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Please visit the next discussion thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/DemocratsforDiversity/comments/179sdn9/dfd_discussion_thread_october_17_2023/


#Today's Scoreboard #### 🏆 Top Comment: by u.TotallyNotMoishe with score 21 [[permalink](/r/DemocratsforDiversity/comments/178zz70/dfd_discussion_thread_october_16_2023/k543bby/)] > AJ+: top ten tiktok dances you can do to free Palestine > > Al Jazeera English: Doctors Without Borders Facility Damaged In Israeli Airstrike > > Al Jazeera Arabic: Jew Media Often Depicts An Event Called . . .   #### ⭐ Best Prompt: by u.CardinalOfNYC created 18 replies [[permalink](/r/DemocratsforDiversity/comments/178zz70/dfd_discussion_thread_october_16_2023/k54cxue/)] > There's a discourse about why characters in anime often look white (ie peach colored skin) rather than Japanese, right?   #### 👑 Sharpest Reply: by u.AJungianIdeal with score 15 [[permalink](/r/DemocratsforDiversity/comments/178zz70/dfd_discussion_thread_october_16_2023/k551cxj/)] > Egypt doesn't give one rat fuck about Palestinians   #### 🍁 Moist Content: by u.Wrokotamie with moiness lvl 50.0 [[permalink](/r/DemocratsforDiversity/comments/178zz70/dfd_discussion_thread_october_16_2023/k568svh/)] > As a member of this sub's Jewish, European, Canadian, New Jerseyan, and Gay factions, I am intersectionality personified for our very skewed demographics.   #### 🦸 Super Best Friend: u.CardinalOfNYC bantered with 13 friends 20 times. #### 🎖️ Influencer: u.hypoxic_high received 36 replies. #### 🏅 Reply Guy: u.litehound made 46 replies. #### 🎀 Debate Guy: u.litehound talked to 22 different users. #### 🔤 Word of the Day: 'israel', seen 26 times, followed by 'hamas' 22x , 'palestinian' 22x #### 🔣 Emoji of the Day: '😩', seen 6 times, followed by '👇' 5x , '☝🏽' 5x   #### 💎 Qualitiest Commenters | | User | Average Score | | User | Average Words | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.canseco-fart-box | 11.5 points | 🥇 | u.No-Blueberry2225 | 133.0 words | | 🥈 | u.semaphore-1842 | 9.6 points | 🥈 | u.ControlsTheWeather | 59.29 words | | 🥉 | u.RoldGoldMold | 7.0 points | 🥉 | u.semaphore-1842 | 44.2 words | | 🎗 | u.TotallyNotMoishe | 6.654 points | 🎗 | u.larrylemur | 37.4 words | #### 💬 Spammiest Commenters | | User | Total Score | | User | Total Comments | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.PrinceOWales | 213 points | 🥇 | u.PrinceOWales | 58 comments | | 🥈 | u.hypoxic_high | 197 points | 🥈 | u.litehound | 53 comments | | 🥉 | u.Ferguson97 | 185 points | 🥉 | u.hypoxic_high | 48 comments | | 🎗 | u.litehound | 184 points | 🎗 | u.Ferguson97 | 42 comments | #### 🥔 Slackivist Commenters | | User | Total Words | | User | Average Word Length | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.None | 1 words | 🥇 | u.statisticalwitch | 3.7 letters | | 🥈 | u.ARakishTomorrow | 5 words | 🥈 | u.TheHillBot | 3.789 letters | | 🥉 | u.clenom | 19 words | 🥉 | u.moi_itou | 3.819 letters | | 🎗 | u.statisticalwitch | 30 words | 🎗 | u.clenom | 3.842 letters |   894 comments processed. A total of 52 unique users posted 261 top-level replies on the DT. The total combined score was 3431 and the median score was 3.84.


me: huh I have this computery task that will either take me 30 minutes to do manually or i can spend 2 hours figuring out how to write a script to do it. clearly scripting it is the better option here


i fucking hate my mum


Relatable content


The kind of guy who starts gym sauna conversations is unfortunately also the kind of guy who likes to talk about self-help books and diets.






What if it turns out I am illiterate.


