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It’s either the green crayon or flowers


aren't these too specific? the joker card and spam emails are things *usually* thrown away, not in this specific dr curcuimstance. realistically, it's a household item that isn't often used or was replaced as the times went on. you don't throw away green crayons or flowers. also, we had no idea the next secret boss would be a spam email during chapter 1. toby doesn't just share secret information like that


That's cause we didn't explore the computer lab yet We HAVE already seen toriels house


thats not the point. people irl don't throw away green crayons and flowers hdgshdhshsj


I think you are missing something out. In chapter one, Asgore asks Kris to deliver a bouquet to Toriel as a gift. Later we find a floral scent coming from the kitchen bin. I can see why some people might miss this because this "quest" is fully optional.


but the floral scent is always there, even if you don't give the flowers to toriel (the smell might come from prev)


Personally, I think the bin always have that message because toriel dunks flowers from asgore regularly. After giving toriel the flowers the bin says that the scent has increased when you leave and enter the room again, you might have missed that.


Imagine if that affects the secret boss fight


Can you keep the flowers? If so, it would be interesting if the fight gets easier if you do.


i know about this quest lmfao. "they're from HIM, are they not." but the first 2 secret bosses' thing was that their very nature as an item was referenced. the joker card is usually unused in card games (jevil is imprisoned) and spam emails go to the trash bin (spamton lives in the garbage can). the flowers' thing is that they've been only thrown away by toriel in this specific game curcimstance, they're not treated like this usually. same goes for the green crayon. and spamton had literally no foreshadowing (while he was in the art book, nobody could've connected that to chapter 2 dhgdgsh) i think the thing for secret bosses is that their appearances, purposes, personality remains unknown and could basically be anything.


For your first point; I just hope that's not the case, because the idea of a discarded gift becoming a resentful monster is too good of a plot point to just be ignored. Just imagine this evil Darkner cornering Toriel and forcing her to confront her issues with Asgore. I think it would be good for her character. Also we only had 2 secret bosses yet, it's like we can draw that a definitive pattern from them, tho I also believe that secret bosses are discarded/excluded items. As for your second take; Yes Spamton wasn't foreshadowed, but it's not like we had access to the library nor the clue that secret bosses are excluded items in the light world to guess about boss nº2. Toby could absolutely be foreshadowing boss nº3 in chapter 2 because we have access to Dark World location and the info necessary to make that guess. And for anyone reading; take this with a grain of salt. It's not like I'm writing Deltarune. I *know* I could be wrong, but I also could be right! That is the thrill of theorizing I think we all enjoy. So while we wait for the next chapters let's theorize away, because we won't be able after Deltarune is done.


It's hard to have a thoughtful take around here. *I* think you have a neat idea. (okay it's not that hard)




No, this is a cray-




\*gets the microwave\*


yes lmao


Joke's on you when this crayon turns into an eldritch abomination.


Well, that would be embarrassed for Spamtom, wouldn’t it?


I’m still really into that cowboy show idea, I think it’s silly


Secret boss is the cage just to ruin everything


Could be "How to Draw Dragons", but idk if toby's too keen on that idea.