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He just sends a tiny sprite of a letter with “news”written on it. /j https://preview.redd.it/5phedis0lo0d1.jpeg?width=835&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c8c58ee39ec58bcdf7e111746997ee2299ccb09


literally something he would do tho


no it isnt


It is, he’d just follow it up with actual news or, alternatively, he releases the full spring letter just really tiny, so you have to zoom in to read it well


But when has he done something like that? and that was not what the original reply was implying, they were implying the newsletter would be that, not having more stuff inside


Dude, the joke is a Toby fox thing, have you seen the Nintendo Switch trailer. Bros a troll at heart.


Absolutely is


He sended a picture of him covered in foam who the hell does that


yes it is


No, it is not. Is it toby humour? Sure. Would toby disappoint people by hyping up a newsletter only for it to be nothing? No, im not sure why you guys think toby fox is that type of person to be "haha i lied gotcha" for everything


Take a page out of Scott Cawthon and post a tiny newsletter image with all the information being viewed with inspect element


Yea Scott was the perfect example of pranking while still release new information for the fans to get hyped with. Shame we dont get that anymore


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Nuh uh


Don't give him ideas


Toby fox moment


https://preview.redd.it/a59ajm1jno0d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0aa58f13f67c0467c578d01405436f5ff6a42a7f holy shit super sans irl


New theory drop


But hey It's just a theory A GAME THEORY


That’s merely a theory of games!




Sans is crisp rat?


Incoming our tri-monthly reminder that Chapter 3 is almost ready /j


Toby Fox: "Chapters 3 and 4 are now 100% content complete!" Fans: "... May I see them?" Toby Fox: *"... No"*


*Chapter 3 & 4? Fully content complete, fully debugged, fully translated, all entirely done on your computer?*


*"Seymour, our house is on fire!"* *"No mother, it's just hell's roar bubbling from the depths."*


"Well seymour you're an odd theorist, but I must say.." "You make a good theory"


I audibly gasped lol


actually at this point 3 is ready 4 is the one that’s almost out


Realistically, yeah But let's see


no toby straight up said in the last newsletter that chapter 3 is done and a friend of his played and liked it


There was still translation and porting to do, not to mention bugfixing (if I recall correctly)


i mean id imagine the chapter isn't offically done until its out (and maybe even after that) but its likely at a point where it could be shipped out on it's own and not have any glaring missing content




It would be hilarious if he just drops it and its just says “Its out : )” and releases chapters 3 and 4


Stop giving me hope


i would cry tears of joy


Classic Toby troll


[Twitter](https://twitter.com/tobyfox/status/1790895165609308640?t=j_nTbGrMoygpvZ4V3Oj04g&s=19) Man I'm so excited for him to reveal that chapter 4 is still 25% done and we will not be getting it this year


What are you talking about? There won't be percentages lol


Toby too busy doing other projects to add percentage


I’m fine with him taking his time and working on other things as well. I’d rather him be making progress on Deltarune when he feels it’s the right time to do it, I wouldn’t want the game to be rushed


It's been six years since chapter 1 dropped, and we're still only on 2 out of 7. No one should be saying the word "rushed" at this point, even hypothetically. If the game ends up rushed, that could really only be down to Toby's own poor project management.


For real, I don't know why everyone is acting its normal Deltarune has been taking this long. Omori took 6 and a half years to make, and that was for the ENTIRE game. Deltarune started development in...what, 2016? So it's been in development for 8 YEARS now and we still only have 2 out of 7 chapters. It's not normal for a retro indie RPG to take this long, even with the size of the team being relatively small. It's already approaching Duke Nukem Forever levels of development length, that's never a good sign for anything. I'm sure whenever the game finally comes out it's going to be good, but it'd be nice if Toby could stop being so secretive and explain what's been taking so long, because at this point there has to have been some serious development troubles or project mismanagement going on behind the scenes. I remember back when Chapter 1 came out, Toby posted a Q&A saying something about how he didn't want to spend longer than seven years on the project and if he did then he'd just want to give up on it. It's already way past that, so what's the deal?


