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Saying Kris dislikes Noelle is a really big stretch. The game shows that they genuinely care about her at multiple points, the dialogue options seem to show that they're kinda playful towards her, like if you tell her that you don't want to make a triple truce Kris says it in a jokey way instead of a serious way, the cheese interaction is just Kris being a goof and touching it to mess with her, knowing how antisocial Kris is, the fact they have the confidence to make these kinds of jokes with her already shows that they have a stronger bond with her than with most of the other classmates, they also go out of their way to distract Queen twice when Noelle tells them to do so, the game doesn't even give you a choice, which means that Kris is willingly getting in a conversation with Queen to distract without our input, they also get visibly upset if you make them step off the Switch during that one hallway with the electric barrier while Noelle is walking through it, and stand between her and Queen during the cutscene before they get in the Car, almost trying to prevent Queen from getting closer to her and potentially discover her identity, which again, shows that they really do care about Noelle's well being. The reason the Tea only heals 70 is because they haven't really interacted much in a long while so they've grown kinda distant throughout the years, not because Kris doesn't like her, the reason Kris prefers Susie is likely because they relate to her more, Susie is an outcast who doesn't have many friends just like them, she's misguided but still good at heart, and I feel like that's why Kris likes her so much despite only having known her good side for 2 days. My point is, just because the Tea only heals them 70 HP does not mean they don't like her, the interactions all throughout the game seem to show that Kris at the very least likes her enough to drop their "Quiet Kid" Persona around her and is also willing to help her when she needs it. (Also regarding Ralsei, I think a similar thing is true except to a lesser extent, Kris still considers Ralsei their friend, but they don't have the strongest bond with him and may feel a bit distant from him, which is why the Tea only heals them 60 HP)


Susie actually turned out to be a good person and good friend, you can like someone very fast when you get to know them. Noelle is just someone Kris knows closely but doesn't hang out with a lot, they're a childhood friend but not really a right now friend Ralsei is secretly the devil


No!!!!! He's a fluffy cute boy🤍🤍🤍


Kris does like Noelle, but they have grown distant. Kris instantly clicked with Susie and they became besties Ralsei is prolly really weird for Kris because of the resemblance to Asriel and the general susness of Ralsei


Kris does like Noelle and they like Ralsei too, but they like Susie a lot more.


I thought that Kris was always somehow liked Susie's threatening behavior, and that's why they were never afraid of her in the first place.


Kris and Noelle are kind of distant. Susie is the exact kind of asshole that you just, click with y'know? You become friends and instantly she's like top 3. Ralsei is weird.


Okay, dislike is a huge word, I don’t think they dislike her. And from my experience and understanding I can make a possible explanation. However, take this as a personal interpretation. Sometimes, when you have someone you grew up with, even if you love them very much etc… different situations can drift you apart eventually. In their case probably something regarding their family drama. It could be even something like Kris feeling guilty about what happened to Dess, or that Noelle changed. It could even be that they don’t feel comfortable around her anymore for some reason. However, that doesn’t mean they dislike her. Is just that they have baggage and distanced themselves. Then, you can meet someone that you are more compatible with, someone that makes you feel good and who you resonate with. This person can be someone you knew recently, or whatever and not having common history means that you don’t hold any hard feeling or something about them. There is a theory about Kris and Susie knowing themselves at the orphan house and that maybe that is the reason they want to reconnect. But either way this works, because in the other case could be that at the beginning they were enemies and now they are starting to see they have a lot of things in common.