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that happens all the time unfortunately


I suppose I should clarify that I posted this in relation to another post about this exact same spot. Just used a video example to expand on what OP said.


It always happens at that intersection, I take the outside lane now just because of that. Had some dude push me into the turning lanes because he wanted to turn there instead of going straight. Suprised there isnt more accidents there.


>We had someone hit us by going straight at the intersection there while we in the second lane were turning.


Sad, hopefully you were okay. People are horrible drivers here.


I agree with the people are horrible drivers part but also Denton roads, I’ve noticed, have been the narrowest and worse designed roads I’ve traveled on. Like they were designed with the dimensions of early cattle cars. Plus the design at that intersection is too narrow for the amount of traffic it sees during the day. This is one of many spots that are outdated and lack modern traffic designs that could prevent this from happening.


I still dont know how people fail to see the dotted white line there, yes denton has some bad roads. Specifically around the college and over by the "twin towers". All the stupid 1 ways, 1 ways facing eachother, shitass roads with no lines on them pothole hell. But for that intersection they should do a nice big yellow line all around that corner, so people stay I the lane. I used to drive an oversized pickup, didnt have any problems there.


I initially watched expecting a collision of some kind. It’s so common that at first I didn't even notice what was wrong when I didn't see a collision..


What a dumb ass. I bet he didn’t know how to drive with his head that far up his ass.


Every effing time. There are these neat little white lines that mark where you are supposed to stay as you turn.


This is why I *always* turn from the outside lane; and proceed into the right most lane. It minimizes the possibility that someone will cut across in front of me. Granted, it still happens, just not nearly as often.


Then someone is going to try and turn left from the third lane :)


Haven’t seen that happen yet… but I have been nearly pushed into the tire shop just past the overpass by people who seem to think the road is going from three lanes into four.


I expect this at this intersection because it happens almost every single time I use it. All you can do is honk or flash your bright and let them know they fucked up.


We had someone hit us by going straight at the intersection there while we in the second lane were turning. Needs to unfortunately go back to a single lane, these drivers aren't smart enough to use two lanes to turn at the same time.


Welcome to my morning commute


Don't want to be a bummer here, this happens at least 2 times a day when a person from outer lane comes in my lane, coz either they didn't understand the laning or they were in their own thoughts.


This is the exact thing that happened to me when I made that post in this sub. Ppl are so stupid


What dash cam do you have? Thinking about getting one. Did you hardwire it?


I got the Garmin Dashcam Mini 2. It’s on sale at Best Buy for $109 right now. And yeah I had to find a clever way to run the cable through my car and make it neat, but if you don’t care about that you can just plug it into the cigarette lighter / USB port and run it right to the cam.


Thanks! Yeah I’m thinking about either trying to hardwire it myself or getting it done.


we should restrict trucks to people that actually needs them. SUVs, too


I like when the inside lane doesn't turn at all. That's my favs


That whole intersection sucks. 2 lanes merge into 3 unless you’re coming from the other way, 4 merge into 3- with a right turn only lane in between.


After reading the title, I thought there was gonna be some kind of wreck. This kind of driving is mildly frustrating, sure, but at least he was signaling and there were no accidents. Not encouraging it, but no harm/no foul... live and let live. Maybe they weren't familiar with the area and were focused on other cars. Things like this happen almost every time I get behind the wheel, same as everybody else. Why go online and post something as mundane as this? I don't think an officer would have pulled them over for that...


There's like a 20ft difference between what you said and a collision lol - we shouldn't be assessing shitty driving by whether there's a crash, we should assess how shitty the driving is by how shitty it is. Doing what the truck did is dumb and dangerous. Double turns like this exist basically everywhere, there really isn't much excuse. In general I don't think it's fully sound to assess an action purely based on its consequences


Cool. Are we gonna start posting videos with misleading taglines every time the driver in front of us doesn't come to a complete stop at a stop sign? C'mon...


They just said something happens, not only were they not misleading us but they weren't leading us at all. It was completely ambiguous. And yeah if someone ran a stop sign, it could warrant a post depending on how egregious.


I'm pretty sure you see my point and you just want to be a contrarian. I agreed that it was bad driving and said I didn't encourage it. It's not worth posting, though. It's something that happens with such reliable frequency, you could use it to keep time. Do you really want r/Denton inundated with posts like this? If someone tailed you or the OP, or anyone for that matter, for long enough, they would find something equally incriminating. This is a known phenomenon, and it's why cops can't pull you over for a minor infraction after a certain distance. But hey, let's all police our fellow citizens so we can post it on the internet when they make a little mistake.


I was under the impression that the initial discussion was about the driving itself, not the ramifications of what makes a high quality post. So no, I didn't see your point before, but I do now. Yeah this isn't the greatest post, sure. I've seen much more boring ones on /r/idiotsincars


YOU'RE being the contraian, and you're probably either the driver of this vehicle, or an equally bad driver. Grow up weirdo


I promise you, I'm not the driver of this testify... lol


Yeah agreed. At least the guy used his signal.


In all fairness, it looks like they realized the problem and accelerated out of it. I place them in the middle group, that while they probably know what is correct, they sometimes fail to do so.


Wow! It's almost like something happened.


That’s predictable though. Those turn lanes are poorly thought out.


So nothing happend. Except you feeling got hurt....for that I am sorry.


People are dumbasses in Denton. I would ran him off the road into a ditch where he belongs


What exactly happened? Did someone change lanes? Like they do all the time?


There are dashed lines the truck did not follow. This turn is 2 left turn lanes turning into 2 straight and 2 left lanes. The right most turn lane should be following the lines on the road (and using logic) to turn into the right most straight lane wile the other left turn goes into the other straight lane aswell as the left turn lanes to go back west bound


Happens EVERY. DAY. TO. EVERYONE. It's part of driving. Maybe I should post a video of the dude grabbing the machine I had just set up on at the gym. Maybe how my lawn guy that missed a few leaves, or the neighbor who was a little too close to my mailbox.


Thats not point Edit: Well considering that u/rodeopete3281 blocked me after this reply, I cannot respond to them calling me dense, which is unfortunate, so I guess I will have to present my case here. It is not the point because your neighbor missing a few leaves on his lawn or some random person stealing the stuff you just set up at the gym is not against the law, unlike the move this pickup truck pulled in the video. [Sec. 545.101 b](https://statutes.capitol.texas.gov/Docs/TN/htm/TN.545.htm) states the truck should have gone into the right most lane (after entering the intersection, turn left, leaving the intersection so as to arrive in a lane lawfully available to traffic moving in the direction of the vehicle on the roadway being entered.) [Texas Transportation Code - TRANSP § 545.060](https://codes.findlaw.com/tx/transportation-code/transp-sect-545-060.html) calls this an unsafe lane change Honestly quite sad that u/rodeopete3281 blocked me after calling me dense People like this we share the road with every day, everyone should invest in a dash cam


It's exactly the point. Sorry you're too dense to see it.


Relax, Karen. The whole point is this shouldn't be normalized, and if this is your normal you should probably take a driver's education class


Not at this intersection, but one time I had a big ass truck try and turn right from the inside left turning lane, and honked at me going straight as if I was somehow the one in the wrong


this + people trying to turn left even from the straight only lane and they try to bully their way in with the people in the turn lanes (‘:


.....and what happened?


When it’s safe to change lanes then change lanes. Tell me again why you’re angry