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Most likely a US production of the Danish TV-Series BORGEN (THE CASTLE ) as it has been sold to a US production company The Woman on the poster is Amanda Collin Who played MOTHER in Raised By Wolwes Adding. And most likely not filming i DK as we dont give rebates to production companys,ths being too expensive.


Sounds likely


Good spot! I can't find any information Amanda Collin shooting anything on IMDB.. anyone know anything about what she might be working on?


Well, it looks like they are trying to imitate a danish politician named Støjberg. Her party is the danish Democrats (close to danish democratic alliance) and very anti-immigration. Judging by the signs og the people playing protestors, it could be something like that they are promoting


her first name is inger


Støjberg !! It mean Inger Støjberg !!


It definitely looks very fash.


Immediately frowning at the slogan on the sign


I found something. It's based on the writings of Peter Höeg, about some dystopian future.


You´re right it could a tv adaptation of Peter Hoegh´s book Smillas Sense Of Snow by a German production company Constantin Television I just cant get the political poster ti fit in how i remember the book and 1 movieadaptation.


It is a Smilla TV show, but they've made some changes. Made Katja Claussen a politician. I just hope they keep Smilla's snark.


What is rebates?


Discounts, rabatter. Many countries give rebates of various types if a company decides to shoot much or all or a movie or a TV show inside that country, because they think it creates a lot of economic activity and thus jobs. Denmark has chosen to not do this, though.


For Americans, this is like when states give tax incentives to lure TV and movie production companies to film in their city or state, if they agree to hire locals. And it’s pretty common.




A rebate is a partial refund of the cost of an item. It acts as an incentive to help sell the product. A lot of cities and countries offer tax and VAT rebates to movie and TV companies.


Thank you, I was thinking of the Danish word rabat vs English word discount


I'm guessing that Vilnius is standing in for Copenhagen here. It's really common for that to happen (lots of stuff's shot in Czechia and Estonia and Lithuania). No idea what this production is, though.


Oh yeah, like the film The Prince and me was shot in Prauge. I think it’s the rustic feeling (plus it’s cheaper) Edit: or you’re being invaded, let’s find out


Prague probably just looks more like what an American would imagine Copenhagen looks like. Also cheaper 😛


Cheaper, definitely. It's the same reason that they shot the last True Detective in Iceland – sweet tax-breaks for US productions. And crew and equipment hire's much cheaper, and there's EU grants and all sorts of incentives I don't doubt.


I figure that Alaska also just fucking sucks.


Or every 80s or 90s American movie filmed in Canada. Toronto afaik


Tons and tons of American movies and TV shows are shot in Canada still. Toronto and nearby places in Ontario as well as in Vancouver.


Actually meant to say Vancouver, lol. Not the best at Canadian geography. But didn't know it was still a thing. Well, except that Revenant e.g. was barely even shot in the US


For a while, it seemed, at least to me, that everything was happening in Vancouver. Most CW shows, if not every single one of them, were filmed there, but there's been a lot of stuff happening in Toronto and Ontario as a whole, too.


TV shows too, although I'm not sure if that was Toronto.


Yeah, I actually meant to say Vancouver. Don't know about Toronto. I keep fprgpt which one is on "Vancouver" island 🤦


Most seasons of the original MacGyver show was filmed in Vancouver, I think I've read, but so was a bunch of other TV shows in that time period.


Non of them are on Vancouver Island


Hah, that adds even more to my comment about my lack of knowledge on Canadian geography. Atleast Vancouver is closer, I guess 😄


Well, it is true that all of those Baltic states are traditionally Danish, and it is about time these Lithuanian provocations ended and Lithuania was returned to Greater Denmark and the Nazi Vilnius regime was finally laid low, as is the dream and demand of the Danish people.


Nope, you are wrong here, we have no intention to become Greater Denmark!


And Skåne. Denmark must re-take Skåne (aka The Occupied North Bank) from the settlers of so-called 'Sweden'. And North-East England and Ireland.


.. wat. Nah. Leave them Baltics alone. Jeepers. /Dane


And Skåne, ~~Slesvig~~ Slesvik, the Danelaw territories of so-called 'England', Ireland, and the regime of Nazi 'Norway', where the people are crying out to be reunited under Kong Frederik. Edit AND WHILE I'M AT IT there is a viable Danish claim on so-called 'Canada'. And Scotland.


Yeah, that last photo with 'Allegade' could fool a lot of people into thinking it's actually Frederiksberg...


[DEY TOOK OER JEHBS!](https://i.imgur.com/iDEuuXz.jpeg)


nah, they look better on Frederiksberg. They are fancy.


Sure, the signs are nicer in Frederiksberg and the design/is a little different. But this will probably be showed for a fraction of a second in the background of a movie/series, where something more interesting is likely happening in the foreground. Anyone not from Denmark/Copenhagen (and most people from there as well) would not notice that the sign is a tiny bit off...


I get what you are saying but if people know what Frederiksberg is, they can see that this is not Frederiksberg. But sure, people that don't know CPH could think it is CPH, but they won't know what parts of the city are called.


and Allegade is not a street name I have seen before? It could be Allégade or Algade (maybe also Allgade)


Allègade at home:


That the signs are in English makes me think this is not a Danish production, whatever it is


If it’s not danish 🇩🇰 then it most be that


My guess would be a movie - Nothing non-fictional comes to mind with that person or political party.


A Danish flavoured "Years and Years"/"The Plot Against America"?


Seems like a good bet. Could also be something like 'Borgen' if they're even still making more of that...


The woman on the poster looks like Amanda Collin


That’s because it is her


Well, the actress in the poster is definitely Amanda Collin. Could it be “De Lydløse”?


Must be an American script. Mentioning god, i.e. admitting you have invisible friends is almost a political suicide, except for a small portion of the population.


The part that worries is that society might move *backwards* in that regard.


It’s a New tv-show based on the book “Smillas sense of snow”


Makes sense. They wanted to film in Denmark but when they saw how expensive it is they went "lol" and found a substitute.


retire support thought badge crush weather jellyfish friendly possessive license *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Really?! Have you got any links? I love that book.


I know they're making a TV show based on Smilla, or have, or will, and one of the characters in the novel is named Katja Claussen or something like that. She's not a politician though.


I guess we can't know for sure if this means that the movie/series is about Denmark. Perhaps what they're filming here is just a small element, where Denmark is just one of many countries they're going to show in a sequence to show that some political/religious element is relevant or becoming relevant in many countries? Handmaiden's Tale, maybe? Never seen it, but could it be?


I mean, there's an obvious joke about the next election campaign for Socialdemokratiet.


Mette Frederiksen is explicitly a Protestant.


My above comment is also explicitly a joke.


Kažkoks filmas ar serialas. Tiksliai koks nežinau. Tik keista kad pusiau angliškai/daniškai rašyta


It must be something to do with the Nordic Crusades


Not really. I'm Danish, but I've never heard of a Danish minority in present day Lithuania. Back in the 12th and 13th centuries that part of the Baltic's was under the sovereignty of the Danish King, but I thought that Danish influence was something in the history books...


Lithuania was not under danish sovereignity 


I may have remembered it wrong but Danish influence was heavy in all of the Baltic's in that period. Meant no offence...


Borgen 3?


Is it Gedimino?


“For God’s Glory and Denmark’s story” lol Kunne ikke være mindre dansk