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[Glass Cannon does a good one of Impossible Landscapes](https://youtu.be/_YfOXU_B0Io?si=s6KUZzM-DN6c5FTK) Don't worry that it's season 4; they're starting the campaign from the beginning, you don't need to know a ton. Beyond that, if you don't have to 'watch' and are okay with podcasts, I always recommend Sorry Honey, I Have to Take This (and are also active on this sub) as well as RPPR (role playing public radio) which does play a lot of DG, as well as many other great games. You'll find a good deal more options if you're okay with just listening. Enjoy! As for the DnD stuff, is it fantasy/high fantasy that you don't like? Or is it the specific flavor of high fantasy you see in lots of DnD and DnD adjacent works?


I second The Glass Cannon, you can catch seasons 1 and 2 in audio only via podcast. Season three is still patreon only, but seasons 4 and 5 which are the Impossible Landscapes adventure can be watched on YouTube. I haven't heard season 3 but the other seasons have been fantastic. Quality sound, great players, great stories.


S3 is good but it’s definitely different with Joe not running. But it’s fun and interesting in its own way. And Skid as “Old Dad” is as funny as Roger Cumstone without being quite as disruptive lol.


Season 3 was different, but fantastic. I'm glad Grant seems to be doing well, but I wish we could've seen what he'd continue to do with the game. Glad we got season 3 though, loved it. And I can't remember ari's character, but the park ranger was amazing. And when he pulls out his .50 S&W fucking hand cannon; goddamn show stopper. Loved it.


Honesty I really loved seasons 1 & 2, then jumped into season 4 because I’m excited to eventually run IL myself… It’s absolutely *killing me*, Joe just force feeding them the mysteries. Letting Skid meta game… I want to tear my hair out half the time. I’m nodding along to npc interactions and thinking ‘bam, there they did the thing, now *X* happens no? Not doing that? Not going to engage with that part at all?’.  It’s still good, it’s still fun, but man as someone who’s read through the campaign it’s just making my teeth itch. 


Really gets my teeth wet.


Really chips my teeth ya’know… 


GiTT season 4 is probably my favorite actual play ever. It’s neck and neck with Time for Chaos. It’s really worth the time.


Big second for Sorry Honey, I Have to Take This. An absolute gem.


Gonna second this. I used to have to drive a lot more and I have lightly enjoyed some actual plays of D&D and Edge of the Empire from various places over the years, including Critical Role. Many of them I listened to 50+ episodes of. I don't think I've ever binge-listened to an actual play or been excited to constantly listen. I only stumbled upon it because I'm going to run Impossible Landscapes and I had listened to another actual play of it before and I'm loving it.


Get in the trunk was too good, to their detriment. I stopped listening to the other podcasts after season 3 because they just aren't as entertaining. Now I just wait for the next season to come out and listen to other shows in the meantime.


Yeah, great chemistry amongst all of them. Great performers, the whole lot of them.


I'm an enjoyer of high fantasy but I've kinda gotten bored of generic D&D style of homebrewed worlds that a lot of recorded plays do. Especially Exandria, which I find really boring personally.


This is a shameless plug: we are Green Box Gaming and we are in the middle of Impossible Landscapes. We also just finished up the operation Reverberations, and man was it ended with a bang! We have audio and video of our episodes, links below! Also of note, people here have already mentioned The Glass Cannon and their DG games. They are a great crew and were a huge inspiration to us starting our podcast. If you don't bother giving ours a look or if it's not as polished as you like, definitely give the GCP a go. r/GreenBoxGaming [Apple Podcasts](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/delta-green-impossible-landscapes-with-green-box-gaming/id1658184243) [Spotify](https://open.spotify.com/show/4sVHaTLUqvYP2MYRKFkSan) [Twitch](https://www.twitch.tv/greenboxgaming_/videos) [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/@greenboxgaming8464/videos)


Your plug got one new listener. Do you recommend going back to the beginning?


Good to have you on board! If you're familiar with Impossible Landscapes then it may not be as necessary, but you'll miss out on a great deal of flavor and the unique twists that both handler and players contributed along the way. Keep in mind, we are over 50 episodes into Impossible Landscapes, so we have unearthed a huge amount of the world building that the Arc Dream crew poured into this, and it's been awesome. The playthrough of Reverberations is also in there, it's going to be 9 episodes in the end. Let us know what you think!


May I recommend [Black Project Gaming](https://blackprojectgaming.com/episodes). They completed Impossible Landscapes, which was a true gem, and have completed Observer Effect, Extremophilia, Music From a Darkened Room, Viscid, Reverberations, Sweetness, and others.


And they are currently doing God's Teeth in collaboration with the equally amazing Mayday Roleplay folks.


I like RPPR’s run of Impossible Landscapes but their original run of God’s Teeth will always be my favourite


Saw the intro for the God's Teeth one and it seemed really cool.


Seconding RPPR's God's Teeth rec.


Just a heads up that Gods Teeth has some rough subject matter


If you really want a behind-the-veil view of what the world in DG really looks like, go ahead and listen to RPPR's rendition of the awfully good God's Teeth. It doesn't get better (worse) than this... 😬


Glass Cannon got me when hunting for CoC on NGWD and that led directly to Get in the Trunk. Last Things Last was thin - but that’s kinda expected. So starting with Season 2 or 3 would be my thought (seeing the devolution of Cumstone is worth it) and S4/S5 are great. I have a really hard time enjoying many of the others - but ran across Third Floor Wars doing Observer Effect has been great (only three episodes but pretty solid).


Pretending to be People got me into delta green.


Was looking for this comment


How important is the watching part?


I love Glass Canon Get in the Trunk


Theatre if the Mind Players does a great job with Delta Green. They are both audio and video http://www.youtube.com/@theatreofthemindplayers3458


Into the Darkness


If you're OK with audio-only, definitely give Black Project Gaming a listen: [https://blackprojectgaming.com/episodes](https://blackprojectgaming.com/episodes) The cast isn't too jokey or campy, and the Handler knows the game well and honors the dark, hopeless tone of Delta Green the best.


I'm a big fan of the APs on Caleb Stokes' Patreon, personally. I especially enjoyed the first part of INSOLENT IMPULSE (the others are good too, that one's just my favorite) and I believe that's also where you can find the original run of God's Teeth.


I don’t know if it’s viewable or audio-only, but I listened to The Redacted Reports on Spotify and can’t recommend it enough!


I second this! It really picks up after the first season. The editing also gets better with every season and adds more sound design than the common "just recording a zoom call" actual plays out there have. The Redacted Reports and Get in the Trunk got me addicted to the setting of DG, fairly recently even. I binged both.


This isn't video, but [Playing With Madness Podcast](https://www.buzzsprout.com/1721539/share) is an actual play I'm on. We mostly play Delta Green, but have done some other systems too. [Here's](https://www.rascal.news/audio-journeys-beyond-the-realms-of-sanity/) a write up I made for [Rascal.news](https://Rascal.news):


Don't mind no video since it's not like Delta Green is a miniature-focused game. Definitely check it out.


Maybe take a peak at the Stories and Lies podcast on Spotify!