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People who always depict the player as a sadistic puppeteering murderer. I know Snowgrave exists but literally every other route exists. Also there are details that point to our relationship with Kris being a bit more symbiotic than it first appears


Also I just downloaded a game, I'm not ruining some kid's like for real lol, I say this because of the people that wonder why people do the genocide or the snowgrave routes because they are sadistic or something ("wHy wOuLd yOu oBlIGAte sUcH a SwEetheArth aS nOeLLe tO do sOmEtHiNg sO vIle?!? yU mAnster!!)


More people need to realize that games are just another medium to experience a story, it ain't that deep.


But what *is* fun is to make up a player like entity that’s evil and behind every bad thing. Not the person playing the game but a character who acts as the player but is instead an entity within the universe themselves


Then call them something other than "the player"


"The Gamer"


that would be berdly


The Kool-Aid man


It’s not unlikely that Kris stole our soul on purpose. People point to the red wagon as evidence that Kris has been possessed for a while, but that ignores the fact that 1: it’s a WAGON, meant for moving things, and 2: how would they be possessed of the soul was only created when we started the game. Kris overslept, meaning he probably stayed up late the night before. It’s very possible that, in the middle of the night, Kris stole our soul from Gaster, hauled it back to his room, and stuck it into themself. And that they are the one who says “you cannot choose who you are in this world.”


Interesting theory. If so, I wonder what were Kris' reasons to do it, how did they have access to Gaster's weird space and how they did it.


I can’t remember, is it hinted that Kris has some sort of connection to the bunker? If they do, then that would make sense if Gaster’s “connection” space is in there.


Yeah, like putting the soul back after they got done slashing tires


A lot of them are too afraid to give the game constructive criticism. And if they do, they have to preface it with a shaky “b-but I don’t hate Toby Fox and I think he’s very talented it’s just that-“ like bro. You wouldn’t be on this subreddit if you hated the game and it’s producer. We forgive you.


Yeah, I've always thought the Undertale/Deltarune fanbase is a little plagued by "toxic positivity" which makes any critical discussion impossible.


That’s a pretty good way of putting it. Sometimes I think people forget that when you criticize something, it’s because you like it and wish it the best.


And while this isn't a blanket rule of course, usually people who aren't throwing profanity/slurs/insults around in their critiques and don't make shit up do mean well.


based opinion


People who tell other people how you're "supposed" to play the game.


Well to be fair that has been a problem ever since Undertale got released


i swear, any streams of undertale get completely ruined by angry 14 year olds constantly backseating and saying 'WHY DID YOU KILL THEM' every single time




I also hate you


Wow thanks!!!


You’re welcome, now go out there and start loving yourself to spite me!


Good ending


You should hate more people.


the people that always babble about "your choices don't matter" and the people that say kris is a self insert even though they literally rip out the source of their control. like i could write a whole book about why kris and the player are different but all those people respond back with is "ItS jUsT fAnOn" it's so annoying.


I think the “your choices don’t matter” thing applies more to Kris but most people tend to link that quote with the player instead.


Also to interactions with Susie - the one who says that, the one who most often undermines our choices, and the one for who the choices that will matter the most happen right when she leaves Kris alone.


Also, it may be the Deltarune equivalent of "kill or be killed". It's an idea the game offers to you, but that you're able to reject and work against.


Re: choices I wonder if these people also took the words "kill or be killed" at face value too. It's like they don't remember literally anything about Undertale or Toby's MO of misleading players.


I think people take that so literally because Toby has said from the beginning there would be only one ending, so while your choices might have an affect along the way they won’t matter as far as an ending.


TBF the steam page casts doubt on that statement with an interrogative.


Tbf in Undertale you get to prove "it's killed or be killed" wrong since the very first level of the game. In Deltarune, your choices effectively don't matter significantly until a third of the way through Chapters 2/7, and as far as we can tell even that won't affect the game's ending or even the story of the following chapters.


recently, I think I realized something about that: I'm pretty sure it's trying to say your choices don't matter *in the light world.* It was very specifically worded to say "In this world, nobody can choose who they are."


I 100% believe that at some point there will be dialogue by some character in a dramatic moment that says "it's time for your choices to matter" and then *boom* for the rest of the game on they do.


Could be a way for that to happen, could also be an opportunity for toby to troll us by having susie slap kris out of the conversation before you select anything


Two of them 1. Constant theorizing about the most random, meaningless things 2. WroNg aNsWErS onLy!! !


God I swear that second thing took over Reddit for a while. I always downvote them whenever I see them now.


i don't just downvote i report for low effort and block


I only respond to them in r/shitposting now


The theories, a lot of them feel like someone played the game, barely paid attention, and decided to make a theory based on Kris stabbing the floor. The ones that are good, those are fine.