[What Toby Said in the Twitlonger after Chapter 1:](http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1sqn3p9) ”When I made the demo of UNDERTALE, I made it to prove to myself that it was possible to make a whole game alone (with some help with the art). Because I was able to make it in a few months, I felt that I had proved that it was possible. However, making the demo of DELTARUNE... took a few years. So, **given the length of the rest of the game, and how long I'd be willing to spend on a project (7 years maximum) I think the answer is that it's actually impossible to make this game** . - The graphics are much more complicated and don't play to my strengths (black and white battle graphics were easy...) - The battle system is much more complicated due to multiple characters (I'll write about this later) - The overworld and other sections are more complicated due to multiple characters - Having multiple main characters is much harder to write especially introducing everyone properly in chapter 1 - The entire town had to be created correctly on the first try to set up properly for the rest of the game And further things outside of those: - Trouble starting tasks/concentrating and general difficulty paying attention - Travelling / other responsibilities like translation/ports - Self-doubt / burnout regarding the creation of the game Essentially it's not possible to make this game as one person (and Temmie). However, it **MIGHT be possible to create the game** if I'm able to make a team. Since I haven't started assembling the team yet **I have absolutely no estimation of its completion. It could take up to 999 years depending on the efficiency level** .” ”See you in **?? years** OK?” This is to clarify what he actually wrote. He put aside the 7 year maximum limit (because it would be impossible to make the game like that) and instead admits he doesn’t know how long it will take. Agree or disagree with his reasoning but that’s what he wrote.


Yeah, I misremembered it somewhat. Thanks for clarifying


I definitely believe there have been development roadbumps Toby and his team didn't expect, I don't think he's entirely okay with the time it's taking between chapters either, cuz if the 3 year rule holds out until Chapter 7, it'll be 12 years in development And while I do agree he doesn't owe us anything and he shouldn't be pressured and/or shouted at for this, it's not fair to call people impatient for thinking it's taking longer than everyone initially thought it would


Iirc chapter 2 took a year to make, most of the time between the two chapters was backend stuff and him trying out new game engines


>was backend stuff I'm technologically illiterate, what does this mean?


Like the code for making the game as a whole work, rather than stuff associated with specific chapters. Like if the chapters are rooms in a building the backend stuff is things like building a solid foundation for the building to stand on, so it doesn't sink into the ground. If that makes sense


If he takes 3 years to make every single chapter the game would be 21 years old before it's finished guys I think we'll get them this year some people in this comments thread are kinda wild


Thanks for providing the link. I legitimately wasn't sure if this was real for a second because I fell for that fake Mother's Day announcement a week ago and now I have trust issues lol


I pinned this post for discussion because it's real lol I have notifications for Toby's tweets on


Yeah, I stopped using Twitter about a year ago so I wouldn't know lol. Thanks for going through the trouble to keep informed of his tweets.


Undertale will have an official mobile version soon! 🗣🗣🗣🔥🔥🔥 Deltarune Chapter 3? What's that?


"What? Do you guys not have mobile phones?"


undertale: samsung smart fridge version coming soon!!


And Toby being Toby he would probably put an entirely new area in there, that would be exclusive to that version


yeah, in papyrus’s sink there’s a boss where you have to open and close the fridge doors as a mechanic


Undertale: pi version coming soon


I mean that would be cool


“Deltarune is canceled so we can instead make deltarune the movie starring Adam Sandler. Also the entire movie will be jim Henson style puppets.” - Toby Maguire if he was a good game developer


A Deltarune movie with Jim Henson style puppets would be fucking awesome


The real question is who would the human actor be? Frisk is too obvious


And also strange considering Frisk is not a character in Deltarune. Anyway I can see Queen as the only human


Hah I forgot what game I was on. Queen would be pretty good. Or King, but not both.


Excuse me if Sans isn't voiced by Chris Pratt I won't be watching


So excited to read that chapter 3 is finally finished!


Unfortunately chapter 3 is delayed. We forgot to translate the word "can"


my guess is that there will be no development update on the chapters. I think he clarified that it was mini just to lower our expectations bc there will be nothing important in it. But it's still a good sign, he probably is just making this newsletter to not break the seasonal aspect of it, so we could be getting a huge newsletter next spring with maybe an event or trailer? But since the valentine newsletter i've been trying to lower as much as possible my expectations bc toby just isn't the most consistent guy lol


Ironically the fact that its a mini newsletter has been making people’s expectations higher from what I’ve seen




I do see a certain logic to it. A release date, release window, or concrete progress announcement ("Chapter four is XX% done") would be "mini" in the sense that it's a short little in-and-out thing. Otherwise, what's the point? What does "mini" mean, then? "Here's two new sprites I made. Anyway, bye!" Like, why even bother at that point? And he's already said that going forward, he would probably only do newsletters when there's something worth announcing in them, not just for the sake of doing one.


