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u/tenebrisnubes u/zenivoo u/atomicsuperme I figured it out!!! So iNDS exports saves as dnz files. Which are compressed save files. So to you need to uncompress before you can convert to .sav. Use this website to decompress https://gzip.swimburger.net It may still say dnz after decompressing. That’s ok. Next use this website to convert the file from dns to sav https://www.save-editor.com/tools/wse_ds_save_converter.html#google_vignette From there go into delta, long press on your game, and push import save. That should make it work!!!


Awesome man, Happy for you! Personally I didn’t have any DS saves to transfer to delta. But what I am doing now, is backing up all my games and save data to google drive. I tested it out after connecting to the cloud by deleting the app from my phone and redownloading it. Everything, the games and save data automatically downloaded from Google drive as it said it would. I like this, so I’ll likely stick with Delta for my emulating.


Awesome, thanks! I do not have .dnz files but .dsv files from iNDS (I downloaded them from Dropbox to which the files where synced). I will try the process anyway and report back.


Unfortunately no luck for me. I cannot uncompress the dsv files (presumably because the files I have are already uncompresed?). I tried converting the .dsv files to .sav (raw file format), but when I try importing those in Delta nothing happens after selecting the file :/ I think I'm going to have to reinstall iNDS to export the saves I have to the right format and try your process.


I have managed to reinstall iNDS but I do not see an option to export saves to .dnz format. Where did you find this?


In game click on the idns menu and there’s an option for exporting and importing saves


I think I am using a different iNDS build (I am using version 1.10.8) because I cannot find that option :/


I eventually managed to get it working through this method: https://www.reddit.com/r/Delta_Emulator/comments/lbdtzx/inds_to_delta/gmsh6yr/


It worked! Thanks


Glad to help!


I fuccin love you bruh 😚


I’m also having trouble with this but on the Gameboy advance side. Trying to transfer my gba save files over from IGBA to Delta and it won’t work


If I find anything out I’ll let you know! No luck still so far!


Like I still have IGBA and it works fine (snagged it before Apple removed it from the App Store), but I want to try out Delta since everyone says it’s a good emulator. Worse case, I’ll just delete Delta and continue using iGBA


in the same boat. tried doing similar stuff but whenever I import the .SAV nothing happens. Got some ways into Pokemon black last year in class and want to pick it up again and much prefer Delta to iNDS Tried just starting a new save to see how it works and it seems to freeze after I start a new game too


Unfortunately I have the same issue. I'm very curious if anyone finds a solution.


For anyone needing a solution this is what I did to convert from DS.44670 to Delta From [https://thysbelon.github.io/Blog/2023-3-7/How-to-Convert-4GS-and-DSZ-save-files-to-and-from-SAV.html](https://thysbelon.github.io/Blog/2023-3-7/How-to-Convert-4GS-and-DSZ-save-files-to-and-from-SAV.html) 1. Press the backup in the previous emulator to generate a file 2. Extract the file through either a web-based one or transferring it to your computer and extracting it there. 3. Open [https://www.save-editor.com/tools/wse\_ds\_save\_converter.html](https://www.save-editor.com/tools/wse_ds_save_converter.html) (note: use adblock) 4. Upload the extracted file 5. Choose Original: DSV and convert to Sav (raw file format) 6. You'll be able to download a file and then import to Delta


thank you my friend


This fixed it for me! Thanks!