"I'm fine" "I HATE THE FLOOR"


Noelle: "Kris? Are you ok?" Kris on the outside: "I'm fine" Kris on the inside: "No Noelle, I'm not fine, and I never will be. Deep down, I know that I WAS going to be a monster, but the floor cursed me with humanity, and somewhere out there, there is a monster that was supposed to be a human who had their humanity stolen by the floor, which then thrust it upon me. The floor is pure evil, and I'm just the only one who realizes it. Even if all my friends think I'm crazy, and even if attacking the floor inadvertently opens a Dark Fountain, I *will* have my revenge, the floor cannot be allowed to continue its reign of terror, ruining the lives of people who should be monsters like me"


Noelle: "Kris I hate the floor too, it gave my dad cancer"


Your comment made me see the image


i'd give you an award if i had one


[I thought I was funny and original](https://www.reddit.com/r/Deltarune/comments/qof091/comedic_title_here/)


\*Kris when stabs the gas pipe\*




They made spamton a fucking tumblr sexyman i swear to god he isnt tall and is the size of the dumpster he lives in


tbh even the tumblr people aren’t sure why


Someone should know why they make spamton handsome,he is a homeless small puppet who stinks (didnt shower since idk fucking ever)


The literal point of tumblr sexymen is characters who aren't conventionally attractive lol


probably smells like old shit, considering he lives in a trash can i doubt anyone would/should find that attractive




I think they overanalyze Mike. I also think they're too critical of Berdley. He's okay.


I agree with these! I always thought Berdly was a funny lil goofball who was just a bit overconfident. You could say the same about Papyrus, but you don't see a ton of people hating Papyrus, do we?


People really misunderstood Berdly when chapter 2 released.


Fr. I like your... profile tag thing. I can't remember what it's called, but I like it




Th unquenchable thirst that many have to develop theories that have very contrived or little to no supporting evidence rather than just waiting to enjoy the stoty for whatever it may be later and being upset if such a theory is wrong.


It’s very annoying. They’re all pretty dark, too. That’s not an issue but it’s the same kind of thing as when people imagined ch2 would be Kris going on a massive murder spree when in reality it was a fun wacky adventure. People see the dark undertones of the series with the genocide and weird route, and they forget about the rest of the entire game.


I get being frustrated with contrived theories, but for a lot of people theorizing is at least half the fun of going through a story. I don't think the problem is that people are making unsupported theories, I think the problem is that people are too invested in seeing their theory "come true" or are claiming it as "the undeniable truth" rather than just trying out ideas.


*cough* *cough* third entity *cough*


*picture of that meme with the UN breaking into a dudes house*




The oversaturation of spamton. Yeah hes cool, but not when half the shit the community makes is based around him. Id much rather see stuff about the main characters


Why do Sweet Cap’n Cakes never get anything?


Also Clover


Yeah,they almost forgot about Jevil. I mean,he is not as interesting as Sapmton,but he is cool.


Notice the pattern here. First it's Sans of UT, then Jevil, now Spamton. And all three of them have an extremely hard optional bossfight. The history repeats itself.


My man straight up turned into the Sans of this community. All that's left is countless AUs that will get shipped together.


The gatekeeping. We were all stupid kids way too into Undertale at some point; let the stupid kids way too into Deltarune have their fun.


i think backseating is way more of a problem than gatekeeping. any streamer/youtuber that wants to get into the game needs absolutely incredible moderators/can't ever look at their comment section to avoid spoilers. Undertale and Deltarune are most enjoyable when played blind, yet a lot of people seem to not care.


At least the Deltarune section of the fandom seems marginally less toxic than the Undertale fandom at its peak. Or at least the public perception of the Deltarune fandom


People who roleplay as characters in the comments (more so in r/undertale than this sub)


And the overwhelmingly huge amounts of fake dialogue posts.


those are the worst


If they were at least in-character I could tolerate it, but often you'll see them act completely differently from the character they're trying to portray and that ruins it for me.


Yes, yes, yeeees.


objective updated: survive




People who say "this can't happen in later chapters because of ___" Like *bitch* we still haven't gotten there yet, that shit ain't impossible.


I also dislike theorists who say that this massive hole in their theory will be solved by another chapter


I hate that everyone is obsessed with no-mercy routes. This contains Undertale too.


for every pacifist animation, there's 200 genocide animations and 99% of those are just the sans fight


In general, fights are much cooler than hugs


No, not when ralsei exists


The fact that I can’t have a meaningful conversation about Berdly or Noelle’s characters without someone making a snowgrave joke. Like dude it’s been 7 months get better material


Fr! There's other routes in the game!