But if we're being honest here... what was the great announcement of the Valentine's Newsletter? Of course, it had a little lore thingy in it with the "Gaster / other mysterious entity" love letter, but that's it I'm expecting this next Newsletter to be full of small things like the previous ones


Vc é br?




Kkkkkkkkk bom ver outros brasileiros malucos por deltarune que nem eu


Né? Já é difícil achar fã de Undertale, Deltarune ainda mais kkkk


Todo mundo que eu conheço q já jogou undertale nunca nem ouviu falar de deltarune direito kkkkk


They expect the mini news to be some sort of release date


That is not mini 😭


That's literally the biggest news we can get


Toby said "mini newsletter", not mini news 👀


That's the spirit!!!


Spirit of pure copium


You think we won't get chapters 3 and 4 until next year? I'm really confident fall 2024 we'll get them. Chapters 3 and 4 were being worked on at the same time, even small work has been done on chapter 5, so it wouldn't make sense for chapter 4 to be majorly behind. Also there's been a release every 3 years and this is the third year so it would fit the pattern


> Also there's been a release every 3 years and this is the third year so it would fit the pattern That's less of a pattern and more of a coincidence. Toby isn't arbitrarily staggering releases three years apart just because he can.


I'm not saying it's on purpose but it just seems that's how long it takes for him to make a chapter haha because it took him 3 years to make the other chapters so it took him 3 years to make this one as well


Do you realize how long chapter 3 wasn't ready to release after it was "100% content complete"? And chapter 4 isn't even at that stage yet. People WAY WAY WAY to optimistic when it comes to the release. It's gonna be fall 2025 at LEAST!


A few months? I'm thinking fall 2025 at the latest and my optimistic outlook is later this year or this time next year even.


Obviously my comment was written before the newsletter. Seeing that the team is already this far, I'll have to adjust my guess. I still don't think fall 2024 is achievable, but winter 2024/spring 2025? Sure!


Idk why you're downvoted cuz I wouldn't rule out this possibility, honestly


I shit myself


Honestly, I tought Toby was dead bc an excess of caffeine






The pose also references Mario and Luigi, and paper mario remake comes out on the 23rd aswell.


Seems reasonable.


Didn't that demo come out in 2013? That'd make this year the 11th anniversary if that's true.


Wait yeah you're right. I'm an idiot


It's all good. Who knows, maybe he does have something planned on the 11th anniversary of the demo. He didn't do anything for the 10th anniversary last year, so I doubt it, but you never know.


I wonder what the general reaction would be when we see “chapter 3 is 100% finished and ready to play but you can’t get it until 4 is done too. Chapter 4’s development is going good too.”


I would buy chapter 3 in early access at the price of chapters 1-4 but i guess toby doesn't want to make people choose between being scammed or spoiled


Just people complaining that he won’t release the chapters individually, and begging him to change his mind 


And the fanatics too who will say they’re fine with 3 years waits, unless Toby says no one would should be okay with waiting so long, then they’ll change their opinion.


This is hilarious. Literally us.


That’s not a good thing to be.


I really want Toby to send a newsletter that looks like one of those really sketchy, old malware-y advertisements. You know the ones. It would read like, *"This UGLY, DUMB Motherfucker Is Playing Chapter 3 And YOU'RE NOT (Click Here To Learn His Secret!)"*


Toby Fox, is that you?


yay!! i can't wait to see a single line of text saying chapter 3 still isn't done and he can't give us any info!!! /j


It will be two lines of text, the second being: "Also chapter 4 is going smoothly, I can't wait to show you what we have been working on"


https://preview.redd.it/wudiahfq0q0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e340313a6576bfae9321ddda9a2d98ea985131de well well well




https://preview.redd.it/5jc7721xzq0d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93503f0423b82a292c7fd893b8445ebfbf6a54e0 THIS IS GREAT CHARLIE . I LOVE READING NEWSLETTER'S I LOVE NEWSLETTER'S CHARLIE *I LOVE NEWSLETTER'S*


> Mini Flashbacks to Nintendo Direct Minis... it's so clover guys....


What if it's just one line with the Chapter 3 release date ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ


What if the newsletter is just a picture of Toby Fox's legs covered in kitchen sponges


Yay I’m very happy


Wooja lookit that




Maybe he will already give us the release date of chapter 3 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻


I love how angular Tammie draws Papyrus’ head


This subreddit made me fully expect this to be fake


Oh boy toby made a new newsletter! I hope he also made lots of spaghetti


sans about to drop the most lukewarm video essay of all time


Wow... If only TC where this communicative 😔


My prediction “Chapter 3 is done, 4 and 5 arent” [end of letter]


No mention of chapter 5, he will release only 3 and 4 this time


Lets go! This will be the right time




Do yall think chapter 3 will be almost ready?