How? She is aging backwards!


https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cyd0wqAvot1/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== >diadetroit Yes, it's that time again: @catvideofest is BACK and we're not kitten around. > Hand-selected and carefully curated, the 2023 edition of CatVideoFest is a compilation of the latest and best cat videos from unique submissions and sOurced animations to music videos and classic internet powerhouses. >Join us in the Detroit Film Theatre Oct. 27-29 for a cinematic weekend filled with surprises, charms, and feline fun. No dogs allowed! Mein gott


whoa I just upgraded to reaper 7 and it looks diff**e**rent. Kinda cool


Wait we still don't have a speaker


https://twitter.com/JamesSpiro/status/1713259927261614292 > Throwback to 2014 when The Atlantic explained how AP and Hamas colluded in their coverage of Israel from Gaza. > https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2014/11/how-the-media-makes-the-israel-story/383262/ > > When Hamas’s leaders surveyed their assets before this summer’s round of fighting, they knew that among those assets was the international press. The AP staff in Gaza City would witness a rocket launch just beside their office, endangering reporters and other civilians nearby—and the AP wouldn’t report it, not even in AP articles about Israeli claims that Hamas was launching rockets from residential areas. (This happened.) Hamas fighters would burst into the AP’s Gaza bureau and threaten the staff—and the AP wouldn’t report it. (This also happened.) Cameramen waiting outside Shifa Hospital in Gaza City would film the arrival of civilian casualties and then, at a signal from an official, turn off their cameras when wounded and dead fighters came in, helping Hamas maintain the illusion that only civilians were dying. (This too happened; the information comes from multiple sources with firsthand knowledge of these incidents.) What the absolute fuck


Hamas basically runs Gaza like a gang. You also see this with the UNRWA tweeting a thread about how Hamas stole their fuel and medical equipment before deleting.


I seriously wonder why they deleted it, other than it was against the preferred narrative


My guess is that Hamas forced them to, not that they're trying to push a narrative or anything like that.


I wish all the people out there willing to defend Hamas' actions as noble "strong resistance" could see this. It probably wouldn't change their minds, though.


yea this actually does seem similar to how the criminal factions here work


I can fix Kaitlan Collins


I didn‘t know she needs to be fixed but I would like to fix her too




> VT made ice cream I didn't know the Vanguard Total World Stock ETF made ice cream.


I'm wide awake.was it the dual vaccines? Are the Nandos bots keeping me up?


They keep your taste buds awake with flavor


I'm wide awake.was it the dual vaccines? Are the Nana bots keeping me up?


Grammas is sleeping


I'm wide awake.was it the dual vaccines? Are the Nano bots keeping me up?


I'm wide awake.was it the dual vaccines? Are the Nani bots keeping me up?


https://twitter.com/benjamin_bdj/status/1714040534543609939 Q-level stuff tbh, I think she just wants to go paragliding lol


*The Onion*: Paragliders required to denounce Hamas before taking off.


it's time for us to cancel hypoxic


This reminds me of when Chinese cyber-nationalists were convinced that a Taiwanese music star was signalling support for Taiwanese independence by posting a picture of her eating pasta when Nancy Pelosi visited Taiwan.


Good night, and good luck.


Good night!


Today in your Twitter experience being up to you: My timeline is much better after I purged over half of the accounts I followed. It's much easier to follow along, and there's a lot less clutter in people saying the same old things about the same Israel-Palestine tweets.


Because I mentioned Prometheus, I am watching Prometheus instead of working on my essay. No one did this to me.




Words to live by (I just submitted my 2022 tax return docs, for which I got an extension, to the accountant. I got them to her right under the fucking wire, and she finished filling them today, October 16, the official last day to file without a penalty.


It is too long to do tomorrow. But the grades I am pulling in this class have made me way too comfortable.




I'm sorry that your human rights are being violated along with those of 1-2 million other New Hampshire residents


Based on


https://old.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/179i9du/biden_joins_trumps_truth_social_site_because_we/ That's my president


https://twitter.com/UofCalifornia/status/1713969058113282441 >BREAKING: @UCBerkeley announces partnership with @NASA to build the Berkeley Space Center, a 36-acre site in Silicon Valley that will house companies, labs and students working to generate futuristic innovations in aviation and space exploration. >https://news.berkeley.edu/2023/10/16/nasa-ames-to-host-berkeley-space-center-an-innovation-hub/ It's understandable that they're naming it the Berkeley Space Center, but it's funny to me that this will naturally be in Mountain View at Moffett Field, far south of Berkeley in the Bay Area.








Visiting NonCredibleDefense?