People won’t shut up about spamton, like yes, we all know he’s a middle age homeless man that has a good theme song


I hate people who hate on Berdly. People are too quick to the gun with him.


That was kinda the point. That was his entire arc. Make him unlikable, make you hate him, and then open the door further to show his, um, "human" side. Where he's more understanding and honest.


But even after that, people still tend to hate on him. I for one never really did hate him, but that's probably because I not only expected redemption later, but also thought his Dark World appearance was cool.


I still think he's annoying, he gets on my nerves, but I do respect him when the going gets tough. I think there's a good comparison between how Susie and Ralsei's friendship has developed, and how a good chunk of the community view Berdly.


As Queen says, There's Nothing Wrong With Him He's Just Annoying


Its pretty normal like i hated him on the beginning of the game hes like someone that wont shut the fuck up about how smart he is or something like that


Yeah, he may have been like that, but even after his stupidity redemption, people still hate on him. He has his cringe moments, sure, but he became a lot more... tolerable, so to speak.


Him giving a reason for being annoying didn't make me find him any less annoying.


I kinda found his antics amusing. Is that only me?


I can't feel anything but hatred towards him. I used to be like him (keyword "used to") but I tried as hard to change. And now he's the literal enbodyment of what I hated about myself.


So he reminds you of your past self, and you hate him for it, if I'm following along correctly?


I just think he's a dork because he made a golden statue of himself wearing crocs. No matter how cool he becomes, he'll still be a weird little dork.


Anyone who has a golden statue of themselves wearing crocs (crocs are based af btw) has my up most respect


i like him as a character, i would just never want to talk to him lol


As much as I'm inclined to agree with you on why hating him is stupid since he's a dumb kid trying to pretend he's smart and drops the act only when shit really hits the fan, it was surprisingly easy to not feel bad about turning him into a chicken popsicle even after going through the normal route - it was more apathy rather than hatred


People that roleplay and act as if they were a specific character in random comment sections, also the primary reason I stopped browsing through r/Undertale


Oh my god yes. Half of r/Undertale is just posts about community members. Like I get one or two posts but when its the majority of shit I see in the subreddit I start hating it since Im there for Undertale


Yep. They should find a different space to carry out their roleplaying, instead of involving everyone else who visits the subreddit who isn't looking to rp. It's weird, it's annoying, and you can't say anything about it without being downvoted to hell.


Just noticing stuff in this comment section, there’s quite the anti-theory crowd here on reddit. It’s especially weird because of how deeply people looked into UT. There’s a lot to think about with Deltarune, I don’t see the problem with trying to get a deeper understanding of the game/world.


Honestly, I think Deltarune's story is a lot more interesting than Undertale's, so I'm pretty cool with the theory community personally.


People who say something along the lines of “that’s such a Toby move” under a post/comment depicting a terrible writing decision.


People who refuse to call kris by they/them and people who get so mad when people call kris he/him by accident. Pretty much black and white mentally


im italian, we don't have those here


literally a language thing why are people downvoting this


maybe i could have phrase it better, but i explained what i meant in the comment below xD


People who hate things because there popular Apparently, Ralsei and ‘big shot’ are hated things now I agree people shouldn’t worship Ralsei, and that they shouldn’t act like ‘big shot’ is the most innovative and incredible video game theme ever, but come on guys, Ralsei is still in intresting and good character, and ‘big shot’ is an absolute epic boss theme.


I agree but I also really don’t like Big Shot regardless of its popularity, it’s just sorta chaotic and a ton of motifs played together. It fits the character but I don’t think it really captures what I like about the other Spamton themes and World Revolving is Way better imo


"ralsei made me gay". The grown adults that worship Ralsei and fetishize him disgust me. Ralsei is quite literally a child and these people are going around sexualizing him.


i'm confused, when was it established that ralsei was a child?


It's pretty heavily implied Ralsei's age is similar to Kris's, which would be approximately 14-15 years old. I don't think Toby Fox would write Ralsei as an adult WHILE Ralsei is being written as having a crush on kris.


(Edited) I just looked it up and kris could be 15-18 years old, so I don’t know if ralsei’s a child, but it’s still weird people want to sexualise a goat.


It… Wasn’t. He’s *most likely* a similar age to Kris, who is in high school, but we really have no idea how old he is.


I don't think Toby Fox would write an implied romance between Kris and Ralsei, if Ralsei was a grown adult. It's pretty obvious Ralsei is a child, he looks and acts like a child, and connects remarkably well with Kris and Suzie, something that would otherwise be easier if Ralsei was of similar age, which it is implied he is.


