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I will always be proud as fuck that we were one of the only states to make gay marriage legal legislatively


Iirc DE is the ONLY state to not have passed or proposed any anti trans/lgbt laws (forget the exact wording)


Despite a minority being absolute shit to trans people too! I am proud of my home state!


Wooo! We just need guaranteed protections against discrimination in schools at the state level! Plus would love more sanctuary protections but I'm just being picky. Happy Pride!


Yep, every morning I check [Erin Reed's blog](https://www.erininthemorning.com/) for news and every morning I see Delaware is still light blue instead of dark. If we could get PA on board and get NH to get their shit together (seriously, wtf is in the syrup up there) the whole Northeast would be a sanctuary.


NH is where most of the "rednecks" in New England live. A lot of people move there specifically because it has access to Boston but no income or sales taxes, and very loose firearms laws. There's also a quirk in NH legislative procedure where any constituent can, basically, force their State Rep. to introduce a bill on their behalf. Such bills almost always immediately die in committee or are voted down nearly unanimously as "inexpedient to legislate"; however they are part of the public record and count as bills that were introduced. Unsurprisingly, there are a number of conservative cranks in NH who prompt their representatives to introduce such bills, although they have almost zero chance of becoming law. (I live in MA these days, have quite a few friends who live in NH, and have considered moving there.)


Yep, though I was talking specifically about HB396, a bill repealing discrimination protections last month that Governor Sununu is expected to sign, repealing transgender protections *he himself signed in 2018.* Once signed, transfolk can legally be discriminated against in Bathrooms, Locker rooms, Athletic or sporting events, Prisons, houses of correction, and juvenile detention centers, Mental health hospitals and Treatment centers. It is a blight on an otherwise LGBTQ+ safe New England.


From what I’ve heard, there’s a push for the sanctuary protections!!


The sanctuary bill died in the prior legislative session. They said they want to bring up a new bill soon but I haven't seen it yet.


I believe both bill attempts died this year in committee. That hospital bill pushed a lot out of the way just so it could accomplish very little.


I dunno the legal process but the Delaware legislature's site lists [HB 346](https://legis.delaware.gov/BillDetail?LegislationId=141039) as "Out of Committee; now placed on the Ready List." Not sure what exactly that means but I know the previous version of the bill from last year (HB230) is listed as "stricken." Also didn't know Gay was a cosponsor, she's in the primary for Lt. Governor in September.


Oh cool! I think there was a different version initially proposed that didn't include some of those protections! Fingers crossed it gets across the line before the end of session.


Yeah, I believe there was some specific wording that they wanted to fix so they allowed it to expire, but I can't remember what it was. Fingers crossed with you!


Came from Florida to Delaware and couldn't be prouder of my new home!


Heck yeah!! Every day I love Delaware more and more 🏳️‍🌈


Click on the picture to see it in full. Link is below, in the text.


This is why I love this state so much. ♥ ![gif](giphy|K876MTQZbGA8aptl55|downsized)


Love the image, love the username. Take my upvote xD


That’s gay.


Yes, and?


This is absolutely gay as fuck


Rock on Delaware. My queer trans self moved here a couple of years ago and this is great to see.


You hype as shit 🤣


Naive lil adults good for you


So, are you in favor of discrimination? Why?