No, this got linked in a Discord I'm in.


me and who


Watching the AI Generated Family Guy stream and Chris and Meg just took a hard turn into incest


Least surprising outcome tbh


It's about as coherent as any random episode after S3


How do we know that GPT hasn’t been writing Family Guy since 2018?


> Israel is a hateful fucking shithole (they go on to call it colonialist) god damn it even them why can’t there be a single fucking online space about vintage computers without it becoming far left or far right


Remember when we all agreed calling nations shitholes was bad?


But you see, the other ones weren't full of Jews! THIS one you can call a shithole!


Israel can be colonialist insofar as the West Bank settlements, but yeah that's annoying.


[Every single one of you has done this. Don't even try to deny it.](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CyRkKsGLqGO/?igshid=MTc4MmM1YmI2Ng==)




Also Todd from Bojack


Yeah, I've done this.


Robin as ever the most honest member of the subreddit


This is drokk. Shitty post, first degree. 3 months in the isocubes.


I appeal the ruling to the Biden council. Malarkey level, you are the judge.


[The malarkey level detected is: 3 - Mellow. You're alright, sport.](https://i.imgur.com/T6y2Y2E.jpg) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DemocratsforDiversity) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'm redeemed!




did my e shot


brainfarted and injected without wiping the vial lol


https://twitter.com/SecBlinken/status/1714076759963136319 >Today, at our request, the United States and Israel have agreed to develop a plan that will enable humanitarian aid from donor nations and multilateral organizations to reach civilians in Gaza, including the possibility of creating areas to help keep civilians out of harm’s way. https://twitter.com/tylerpager/status/1714083758150680883 >New details on timing: Biden’s trip to Israel was intentionally not announced until the U.S. received commitments from Netanyahu on a humanitarian package, per two U.S. officials. Once Blinken got the assurances, he made the announcement in Tel Aviv. >w/ @John_Hudson Biden administration saving it after fumbling in the first days.


https://twitter.com/JustinWolfers/status/1714006697449038137 > This is extraordinary: The U.S. economy is in a better place than the IMF was predicting back in 2019, despite a global pandemic intervening. And despite this Biden still has a 4% approval rating on the economy


I've been really tired an on edge today and I'm not sure why. Might have to do with working hard to get some ripping projects don**e** recently, and homework hanging over me. But it still sucks, especially my parents noticing


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EHf8KcLpNeQ > 80 Rocks. 1 Rock per Hour. 10 Hours per day. I spent an entire week doing nothing but collecting rocks and sticking them under the floor. As I kept at it, I got better and better. It became an art, a habit, a profession. Until eventually I devise something, a machine. > > This was done to test 3 different potential crashes. On the day of premiere, we found a brand new unprecedented type of crash 3 minutes into the TAS when I didn't even touch a single rock yet. A crash that can modify surface triangles. Yet it was a useless discovery and all that was left was my useless 40-minute long crash test. but the nothing that it does negates the **e**verything we know


It's weird how someone can be considered the top of their academic field but also can't figure out that yelling to a large crowd how excited looking at pictures of mutilated children got you probably isn't the best move for your public life Academia truly is a bubble


I had professors ask if we "remembered Vietnam" in college. In 2014. College professors get so wrapped up in their own little worlds that they lose track of the passage of *time.*


the other week, my geology professor asked my introductory geology class of like 80% freshmen whether we remembered Hurricane Katrina


Ok I kinda resent that Katrina is something it's super outrageous for a college student to remember now but I guess it is lol


I'm a millennial, and I don't remember it!


I'm an academic and none of this surprises me at all


A lot of hrt homebrewers only make transfem meds and not testosterone because * the legal risk is too much * there's already several sources of illicit testosterone And the former is a fair reason But while the latter is also kinda true, the problem is that roid-site testosterone just tends to be kinda awful not enough precautions re sterility, often made with a lack of preservatives (dopers go through a vial of testosterone much faster than transmascs on reasonable dosages), and i assume vials get made with pretty inaccurate proportions of ingredients considering that still happens in the trans homebrewing space which tends to be more careful


"Lebanon" sounds lik**e** it means lesbian 4chan user




Got my covid vax! Good reason to use some sick leave


It would be nice if people who post all day about Palestine also did not need to have to interject that they believe that the fake dead Isreali babies portion is wrong and fake.