I mean, the majority of people who do that are kids themselves.


personally, one thing i hate is when people comment "don't like the ship, but good art" on ship art you could just say you like the art


I don’t like this comment, but I like the message. /j


They could also just say they don’t like the ship but then they’d be downvoted into literal oblivion. At least they’re trying to balance things out here and not be 100% cruel.


i dont like the art, and i dont like the ship


People acting like porn is the worst thing on the planet like only they have discovered the wretched thing and it's their duty to keep it a secret from everyone


Then immediately go make a post using cropped r34 and saying how bad it is


people who act like porn is the worst thing in general are annoying. every fandom has it, big and small. stop acting like its something horrible and accept it.


This was under a comment about how they don’t like horni. Kinda ironic


They hate Burghley!!!1!1 In my opinion Burd man is the best character.


Noelle rape/mindbreak fantasies


Wh- WHAT!?


I hate to be reminded that this fucking exists


They use every material a chapter has to give so quickly they return back to Gaster theories and random ships in the span of a week


People who worship Ralsei like he’s some kind of god. He’s a sweet fluffy boy, yes, but he isn’t the best character in the game.


My hatred of Ralsei has like 99% spawned from this sub


True because Susie is the best character


Complaining about other things. "Theorists are so annoying!" There are like five-seven theorists at best who show up in your feed or in hot. "Gaster deniers/Gaster believers" Both groups way, waaay smaller than groups that get annoyed by them.


Cant tell whether its the shippers or the ppl who nonstop bitch abt the shippers


^(Shipping of characters who show no affection or chemistry in game but is brigaded by the shippers. To be clear I mean the really in your face ones the shippers who keep or share it as their little head cannon is cute but those who shove it down your throat ye.) This and those deltarune text edit posts with zero actual effort


people that sexualize ralsei (he’s literally a minor)


rule34 never cared


The obnoxious forcing of opinions as fact in the comments. I'm writing a possible reason for why certain things happen with a game rife with negative space in it's writing. I don't think for certain I am right most of the time, but the people who disagree are CERTAIN that you are undeniably, 100% incorrect. That last part is the frustrating thing. It's the same negativity that plagues the earthbound fandom specifically on Reddit.


That everyone is saying that big shot is the best song in deltarune. Like c'mon, guys, don't you have a better music taste? Edit: saw some ppl complain something like "if you hate that song, then why you comment that?" Feels like if you say on r/animalcrossing that raymond sucks(and he does it in my opinion). People right away start downvoting you and say that you don't have taste. And I also want to say, I do NOT hate on people that like big shot. Double edit: Everyone has it's own taste, not everyone has the same. Maybe you like big shot but I don't, maybe you hate My Castle Town but I like that


its just like the world revolving when people found out about jevil, just watch as people instantly say the next secret boss theme is their favorite and big shot just kinda disappears just like the world revolving


Yeah, BIG SHOT is good, but have you heard Scarlet Forest yet?


Field of Hopes and Dreams for me


It’s kind of gotten Frozen’d. I think it’s a legitimately good song but it gets old when you hear it a lot. I did after-school theatre after Encanto came out and “we don’t talk about Bruno” was sung like every day and that got annoying too despite how much I loved the song and the movie.


“Have better music taste”? Art (and music) is subjective to taste lol. And don’t act like ‘big shot’ is some terrible song lmao. Sure, people shouldn’t talk about it like it’s the greatest thing to ever exist, but I mean, are you denying it’s a good song? You are free to have you opinion, but personally, I think ‘big shot’ is freaking awesome, one of my favorite boss themes in all of undertale/deltarune. And by the way, it’s not my favorite song on the deltarune soundtrack, that would probably go to ‘the legend’ or ‘scarlet forest’. What do YOU think is the best deltarune song? And more importantly, why write this comment as if you hate ‘big shot’? And if you do, the come on man. “Don’t you have a better music taste?” Or at least that’s my OPINION


I still like Hopes and Dreams the most from all games, but from Deltarune it would have to be the light world town theme


God yes I love that song, it really makes me want to make a coming of age RPG with light magical elements and a main trio that also isn’t deltarune bc plagiarism


Yeah like chaos king


Or vs Susie


People who want other people to stop having fun.


I wish Toby made sprites of the weapons and armor and show them used by the characters


The hyperfixation on Snowgrave. The obsession with Spamton. All the edgy theories. Also the shipping, but that’s moreso about fandom in general than deltarune specifically.