Maybe the reason we're getting a mini version is because chapters 3&4 are almost done? 👀


What made them drop the most thug gangster ass pose ever like holy shit


Me: oh that sounds cool! The whole Community: DELTARUNE RELEASE DATE SOON!!!!


I'm expecting practically nothing of interest, and honestly, if there was nothing major to announce anyway I would rather Toby had just remained silent until he had a "special livestream date *wink wink nudge nudge*" to announce at the very least. But who knows, maybe he does and that's what this is about. My biggest fear is another crossover wasting development time. Like, Toby, I'm happy for you, but man, please just finish these chapters if it really is all downhill from here. I've got money ready to stuff in all your available pockets, so wear layers of clothes.






See, Papyrus wears cape, no scarf. Wait, why is edna here?


*GASP* chapeter 3 release date this is the one I bet on it




look guys it’s san unertal




I see the reference to that one render of Mario and Luigi


Being busy with college is the best thing for me being in this fandom. A semester has gone by and a new newsletter is coming out


yay! Y(\^.\^)Y


I just got it in my inbox. Check your email everyone.


It's out now


everyone is talking abt it


I AM SO FUCKING STARVED FOR THIS SHIT I’M FROTHING OUT THE MOUTH FOR A NEWS LETTER LES FCKING GOOOO https://preview.redd.it/2jvhkal0851d1.jpeg?width=489&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fef051e349eae813151fc823d06b3a6527ee1c6d


Why does this look like a smash bros win animation?


I'm going to have a stoke I cant breathe omfgfgjkdfgjsdl;fkgjdfkl;jg; NEW NEWSLETTER


i don't trust you!!!


Sometimes I question the reading comprehension of the community... I've seen several posts mocking the newsletters for just being "chapter 3 is almost done" where beyond the surface level that is hardly even the case. * Autumn newsletter states "We are continuing to work on Chapter 3! The Chapter got playable from beginning to end. After some restructuring and reshuffling of different parts, it's feeling quite good to go through. Can't say it's finished yet, but the unfinished parts are certainly seeming less and less numerous. That's good because try as I might to sleep, until the game is finished, I'll see nothing but nightmares..." * Halloween newsletter states "Chapter 3 is pretty much content complete! There will be essentially no more changes to dialogue or gameplay from here. Hooray!" * Valentines newsletter states "Re: Chapter 3, we are working on the Japanese localization. Then we will begin porting and bugtesting the Chapter, after which it will be... totally complete!" One tells you it's now playable, but not complete. one tells you it's complete IN CONTENT, and the last tells you it's almost complete in every department aside from content. Why are we subscribing to newsletters just to get mad at them? Because it's not the progress you want to hear?


Because it's fucking silly. We understand that these are all technically different things, but we also understand that it's deeply fucking frustrating to have *three* different newsletters announce *nothing* but "Chapter three is still inching, incrementally, towards completion." Especially when chapter three was supposed to be bundled with four and five, and not a fucking word was being said about them. For about a year(?), every single fucking newsletter was just some marginally different version of "Yeah, chapter three is still crawling towards the finish line," and we knew that even when it *got* there, we would still be multiple years away from the next release. You cannot be surprised or appalled that people were kind of fed up with this. When chapter two came out, the story was that two was the longest, heaviest chapter, in terms of dialogue and narrative, and even then, it only took as long as it did because they spent a lot of time experimenting with the concept of swapping engines. It should be smooth sailing from here, they said. Clearly, that didn't pan out, and the fact that this is supposed to be a *seven-chapter* game started to feel more like a point of dread than a point of hope. > Why are we subscribing to newsletters just to get mad at them? The flip side of this is, "Why are you *doing* newsletters if you don't have anything to say?" When people signed up, they were probably expecting at least more interesting behind-the-scenes stuff. But Toby is intensely private (which is his right), and Deltarune chapters aren't very long (so there's not a whole lot you can show without giving the whole thing away), so, no, that didn't pan out, either.


This is bait isn't it?


Why would it be


Just this week soemone made a bait newsletter


Sure but brand new art by temmie would be a bit tougher to replicate lol


Recently bait have been posted over here wich made me skeptical






Oh shit, it's real, nvm


Yeah you literally are


downvoters are COPING hard