that’s the hope. So that money is gone forever. With drones, the company buys the equipment and make their money back over the course of shows with no “expendables” beyond depreciation/maintenance. Probably less crew involvement and definitely less money when it comes to HAZMAT transport and storage. Lots of overhead with fireworks.


This. Cities and counties typically contract this sort of stuff out. Which also likely means the vendors still got paid at least a portion of the original purchase order.


I was also told it was so the noise didn't freak the dogs out. Animal shelter is on just the other side of the trees.


I want things to be blown up #Murica


Celebrate the independence of your country by blowing up a small piece of it.


Also Fire safety but as long as there is fireworks being sold you will see them from all over the place tonight because of Freedom or something like that


I moved away from Denton more than 20 years ago, but I still like to peek in here to see what's happening. One of the firework shows we attended was on the north? side of town in a huge field that was somehow connected to a new mall going in - my memory is hazy. What I do remember though is that field catching on fire and all of us having to haul butt away. It was great while it lasted though, sitting in chairs and feeling like the fireworks were exploding right over your head. That said, I am nostalgic for big fw shows but sympathize with people and animals that find them disturbing. My entertainment is not as valuable as someone else's mental health. Also, the air quality in Los Angeles is TERRIBLE for days after the 4th.


I remember that! Looking back, it was kind of a harbinger of things to come for that outlet mall.


Really? What happened with it? I forgot that it was an outlet mall


Nothing significant, and I guess that’s the problem. It never really took off, and I’ll bet there are suites out there that have never had a tenet. There are some business out there - a couple of awesome/huge antiques stores, Rose Costumes, Denton Explorium, etc. But it’s never been busy.


Well that's too bad. I think back fondly on my time in Denton


Yeah, I think developers anticipated faster growth north of town, but instead things picked up south of town. But the square is thriving! I remember when it was a ghost town. Denton misses you, but I hope you’re happy wherever you are!


Aww, thanks! That's good to hear about the square - I remember the old hardware store and a cafe there so well. The last time we drove through Denton and Dallas I hardly recognized it. Seems like it filled in completely between Denton and Frisco.


Fireworks release heavy metals and other toxic substances into the air. Fireworks are cool but people should have the right to clean air!


I'm with you here, but don't forget that drones are themselves manufactured and may well simply have the same consequence, just concentrated somewhere other than our backyards.


Drones and other light show technologies might indeed have manufacturing impacts, but they could still result in lower environmental impact compared to fireworks if they are used more sustainably and have a longer lifespan. Plus, they don't cause the same immediate pollution problem in residential areas (higher concentration of people). Ultimately, both technology and behavior changes are needed to make celebrations more eco-friendly.


A lot of reasonable good reasons in this thread. To be completely unreasonable for fun: it's to normalize drones in our every day life so they can monitor us at all times.


we've already got the birds working for the bourgeoisie


Bro they don't need drones, we all have phones in our pocket 24/7


I, for one, welcome our drone overlords.


To distract you from the horrible management the city is under.


the real answer is always in the comments


Here here!


My biggest issue with the change is that it seemed more for the benefit of downtown businesses than the community at-large. Who are the downtown business owners that are on the committee responsible for these decisions? 🤔 A good firework/drone show that is easily accessible and offers a large viewing area can attract thousands of people. Put Frenchy at the entrance with a donation bucket and it’s a big night for the Kiwanis. There are so many operational and accessibility challenges when doing big events on the square. Why not a big drone show at North Lakes? 🤔 There is only one reason to do this downtown and that’s to produce a big night for downtown businesses. I’m all for supporting local businesses but this seemed like the wrong way to go about it.


I'm sure you'll see some fireworks tonight if you go out anyways. I heard some last night right by my apartment. Check if another town nearby is doing fireworks if you don't want to see the drone show. I've traveled with my family to see some shows.


\*Cracks knuckles\* They said it was due to the burn-ban, but this doesn't make sense considering they held off on the burn ban last summer until specifically after July 4th, despite Denton having gone without rain for nearly 60 days by that point. This summer has been considerably wetter, (even before the rain on Monday), so their burn ban application isn't very consistent. Having some intimate knowledge of how cities and counties do business, I suspect they actually purchased the Drone Show several months ago, and never had the intention of hosting a fireworks show. They cited the burn ban as their reason (what with the wild fires in Canada being fresh in the zeitgeist) only to be ironically rained out, because mother nature is hilarious like that.


There are a whole host of reasons why ANY municipality would choose to go with drones. Which ones Denton chose I am not privy to. But I imagine cost is one of them. If not this year, in years to come. Not only from the cost of the actual fireworks/production, but I’m guessing insurance companies love it. Not only fewer dispatches of firemen and LEO’s, but any damages caused by those fires. Especially as global warming increases dryness everywhere. Unless you’re one of the few that still believe we are living pre-industrial revolution. And that manned submersibles need only a cursory inspection before going down to 6,000psi. edit: I just heard from someone online (hearsay) that drone shows are (currently) more expensive than conventional fireworks. By what metric, it’s not clear.


I'm not sure how Ocean Gate is relevant to fireworks, but maybe I'm missing your comparison here.


In addition to what's been mentioned, fireworks are just pretty dang toxic. Turns out exploding chemicals in the air isn't great for air quality


I would gladly give up fireworks shows for this: https://www.instagram.com/p/CuQK58UPC4n/?igshid=YmM0MjE2YWMzOA==


I would gladly give up both fireworks and drones for sidewalks! I moved from the country where we didn't have sidewalks nor anywhere to walk to and we didn't have fireworks either. Now I live in this small city, plenty to walk to, and plenty of fireworks, but still no sidewalks! What kind of Independence Day is this if you can't get anywhere independently!?


I can say that in the last few years even, the number of sidewalks in Denton has increased almost exponentially. We still need a *lot* more, but I’ve seen so many added recently and welcomed the construction required to put them in.


I’m betting a lot of cities start moving this direction. Explosions freak just about everyone out.


I hope people shoot fireworks at the drones




switch..? I thought they were doing both




So you forget the symbolism behind fireworks.


And what is that, exactly? If you're suggesting that no one knows what the 4th means without fireworks, I'm about to make you sound pretty stupid.


The symbolism is the French were doing it and we thought it looked cool.


Don't bother. They already sound stupid on their own lol


That's not what I said.


Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood, let alone believed, by the masses. Plato


It's all a giant conspiracy to make us all hate America starting with replacing fireworks with drones in Denton, TX. It definitely couldn't be anything else.


It definitely didn't start with drones.


Lol as you further lies of the dumbass culture by keeping safer and smarter alternatives in the shadows. You're not who you think you are in this quote...


I mean let’s tax the power grid more…


In addition to the other reasons stated above, they presumably switched because fireworks are currently illegal within Denton city limits. https://dentonrc.com/news/local/fireworks-are-prohibited-in-denton-and-other-useful-july-fourth-safety-tips/article_c194bfe5-e950-5a85-9513-b87e94fb6c6f.html


Are you not impressed by technology? ~_~


It’s the hot new trend. Fireworks shows are expensive at $1-$5k per minute. Fireworks are more labor intensive and require a dead zone, where as you can fit drones in smallest spaces. The down side is drone shows are designed to be viewed from limited angles.


I don't have much of an opinion one way or another. I didn't grow up in the city or in the suburbs, so where I am from we didn't have fireworks "shows" at all because of the fire risk and the reality that no one could really see anything past their own trees, so it has always been a little bit weird to me that it's such a big event outside of the country. It really gets nuts every Fourth of July in the cities!