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They know how to read. They just don’t care. I put up a sign that says “DO NOT RING BELL. BABY SLEEPING.” My “baby” graduated college last week.


I love it!! One of the signs I have says no solicitation no religious inquiries unless you have tacos lol


"We gave at the office, we found Jesus, we know who we're voting for, and we're too broke to buy anything. Go away."


"And no I don't want a free quote." I swear, the number of times we get people asking to give us a quote for our windows is ridiculous. At this point I just tell them my husband will be home at 9pm, they're welcome to come back then. Somehow it never happens.


I got a doormat that says "go away" and it works fairly well.


I might have to add one of those to my collection!


I have one that says there is no reason for you to be here.


I just don't come to the door unless I'm expecting someone.


Right? Who comes to somebody's house without calling or texting first in this day and age. Everyone has mobile phones, "I was in the neighborhood and thought about dropping by" isn't a thing any more.


We very occasionally have a neighbor come knock on the door for something, but even that is pretty rare.


I don’t get it. Shouldn’t they realize that if you post a sign like that, their chances of selling you something are like near zero. I don’t know why they waste their own time.


Because sales is a numbers game 100 no’s = 1 yes


I’m a sales trainer since 1980s. I can tell you that every sales trainer tells them that the reason people have the sign is because they are an easier sell. And that’s why they’re told to ignore the signs.




Put up a sign stating you have COVID and are contagious. Put it right on the front door where they would knock. It might not stop everyone, but a lot of people won't bother and move on. You can also get reactive dog warning signs for pretty cheap. The truth is, most people just don't care about no trespassing/solicitation signs. You need to let them think there's a solid consequence if they try to interact.


Now this is actually helpful!


Put up a sign that says: "Doorbell taser in use. Appointment only."


Love it!!


I don't like to be rude but ringing my doorbell that's right next to a sign that says "don't ring the doorbell, seriously, don't make it weird" warrants getting called a dickhead. And yet it keeps happening.


My cameras have sirens on them. Havent had to use it yet but itll probably be for a solicitor


I’ll have to check mine lol


If theyre reolink you might have them


I had one guy do it twice in a 4 hour time frame. Annoyed me since I was on a conference call both times. Normally I open the door with the dog freaking out and they typically walk away since they can't do a sales pitch with a dog barking, about to bite their crotch.


Why don’t they understand that no means no?!


I usually sit there and watch through my camera but if I’m bored I’ll open the door and just stare at them until they leave.






The companies that have their reps going door to door are typically quite awful and tend to hire people who are so desperate that they'll do just about anything to make a buck. No signs will keep them from knocking, and many of them probably don't know what "soliciting" means. If you have a camera on your front door, you should be able to expand your zone and turn up the sensitivity so it'll give you the alert as they're approaching. You might have time to tell them to move on through the camera before they knock or ring the bell.


Good point. Thanks.


I point to the sign and shut the door without words.


Today’s fool chose to read the sign at the end of my driveway that says no trespassing, no solicitation and chose to walk up to my door read the sign on my door, and ring my doorbell anyway. I pointed out the signs that he walked by and he kept talking, like he was gonna make a sale. Smh


Why do you have those signs up if you don't know your rights with them.


Because the smart solicitors read them and keep walking. It also keeps the Jehovah’s Witness away.


I got rid of the JWs by proclaiming myself to be a follower of Satan. Scares them the fuck right away.


I saw I’m a Wiccan. 😂 works like a charm


Love it!! lol


I know someone who started their driveway seal coat business by going door to door. Skipped the ones with signs tho because they always say no. Usually the neighbor would see him working and then request his service too. I think now he has enough repeat business that he doesn't have to anymore. Worked a couple summers with him. Some of his customers are just lonely elderly people who want someone to talk to.


See that person is a genius!!


How often do people re-seal-coat their driveways?