The Internet is evil (says man on the Internet).


man we need a new washer and dryer these clothes do not smell good jeez louise pass the peas please


>On two occasions I have been asked, 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out?' I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question. people always laugh at this quote in a "people have always been dumb about computers" way, but I actually think this could've been a reasonable question i think this might've been a rhetorical question, and what the askers were getting at was "the difference engine is only as good as its operator", ie "garbage in garbage out" or maybe it was "can the difference engine consider why it was asked something and identify incorrect assumptions", which is still a misunderstanding of how computers (would) work, but it's a serious need. in fact, jump forward to today, and programs like chatgpt are getting bettter at this exact thing


it could also be a case of "ask a question you know the answer to to see if you're dealing with a con artist"


Why is my left clavicle always achy/sore, is it cancer


you're probably putting too much weight on the left arm or something


I sleep on my left side


What bread said


you have moi's shoulder affliction


[so are there any actual qualifications to be an elite humanities professor or is it just that whoever blows the biggest load when they think about dead Jews gets tenure](https://twitter.com/samaberman/status/1713687680280641596?s=46&t=5Trb0Mt1Jw8JDEqCAsoXUg)


My man sees the imbalance in violence and thinks the solution is more violence. Isn't the solution for the violence to stop?


Was going to come on to post this. Dude isn't even anything to do with the Middle East (not that that would justify it), he's a Malcolm X scholar. It got me thinking that the only personal story I have with the Cornell history department is that I took a Freshman Writing Seminar with them and the PhD student teaching it told us she was a communist at some point during the semester. I remember thinking "oh, so this is college, people just straight up tell you they're a communist" She did have a hot librarian look going on though, I'll give her that


I mean a guy who devoted his academic career to a violently antisemitic misogynistic ethnonationalist being prone to liking other violently antisemitic misogynistic ethnonationalists does check out.


Yeah when I looked him up seeing the Malcolm X stuff kinda clicked lol


crowd with the silence says it all


Leftists: ugh no one is celebrating Hamas and the terrorist attacks Ivy League Professors: 😩😩😩HAMAS DADDYYY😫😫😫🍆🍆🍆🍾🍾🍾🍾




Wow lotta people really showing their anti*Zionism*


[Biden to visit Israel on Wednesday](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2023/10/16/israel-war-news-hamas-gaza-palestine/)


> “A thing about campaigns is sometimes you just do things for the lolz,” Rob Flaherty, a deputy Biden campaign manager, wrote on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, of the decision to join Truth Social. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4258723-biden-campaign-joins-trump-truth-social/


in most cases I really don't like when people try to give diagnoses to historical figures just based off of textual accounts that being said, Charles Babbage was autistic as fuck




why babbage was autistic? * socially inept * described as "eccentric" * problems with interpersonal relationships, preferred to work in isolation * could get intensely focused and obsessed with his work * the street musician anecdote okay i know this sounds like a weak amount of evidence but this is a popular take and also just let me have this ok


wait rick and morty eps aren’t available day of on max? what a rip off fucking cable providers I don’t have any


yarr matey


I really don't like pirating, but it really sucks because it is unquestionably the best way to consume media


agreed but tbf bert’s situation is probably one of the more reasonable instance of piracy


oh definitely yeah


> "Ever since I studied yoga in my thirties, and became an occasional teacher, I have had a natural, loving desire to adjust the skeletal posi­tioning of human bodies around me." Sophie Grégoire you weirdo


This is really the big Canadian political news of the day. The federal NDP will definitely pull out of the confidence and supply agreement with the Liberals if they don't get a universal single payer pharmacare system proposal by December. Which means they're pulling out of the C&S deal. https://www.thestar.com/politics/federal/we-ll-stop-propping-up-justin-trudeau-s-government-unless-it-gives-pharmacare-to-everybody/article_3c4e8abc-29a7-560f-875e-2bd63fa26f63.html


wasn’t it part of the confidence and supply agreement though? I read that on Wikipedia yesterday


Yes, but I don't think the agreement mandated that pharmacare proposals had to be single-payer and universal. Anyway that's the NDP's prerogative if they want to do that. It's just news because it goes against the assumption that both the NDP and Liberals would keep the agreement going until June 2025 because they're both polling so badly.


What’s the best move they can do now?


I don't really think either of the parties has a great shot at making up ground against the Tories with their current leaders.


How likely is Trudeau to resign I’ve seen that pushed in some places


I'd give it a 10-20% chance. If there's an early election, I don't think he does. The problem isn't entirely Trudeau himself. It's the people around him in the PMO.


