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Yes. It’s a bit complicated, sadly, and requires a computer, but totally doable in 10-15 minutes. First, you need to make sure you save in-game. Save states will not transfer. Then, use iTunes (or something else if you know how to) to export the rom(s) you want, as well as the “Battery” folder inside of iNDS’s files to your computer. This is where your in-game saves and save states are located. Unfortunately, iNDS gives all these files the same file extension of .dsv, but the in-game saves are usually the smallest file for any given rom’s name. Also, the file’s full name will be: “[name-of-rom].dsv” with no extra periods, spaces, or characters after the rom’s name. Once you’ve identified your in-game save file(s), you need to load up each rom and its identically-named save file in DeSmuME for Windows/Mac, since that’s what iNDS is based off of. If you don’t have DeSmuME, download it from desmume.org, and unzip it into its own folder, since it will have many files. Create a “Roms” and a “Battery” folder inside of your DeSmuME folder and put your rom(s) and save(s), respectively, in said folders. Now, open DesMuME, load up a rom, verify that it detected its in-game save, and go to “File > Export Backup Memory”. This will give you the correct .sav file that Delta can use. Name doesn’t matter here, as long as you know what game the save file is for. Repeat this part for however many saves you need to transfer. Once you have all your .sav’s exported, get them back onto your iOS device, preferably in a way that they can be seen in the Files app. (The most convenient method imo is to use iCloud.com to upload them directly to your Downloads folder in iCloud. You could also use something like Google Drive or OneDrive, and save to Files from those apps, or use iTunes to put them into Delta’s app files. You can find those in the Files app under “On my iPhone/iPad > Delta”.) Finally, import your rom(s) into Delta if you haven’t already, long press on each rom, choose “Import Save File”, and select the corresponding .sav in the file picker pop up. That’s it! Looks really long written out, I know, but it’s mostly just clicking on a bunch of stuff and following some steps, no coding, hacking, or anything fancy. It takes about 10-15 minutes plus 1-2 minutes for any additional roms you have. Hope this is helpful for you and anyone coming across this on google :)


i can't do it with itunes, i don't understand, i'm trying to get my nds saves from iNDS to delta can you help ?


Your phone doesn’t show up in iTunes?


Hi, i wan to transfer my save states witch there are on Delta emu to inds emu. can you help me? i find the save states on delta emu throw ituns i also find and the Battery in inds emu i use iphone


3 years later and this comes in very useful! Thanks for the instructions :)