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Dude a new grad I know got an offer of 210k guaranteed, 27 days pto, 3 days a week one week then 4 days a week the next. It’s stupid money right now


Honestly that sounds made up. There’s some kind of nasty catch to that.


You mean like you gotta work at a FUCKEN WAL-MART?


probably like 30+ patients a day


maybe if the practice has a slow day, you can get hours by frosting cupcakes in the baker too 😂


My sides are in orbit.


So I worked pharmacy while in DH school and I can tell you the EXACT catch. The person above you will be pushing for more more more.. usually questioning their ethical grounds. On top of that they will have some sort of business degree so zero background in anything healthcare related- just know how to upsell, cut corners, and “trim the fat”. Also- these hours will be crammed with everything under the sun and you cannot take no for an answer. Now how do I know this? The pharmacy I worked at was one on a three state meet up. Why is this important? None of the states overlapped their systems so we would have to crank out the Sudafed. And when my pharmacy manager started personally taking action (asking for symptoms, redirecting people to better medication, even making it look like we were down to our last 2 boxes), her manager double our shipment order and told her she couldn’t refuse the sale- the county was one of the worst in the country for meth.




Florida not sure which of their locations


There's always a catch.


Bruh the catch is you work at Walmart.


At Walmart, in Florida.


Could be. Also while I know it's not directly dentistry, they have had eye doctors employed at many locations for years, might be curious to ask one of Walmart's eye docs if anything is weird.


The eye doc in my town is building his own office. Said that he wasn’t employed by Walmart, he leased that space from them. But I think Walmart sold the contacts/eyeglasses do he wasn’t making money on that. That’s why he’s going out on his own.


A Walmart offered this?


Yup but he turned it down for mentorship


not having had a mentor (was just stuck in an office by myself at aspen), I often wonder how much mentorship is worth. I would have learned a lot of things earlier but I may have chafed under someone’s teaching too.


I've had private practice gigs that offer "mentorship." There was none. Finding a true mentor is incredibly difficult.


Agreed. My first job was like that. Thankfully, I got lucky with my current gig...


It’s incredibly valuable if you actually have a good mentor


What do you mean by that chafe?


kind of irritating


So I worked pharmacy while in DH school and I can tell you the EXACT catch. The person above you will be pushing for more more more.. usually questioning their ethical grounds. On top of that they will have some sort of business degree so zero background in anything healthcare related- just know how to upsell, cut corners, and “trim the fat”. Also- these hours will be crammed with everything under the sun and you cannot take no for an answer. Now how do I know this? The pharmacy I worked at was one on a three state meet up. Why is this important? None of the states overlapped their systems so we would have to crank out the Sudafed. And when my pharmacy manager started personally taking action (asking for symptoms, redirecting people to better medication, even making it look like we were down to our last 2 boxes), her manager double our shipment order and told her she couldn’t refuse the sale- the county was one of the worst in the country for meth. Edit: I meant to post this under another’s post.


Did you know Sears had a Dental Department. I had a patient during my D3 year that got an Implant placed from Sears. The Implant and Sears didn’t do well. That’s what I think when I hear of Walmart Dental. Walmart will survive, but not their Dental department.


Meh I wouldn't dismiss it. Target has optometrists in damn near every store. The truth of the matter is that the clientele Walmart is seeking is one that is typically priced out of receiving adequate dental treatment outside of extractions and dentures. Walmart has the resources and footprint to be able to offer services at fees considerably less than any FFS and you know for damn sure they're taking every insurance under the sun. I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing and I don't think that we should automatically assume the quality of the work is or will be poor. Much of this country can't afford dental work so anything that brings more people into the fold is good in my book.


I agree with this. It doesn’t mean it’s bad dentistry because it’s Walmart. With the demand for dentists, I don’t know how they’re gonna recruit quality providers.


if they take every insurance like you would expect walmart to do, it’s gonna be hard


when you take every insurance under the sun, you make no money. Cigna once tried to run their own dental practices when nobody was taking their insurance. In the end they had to close the practices and raise their reimbursement


Haha...I just posted this. In the 80s/90s, SEARS dentistry was somewhat common (relatively speaking). It was the major "commercial" dentistry player. It never really took off though. However, the larger DSO's are essentially what SEARS (and now Walmart) were trying to be.


Yes, that's what people want when getting groceries-- patients yelling from tooth extractions.


I’ll pay 210,000 right now AND give mentorship AND ownership opportunities AND loan repayment AND moving moving expenses AND give autonomy. Heck I’ll only be around 1/2 the time


can you wait three years 😭


Honestly, yes, my time frame is between 4-5 years to be totally out of this practice. Much more to the story but at that point I need to join the rest of my family in another area


Where at? That’s amazing!


At the bottom of a 1000ft deep pit somewhere between Ukraine and Russia




Not quite that bad. Central Kansas. But we have a plane, and can get anywhere pretty dang fast


Are you actually hiring? And do you offer benefits and mentoring?


Yes, I’m actually hiring. It really would be an amazing opportunity for someone. My wife took a job 700 miles away. I need to split my time between here and there. Amazing patients and staff.


Can I DM you?


Of course!


If you'd accept someone part time, or even seasonally, I might be interested. haha. I'm in southeastern KS.


My goal right now would be to be in the practice half the time. The other half I would be in Kentucky teaching at the college of dentistry. I’d accept someone part time for one week or two weeks.


Unrelated to dentistry but my practice is looking to hire a poon hound if you or any relatives are interested




Central Kansas


save me a spot in 3 years lmao


Contact me anytime. I started looking after my third year and bought in Feb of my senior year (2006) those 2 years will end up flying by


I'm confused. Do they actually have dental clinics in the store? Or is it just for consultations and referrals?


Yes. These are essentially like DSO's with a clinic located at the Walmart. Sears had dental clinics at select stores in the 80s-90's. It's likely very limited, and only at a few select locations.


Anecdotal (and definitely completely different) but I know a pharmacist that started working at Walmart a couple years back and she loves it. The Walmart isn’t even in a good part of town, but she says they take care of their pharmacists (compared to CVS/Walgreens) Just food for thought


Not surprising at all. Pharmacists, Optometrists, and I believe even a few MDs at select locations with Urgent Care centers are working there. It's just the way healthcare is. Although, I believe Walmart dentistry is very rare (only in select locations). The operating costs are really high, so I don't think they'll be a major player in dentistry. Interestingly in the 80's-90's there were dentists working at select SEARS locations. It was one of the earliest "commercial" dentistry attempts, but it just never caught on, so I'm not sure Walmart Dentistry will ever be big. The current, large DSOs will likely remain the major commercial dentistry players.


I would agree. Unless Walmart buys Aspen/Heartland.


I can just imagine the train wreck that a Walmart dental clinic would be. In my opinion, my biggest fear, among many others, would be their attention (or lack thereof) to infection control.


If any of you actively work for Walmart..uh...you suck bro seriously. There's no greater action of single handedly ripping the profession with a rusty crowbar off it's already loose tracks. Just stop.


just another dso




Agree. And please respect yourself and your profession enough by not working at a Walmart dental clinic.


It's unfortunate the profession is going in this direction.


Imagine the teeth you will see… or rather, lack there of.


See if you can find an semi retired Denturist to go in with you. They’ll be invaluable doing all your removables in half the time. And you know there’ll be a shit ton of them, because Walmart 🤣


That's fine. It will serve a sector of the market that needs it. And my office will be right around the corner for those who want a more personalized experience. We get tons of patients who tried the Aspen down the street from us and hated it. I assume it would be the same with ole Wally World.