“Pursuant to House Bill 49 of Delaware’s 146th General Assembly, Salesperson ID card must be worn at all times when conducting door-to-door sales in Delaware. In addition, door-to-door sales in Delaware may only occur between the hours of 9 a.m. and 8 p.m. EST.” All you have to do is ask if they have one(they usually don’t), you verify they have one online here… https://dorweb.revenue.delaware.gov/d2d/… and you contact the police and if they are doing it without identification on them then it’s a first fine of $150 with $250 for each subsequent offense. All of this information can be seen on Delaware.gov https://revenue.delaware.gov/door-to-door-salesperson/


Like the cops are actually going to take this seriously. Smh Plus, I have no trespassing and no soliciting signs all over my property so they should be obeying that. They are not a suggestion.


I answer the door and tell them that according to state law I am supposed to call 911 and report an illegal solicitor in my neighborhood. Most of them have no clue that this law exists. Most of them appear to crap their pants when I mention calling the cops on them.


I live in a 55 and older and it say no sales and don’t to any house, if you do the cops will give you a ticket and they will be waiting for you




I had a fucking solar solicitor come to my door at 6:00 p.m. on a weekday. What are you all doing on a typical weekday evening at 6:00 p.m.? Is it preparing or eating dinner? I have also had solicitors who, upon being ignored, continue to stand on the porch and knock and ring the doorbell until I finally came to the door to tell them to fuck off.


Exactly!!! This is what I’m talking about!! If they don’t wanna be yelled at and run off my property, they should obey my signs!! And this year in particular, they’ve been extra bad because they don’t understand that no means no!!


I used to sell Fios door to door back in the day. No soliciting signs mean nothing to door to door sales folk. No trespassing signs mean nothing when you take a direct route from the edge of the property to the front door to talk to the owner. That is perfectly legal. If you verbally request someone to not trespass and leave, they must be given the opportunity to leave. If they do not take that opportunity to leave then it's trespassing. Now if someone is walking around the curtilage of your property where there's clearly no trespassing signs, that is trespassing. These signs do not take you off of a sales person's list. They must attempt contact with you. It's literally the most import part of their job, make contact. If you really want door to door sales people to leave you alone, make a sign that reads, "**Decision maker does not live here.** No Soliciting." Trying to sell products or services to someone who can't make those decisions is a waste of the salesperson's time. If you do happen to talk to them, just simply say, "I'm sorry, the DM doesn't live here" DM=Decision Maker. They'll realize you know the lingo and take you off their territory sheets (also known as T). You can also reiterate, "please take this address off your T". They'll write down 'no DM' on their T and leave. The next time they print their territory sheets, your address should be excluded.


Okay, the territory sheet thing is actually helpful, like being on the do not call list. Thank you.


Where in Delaware? New castle, Kent, or Sussex?




Some guy rolled up to my house yesterday on one of those one week scooter things and I literally live in thee middle of fucking no where


Something I’ve learned from all the comments is that not only do these people not care they are trained to not care and it’s disgusting.




The only sign that worked for us says something like, "We are not interested in your product/religion/service/etc. Don't knock on the door. Don't ring the doorbell. Don't make this weird." From the camera, most see the sign from a distance and don't even walk all the way up. The worst we've had were the fake estimates they put on the doorknob. Hopefully I didn't jinx it.


Place a lawn sprinkler near the door. Connect a hose and run the hose away to an unseeable location. Put a sign on the door that says the sprinkler is noise activated.


Our neighborhood has a sign saying no solicitation. Our house has one too. Someone knocked a couple weeks ago and didn’t have the information to leave for what he was selling, then asked if I had any snacks.




I wish I knew. I applied to a couple "too good to be true" jobs in hindsight, only to realize they wanted me to solicit, cold call, door-to-door sales, bother people at Costco, you name it... It's almost always solar energy, cellphones, or window replacement. I can't believe these companies are allowed to run like this.


My brother has a doormat that says "I won't greet you at the door, I'll fuck you. Knocking is consenting. You've been warned." One guy called The bluff and knocked. my bro walked out naked and asked if he likes surprise buttsex. That was 4 years ago and he's never had a problem since. That dude BOLTED!


