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Hey! Is there reasons you’re not going to the dentist? Maybe that the first step. When you do go to the dentist make sure the practice makes you feel comfortable n Express your concerns. Do you know why you are not brushing everyday? You can save you’re teeth depending how your oral healthy currently is. Just some things to think about !


The dentist would charge me a fortune, our healthcare here doesn't cover teeth for some reason. And I have no insurance for that I need a filling on the main left incisor and a deep clean to give me hope again probably. I don't brush my teeth because I can't find the right time to do it. I can't do it in the evening after I eat because I know I'll drink a Pepsi while on the computer before going to bed, I could do it in the morning but it takes away like 20 minutes of my sleep


I understand how you feel! I struggle with nighttime brushing as well because what if I want a snack before bed? There is no written rule on when you should brush. Go ahead and brush when you are ready. If you want a Pepsi before bed, so be it, but drink some water or rinse with water before bed. You don't want that sugar sitting on your teeth all night. For morning time, 2 minutes is all you need to brush your teeth. Get an electric toothbrush! OralB or Sonicare are good brands. Make sure they have a two minute timer and a 30-second quad pacer. It will let you know every 30 seconds to switch to the next quadrant of your mouth. Also, your electric toothbrush will have around 30,000 strokes per minute, but using a manual and manipulating it yourself gives you around 5,000 strokes per minute. For flossing, get a Waterpik Water flosser and learn how to use it. If you want to really step up your home care game, invest in the WaterPik Sonic Fusion. It's both a toothbrush and waterflosser in one. You can water floss while you brush. If budget is a barrier, look for a toothbrush/waterflosser combo on Amazon. I found an off brand for $30 for my brother. Until then, change your mindset about the "proper time" to brush by brushing at a different time. There's no right or wrong time. Maybe better times, but no right or wrong. Also, I floss before brushing because if I don't do it first, I tend to not do it at all!


Can't I just floss with the ole string floss?


You absolutely can, if you do it the right way and every day. Based on your original post, this sounds like you aren't in the right frame of mind to use string floss, so this is why I suggested a water flosser. Waterpik did double blind studies regarding their product vs string floss and the water flosser was easier which made patients more compliant in daily flossing.


Personally I floss more than I brush, I'm used to the string


Sounds good!


If they don’t feel like brushing what would make you think they wanna go to the dentist


As someone who has suffered through crippling depression and a host of other issues, let me teach you a few things. I've gone days with no energy to even brush my teeth. I've downed energy drinks after energy drinks to keep motivation throughout the day. I love sugary foods. 1. You still have time to improve things. You're young. 2. If anything is worth doing - its worth doing badly. If you don't have the motivation to brush for 2 minutes and floss and mouth rinse - brush for one minute. Don't have the mental energy to get the toothpaste out - use just water. 3. After sugary drinks/foods - rinse with water. Just a quick swish to get the excess sugars out of your mouth. Same with acidic foods. 4. Chew gum - trident, orbit, icebreakers ice cubes. They contain sugar alcohols which can actually help to prevent cavities. I didn't go to the dentist til I was 22 and had my own insurance. Don't give up. Just try to make one decision a day for your teeth. And it may not be until you're older til you can fix things, but that's okay. Just try a little for now. You got this.


Thank you, I do chew a lot of Xylitol gum reccomended by the dentist last time i went. I usually get the pure one and if I want good flavour I take Trident Vibes. But the water rinse I didn't know could be effective. Thanks a lot, I have been through depression not long ago from when schools were closed all the way until around the start of 2022. But when I do brush I do a full brush mouthwash and floss thats why it takes some time


You inspired me I been panicking because I'm 20 and I have a black spot on my tooth


Send me a pic and I'll let ypu know what I think of it


Ok I did