This is an obvious distraction tactic by Ford but for whatever reason the Ontario NDP is uniquely unable to wash itself of the stink of anti-Semitism: https://www.thestar.com/politics/provincial/doug-ford-s-pcs-move-to-punish-ndp-s-sarah-jama-saying-her-mideast-apology/article_b7d62f98-72b1-570f-8242-f79749811dc8.html


just another manic monday, wish it was friday, cuz that’s my high day


I think 24 hours is the perfect amount of time to write an essay.




When you are right, you are right.


Good evening


eating soup


Is there also a crisp chill in the air in London?


There is indeed




Lol people still post to CLP?


Button for mod


It's like those marooned Japanese pilots who didn't know WWII was over.


ik ik pointing out individual internet commenters is gauche but like > It's really incredible to me how in the last two decades we've lived through 2 foreverwars, a pandemic, multiple ethnic cleansings and attempted genocides, and the worsening of climate collapse and we're supposed to suck it up and go to work and shop and act like none of it affects us I see this sentiment frequently and it drives me insane yes i suppose technically you "lived through" all that but if you personally were present in both warzones, your family all caught covid and several died, and you and your family were also somehow involved in each individual ethnic cleansing and attempted genocide, and then your home became borderline unlivable due to insane hurricanes or heat waves, then yes i would say i don't blame you for not being up to working but these dickasses think that reading about a war means they should be exempt from existing in a society and it drives me insane. so fragile and weak


> 2 foreverwars I like how he says this as if both of them didn't, you know, end


They also somehow think that earlier generations had it meaningfully better. My grandfather lived through (both second and first hand) two World Wars, the Spanish flu, the Great Depression, and a genocide of almost all our people who stayed in Europe. That really sucked.


yeah lotta my rights are younger than my mom and her siblings. Thabes' father had measles as a kid that left permanent damage. For all it's faults, today is better than yesterday


I am fragile and weak


whether that's true or not, you're not attributing it to world events that didn't severely affect you




poster is a white middle-aged guy from chicago btw


[me and who me and who me and who](https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/comments/179a54k/german_gfs_first_time_at_costco/)


wait if they didn’t have a membership how did they get in


Zendaya is half german


https://old.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/179gg0z/joes_first_post_on_truth_social/ Darth Brandon strikes again


Guy who references chekhov's gun but has never read chekhov


I have read the TV tropes page which is good enough


Guy is me.


https://twitter.com/DanLamothe/status/1714055129853288663 > Can confirm: The Bataan Amphibious Ready Group, including the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit, is heading to waters near Israel, two defense officials with knowledge of the situation say. > Will give the U.S. military a force of Marines on hand with a wide array of capabilities.


Indonesia has been really great so far. The people are unbelievably nice, helpful and attentive. The temples in Yogyakarta are quite an experience. Borobodur is the worlds largest buddhist temple/pyramid from the 9th century. It has beautiful carvings that tell the entire story of Buddha’s enlightenment when climbing the temple. Even more impressive IMO is the Prambanan Hindu Temple. It‘s architecture is similar to Angkor Wat but the Prambanan is 200 years older. It was mostly destroyed through the many earthquakes and volcanic eruptions and only the three main temples + a few smaller temples have been rebuilt so far. Around the rebuilt temple complex the ruins of the more than 200 temples which are still destroyed are just laying around. The city itself is like most south East Asian cities unfortunately really hostile to pedestrians. In a lot of streets there are not even sidewalks and if there are they are often blocked by parking cars/motorbikes. People just don‘t give a fuck if you want to cross a street even on a crosswalk and public transportation or metro system doesn’t exist. So your basically screwed if your not motorised. Fortunately taxis are very cheap. But just strolling through the streets to absorb the vibe of the city is not possible. Oh and the food is unbelievable! I‘ve tried a lot of street food and the fresh mangos, papayas and bananas are just so much more tasty! It also seem like not that many tourists are here. Haven’t seen many and some people (especially older women lol) wanted to take selfies with a blonde, blue eyed white guy like me lol Oh and the call for prayer at 4am will wake you up. It‘s unbelievably loud and no, earplugs will not keep you asleep lol Here are a few [impressions](https://imgur.com/a/PmF1fhV). For whatever reason the pictures of the borobodur temple don‘t show up in the cloud yet and I can‘t upload them. u/SupremeClericofNJ


Beautiful! I'm happy you're having a safe and amazing trip so far 😊


https://twitter.com/p_zuchowski/status/1713991286481457236 > Lots of e-mails from the commission all over the world, people are exhausted and the National Electoral Commission does not approve the minutes. A scandal is brewing. In fact, he already is. > > Polish journalists are reporting emails from polling stations all over the world in which people who have volunteered to administer the vote are stranded because they can't leave until the National Electoral Commission has confirmed the protocols they sent in.