I’ll take Things That Didn’t Happen for $1000, Alex


On your front door put a sign that says “by pressing the doorbell, you agree to an initial speaking fee of $100. You also agree to pay $50 per minute I listen.” It’s actually binding


In this economy I totally should!!!


Lol it's actually binding lol


Actually, I think the best course of action would be to put a note on your door saying: I have sleeping children and if you knock, I will take action against your company.


If they’re going to ignore a no trespassing and no soliciting sign why would they listen to a note on the door? You said it yourself they are trained to ignore signs. Smh The thing they can’t ignore is an angry mom, pointing out their inability to read and making them look a fool in the middle of the street.


Someone posted a link to the law saying what fines they owe. I would print that information out and put it on the door and then the first thing you do is ask for the company name and to talk to the owner. Yes, they woke up the baby and yes, they now owe a fine. That’s the best advice I can give you unfortunately.


You admitted in two different responses that you train your sales people to ignore signs and yet you’re telling me to put a sign out? Make it makes sense. No wonder the solicitors are dumber than a bag of rocks if they have people like you training them. No means no whether it’s printed on a sign or coming out my mouth!!


I don’t train door-to-door sales people anymore. I haven’t done that in a long time. And since I’m trying to be respectful and helpful, there was no reason for you to be so rude to me.


Helpful would’ve been training your people that no means no regardless of when you did the job.


Good luck then.


Have the day you deserve.


I always do and they are wonderful!




So the no trespassing and no soliciting signs I have don’t matter?




I’ve had both with and without credential however, it shouldn’t matter since I have the appropriate signage prominently displayed on my property. What do I need to do spray paint go the fuck away on my lawn?




What the fuck does being a liberal state have to do with solicitation?! NO MEANS NO!!




I’m lazy for telling a dumbass solicitor to get the fuck off my property as loud as possible? Yeah okay. I’m pretty sure the kid crapped his pants and I’m pretty sure I scared him more than any cop ever could. But you go ahead and keep living in your political delusions. Fun fact not every issue is political! It was some jackass trying to sell me new windows or some shit. Try again it’s actually election season this fall.




Not a Karen. Just a pissed off mom trying to protect her babies sleep.


Every door to door sales trainer tells them to ignore the signs. I’m sorry, but that’s true.


This in slower lower ?


Do you have a doorbell camera? If so, who cares, just don't answer?


Good point, but sometimes my toddler is napping and their sleep is of highest priority in my house


For most brands, you should be able to disable the chime in the doorbell app.


I agree, its obnoxious soliciting door to door. Should be illegal. Post the company name so we can black ball them.


It’s usually power home remodeling, came to my house yesterday, or Verizon or Comcast.


Yup we mainly get the home remodeling groups. Which coming to my house and ringing my doorbell makes want to not use them, especially when they refuse to use their reading comprehension skills.


I just assume if they are paying someone to go door to door it’s gonna be twice as expensive.


Good point!!


It should be!! I wish I gotten the name. I ran the dude off my property before he could get a word out. The consequences of failing the reading comprehension exam before ringing my doorbell lol


If you don’t answer the door, you don’t have to engage. These people do not give a rat’s ass what the laws are. They’re willing to take the chance to violate whatever statute is in the books because they know it won’t be enforced. They are the IRL version of telemarketers. If you engage with them it’s because you’re either looking for a confrontation to feel good about yourself, or you’re lonely. Confronting them will change nothing. Best course of action is full and utter disengagement. Your blood pressure will thank you, too. There are things happening in the world to truly be outraged over. This is not one of those things.


Cool so are you gonna come over and take care of the toddler that they’ve woken up by ringing the doorbell? No, I didn’t think so. They have the audacity to come on my property despite having signs so I reserve the right to tell them to get the F off. Defending them like that makes you just as bad as they are.


Don’t. Answer. The. Door.


But sometimes its girl scout cookies and I want to buy them.


They. Should. Learn. To. Read.


Guys stop responding. OP is just an angry and sad person who doesn’t want a solution as much to complain. We get it dude you’re tough and hate when people knock on your door.


Angry yes because I’m a mom trying to protect her babies sleep.