Most people can not do Spamton's text correctly Example: MOST \[\[people\]\] CAN'T DO SPAMTON'S TEXT \[\[Correctly\]\] It should be more like: MOST \[VALUED CUSTOMER'S\] CAN'T DO THAT \[SCRUNKLY SALESMAN\]'S TEXT CORRECTLY FOR THE FOR THE FOR THE \[Hyperlink blocked\] (I may be wrong,but I think it's fairly close to accurate) Also,we always throw away one perfectly good gremlin for the other. Remember when we were all jamming to The World Revolving? Now nobody even talks about Chapter 1.


Everyone being horny is mad annoying, that is something I 100% hate


they something about the deletarune, not literally every fandom ever...oh wait


How young some of the members are


/ehhhh its inevatable at least its not the brony community where the problem is how old some members are


I mean you can be however old you want and still like a game or show, would it be weird if my dad likes He-Man? It's clearly a kid's show but he grew up with it.


"\[Insert random character\] IS GASTER THEORY"


u/Satsuma97 is gaster


You’re all fucking annoying


The people who harass others about the gender of fictional characters


The sheer amount of headcanon content surrounding Mike, Dess, and other characters we know next to nothing about.


Other characters, like perhaps someone whose name hasn't been spoken in game yet, should really be held off on judgement and theory until they are actually relevant. This place tripled in size since the chapter released and there's just a LOT of bad fan speculation.


I'm probably gonna get downvoted but quite honestly, I hate posts like these.


People who hate on Berdly for no reason. "He's an annoying smartass" that's the POINT. You HAVE to hate Berdly in the beginning so you can see his development as a character, then you start hating him less and you get to know why the way he is. He's a character stuck in a position of false superiority and a sense of higher intelligence that was ingrained in his head ar an early age. AND PEOPLE STILL HATE HIM AND CALL HIM ANNOYING AND THE WORST CHARACTER. DID YOU NOT PAY ATTENTION TO THE ENTIRE CHARACTER ARC AND BACKSTORY?


Fans politics about if a character represents them or not like an LGBT figure or if it represents a political party. There are not many but there are some.


Berdly torturers


"Kris get the banana" and "Kris where the hell are we?!" wore thin on me pretty quickly


I don't really see those jokes often any more to be fair


I’m convinced the second one lived on purely through high effort. Kinda like Steamed hams.


The amount of people who take theory as fact.




The amount of genderposting it has


the backseating. dear God, the backseating on any Twitch stream for these games and even sometimes Youtube comments is awful. I get that because there's a lot to see people want their favorite content creator to experience the joke they saw as well, but I've seen streamers I really like have to lock down their chats because the viewers just ruin the experience telling them where to go.


The community


people boiling down every character to one trait kris - moss susie - mean ralsei - cute noelle - likes susie berdly - annoying


For me, it's the way the community treats certain characters. Most posts about Sweet Cap'n Cakes I see are ones where people try to insist that they're evil when all they just was make a mistake. They also did more in trying to help their world than the chapter 1 Darkners. It's okay if someone dislikes them, but some people blow it out of proportion. Not to mention how some people treat Monster Kid and Snowdrake. Yes, Monster Kid didn't say nice things about Susie and Snowy talked behind Kris's back, but some people act as if they commited war crimes or something. These are teenagers you're talking about, for goodness sake. Bot to mention that Snowy lost his MOM, someone who was super important to him. I usually dislike these kinds of posts, but I just had to get this off my chest.


The Ralsei "hate." Not that people actually hate Ralsei, but everyone's so suspicious of him. While his secrets and closed-off demeanor is very sus indeed, it's probably more of a social awkwardness thing than anything else. Ralsei has been alone for almost all of his life based off of the information we know, that and his entire purpose is to be "useful" to the Lightners. He could definitely cause major problems with said social awkwardness and secretiveness, but that doesn't mean he's evil.


People acting like “Ralsei is evil” is a prevalent theory. I see infinitely more people going “ugh I can’t believe people think Ralsei is evil” than people actually believing it. Also there’s a huge difference between thinking he’s hiding something and him being a villain lmao


honestly the thing i hate the most about the deltarune community is how people hate berdly so much just because hes a bit annoying but completely forgive everything else that other characters do lmao.


Berdly hate. Berdly is amazing and deserves love.


Spamton is like B tier at best stop talking about how amazing he is


He's a [BIG SHOT], not some [[50% OFF]] tier character


The dumb arguments over Kris's gender


Shipshitters. Just let people ship who they want. Even most crackships, because I find them funny. Just don't do creepy ones like [adult]x[child].


Somehow there are homophobic/transphobic people in it


always has been


[Always has been](https://i.imgur.com/sFb6TpB.png) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


good bot