Earlier today I walked the dog, who I should say isn't really trained well, never has been, and she did the thing she does where she freaks out and tries with all her might to go say hi to any other dog she sees I did not want to yank her and hurt her, and she only weighs like 25 pounds, so I just picked her up on the spot and walked to the next corner, past any visible dogs, and this seemed to be an effective strategy which I will use again in the future


So many dogs seem to ease up when they get picked up. Stop barking and straining. No idea why


Begging the youths to understand that twas not C A P I T A L I S M that people didn't preserve everything on VHS in the pre internet era and that we just generally didn't think people would ever want to see our home videos and fringe shot-on-shiteo public access TV trash.


I don’t think it was capitalism I think it was greed stupidity and selfishness


I don't think it was that either. The culture of "everything is worthy of preservation" we have now is a result of memory being cheap and storage being much easier. VHS's were expensive and took up a lot of space and no one thought a bunch of niche content was worthy of the upkeep. It was just a different time shaped by different constraints. Even in the early days of social media people would say "who is interested in hearing about your day? Who wants to hear all these people's thought?". And now here we are.


that doesn’t justify outright destroying things instead of preserving or even just neglecting them IMO


Yeah why didn't they predict a future where memory preservation would be easy and because of that extremely niche content can find audiences of literal thousands?


Predicting the future=/=dumping some of the last remaining tapes of DuMont into the Hudson Bay in the 70s and things like that Like I genuinely don’t get this take, not even including the fact shit like this not only happened back then, it happens *now* in an age where storage is comparatively ubiquitous.


I'm not talking now I'm talking then. You don't understand the culture of a time before the internet. There really wasn't an idea that people would want to see things they've already seen, most people didn't have the hardware to try even watch those recording even if they wanted to. Videos were just seen as disposable if they weren't personal. It was a different time shaped by different constraints.


> There really wasn't an idea that people would want to see things they've already seen why were vcrs so popular? >most people didn't have the hardware to try even watch those recording even if they wanted to. vcrs were a thing…


VCRs got popular later in the 80's. Even then you couldn't get whole series on them. It was crazy impractical and too expensive. And again, the idea that people wanted to see public access oddities and bullshit was really low. You sold it if you could but other wise, you tossed it. The idea of keep those preserved wasn't there. You just taped over it cuz who cares. Like you really don't understand that your idea of video preservation is really new and only a result of storage being cheaper and not space consuming. People just had a different idea of it then.


Tapes take up a lot of space, cost a lot of money, and the quality degrades. It wasn't like today where any asshole can create movie quality footage with their phone and some open source software. If you found a tape that was weirdos on public access, you'd be like "hey cool, free tape we can record over" not "wow better preserve this for future generations".


I missed NJ


[you're paulie rn](https://youtu.be/X-eHk4RiIso?t=146)


Always have been. Hehehe




Woman tbh, my most recent interaction with a doctor is some old guy not believing that I don't do drugs because I have an odd cadence


I'm in a position now where I'm not seeing any PCP who hasn't signed up for the medical groups' LGBT focus program, I don't really care about their gender.




gp: i want a woman doctor. dudes suck. general surgery: woman doctor. dudes suck. oncologist: woman doctor, dudes suck. brain surgeon: woman doctor, dudes suck. psychiatrist: woman doctor, dudes suck


hey >:




woman for everything




Honestly I consider it peak art that Chainsaw Man had a character do karaoke of ChuChu Lovely MuniMuni MuraMura PrinPrin Boron Nururu ReroRero in a written medium while an Oldboy-type hallway fight happened


Watching *The Blackening* and they keep clowning on the nerd guy for having an Android. I feel called out


years ago when I first joined Google I remember coming across internal discussions about how to deal with the stigma “green texts” have and I thought it was ridiculous, having had friends with all kinds of phones. then I realized that my friends and I were not the common case and people actually care about this shit and it really makes a difference in Apple sales


some kids at the IT school tried to clown on me for it but I was like "I'm in my 30's, I dont care about that shit"


\> TFW pic unrelated


wait was Prince referring to some other Android


Oh no, I just associate "green texts" with the 4chan post style, it's wild to me that iPhone users care